Title: Trophic Ecology
1Trophic Ecology
- What are the trophic interactions in streams
- Microbial Loop
- Invertebrate consumers
- Consumers of CPOM
- Consumers of FPOM
- Herbivores consumers of autotrophs
- Predators consumers of other animals
- Fish consumers functional feeding groups
- Herbivores
- Predators
- Other vertebrate predators
- How to track the flow of energy through the system
2- the microbial food web is a sink for C transfer,
although still important in remineralizing C and
nutrients - bacterial production has been shown to reach
virtually all consumers including fish - invertebrates and fishes, the concepts of FFG and
guild greatly aid our assessment of feeding roles
by adding the where and the how to the
what of re- source consumption
3- FFGs of macroinvertebrates, categorized according
to food sources and mechanism of food
acquisition, reflect the four most important food
resources found in streams periphyton, CPOM,
FPOM, and animal prey. - FFGs provide insight into the relative importance
of various basal resources. - Further feeding specialization is seen to varying
degrees within each of these feeding groups - Most suitable for late instars
4- guilds of fishes categorize feeding roles through
a combination of what is eaten and where it is
consumed, such as midwater versus benthic
invertivores - Relatively few fishes are herbivorous in the
temperate zone - most members of an assemblage fall into various
categories of invertivores or piscivores - Extensive functional specialization can be
observed in fish mouthparts, digestive
capabilities, and sensory modalities for
detecting prey - Other vertebrate predators
- Salamanders
- Crocodiles
- Otters
- Herons
- Diving Ducks/Predatory Ducks
- Mink
5Trophic Ecology
6Trophic Ecology
7Trophic Ecology
8Invertivore, Piscivore, Herbivore
12- How to we assess the flow of energy through a
food web? - What sort of components do we need to examine
- Think of Primary Production
- Standing crop vs. secondary production
- Standing stock
- biomass or energy per unit area at one point in
time units are g/m2 - Production
- Biomass or energy produced per unit area per unit
time g/m2/day - Primary production vs. secondary production
- Net Primary Production Gross primary production
- respiration - Net primary production secondary production
- Numbers of studies
- secondary production lags far behind primary
14Invertebrate Ecology -
- Important for understanding Population and
community processes - Secondary production
- living organic matter, or biomass, produced by an
animal population during an Interval of time - Net production of consumers above respiration and
excretion - The flow rate of biomass produced
- Units biomass or energy per unit area per unit
time - combines in one measurement
- Individual growth
- Population survivorship
- Secondary Production - most appropriate response
to consider when trying to understand mechanisms
of population or community regulation
15Secondary Production Methods
- Basic methods for secondary production
- Cohort Method
- Voltinism and Lifespan are the two key parameters
- Actual Cohort Methods
- Bugs tend to lay eggs at same time
- Grow at similar rates
- Emerge synchronously
- Calculation of productivity is easy from field
samples - Frequent quantitative sampling of the population
over life cycle - Data is used to construct true growth and
survivorship curves - Four Kinds of Cohort Methods
- Allen Curve
- Removal Summation Method
- Increment Summation Method
- Instantaneous Growth
16(No Transcript)
17Secondary Production Cohort Method
- Points represent
- loss of individuals
- increase in individual size
- Standing stock at any time is
- Standing Stock Nt x Wt
- Production for the cohort Total area under
curve - Four methods are different ways of estimating
this area - Note if there is no mortality production No x
Wf - Standing Stock at end Nf x Wf Portion reaching
final instar emerge
18Secondary Production Cohort Methods
- Allen Curve Method
- Graphical
- non-algebraic representation
- Sample frequently enough to decipher growth
pattern between dates - Area under the curve total cohort production
- Can use either an exponential curve or a smoothed
curve connecting individual data points - Can determine production between 2 dates
- Increment-summation (Pechen and Shushkina 1964)
- Sum of the growth increments over the lifespan of
the cohort - ? (mean WN)
- Can determine production between 2 dates, i.e. as
it's added - Rather than drawing a continuous curve
successive N and W values can be used to
calculate production between date - The area of the rectangle defined by Y and Z can
be calculated as N?W - this equals production over ?t
- Total cohort production can be calculated by
doing this over the whole time
19Secondary Production Cohort Methods
- Removal-summation (Boysen-Jensen 1919) -
estimated mortality sum losses - Basis - what Is produced eventually dies or is
removed - Production Is not accounted for until it is lost
Equals trapezoid of X Y - Calculated as ? (mean WN)
- Total Production is added by summing these areas
- Production Is not accounted for until it is lost
20Secondary Production Cohort Methods
- ?B the increase or decrease in standing stock
during ?t is equal to the area Z X - Actual production (YZ) during ?t is equal to the
production lost (XY) plus ?B ( Z-X) - Thus the increment Summation and Removal
Summation Methods are just different ways of
adding up the areas under the curves should
give the same result
21Secondary Production Cohort Methods
- Instantaneous Growth Method
- Assumes and exponential increase in individual
biomass - Production is calculated at
- Production g ?t ?
- g ?t ln(Wt?t / Wt)
- ? (mean B) (Bt Bt?t)/2
- Bt NtWt
22Secondary Production Cohort Method
- Problems with the methods
- These are often viewed as the ideal method
against which others are compared - Assume that
- samples are collected from a population growing
synchronously - All hatch at an instant in time
- Growth is at the same rate
- Following the true survivorship curve and true
growth curve - We are following an apparent and not true
survivorship and growth curve - Some individuals are dying and some are growing
into next instar even before all are hatched
23Concept of Production to Biomass Ratio P/ B
- Production (P) and mean standing stock biomass
provides critical information about the
production dynamics - Cohort P/B and annual P/B provide different
information - Cohort P/B is the production of a real cohort
divided by mean biomass for the length of time it
takes a cohort to complete development - This development time is called cohort production
interval or CPI - The Examples
- Cohort P/B is calculated by taking any estimate
of P and dividing it by CPI or 5.6 and equals
roughly 5 - The cohort P/B is related to the shapes of the
growth and survivorship curves than to individual
growth and is independent of time for a cohort to
grow for hatching to emergence - Usually varies from 2 8
- Annual P/B annual production divided by mean
biomass over entire year - Directly related to individual growth rate
- Annual mean B 50.4 / sampling dates (9) 4.58
- P/B 29.69/4.58 6.48 for removal summation and
inverse of Annual P/B
24Secondary Production Size-Frequency Method
- Most species are not a neat synchronous cohort
- An average size frequency distribution
calculated from samples taken over a year will
approximate the average survivorship of a
hypothetical average cohort - Analogous to the removal-summation method except
that W?N values are based on changes between size
groups rather than between sampling dates - Assumes that larval development takes a year
- Benke Adjusted by 365/CPI multiplied by the size
frequency calculation
25Secondary Production Quick Methods
- Several methods have been developed but require
major assumptions - Production estimated from mean standing stock
biomass - Since cohort P/B ratios are constant 5 one can
assume an annual P/B of 5 for univoltine spp. - Production estimated from emergence data
- In some situations this may be the only way what
are they? And why? - Production is estimated from maximum standing
stock biomass - Ratio of production to max biomass is often close
to 1.5 but will need to add in CPI - P/B ratio is estimated as Temp2/10 where temp is
in oC - This stinks and is very limited
26Magnitude of Production and Turnover
- Magnitude of production depends on
- The standing stock biomass
- The rate of biomass turnover or annual P/B ratio
- Since cohort P/B is 5
- The length of aquatic life or CPI is the primary
determinant of annual P/B - Production might be high because of
- High biomass alone
- High turnover (Short CPI) or a combination of
these two - Lentic Systems studied mostly Chironimids
- Midge 162 g dry wt/m2
- 10 50 g dry wt/m2 is normal and due to high
biomass rather than turnover - some estimates of annual P/B ratios ranged from
2.9 36 - Due to short development times
- Some tropical midges develop in 5 days in warm
water - Assume high cohort P/B of 8
- Annual P/B 8 x 365/5 584 biomass turnover
rate is less than a day - Never reported but seems likely
- Lotic Estimates
- Total of 200 g dry wt/m2/year
27Applications of secondary production studies
- Allen paradox (Allen 1951)
- "Allen's Paradox" - Horokiwi Stream, NZ fishes
require more invertebrate food than stream
apparently can produce - Horokiwi stream, New Zealand
- Benthos production Insufficient to support
observed fish production based on ecotrophic
coefficients and gross production efficiency - Possible explanations
28The Allen Paradox Predator consumption
- Allen 1951 calculated that fishes in the Horkiwi
Stream of New Zealand required 100 time more
benthic prey biomass in a year than was available - He calculated that benthic animals must have an
annual P/B100 - Allens P/B was higher than obtained in estimates
of secondary production of similar streams - Estimates of weekly P/B needed to be 1 to meet
predator removal and an annual P/B of 30 to meet
dragon fly predation
- Part of the answer was the presence of multiple
generations per year - Most estimates for species that had life cycles
lasting one year thus annual P/B were low - When you account for CPI and chironomids you come
out on top - Import
- Drift from upstream areas
- Terrestrial sources
- Overlooked habitat
- Snags
- Hyporheos
- Meiofauna
30Applications of secondary production studies
- Determining the contribution of various food
sources to secondary production rates - Trophic basis of production studies (e.g. Benke
and Wallace 1980) - Proportion in diet ? contribution to production
- must account for assimilation and production
efficiencies - NPE P/A
- AE A/I
- Can determine major driving force from an
energetics viewpoint - Can determine minimum estimates of production of
other food sources - Can gain insights into changes in food quality
and abundance available to organisms downstream