1 2 1) What had the Nazis banned in 1933 to make
sure there was very little opposition? 2
- Other political parties
- Trade Unions
3 2) Where were people sent if they criticised the
4 3) What proportion of Communist party members
were arrested by the Nazis?
5 4) What was the name of the Nazi Church that
was set up?
6 5) What event in 1938 did the Church not
- Reichskristallnacht
- The Night of Broken Glass
7 6) Name one famous priest who did have the
courage to speak out against the Nazis
8 7) Which event in 1934 meant that the army was
very grateful to Hitler?
- The Night of the Long knives.
- This was when Hitler eliminated opposition from
the SA.
9 8) In which year was there a famous army bomb
plot to murder Hitler?
10 9) Why was opposition from young people so
worrying to the Nazis?
- Because they were the most important generation
to Hitler. He wanted them to continue his Reich
by being soldiers and mothers.
11 10) What was the full name of this opposition
group the ________ Pirates?
12 11) What kind of things did they do to oppose
the Nazis? 2
- Avoided Hitler Youth meetings and had fun.
- They listened to American music and wore
fashionable clothes
13 12) What did one group of them do in Cologne in
- Killed a Hitler Youth leader.
- (They were hanged in revenge.)
14 13) What was the name of the student opposition
group in Munich?
- The White Rose
- (They spread anti-Nazi messages through leaflets,
posters and graffiti.)