Title: Item Unique Identification IUID
1Item Unique Identification (IUID)
Professor Kim Meyer, CDFM Professor of Program
Management 937-781-1040 Kimberly.meyer_at_dau.mil Pr
ofessor Judy Volpe Professor of Contract
Management 937-781-1033 Judith.volpe_at_dau.mil
- Genesis
- So What is IUID?
- End-2-End Concept
- Implementation of IUID
- Contracting for IUID
- Whats New?
- Reference Sources
3DoD Maintenance Enterprise Systems Supported
30,000 Combat Vehicles
? 900 Strategic Missiles
- Maintained by
- 659,000 DoD personnel
- Private sector companies
? 280 Ships
? 14,000 Aircraft/Helicopters
Maintenance cost 81 billion per year
300,000 Tactical Vehicles
Communications/Electronics Equipment Support
Equipment Other Systems
National Defense Inventory is valued at ? 700B
gt 100M Candidate Parts
Source LMI analysis of DoD data
4Scope of DoD Maintenance
DoD Budget
DoD Personnel
81 billion
659,000 maintainers
2.9 million total
503 billion total
23 maintainers
16 spent on maintenance
Sources FY2007FY2011 Presidents Budget and
LMI analysis of Defense Manpower Data Center
FY2005 data
5Materiel Readiness Life Cycle Framework from the
Warfighter View
6Facing new challenges
- Rapidly moving force on a dynamic battlefield
- Demand for better information on assets
- Need for more effective visibility and management
of inventory
- Improve business processes now
- Improve confidence
- Influence the direction and cost of technology
development - Drive the standards to work for us
- Facilitate the implementation of Unique
Identification (UID)
7The Whats in it for Me - Big PicturePerformanc
e Driven Outcomes
- Upon the attainment of IUID/SIM Full Operating
Capability, DoD weapon system sustainment
managers will have dramatically improved insight
into the cause-and-effect relationship between
resources and readiness. -
- Capitalizing on this insight, weapon system
support decisions will both be more informed and
take less time. -
- Data-driven continuous process improvement
(CPI) initiatives will be institutionalized,
enabling the effective management of materiel
reliability, materiel repair/replacement cycle
time, and materiel sustainment cost
performance-to-plan. - Overall material readiness will be higher, and
overall weapon system life-cycle cost will be
lower. - Fully automated maintenance management
(unburdens the maintainer)
8Prime MoversWhat Will Drive DoD to IUID
- Requirements
- JROC approved sustainment KPP Availability
- 2 KSAs Life Cycle Cost, Reliability
- Integrated Policy
- DoDI 5000.2 - Life Cycle Acquistion/Support
- DoDI 4151.19 Serialized Item Management
- DoDD 8320 UID in Net-Centric Operations
- DoDI 8320.xx UID Instruction (coming)
- DAG/Supportability Guide
- Governance/Oversight/Training
9The Genesis of IUID
- GAO concerned with DOD management of its
inventory of equipment. - Finding DODs inventory exceeded its war
reserve or current operating requirements, but
lacked key spare parts (particularly aviation
spares) due to a lack of adequate accountability
over material shipments or effective monitoring
of defective spare parts.
GAO-02-477G (Mar 02) Executive Guide, Best
Practices in Achieving Consistent, Accurate
Physical Counts of Inventory and Related Property
10Policy Approach created two IUID PPE
PopulationsNew Tangible Items Legacy Items
USD(ATL) Policy Memo 29 July, 2003
USD(ATL) Policy Memo 23 December, 2004
- New tangible items
- Begin NLT 1 Jan 2004
- commercial purchases
- Begin NLT 1 Jan 2005
- depot manufactured items
- Legacy items in inventory
- IOC Jul 2005
- pilot depots
- Complete NLT Sep 2007
- all existing serialized items
- Complete all items NLT Dec 2010
11DoD Vision for Item Unique Identification (IUID)
- To implement a policy establishing a strategic
imperative for uniquely identifying tangible
items relying to the maximum extent practical on
international standards and commercial item
markings and while not imposing unique government
data requirements. - Uniquely identified tangible items will
facilitate item tracking in DoD business systems
and provide reliable and accurate data for
management, financial, accountability and asset
management purposes.
Effective 1 January 04 Mandatory for Solicitations
12A DoD Strategic Imperative
- IUID is strategically critical to enable property
management processes throughout the DoD
enterprise to engage with precision and speed to
- Always know what property the DoD owns
- Always be able to account for it
- Know where it is
- Know who has custody of it
- Know who is accountable for it
- Know how it has been used maintained
- Know what it cost
- Know its value
- And use this information to
- Enable capability-based readiness
- Support planning, forecasting, and budgeting
- Identify gaps in capabilities
- Improve reliability and warranty management
- Improve processes
- Reduce cycle time
13IUID Policy Overview
- Policy memorandum released on July 29th 2003
(with subsequent updates) established IUID as a
mandatory DoD requirement on all solicitations
issued on or after January 1, 2004. - IUID is required for all property items delivered
to the Government if - Acquisition cost is more than 5,000
- Items with an acquisition cost below 5,000, when
identified by the requiring activity as DoD
serially managed, mission essential, or
controlled inventory - Items with an acquisition cost below 5,000 as
determined by the requiring activity - Regardless of value, any DoD serially managed
subassembly, component or part embedded within an
item and the parent item in which it is
embedded - Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) is the preferred method
for capturing IUID data and became a mandatory
payment requirement on January 1, 2005
14USD (ATL) Memorandum 12 May 2005
- Guidance for review of IUID implementation at
milestone reviews - Establishes requirements for applying IUID to DoD
property in the possession of contractors (PIPC) - Property should only be accountable in one
property accountability system at a time - Acquisition value will be recorded and updated in
the IUID Registry - Eliminate DD form 1662 DoD Property in the
Custody of Contractors - IUID Registry will
- Not be a property accountability system but
provide audit trail of property in current and
previous accountability systems. - Maintain master IUID data
- Be updated with key transaction events but not
maintain detailed transactional data - Develop interfaces between IUID Registry and
component specific property systems - Add IUID to logistics policies and integration
with serialized item tracking.
15Key Direction from IUID Policy Updates
- Apply IUID to legacy items in inventory and
operational use - All program and item managers plan for and
implement IUID - - ACAT 1D programs submitted plans by June 2005
- - All others to MDAs by January 2006
- Government Furnished Property (GFP) must meet
IUID - policy requirement effective 1 Jan 2006
- Plans targeted FY2007 as the point by which
- - All existing serialized assets will be entered
in IUID registry - - UII marking capabilities established
such that marking can commence when equipment is
returned for maintenance
16Key Direction from IUID Policy Updates (Continued)
- DUSD (Logistics and Material Readiness) develop
IUID implementation plan for organic depot
maintenance operations - Jan 2007 OUSD Materiel Readiness Maintenance
Policy released Implementing Item-Unique
Identification in DoD Maintenance (dated 31 Jan
07) - The Concept of Operations IUID-Enabled
Maintenance in Support of DoD Materiel Readiness - Feb 07 Policy Update for Item Unique
Identification (IUID) of Tangible Personal
Property - DoD Directive 8320.03, dated 23 Mar 07, Unique
Identification (UID) Standards for a Net-Centric
Department of Defense
- Genesis
- So What is IUID?
- End-2-End Concept
- Implementation of IUID
- Contracting for IUID
- Whats New?
- Reference Sources
18Déjà vu All Over Again ?...
Marshs Supermarket
Troy, Ohio
June 26, 1974
Bar Codes Transformed Retail Sales and Inventory
19Unique Item Identifier (UII) is.
. . . the set of data for tangible assets that is
globally unique and unambiguous, ensures data
integrity and data quality throughout life, and
supports multi-faceted business applications and
UII is . . .
20UID What makes it so Special?
- Provides The Key to discovery and correlation
of item, real - property and human resource information so
- DoD can consistently locate, control and value
assets - anywhere and anytime
- Enables globally accessible and secure
enterprise data - Registries enable creation of UID mission
critical services to - Translate legacy data for existing DoD systems
- Enable access for operational support
- Enable joint paperless management
21In todays world, many items we buy have
identification on them that indicate the
manufacturer or distributor of the product and
the product type.---Two identical cans of Coke
from the same bottling plant will show the same
data on the Universal Product Code (UPC)Some
items also have a serial number that
differentiates one item from another identical
item (e.g., the 24th engine off the assembly line
is different from the 1024th)---Serial numbers
are unique, but not outside of their enterprise
the serial number assigned by XYZ Manufacturer
could be the same as one assigned by ABC Company.
By combining enterprise identification, item
class and serialization, a globally unique item
identifier is created that differentiates each
item from other items---Each item has its own
globally unique identifier (UII)
UII What Is It?
22Create and Generate the UII
The components that make up the UII are
identified in the table below. Each enterprise
has two options for creating the UII.
- Genesis
- So What is IUID?
- End-2-End Concept
- Implementation of IUID
- Contracting for IUID
- Whats New?
- Reference Sources
24What is the IUID Lifecycle?
Require DoD contracts reflect the requirement
for part marks to include UII data elements for
all items which require unique identification
Dispose DoD/GSA records the termination of
the UII at time of item disposal
Use Functional stakeholders use UII as a
primary or alternate key in the AIS to access or
update item information based on its UII
Create/Generate Industry suppliers/manufacturers
throughout supply chain assign and apply UII
data elements and ensure the uniqueness of the
component data elements
Capture DoD establishes the birth record of
the UII by capturing the machine/human readable
component data elements to create the UII in the
25Applying the UII
- Vendor-Applied-at-Source Marking applied when
item is manufactured - Opportunity-Based Item Application Can be done
in the field or factory, wherever it is
convenient to gain access to items either on an
end item or available in a storage facility
(phase maintenance, scheduled servicing, depot
rebuild or overhaul processes, and work-order
processes during modification) - Seek-and-Apply Used for particular items held
within service, either at the end item or in
storage. This strategy is dependent on
establishing the location and availability of
items before deployment of application equipment
and teams. This approach is dependent upon good
legacy data, and will demand greater overhead of
coordinated effort to effect access to the
assets. - Gated The interception of items as they transit
specific gates within the supply chain. After
identification, the situation can be resolved by
diverting the item back to the vendor for
application, provision of an application
capability at the specific supply gate, or
diversion of the item to a centralized
application facility.
26Use of Commercial Identifiers
- Commercial identifiers can be considered for use
as a DoD IUID equivalent if it meets these
criteria - Must contain an enterprise identifier
- Must uniquely identify an individual item within
an enterprise identifier, product or part number - Must have an existing Data Identifier (DI) or
Application Identifier (AI) listed in ANSI
MH10.8.2, Data Identifier and Application
Identifier Standard - Some examples of commercial unique identifiers
meeting these criteria are - Global Individual Asset Identifier (GIAI) for
serially-managed assets - Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI) for
returnable assets - ISO Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) for
vehicles - Electronic Serial Number (ESN) for cellular
telephones only. - Commercial identifiers must be approved by the
UID Program Office in order to be accepted as
IUID Equivalents
27UII Marking by DoD
- It may be desirable for the DOD-requiring
activity to mark items when received rather than
require the vendor to mark until the vendors
internal capabilities are established. The
requiring activity must ensure that DOD
activities can guarantee that the UII information
they use is unambiguous and globally unique
through life. - There will be non-recurring costs to make the
appropriate changes to drawings and marking
instructions for legacy items, in accordance with
MIL-STD-130 requirements, as well as costs for
marking equipment and readers - 11 May 05 Directed programs to include
requirements in budgeting documents (FY07-12) to
ensure implementation visibility within the
Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution
(PPBE) process - Budget exhibits for RDTE, procurement,
operations maintenance funds - Capital and operations budgets in Working Capital
Funds (included in customer rates) - Needs to be an on-going process as requirements
are identified
28(No Transcript)
- Genesis
- So What is IUID?
- End-2-End Concept
- Implementation of IUID
- Contracting for IUID
- Whats New?
- Reference Sources
30Implementation Pathway
UID Plan
SIM Plan
UID Budget
Business Rules
UID Resources
Decide Where
Select Items
to Mark and
Do Something
Mark Items
to be
with the Mark
UID Registry
31Planning Implementation What Activities Need to
be Involved (IPT/IPPD)
- Program Management Engineering
- Logistics/Customer Support Manufacturing
- Process Engineering Procurement
- Finance Configuration Management
- Data Management Contracts
- Supply Chain Management Information Technology
- Business Area Leads Audit
- Communications International Liaison
- Legal Supply Chain Management
- Training Wide Area Workflow (WAWF)
- Customer Liaisons Subcontract Liaison
Representative Listing from Corporate
Implementation Briefs
32Key Responsibilities for IUID Implementation
- Program Managers will identify items that require
unique identification, including embedded
subassemblies, components and parts. These
embedded items will be identified in a Contract
Data Requirements List (CDRL) or Exhibit. - Contracting Officers shall include the clause at
252.211-7003, Item Identification and Valuation,
in all solicitations and contracts that require
delivery of items. - All items delivered to the Department will be
delivered under a contract line item and the
Departments acquisition cost of each item will
be identified under a contract line item or
sub-line item - Contractors are required to provide item unique
identification, or a DoD recognized IUID
Equivalent, for all items delivered with an
acquisition cost of 5,000 or more and as
designated by the requiring activity for items
less than 5,000. - Under the clause at 252.211-7003, marking of
items shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-130,
Identification Marking of U.S. Military Property.
33Key Responsibilities for IUID Implementation
- Defense Contract Management Agency will inspect
and accept IUID items, provide oversight of
government-furnished property, provide oversight
of initial IUID-enabled SIM information
requirements per contract clauses, and provide
program and technical support using IUID
associated data for analyzing the
cost/schedule/technical performance of contractor
programs and systems - IUID Registry will establish interfaces with Wide
Area Work Flow and property systems maintain the
IUID Registry and establish interfaces with item
history, maintenance, system configuration, and
other pertinent technical databases - Maintenance Activities will incorporate IUID
processes into all relevant transactions, mark
legacy items as required, associate maintenance
events to IUID items, coordinate the development
of IUID processes and SIM requirements with the
appropriate information systems
34IUID Implementation Plan
- Provide references including service IUID CONOPs,
Instructions, Relevant Service IUID Policy
documents (Most recent draft for those documents
in development) and prime contractor(s) Single
Process Initiatives if available - Describe the overall IUID Implementation Strategy
to include - Marking
- Current and future contracts
- Legacy items
- Depot Manufactured items and plant equipment
- IUID Planning/Budgeting
- Technical documentation strategy to minimize the
non-recurring costs for marking, - Describe the business strategy for implementing
IUID - Identify IUID-related opportunities to improve or
enhance business processes. - List Metrics
- Exit Criteria
- Measures of Success
Template on UID Home Page
35IUID Implementation Plan
Establish priorities for application of IUID and
associated data transfer insert priority
number 1 (high), 2 (med), 3 (low), 4 (not
applicable) _____New solicitations Post Jan
2004. _____On-going Contracts Post Jan
2005. _____Operational Fleet Post Jan
2005. _____Assets in inventory Post Jan
2005. _____Assets in Depot Maintenance Post Jan
2005 _____GFP in possession of contractors
Post Jan 2006. Exemptions or exclusions to the
IUID policy require approval by
________________ . Identify Key Program
trigger events (physical IUID marking of items)
no more than 8 ___________________________________
__________________________ _______________________
__________________________________ etc.
36Implementing Guidance for Depots
- Concept of Operations for IUID-Enabled
Maintenance in Support of DoD Materiel Readiness
(dated 1 Jan 07) - Fundamental formula I T M
- I represents identification, T represents
tracking, M represents management - Three key transformation enablers
- Accurate asset visibility
- Common standardized data
- Standardized IUID
- Envisioned end-state for four scenarios
- Field-level operations
- Sustainment-level operations
- Life-cycle management
- Performance based agreements, contractor
logistics support, and foreign military sales
37Implementing Guidance for Depots
- Roles and responsibilities
- Program managers, contracting officers,
supporting contractors, Defense Contract
Management Agency, UID Registry administrations,
supply systems, transportation systems, top-level
accountability systems, maintenance activities,
Defense Utilizations and Marketing activities,
component headquarters - IUID Implementation Template for DoD Maintenance
Depots - Phase I Conduct preliminary research and
planning efforts - Phase II Determine the new business environment
and develop a marking plan for initial IUID items - Phase III Execute marking plan and develop a
full implementation plan for remaining IUID items - Special considerations and measuring progress
38Implementation Pathway
UID Plan
SIM Plan
UID Budget
Business Rules
UID Resources
Decide Where
Select Items
to Mark and
Do Something
Mark Items
to be
with the Mark
UID Registry
39Capture IUID Registry
- IUID Registry is the central repository for IUID
information and serves as an acquisition gateway
to identify - What the item is
- How and when it was acquired
- The initial value of the item
- Current custody (government or contractor)
- How it is marked
- Supports full lifecycle visibility for tangible
items, integrating financial, maintenance, and
accountability systems. - Maintained by the Defense Logistics Information
Service (DLIS), Battle Creek.
40Capture What Data is Included in IUID Registry
- Pedigree
- Acquisition Contract Information
- Original Part Number
- Serial Number
- Valuation
- Initial Acquisition Value
- Changes in Valuation
- Accountability
- Contractor Custody Information
- Acceptance Data
- Contract Data
- Configuration
- Embedded Items
- Item Markings
- Part Number Changes
- Registry is located on the internet at
https//www.bpn.gov/iuid. - Users must register to obtain login credentials
and access rights to controlled access portion - Must be a government employee or a U.S.
Government Contractor with approval from a - DoD Program Manager or equivalent.
- Prior to registering in IUID Registry,
commercial manufacturers and government - manufacturing activities must be registered
with the Central Contractor Registration - (CCR) system at https//www.bpn.gov/ccr/scripts
- Genesis
- So What is IUID?
- End-2-End Concept
- Implementation of IUID
- Contracting for IUID
- Whats New?
- Reference Sources
42Contracting for IUID Chronology
- DoD policy memorandum dated July 29, 2003
mandated the use of UID - Policy to be effective for new solicitations
beginning January 1, 2004 - DFARS Case 2003-D081
- First Interim Rule, 10 Oct 2003
- Second Interim Rule, 30 Dec 2003
- Final Rule, 22 Apr 2005
IUID Mandatory for Solicitations Issued after
January 1, 2004
43Contracting for IUID
- DFARS 211.274-1 Unique item identification and
valuation is a system of marking and valuing
items delivered to DoD that will enhance
logistics, contracting, and financial business
transactions supporting the United States and
coalition troops. - Through unique item identification policy, DoD
can - Achieve lower life cycle cost of item management
- Improve operational readiness
- Provide reliable accountability of property and
asset visibility - Reduce the burden on the workforce
44Contracting for IUID (Contd) Policy and Clauses
- DFARS 211.274-2 Policy for Item Unique
Identification (IUID) - Exceptions and approval levels identified
- DFARS 211.274-3 Policy for Valuation
- Discusses how to value depending on contract type
- 252.211-7003, Item Identification and Valuation
45Contracting for IUID (Contd)
- DFARS 211.274-2 Policy for Item Unique
Identification (IUID) Exceptions. The contractor
will not be required to provide DoD unique item
identification if - The items, as determined by the head of the
agency, are to be used to support a contingency
operation or to facilitate defense against or
recovery from NBC or radiological attack or - A determination and finding is executed
concluding that it is more cost effective for the
requiring activity to assign, mark and register
the unique item identification after delivery of
an item acquired from a small business concern or
a commercial item acquired under FAR Part 12 or
Part 8. - DF by Component Acquisition Executive for ACAT I
- HCA for all other programs
- DoD UII Program Office must receive a copy of the
46Contracting for IUID (Contd)
- DFARS 211.274-3 Policy for Valuation
- It is DoD policy that contractors shall be
required to identify the Governments unit
acquisition cost for all items delivered, even if
none of the criteria for placing a unique item
identification mark applies - The Governments unit acquisition cost is
- For fixed price type CLINs, SLINs or ELINs, the
unit price identified in the contract at time of
delivery - For cost type or undefinitized CLINs, SLINs or
ELINs, the contractors estimated fully burdened
unit cost at time of delivery to the Government
and - For items delivered under a time and materials
contract, the contractors estimated fully
burdened unit cost to the Government at the time
of delivery - The Governments unit acquisition cost of
subassemblies, components and parts embedded in
delivered items need not be separately identified
47Contracting for IUID (Contd)
- DFARS 211.274-4 Contract Clause
- Use the clause at 252.211-7003, Item
Identification and Valuation, in solicitations
and contracts that require item identification or
valuation, or both, in accordance with 211.274-2
and 211.274-3. - The Contractor shall provide DoD unique item
identification, or a DoD recognized unique item
identification equivalent, for - All delivered items for which the Governments
unit acquisition cost is 5,000 or more and - The following items for which the Governments
unit acquisition cost is less than 5,000 - Subassemblies, components, and parts embedded
within delivered items as specified in Attachment
Number _____ - The Contractor shall include this clause in all
subcontracts issued under this contract.
48Contracting for IUID (Contd)
- DFARS 211.274-4 Contract Clause Alternate I
- If marking is not required
- For each item delivered under a contract line,
subline, or exhibit line, in addition to
information to be provided per Material
Inspection and Receiving Report (DD250) the
Contractor shall report Governments Unit
Acquisition cost - The Contractor shall submit the information in
accordance with data submission procedures at
49IUID Solicitation Prep/Contract Award
- Solicitations for Service Contracts - IUID
requirements do not apply unless the service
requirement involves delivery of an item. - Equipment involved in performance of the service
may have a UII assigned. (Beginning in 2006 GFP
provided to contractors will need to be
appropriately marked and have a UII assigned.) - RD hardware that never sees operational service
nor requires logistical support might be treated
as an expense for accounting purposes and would
not require a value be assigned to its UII. The
Program Manager makes that determination. - Operating lease items would not normally require
UII marking or associated valuation, unless they
are subsequently be purchased or supported by
DOD. -
50IUID Solicitation Prep/Contract Award
- Software cost will generally be associated with
the hardware on which it operates and becomes
part of the capitalized value of that asset. - The CLIN structure must be organized to identify
all end-items, either at the CLIN level, or with
Sub CLINs, for more complex situations where
different end-items are to be delivered within a
lot. - It is not intended that IUID and valuation
information become certified cost and pricing
data, unless it would normally be used by the
contractor to estimate the contract or required
payment. - If IUID is required on a new contract, major
modification, or reprocurement of equipment (such
as spare parts), the RFP must include - The DFARS clause 252.211-7003, Item
Identification and Valuation - Reference to MIL-STD-130 (current version)
- Include the new/revised DID
- General Contract Quality Observations
- Line item structures make it difficult to
identify the deliverable/delivery - Lot line items and misleading kit
descriptions complicate payments UID compliance - Unclear Options and ordering provisions
- FAR Part 12 contracts w/o UID clause
- UID requirements not getting into contracts
- Clause placement varies -- Sections D, F, H, I
- Clause included in full text and by reference
- WAWF-RA deployment
- Inaccurate or incomplete payment information
- Not payable as written without extensive manual
intervention - Procurement/Contracting professionals who
actually do the work are not attending the UID
52Strategies Section B
- Begin with Section B, Supplies and Services and
Prices and Costs (CLIN structure) - Items must be separately identifiable
- Items must have a separate delivery schedule or
period of performance per item
53Strategies Subline Items
- Two types
- Information Only (numeric suffix)
- Separately Identified (alpha suffix)
- Identical Items with Different Funds
- Identical Items with Different Sizes or Prices
- Segregate Individually Payable Items (different
packaging or ship to requirements) - Individual Delivery Dates or Destinations
- Kits or Parts with Separate Prices
- Exhibits can substitute for large numbers of
subline items (subassemblies, components or
parts) - Reference in Section B attach in Section J
- Consistency in CLIN, SLIN and ELIN structures
54Strategies Section C
- Reference lengthy work statements in Section C
attach at Section J - Cross-reference applicable paragraph of work
statement under appropriate line item - Clearly delineate which parts belong to which
line item
55Strategies Section E
- Identify where inspection and acceptance will
occur - Identify who has the authority to accept
- Explain how we will inspect and accept
- List Inspection/Acceptance DoDAAC for each
delivery point (used in WAWF to route
electronically) - Reference CDRLs if appropriate
- Inspection and acceptance of these items will be
made at the contractors plant - Inspection and acceptance of these items shall be
made at the contractors plant by the cognizant
DCMA office (Sxxxx) in accordance with the
acceptance test procedure in Attachment A,
Statement of Work, section 7.7 - Inspection and Acceptance of these items shall be
at the contractors plan by the cognizant DCMA
office (Sxxxx) in accordance with the acceptance
test procedure to be submitted and approved under
56Strategies Section G
- Specify codes for offices involved in handling
acceptance and payments - Issuing Office
- Administrative Office
- Inspector DoDAAC
- Ship To DoDAAC
- Acceptance
- DCAA Office
- DoDAAC search https//www.daas.dla.mil/daasinq/
57Strategies Consistency in Line Item Structure
- Issue
- Lot pricing a variety of items and quantities
delivered over time - Problem
- DFAS has no mechanism to pay for partial
deliveries if no mechanism to report a partial
acceptance only reconciled at close out - Valuation is problematic for IUID registry
- Strategy
- Limited use of lot items
- Use subline items or exhibits to denote the
actual deliverables and schedule - Note no NSNs with a unit of issue of lot
58Strategies Consistency in Line Item Structure
- CLIN Kit
- Kit includes multiple, usually dissimilar items
- Items are not separately priced
- Varying quantities
- Multiple shipments
- Kit is not considered received until all
shipments are received
59How NOT to Structure CLINs for Lots or Kits
- 001 Processing Module/Qty 8
- Model No. 234-56-7890 FOB Destination
- 0001AA Funding for Processing Module 1
LOT 8,044.00 8,044.00 - FFP
- Model No 234-56-7890 FOB Destination
- Purchase Request No xxxxxxxxxx
- 0001AB Funding for Processing Module 1
LOT 6,033.00 6,033.00 - FFP
- Model No 234-56-7890 FOB Destination
- Purchase Request No yyyyyyyyyy
- 0001AC Funding for Processing Module 1
LOT 2,011.00 2,011.00 - FFP
- Model No 234-56-7890 FOB Destination
- Purchase Request No zzzzzzzzzz
60A Better Way to Structure CLINs for Lots or Kits
- 001 Processing Module/Qty 8
- Model No. 234-56-7890 FOB Destination
- 0001AA Funding for Processing Module 4 EA
2,011.00 8,044.00 - FFP
- Model No 234-56-7890 FOB Destination
- Purchase Request No xxxxxxxxxx
- 0001AB Funding for Processing Module 3 EA
2,011.00 6,033.00 - FFP
- Model No 234-56-7890 FOB Destination
- Purchase Request No yyyyyyyyyy
- 0001AC Funding for Processing Module 1 EA
2,011.00 2,011.00 - FFP
- Model No 234-56-7890 FOB Destination
- Purchase Request No zzzzzzzzzz
61Line Item Structure -- 10 Basic Questions
- What do we expect the Contractor to deliver (list
hardware, software, service, and data) - Do we have a line item, subline item or exhibit
line item for each? Do we have ACRNs assigned to
each in Section B? Do the totals by ACRN, CLIN
and line of accounting match? - When is each item due to be delivered?
- How much will the Contractor get paid?
- Are there interim payments before delivery? If
so, on what basis? - When will the Contractor get paid? What
documentation will be required to effect payment? - How is the timing of contract payments related to
deliveries? - Is it clear in the line item structure and
Sections F through I how payments relate to
delivery? - What constitutes acceptable performance? How is
it measured? - How do the inspection and acceptance criteria in
Section E relate to the answers to Question 9?
62Final Thoughts
- Do
- Include the UID clause
- Specify to which line items the clause applies
- Identify any embedded components to be valued and
marked - Include language requiring use of WAWF
- Ensure that each deliverable has a separate CLIN,
SLIN, or ELIN and a defined delivery schedule - Ensure inspection and acceptance criteria address
UID - Include the current version of MIL-STD- 130
- Do Not
- Lump dissimilar items together as a lot or a
kit - Specify which UID construct is to be used
- Require that the Contractor use government
assigned identifiers for enterprise, part, or
serial number - Impose unusual payment or acceptance procedures
63More Final Thoughts
- Make the contract easy to understand and manage
for everyone - Use common procurement language
- Be consistent in CLIN, SLIN and ELIN structures
- Be consistent Period!
- Genesis
- So What is IUID?
- End-2-End Concept
- Implementation of IUID
- Contracting for IUID
- Whats New?
- Reference Sources
65DAU IUID Training
- Updating existing UID Continuous Learning Module
(CLM 200) focuses on new items - Developing new UID CLM for Legacy Items
- Based on End-2-End concept and DoD Maintenance
CONOPS - Lessons
- Overview of CONOPs
- Program Management and Integrated Product Team
Responsibilities - Implementation Template for DoD Maintenance
Depots - IUID Registry
- IUID Data Usage in Current and Future
Applications - Availability Targeting end of year completion
waiting on Program Management Plan from contractor
66End-2-End Concept Workshops
Contractor Physical/Contractual Compliance
New Items Mods
Establish IUID Program Plan
IPTs PM/FM Contracting Engineer
Property to be provided under contract
Military Equipment Valuation (Id for initial
- Contract Clauses
- Mil Std 130
- Etc
Inspection Acceptance Govt QA
Contractor Physical/Contractual Compliance
Legacy Items
Establish Depot UID Team (IPTs) PM/FM Contracting
Engineer Item Mgrs Equip Spec
Depot Maintenance Activities
Inspection Acceptance Govt QA
Establish marking plan
IUID Registry
DOD Organic Depot Physical Compliance
- Contracting for UID, Property in Possession of
the Contractor (PIPC), Military Equipment
Valuation, Depot CONOPs - Practical cases and examples attendees to
include all members of UID Team - Presented to TACOM in Nov 2007 can be tailored
to any organization
67Item Unique IdentificationReference Sources
68(No Transcript)
69May 2006 UID e-newsletter
70(No Transcript)
71(No Transcript)
72(No Transcript)
73(No Transcript)
74Other Information Tools
- DoD Guide to Uniquely Identifying Items
Outlines the UID process, business rules, and UID
constructs - UID 101 This guide explores all aspects of this
initiative and is intended to provide an
understanding of how DoD program offices and
commercial businesses can successfully implement
the Unique Identification (UID) policy - Guidelines for the Virtual Unique Item Identifier
(UII) This document describes the virtual unique
item identifier (UII) concept, the processes for
assigning and registering virtual UIIs, and the
prospective marking of items that have virtual
UIIs. - Guidelines for Engineering, Manufacturing, and
Maintenance Documentation Requirements for UID
implementation Provides suggested methods for
minimizing the non-recurring engineering costs
associated with incorporating marking
requirements for DoD unique identification into
engineering drawings, manufacturing instructions,
and maintenance work records.
75Other Information Tools
Added to Conference Website
76Other Resources
- www.dau.mil
- Continuous Learning Modules
- CLC 033 Contract Format and Structure for the DoD
e-Business Environment - CLM 200 Item Unique Identification
- NEW! CLM to be deployed by 30 Sep 07 IUID for
Legacy Items - http//www.iuidtoolkit.com/ UID Toolkit
- http//www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/UID/ Official UID
78USD (ATL) Memorandum 11 May 2005 Budget
Instructions for UID Implementation FY 2007-2012
- Identify UID support in applicable budget exhibit
submissions in the existing budget lines in
FY07-FY12 budget - R-2 for RDTE
- P-Series for Procurement
- OPPB-Series for Operations and Maintenance
- ATL coordinate with PAE to examine need to
update current Financial Management Regulations
(FMR) for increased visibility - UID implementation and Program Implementation
Plans will address marking and data capture
aspects by - Modernizing infrastructure
- Reengineering business processes
- Revising Automated Information Systems (AIS)
79What you see
- Can contain 100 times the data as the same space
in a barcode - Can be read omni-directionally
- Can be damaged but still return accurate data
- Can be scaled up or down to fit within available
marking space
What the Reader sees )gtRS12GSMFR 0CVA5 GSSER
786950 RS EoT
80IUID Implementation Plan
- Top of the Plan
- Program Name
- Program Element
- Program Manager
- Date of Plan
- System Description
- Description/Mission/Position in Acquisition Cycle
- References
- Service IUID CONOPs/Instructions/Relevant Service
Policy Documents/Contractor - 3. Exemption and Approval Source
- Phase out and/or per DFARS 211.274.2
Template Sample Plan on UID Home Page
81IUID Implementation Plan (continued)
- 4. Overall IUID Implementation Strategy
- Marking
- Current and future contracts
- Legacy Items
- Depot Manufactured Items and Plant Equipment
- Process for entry of UII and pedigree data into
IUID Registry - Technical documentation strategy to minimize NRE
- Property in Possession of Contractors
- Sustainment Strategy how IUID is being utilized
- 5. Identify UII related opportunities to
improve or enhance business processes. - 6. List Metrics
- Exit Criteria
- Measures of Success
- Provide Schedule by Completing Form
- Establish Priorities for Application of IUID and
Associated Data Transfer - Identify Key Program Trigger Points for Physical
Marking - Show Program IUID Related Budget Information
Template Sample Plan on UID Home Page
82Why Electronic Invoicing?
- Its the Law
- The 2001 Defense Authorization act requires DoD
to receive and process invoices electronically - Its in the Regulations
- DFARS 252.232-7003 Electronic Submission of
payment requests requires electronic invoicing - It makes good sense
- Electronic invoices are paid sooner and more
reliably then paper invoices
83Why WAWF ? - The DFARS Clauses
- 252.232-7003 Electronic Submission of Payment
Requests. - (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this
clause, the Contractor shall submit payment
requests using one of the following electronic
forms - (1) Wide Area WorkFlow-Receipt and
Acceptance (WAWF-RA). - 252.246-7000 Material Inspection and Receiving
Report. - (b) Contractor submission of the material
inspection and receiving information required by
Appendix F of the Defense FAR Supplement by using
the Wide Area WorkFlow-Receipt and Acceptance
(WAWF-RA) electronic form (see paragraph (b)(1)
of the clause at 252.232-7003) fulfills the
requirement for a material inspection and
receiving report (DD Form 250).
84Why WAWF ? - Benefits
- Takes Less Time to Get Paid
- 99.99995 on time payments
- Interest paid
- Without WAWF 289 per million paid
- With WAWF lt2 cents per million paid
- Lost Documents
- Paper 35,000
- WAWF - 1
- 60 reduction in invoice cycle times
- Currently 1M savings monthly
- - Reduced DFAS costs billed to customers
- - Interest avoidance
- - Labor savings