Title: Syngenta
1 Commercialization of Bacillus thuringiensis
Insecticides in China
Yang Ziwen
Hubei Bt Research Development Center
2Conventional Crop Protection Market 2000
Others 3.5
Fungicides 20.2
Herbicides 50.8
Insecticides 25.5
Total 27,830 million
3Global Crop Protection Market Performance
1995-2000-2005 Forecast
Sales Sales Real Growth 2005
2005/2000 1995 2000 2000/95
Forecast Forecast (m) (m) (p.a.)
(2000 m) (p.a.)
Herbicides 13807 14140 0.7
13928 0.3 Insecticides 7530
7090 -1.0 7318
0.6 Fungicides 5700 5620 -0.1
5900 1.0 Others
1353 980 -6.1
990 0.2
Total Conventional Products 28390
27830 -0.2 28136 0.2
4Insecticide Market by Chemical Sector 2000
Benzoylureas 2.8
Organochlorines 2.0
Others 4.7
Other IGRs 1.6
Organophosphates 33.1
Acaricides 6.1
Natural Products 7.0
Neonicotinoids 8.5
Pyrethroids 19.7
Carbamates 14.5
Total 7090 million
5Natural Products 2000
Thiocyclam 2.0
Emamectin 3.1
Bensultap 3.0
Abamectin 32.3
Milbemectin 8.1
Spinosad 21.2
Bacillus thuringiensis 30.3
Total 495 million Global Market Share 1.8
6Natural Products Five Year Sales Performance
7Leading Natural Products Performance
Active Sales
Launch Growth Ingredient
(m) Date 2000/95 (p.a.)
Abamectin 160
1985 7.8 Bacillus thuringiensis
150 1970
0.0 Spinosad 105
1995 80.3 Milbemectin
40 1991
32.0 Bensultap lt30
1986 8.4 Emamectin
benzoate lt30 1998
n.a. Thiocyclam lt10
1979 14.9
Total 495
8The Use of Pesticides in China
- Total Market of Pesticides in China
2500million. - Five high toxic OP account to 70 among
insecticides. - The lost of export value of agro-products due
to high toxic - residue content was up to 7 billion USD
9The Use of Pesticides in China
- Five high toxic OPs
- Methamidophos
- Parathion
- Parathion-methyl
- Monocrotophos
- Phosphamidon
10The Use of Biopesticides in China
Promotion the use of environmental friendly
biopesticides in China has been listed in China
21st Agenda with priority. The production and
RD of biopesticides are the hottest part among
agrochemical field.
11The Use of Microbial Pesticides in China
- Total output 100000 tons in 2000.
- Agro-antibiotics 5-60000 tons
- Bts 3-40000 tons
- Others less than 10000 tons
12The Use of Microbial Pesticides in China
- Effective compounds 77(13.4 of total
agrochemicals) - Formulations 691(7.1 of total agrochemicals)
- Producers 200 (15.8 of total agrochemicals)
- Treated area 30 million hectares in 2000
13The Use of Agro-antibiotics in China
Jinggongmycin. (Validamycin) produced by
Streptomyces hygroscopicus var. Jinggangensis
Yen for control of Thanatephorus cucumeris in
paddy field.
14The Use of Agro-antibiotics in China
Avermectin produced by Streptomyces
avermictills nov.SP.
15The Use of Insect Viruses in China
16The Use of Entomopathogenic Fungi in China
17The Use of Bacteria Insecticides in China
Bacillus thuringiensis
var. aizawai var.
kurstaki var.
Bacillus sphaericus Ts-1, Bs-10, C3-41
18Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
Sporulated culture
19The Local Bt Production in China
China is ...
- one of the biggest agricultural countries
- insecticides represent about 70 of total
pesiticides market great potential market for
China is ...
- local production should be developed to
- produce good quality Bt products at low cost
20The Progress of Local Bt Production in China
1964 First Bt workshop established at
Wuhan 1970s Village manufacturers produced
Bts in semi- solid fermentations 1980s Few
manufacturers produced Bt liquid formulations
in submers fermentations 1990s More than 40
manufacturers produce liquid wettable powder
formulations 2000s Less than 10 companies
produce varies formulations
21The Origin of Bt Strains Used in China
before 1970s - Introduced Bt strains from
foreign countries (e.g. Bt
galleriae,) 1970s - 1980s - Screened Bt
strains isolated from local samples and
introduced Bt strains (e.g. Bt HD-1 , Bt
8010) 1990s - Bt strains isolated from
local samples
(e.g.MP-342, Bt Ken-AG, Bt
yBt-1520) - Improvement of strains by
genetic methods
22The Bt Production Scales in China(1980s-2002)
40000 l
Fermentor volume increasing ...
30000 l
20000 l
7000 l
Mid 1990s
Early 1990s
Late 1980s
model - 150
Spray dryer capacity increasing...
model - 450
model - 2000
23The Bt Production Process for Formulations
slant seed
production fermentor
24The Bt Production Process for Formulations
storage tank
Liquid Formulation
Powder Formulation
25Formulation Capabilities at BtRDC
2 Formulation Lines
Liquid formulation
Wettable Powder
8000 IU/ mg 16000 IU / mg 32000 IU /
mg 50000 IU / mg two years stability
2000 IU / ul 4000 IU / ul 8000 IU / ul one
year stability
Standard concentrations
26Other Formulations
- Oil suspension
- Granule
- Floating granule
27The Used of Bt Among Different Crops
28Major Targets in Agriculture
Beet armworm
Cotton Bollworm
29Major Targets in Forest
30The Bt Bioassay Standard Procedures
use for Bt testing
New hatched larvae
Test on artificial diet
Check mortality
4th instar larvae
Calculate LC 50
Insect life-cycle
31Toxin Protein Quantification Standard Procedure
Gel- electrophoresis
32The Future Challenge of Bt Isecticide
Bt Insecticide Agricultural
Biotechnology Bt Insecticide Other
Natural Products
eg. Avermectin,Spinosad Bt Insecticide
33Global Crop Protection Market Performance
1995-2000-2005 Forecast
Sales Sales Real Growth 2005
2005/2000 1995 2000 2000/95
Forecast Forecast (m) (m) (p.a.)
(2000 m) (p.a.)
Herbicides 13807 14140 0.7
13928 0.3 Insecticides 7530
7090 -1.0 7318
0.6 Fungicides 5700 5620 -0.1
5900 1.0 Others
1353 980 -6.1
990 0.2
Total Conventional Products 28390
27830 -0.2 28136 0.2
Biotechnology 75 2665 104.8
5076 16.5
Overall Total 28465 30495 1.6
33212 1.7
34Agricultural Biotechnology Market by Sector 2000
Stacked Gene Varieties 12.6
Herbicide Tolerant Seed 66.1
Insect Resistant Seed 21.3
Total 2,665 million
35Agricultural Biotechnology Market by Crop 2000
Potato 0.4
Canola 3.3
Soybean 50.1
Cotton 16.0
Maize 30.2
Total 2,665 million
36Global Market of Insect Tolerant Crops 2000
Bt Potato 2.1
Bt Maize 81.0
Bt Cotton 16.9
Total 570 million
37Agricultural Biotechnology Market by Geography
East Asia 1.4
Canada 3.9
USA 81.7
Latin America 13.0
Total 2,665 million
38Bt Research and Development Center (BtRDC) at
Wuhan China
Wuhan Bt RDC
Hong Kong
39Hubei Bt Research Development Center
40Hubei Bt Research Development Center
- Chair the national project on microbial
pesticides. - Chair the publication of four national standards
of - Bt insecticides and provide standard
reference. - Leading in fermentation and formulation
technology. - Biggest producer of Bt insecticide in China
(40). - AA grade greenfood production insecticides.
41Hubei Bt Research Development Center
RD science and technology progress have been
awarded eight times since 1986
Greenguard -- National Brandname
Greenguard Top Ten Brandname in Agrochemical
42Sales Composition in BtRDC
Brand Sales
Export of TP
Domestic Sales of TP
43Specific formulations for different crops
- Rice
- Vegetables
- Cotton
- Corn
- Forest
- Tea tree
- Tobacco
- Mosquito
44The Third International Training Course
45The Forth International Training Course
46The Fifth International Training Course
47The International Symposium Hosted by BtRDC
48 Thank you!
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