Title: Organic Chemistry
1Organic Chemistry
Organic chemistry is the study of carbon based
- This field of chemistry is very important
because all living things and many non-living
material are organic
2Hydrocarbons organic compounds that only
contain carbon and hydrogen
Alkanes the most simple organic sturctures.
- All alkanes consist of a straight chain of
hydrocarbons with single covalent bonds
- Alkanes are named by how many carbon atoms
they contain.
- All alkanes end in -ane
- pg. 745
3Branched-Chain Alkanes an alkane chain with
one or more alkyl groups attached
- Called saturated compounds because
they contain the maximum number of hydrogens
1. Find the longest chain. This is the parent
- In this example there is a chain with 9
2. Number the chain starting with one that will
give the attached groups (substituent group) the
lowest number.
- Add numbers of the parent chain carbon bonded
- to the names of the substituent group
44. If a substituent group repeats itself use a
prefix in front of the groups name. (ie. di-,
tri-, tetra-, penta-)
5. List the names of the substituent groups in
alphabetical order ignoring any prefixes
6. Punctuate the name using commas to
seperate numbers and hyphens to separate
numbers and words
5Try these examples.
6Alkenes hydrocarbons containing double
covalent bonds
- Called unsaturated compounds because they do
not have the maximum number of hydrogen
1. Find the longest carbon chain that contains a
double bond. This is the parent chain.
2. Number the carbons so that the double bond
gets the lowest number possible.
3. The substituents on the chain are named the
same way as the alkanes.
7Try this examples.
8Alkynes hydrocarbons containing triple
covalent bonds
- Called unsaturated compounds because they do
not have the maximum number of hydrogen
1. Find the longest carbon chain that contains a
triple bond. This is the parent chain.
2. Number the carbons so that the triple bond
gets the lowest number possible.
3. The substituents on the chain are named the
same way as the alkanes.
9(No Transcript)
10Isomers molecules that are made of the same
atoms in the same amounts but have
different structures.
Structural Isomers molecules that have the
same molecular formula but different
molecular structures.
11Geometric Isomers molecules that contain the
same elements in the same amounts but their
substituents can be drawn in different
geometric arrangements.
Trans Configuration the substituent groups are
on opposite sides of the double bond
Cis Configuration the substituent groups are
on the same side of the double bond
12Benzene a six carbon ring with one hydrogen
attached to each carbon.
Naming Name these molecules in the same
way. Benzene will be the parent and all attached
to it Is the substituent.
13Phenol when benzene becomes a substutuent
group it is called phenol
Benzene is a substituent group when there is a
functional group attached to the benzene ring.
14Functional Groups a specific arrangement of
atoms in an organic compound that is
capable of characteristic chemical reactions.
Halocarbons a class of organic compounds
containing a halogen atom.
Naminig 1. name parent group 2. list the
halogen as an alkyl group before the parent name
15Try these.
16Alcohols organic compounds with a hydroxide
group attached.
Naming 1. name the parent chain the same way
that have been. 2. number the location of the
OH group in front of the parent group. 3.
at the end of parent name add the suffix
-ol. 4. if there are more than one alcohol
groups put a prefix in front of the -ol
17Try these.
18Ether compounds in which oxygen is bonding to
two carbon groups.
Naming 1. Name the carbon chains coming
off the oxygen as alkyl groups. 2. End the
name in ether. 3. Put a the prefix di on the
name of the carbon chain if they repeat
19Try these
20Aldehydes organic compounds that consists
of a carbon atom and an oxygen atom are
double bound and that carbon atom is also bound
to a hydrogen atom
Naming 1. Identify the longest chain that
contains aldehyde group. 2. Take off the e at
the end of the name of the parent chain and
add -al
21Ketones organic compounds that consists of a
carbon atom in a carbon chain that an oxygen
atom is double bound
Naming 1. Identify the longest chain that
contains ketone group. 2. Take off the e at
the end of the name of the parent chain and
add -one
22Carboxylic Acid compounds with a
functional group that consists of a carbon
double bonded to an oxygen and singly bound
to a hydroxide.
Naming 1. Identify the longest chain that
contains the carboxylic group. 2. Take off
the e on the parent name and add oic acid
23Ester compounds with a functional group that
consists of a carbon double bonded to an
oxygen and singly bound to another oxygen
that is bound to a carbon chain.
Dont worry about naming these
24Amine compounds with a functional group that
consists of a functional group NH2 bonded
to a carbon chain.
Naming 1. Identify the longest chain that
contains the anime group. 2. Name the parent
chain and identify the amine group by stating
the carbon number it is bonded to and writing
amino as a prefix
25Amino Acids a functional group that contains
an amine group and a carboxylic acid group in
the same carbon chain
Naming 1. Identify the longest chain that
contains both functional groups. 2. Name the
parent chain and identify the amine group by
stating the carbon number it is bonded to and
writing amino as a prefix 3. End the name with
oic acid