Title: The Columbian Exchange
1The Columbian Exchange
- Beginning of the World Economy
2Themes in the Video
- What are the major themes of the video The
Columbian Exchange? - the significance of the seemingly insignificant
things exchanged - the significance of the movements of people (not
as conquistadores) occasioned by the discovery
and colonization of the New World - the development of whole cultures as the outcome
of the exchange of flora and fauna from one
hemisphere to another
3 4(No Transcript)
5What Was Exchanged?
Old World to America America to Old World
Diseases smallpox, measles, influenza, diphtheria, whooping cough syphilis (a.k.a. "the pox")
Animals horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens Â
Crops wheat, vines, citrus, other fruits maize, potatoes (white and sweet), beans, tomatoes, peppers, peanuts, manioc, papayas, guavas, avocados, pineapples, cacao, tobacco
People military, businessmen, poor immigrants, slaves Â
Other religion silver and gold
6The Exchange of Diseases
- the character of epidemics
- the need for concentrations of people
- how gene pools develop with resistence to strains
of diseases - the apparent absence of epidemic diseases in the
New World prior to 1492 - dense populations in valley of Mexico and in
Peruvian highlands - close to the margin, but not yet at it?
- the emergence of several "childhood" diseases in
the New World shortly after the arrival of the
7The Demographic Collapse
- Some contending estimates
- http//www.hist.umn.edu/rmccaa/vircatas/virtab3.h
8Contending Views of Demographic Collapse
9The Demographic Collapse
- http//www.hist.umn.edu/rmccaa/vircatas/virtab3.h
tm - http//www2.kenyon.edu/Depts/PSci/Inst21/mexico_po
pulation.htm - Consequences
- Loss of cultural confidence
- http//www2.kenyon.edu/Depts/PSci/Inst21/aztec_old
10Varieties of Old and New World Staples(millions
of calories per hectare)
Chief American Crops Chief American Crops Chief Old World Crops Chief Old World Crops
Maize 7.3 Rice 7.3
Potatoes 7.5 Wheat 4.2
Sweet Potatoes/ Yams 7.1 Barley 5.1
Manioc/Cassava 9.9 Oats 5.5
11Growth of World Population
12(No Transcript)
13Example Cattle Ranching
14The Potato and Population Growth in Ireland
Year Millions Year Millions
1712 2.8 1781 4.0
1718 2.9 1785 4.0
1725 3.0 1788 4.4
1732 3.0 1791 4.8
1754 3.2 1821 6.8
1772 3.6 1831 7.8
1777 3.7 1841 8.2