Title: The UK Higher Education Academy www'heacademy'ac'uk
1The UK Higher Education Academy
- Mission to enhance the student learning
experience in Higher Education in the UK - Founded in May 2004
- Independent organisation funded by grants from
the four UK funding bodies in Higher Education - Structure
- 24 Subject Centres for specific disciplines, or
groups of disciplines, for example - Academy York (generic centre)
- Publications (downloadable), research, workshops,
conferences, professional standards framework
2European Interprofessional Education Network in
health and social care
Learning together to work together
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Presentation at British Council visit to Queens
University Belfast March 2007 Dr Marion Helme
Higher Education Academy, EIPEN Project Manager
3The EIPEN statement
- EIPEN is establishing a sustainable and inclusive
network of people and organisations in partner
countries. - The purpose of the network is to share and
develop effective interprofessional vocational
training curricula, methods and materials for
health and social care disciplines. - Interprofessional Education occurs when two or
more professions learn with, from and about each
other to improve collaboration and the quality of
care CAIPE 2002
4Interprofessional learning and teaching benefits
individuals and communities by
- developing knowledge and skills for improving
understanding, communication and teamwork between
professionals and between organisations - supporting integrated, holistic services for
patients, service users, clients and carers - reducing duplication, conflict and gaps in
service provision - improving job satisfaction for teachers,
practitioners and students
5A European network is needed to
- Build capacity in collaborative practice to
improve services - Disseminate successful strategies for developing
interprofessional learning - Exchange good practice examples and solutions
- Promote sustainable relationships between
stakeholders in health and social care.
6Activities 2005-7
- Partner meetings to share expertise
- Website www.eipen.org
- National and transnational events workshops,
seminars and symposia - New IPE courses
- Staff exchanges EIPEN partners and UK
Universities - Conference in Krakow, Poland 12-14 September 2007
7Challenges for EIPEN that mirror challenges in
interprofessional education
- Language differences between professions,
educational systems, countries and ethic groups - Diversity of histories and traditions
professional, organisational, national, regional - Different practices and structures in health and
social care services and education across EU - Different pedagogical approaches didactic v.
interactive learning v. experiential learning - Significant differences in understanding of IPE
within the partnership (and professions)
8What next for EIPEN and interprofessional
- Extend the partnership in Europe
- Disseminate the work of UK CETLs
- Link with other international organisations the
Network Towards Unity for Health and InterEd, and
countries - Continue to support good quality evaluations of
IPE - Focus on Quality Assurance in Interprofessional
Education to fit subject bench marks, ethical
practice and learning outcomes