Title: Glucose The Main Energy Source for Cells
1GlucoseThe Main Energy Source for Cells
Glucose contains WAY too much energy for the cell
to use at one time! So what has to happen?
3ATP/ADP Cycle
- Glucose enters a cell.
- It is broken down releasing energy from its bonds
- This energy is stored in a bond between a
molecule of ADP and a phosphate (P) molecule
resulting in an ATP molecule. - When this energy is needed, the last phosphate
molecule (P) is broken off, releasing the stored
energy from the bond. ADP results.
4ATP/ADP Cycle
5Types of Cellular Work
- Chemical Work building a large molecule
- Mechanical Work moving a muscle protein
- Transport Work pumping molecules across a
6Types of Cellular Work
Warm-blooded animals use heat given off in
respiration to maintain a warm body temp. This
polar bear can be active in many different
7Types of Cellular Work
Nerve cells are able to transmit impulses by
using ATP to power the active transport of
certain ions.
8Types of Cellular Work
Some cells as muscle cells and cells with cilia
or flagella use energy from ATP in order to move.
9Types of Cellular Work
Fireflies and some caterpillars produce light by
a process called bioluminescence. The light
results from a chemical reaction that is powered
by the breakdown of ATP.
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