Title: The potentials of Direct Democracy
1The potentials of Direct Democracy
- Amsterdam november 8 th 2002
- Andreas Gross, Zuerich/St.Ursanne
- www.andigross.ch
2Every democracy is unfinished
- Democracy may be deepened (Pol. )
- Democracy may become finer (Repres. )
- Democracy may be enlarged (Nat. )
3Direct Democracy (DD) is not to be identified
-  plebiscitaryan democracy
- anti-parliamentarian politics
- an element of demagogy
- direct elections of politicians
4Direct Democracy (DD) (Propositions referendums
peoples votes)is able to make
- Politics more communicative
- May bring politics closer to the people
- opens politics to other people and other issues
- enforces more collective learning processes to
all sides
5In order to enable DD (Propositions referendums
peoples votes)to realise this, it has to be
well designed
- You should need not more than 1 3
- The gathering of the sign. has to be free
- No issues should be excluded
- Do not try to save time
- no special majority requirements
- interaction, not confrontation, with Parliament
6DD on local and regional level is a condition to
restore confidence in democracy in order to
constitute DD on the national and European level
- DD reduces apathy
- DD reduces cynism
- DD restores trust in yourself and others
- DD reduces the personalization of politics and
opens the public sphere to the essential
questions of the society and our times
7DD is not only a way to make decisions, but also
a way to
- see more (mirror)
- to understand better
- to be heard and listened to
- to be taken more seriously
8Direct Democracy (DD) is a little bit less
unfinished then the indirect democracy which is
an essential part of DD
- Better distribution of power
- more modern notion of citizen
- Differenciates politics and political decisions
- Creates more communication and learning
- softest way to integrate people
9The project of democracy in the US- and F -
- Citizens are not consumers but political actors
- Freedom means to be able to act and not to have
to live life as destiny
10The democratic paradox of this turning of the
- In the same moment where democracy globally
became the only legitimate source of power - democracy is in a deep crises with four
dimensions Level / Form / Concept/ - Under - estimation of the actors