Title: Syngenta Diagnostics Interactive Web Site
1Syngenta Diagnostics Interactive Web Site
Jason Barnett1, Alex Moore2, Tom Christensen2,
Warren Boerger2, and Jim Beck1
1Syngenta Biotechnology, Inc. 2Syngenta Crop
Protection, Inc. 1P.O. Box 12257 1P.O. Box
18300 1Research Triangle Park, NC
27709-2257 1Greensboro, NC 27409
Syngenta promotes the concept of sustainable
agriculture by providing tools for the management
of crops. One way Syngenta supports sustainable
agriculture is through the development of
diagnostic tests to determine diseases in crops.
Crops that we have successfully supported with
diagnostic testing include wheat, corn, almonds,
and bananas. This year, we are implementing a
Diagnostics Interactive website for our
customers. The website includes information on
crop disease diagnostics, crop sampling
protocols, disease awareness maps and links to
additional resources. By providing access to all
of this information in one website we are
providing Syngenta customers with another tool
for the judicious management of their crops.
Diagnostic Technologies
Diagnostic Tests
This test is performed pursuant to licensing
arrangements with Applied Biosystems under
patents owned by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
Syngenta Biotechnology, Inc. Who We Are
Syngenta Biotechnology, Inc. is located in
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. It was
first established as a biotechnology research
facility under by Ciba-Geigy in 1983. The
facility has grown and developed, including a
recent expansion of the labs and greenhouses.
Today, more than 270 scientists and support
personnel work at Syngenta Biotechnology, Inc.
Syngenta Biotechnology Inc. researchers come
from some of the most prestigious agricultural
universities in the world, and bring a breadth of
experience in plant genetics, molecular biology,
cell biology, chemistry and biochemistry. We are
combining very different techniques from genetic
enhancement of plants to high throughput
screening of potential chemical or biological
compounds for crop protection for the common
ambition of using science for the development of
practical, commercial solutions to challenges
facing farmers, consumers and our environment.
2A Service to Our Customers
Professional Services Pages quick links to
information for your crop
Access to Key Crop Specific Links
Access to Sampling Protocols
- Extension technical flashes
- Weather Links
Farm Assist.com
Syngenta Product Information
Web-based Accession of Testing Results
Web-based Mapping and Tracking of Results
Future Directions
- By entering your password in the page above, you
will be able to see testing results for your
samples from any computer. - Results will be tabulated so that you can see
testing history for your crops
- Results regularly updated for our testing
programs will allow for a more broad look at how
results are coming in your region