Title: Particle Physics Theory
1 Phenomenology Phenomenologists calculate what
our theories predict we will see at particle
colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider due
to switch on in 2008. We expect the LHC to
uncover lots of exciting new physics, such as the
elusive Higgs boson which is thought to give
other particles their mass. At Glasgow we
investigate theories of the Higgs boson, and
other new physics that we might uncover, such as
supersymmetry. Together with experimental
colleagues we develop new ways of exploring the
high energy frontier. We believe particle
physics will soon enter a new Golden Age, and we
intend Glasgow to be at its forefront.
Lattice QCD Protons, neutrons and many more
exotic particles are made of quarks and yet
quarks can never be directly detected. To
determine quark properties and understand how
they behave, we must solve the theory of the
strong force, QCD, and compare the results to
experiment. The Glasgow group is
leading the world in calculations for particles
made of b and c quarks, which are vital to
understanding how nature distinguishes matter and
Particle Physics Theory
Theoretical particle physics is about uncovering
the fundamental particles and interactions that
drive physics at the smallest distance scales.
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University
of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK www.physics.gla.
2 Current Experiments We are collecting
high-intensity data at the CDF experiment on the
TeVatron Collider at Fermilab, currently the
worlds most powerful particle accelerator. We
are preparing two of the Large Hadron Collider
(LHC) experiments (ATLAS and LHCb) at CERN. The
LHC is the largest scientific apparatus ever
constructed. These experiments will allow us to
explore matter / anti-matter asymmetries, search
for the last remaining piece of the standard
model the Higgs boson and for new as yet
unknown physics.
Future Experiments We are undertaking novel
semi-conductor detector development for the
future upgrades of the LHC experiments and a
future electron-positron accelerator known as the
International Linear Collider. We are studying
the optimal design for a neutrino factory that
will search for CP violation in
neutrinos. Detector Development
E-Science The detector technologies we develop
have many other uses including medical imaging
and security applications. E-science activities
have been driven by the need to process the
enormous volumes of data that will be generated
at the LHC. However, the Grid software and
computing resources are now used from Medical to
Industrial applications.
The experimental particle physics group is
dedicated to the study of the fundamental
constituents of matter and their interactions.
These activities are carried out in collaboration
with international laboratories, where major new
physics discoveries can be made.
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University
of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK www.physics.gla.