Title: National Private Placements 101
1 National Private Placements 101
Wayne Redwick Paul Visosky Susan Toews Denise
Duifhuis David Johnston Don Gordon
2Seminar Scope
- Overview of complex rules
- Framework for structuring private placements
- No discussion of TSX Exchange policies
3Canadian Securities Regulatory System
- Provincial securities regulation
- No federal securities regulator
- Lack of uniform rules across provinces
- There are differences be careful
4Disclosure Based System
- Regulation flows from Securities Act
- Current, accurate information is fundamental
- Enables investors to make investment decisions
- Disclosure concept found in the private placement
5Registration Prospectus Requirements
- Issuance of securities is a distribution
- Issuer must comply with law (not purchaser)
- For every distribution issuers must
- file a prospectus with the BCSC and
- deal with investors through a broker
- A prospectus and broker not always required
- About 60 exemptions available
- What issuers rely on to carry out private
7Consequences of Using Exemptions
- Restrictions on resale
- Legend on the share certificate
- Must make filings with Commissions
8What Laws Apply?
- Must know what laws apply to know exemption
- Laws of jurisdiction in which purchaser resides
- BC laws for issuers with a significant
connection to BC - 72-702 Distributions of Securities to Persons
Outside BC
9Significant Connection to BC- Factors
- Mind and management is primarily located in BC
- BC head office or key officers and directors
resident in BC - BC operations
- Acts in furtherance of the distribution take
place in BC
10Exemption for Distributions Outside BC
- 72-503 Distribution of Securities outside BC
- Exempts distributions to persons outside of BC
- Must be listed on a qualified market
11Qualified Market 45-102
- TSX Venture Tier 12
- Bourse de Montréal Inc.
- Amex
- NASDAQ National Small Cap
- London Stock Exchange
12BC Exemptions
- Common exemptions include
- Director and employee stock options
- Asset acquisitions
- Takeover bids
- Amalgamations and other reorganizations
- Short form offering documents
13Capital Raising Exemptions Recent Changes
- Ontario 45-501
- Closely-held issuer exemption
- Accredited investor exemption
14Capital Raising Exemptions Recent Changes BC
- Private issuer exemption
- Family, close personal friends, close business
associates - Accredited investor
- Offering memorandum
- Proposed expansion of 45-103
15Resale 45-102
- Past different hold periods
- Today 45-102 Resale of Securities
- November 30, 2001
- Harmonized resale
16Resale 45-102 Framework For Analysis
- Under which exemption was the security initially
distributed? - Was issuer a qualifying issuer on date of
distribution? - Is seller a control person?
17Resale 45-102
- Was issuer qualifying issuer on distribution
- date?
- Reporting in major jurisdiction
- Listed on qualified market
- Technical reports
- Current AIF filed on SEDAR
18Resale 45-102
- What is a current AIF?
- AIF under NI 44-101, NP47 or SHAIF
- SEC 10K or 20F
- Prospectus if it includes audited F/S most
recent year end - CPC info circular
19Resale 45-102
- Other
- Legending requirements
- Filing requirements
20Framework for Analysis
- What laws apply?
- What exemptions are available?
- What resale rules apply?
- What legends are required?
- What filings must be made?
21(No Transcript)
22Amazing Story of LBC Cryogenics
- BC Company
- Operations Richmond Montreal
- IPO June 30 2001 year end F/S
- TSX Venture
- Reporting BC Alberta
- Open facility in Montreal
- No AIF
23What laws apply to BC purchasers?
- BC
- Alberta
- Ontario
- Quebec
- All of the above
24BC 97,000 Exemption
- Must purchase as principal
- OM not required Do not file one with BCSC
- Staying for now would like feedback
25BC Private Issuer Exemption
- Not a reporting issuer
- 50 or fewer shareholders
- Can issue shares to a limited group of people
- No documents filed with BCSC
26BC Family, Friends Business Associates
- Can sell to
- director, senior officer or control person
- family member
- close personal friend
- close business associate
27BC Family, Friends Business Associates Exemption
- No limits
- No disclosure
- Report to Commission
- Presumption of no advertising
28BC Family, Friends Business Associates Exemption
- Who is a close personal friend?
- Known for enough time
- Able to assess capabilities trustworthiness
29BC Family, Friends Business Associates Exemption
- Who is close business associate?
- Prior business dealings
- Able to assess capabilities trustworthiness
30Capital Raised Family, Friends Business
Associates April September millions
31BC Accredited Investor Exemption
- No limits
- No disclosure
- Report to BCSC
32Who is an Accredited Investor?
- Financial institution
- Corp., LP, trust or estate with net assets gt 5M
- Individual with
- financial assets gt 1 million
- net income gt 200,000 in each past 2 years
(300,000 with spouse)
33How to calculate financial assets
34Capital raised Accredited investor April
September Billions
35BC OM Exemption
- Part 4 of 45-103
- Big change - new forms of OM
- Not intended to be prospectus level disclosure
- Plain language disclosure
36BC OM Exemption
- 2 forms of OM
- Qualifying non-qualifying issuers
- Qualifying incorporates continuous disclosure
by reference
37BC OM Exemption
- Need to keep OM current
- Disclosure must be current when OM signed given
to investor - Old rules - no requirement to keep current
- Refer to section 4.4 of 45-103 for the update
38BC OM Exemption
- Certificate
- Certificate signed by 2 directors, CEO, CFO and
promoters - This offering memorandum does not contain a
misrepresentation. - Includes all info incorporated by reference
- An untrue statement of a material fact, or
- An omission to state a material fact that is
- (i) required to be stated, or
- (ii) necessary to prevent a statement that is
made from being false or misleading in the
circumstances in which it was made
40Material Fact
- A fact that could reasonably be expected to
significantly affect the market price or value of
the issuers securities - Difficult decision at times
- When in doubt, disclose
41When to Amend an OM
- Certificate is no longer true
- Change in a material fact causes disclosure to be
untrue - Must give to investor and file it with BCSC
42BC OM Exemption Important Changes
- Can sell in any amount - to anyone - during any
time frame - Can advertise
- No limit on commissions or selling expenses
43BC OM Exemption Important Changes
- Must hold the funds in trust until midnight on
the second day after the investor signs the
subscription agreement - Investor must sign risk acknowledgement
andissuer must retain for 6 years - Must give OM before investor commits to buy
44Statutory Right of Action
- Now in the BC Securities Act Â
- New rights in section 132.1 of the Act
- No longer contractual and no longer restricted
to issuer - Liability extends to signing officers and all
directors personally
45BC OM Exemption
- Regulatory review
- No prior review by BCSC or TSX
- Must file within 10 days of the date of
distribution - BCSC selectively reviews OMs for compliance
46Offering Memorandum Capital Raised April
September millions
47Total Capital Raised Activity April September
48Short Form Offering Exemption Capital Raised
April September millions
49Piers Hazel Pick an Exemption
- LBC picks OM exemption
- OM costs (Reporting) 2,500 - 15,000
- Most cost lt 10,000
- SFO costs more takes longer
50Resale Rules Flow Chart of 45-102
- Please go to Tab 3 of your materials
51Resale Rules Flow Chart of 45-102
- Under which exemption was security
- initially distributed?
- Appendix D or E
- Was issuer a qualifying issuer on date of
- distribution?
52Resale Rules Flow Chart of 45-102
- Who is a qualifying issuer?
- Reporting in a major jurisdiction
- Listed on qualified market
- Technical reports
- Current AIF filed on SEDAR
53Resale Rules Flow Chart of 45-102
- What is a current AIF?
- AIF under NI 44-101, NP47 or SHAIF
- SEC 10K or 20F
- Prospectus if it includes audited F/S most
recent year end - CPC info circular
54Re-sale Rules Flow Chart of 45-102
- Control person (s.2.8)
- Is issuer a qualifying issuer?
- Additional requirements
55 Hazels AIF OM A Work Of Art
- LBCs IPO prospectus is not a current AIF
- Why? - No F/S most recently completed financial
year - LBC OM
- 500,000 min. - 1 million max
56Practice Tips OM
- Use your common sense
- Description of business keep it brief
- To use other form of OM you must
- provide X-ref to all info required by 45-103F2
- cross reference table
- modify the certificate
57Practice Tips OM
- Working capital deficiency OK to adjust
- Fully explain adjustments
- Disclose how you intend to eliminate or manage
the deficiency.
58What might make certificate no longer true?
- Piers resigns
- 1 billion lawsuit against LBC
- LBC acquires fish farm
- LBCs Richmond storage facility
destroyed - All of the above
59Practice Tips OM
- Amendments
- Amendment or revised OM new OM
- Certificate must be true at date you give out OM
- Material change would trigger amendment
- New certificate signed dated
60Practice Tips OM
- You can update your OM with a material change
- report
- Provide purchasers with a copy of the MCR.
- Attach newly signed and dated certificate to
MCR. - Certificate must refer to OM other amendments
61Certificate to Material Change Report
- The offering memorandum dated November ,
2002 together with this material change report
does not contain a misrepresentation
62Practice Tips OM
- Mandatory amendment when you file
- Audited F/S Â
- You do not need to update an OM for
- interim F/S unless necessary to prevent
- misrepresentation
63BC Legending Requirements
- Part 6 - 45-103 pulls you into 45-102 resale
rules - Section 2.5 of 45-102 applies to all exemptions,
except private issuer - Depends on if issuer was qualifying on date of
distribution - Legend required in all provinces except Quebec
64BC Filing requirements
- Within 10 days after distribution
- Form 45-902F (old Form 20) in paper
- OM in paper
- Only with OM exemption
- Form 45-102F2 Qualifying Issuer Certificate
- File on SEDAR
65Practice Tips 45-902F
- Confidentiality name address
- Can keep confidential
- Exception insiders registrants
- Give reasons when you file
- Part 5 See part 6 that is a separate schedule
- No fee
66Practice Tips 45-902F
- Confidentiality other
- Â Formal application to LMI Division
67Practice Tips 45-902F
- Phone and email numbers
- Make reasonable effort to get
- If unsuccessful state unable to obtain
- Proceeds from non-cash transactions
- Asset acquisitions debt settlements
- Proceeds FMV of asset or debt.
68McMoney Comes Through
- Crystal sells 270,000 units
- 16 purchasers in BC
- 1 purchaser in Switzerland
69Hazel finds investors in Alberta
- 5 potential Alberta purchasers
- Agree to close BC portion
- Closing not a material change
70Alberta Exemptions
- 97,000 exemption
- Found in Alberta Act
- 45-103 exemptions
- Identical to BC for
- Private issuer
- Family, friends and business associates
- Accredited investor
71Alberta OM Exemption
- OM exemption differences
- OM must include Alberta rights of action
- Anyone can purchase up to 10,000
- Over 10,000 must be eligible investor
72Alberta OM Exemption
- Who is an eligible investor?
- Person or company with
- pre-tax net income gt 75,000
- (125,000 with spouse) or
- 400,000 net assets or
- advice from an investment or securities dealer
- Includes an accredited investor
73Alberta Resale Rules
- Flow Chart 45-102
- Under which exemption was security initially
issued? - Was issuer a qualifying issuer on date of
distribution? - What are the hold periods?
74Alberta Legending Requirements
75LBCs Alberta Filing Requirements
- Within 10 days after distribution
- BC Form 45-902F (old Form 20) with BCSC in paper
- Alberta Form 20 with ASC in paper
- Form 45-102F2 Qualifying Issuer Certificate
- File on SEDAR
- OM in paper with ASC
76McMoney Finds a Fat Cat - Sabertooth
- Can use same OM in Alberta
- New investor Sabertooth Venture Capital
Corporation - Ontario investment company
- Net assets gt 50 million
- Sabertooth reads OM
77LBC Ontario Private Placement
- BC laws apply if connection to BC
- Possible exemptions
- BCI 72-503
- 45-103 OM exemption
- 97,000 exemption
78Ontario Exemptions
- OSC Rule 45-501
- Closely held issuer exemption
- Accredited investor exemption
79Ontario Closely Held Issuer Exemption
- Part 2 of 45-501
- Can issue trade on an exempt basis
- Similar to BC private issuer exemption except
proceeds must be lt 3,000,000
80Ontario Closely Held Issuer Exemption
- Definition of closely held issuer
- Restrictions on transfer of shares
- Must have lt 35 beneficial security holders
- Exclude accredited investors current or former
directors, officers, employees or consultants
81Ontario Accredited Investor Exemption
- No limits
- No disclosure
- Report to OSC
82Ontario Accredited Investor Exemption
- Similar to BC definition
- Includes some family and promoter
83Ontario Accredited Investor Exemption
- Financial institution
- Corp., LP, trust or estate with net assets gt 5M
- Individual with
- financial assets gt 1 million
- net income gt 200,000 in each past 2 years
(300,000 with spouse)
84Ontario Offering Memorandum Issues
- No OM exemption
- If you give out materials may OM- Rights of
action apply- Must file OM with OSC
85Ontario Resale Rules
- Flow Chart 45-102
- Under which exemption was security
- initially distributed?
- Was issuer a qualifying issuer on date of
distribution? - What are the hold periods?
86Ontario Legending Requirements
87LBCs Ontario Filing Requirements
- Within 10 days after trade
- BC Form 45-902F (old Form 20) with BCSC in paper
- Ontario Form 45-501F1 with OSC in paper
- Form 45-102F2 Qualifying Issuer Certificate
- File on SEDAR
- OM in paper with OSC
88La prochaine fois, nous irons au Québec
- Make filings with BCSC, ASC OSC
- Interest in Quebec
- Quebec???
89Quebec Maintains Status Quo
- Has not adopted exemption regimes from other
provinces - Has broad discretionary powers
90Quebec Exemptions
- Based on identity of purchaser- pension funds-
banks- money managers - 150,000 minimum purchase
- Discretionary order
91Quebec - Resale
- Reporting issuer 12 months
- CVMQ blanket order permits some reporting issuers
the benefits of 45-102
92Filings with CVMQ
- OM
- Distribution report
- Language issues
93Its easy to become a reporting issuer in Quebec
- What you need to file
- Language issues
94The Do It Right Team are off to the Jolly Taxpayer
95Piers Hazel are on Vacation
96We want your feedback!!
- Please complete your evaluation form