Title: Diapositive 1
1Transition to turbulence and turbulent
bifurcation in a von Karman flow
F.Daviaud SPEC, CEA/Saclay, France In
collaboration with A. Chiffaudel, B. Dubrulle,
L. Marié, F. Ravelet, P. Cortet
VKS team
2Turbulent von Karman flow
- Axisymmetry
- Rp symmetry / radial axis
- Rc100 mm
- H 180 mm
- f 2-20 Hz
- Re 2p Rc f2 / ? 102 106
- fluid water and glycerol-water
Inertial stirring TM60 propellers Velocity
33 scales
Mean on 60 s 500 f -1
Mean on 1/20 s 1/2 f -1
Mean on 1/500 s 1/50 f -1
4First bifurcations and symmetry breaking
meridian plane poloïdal recirculation
Re 90 Stationary axisymmetric
Re 185 m 2 stationary
Re 400 m 2 periodic
Tangent plane shear layer
5Time spectra as a function of Re
Re 330
Re 380
Re 440
6Time spectra as a function of Re
Re 1000
Re 4000
2000 lt Re lt 6500
Bimodal distribution signature of the turbulent
7Transition to turbulence Azimuthal kinetic
energy fluctuations
Developed turbulence
Globally supercritical transition via a
Kelvin-Helmholtz type instability of the shear
layer and secondary bifurcations
Ravelet et al. JFM 2008
Rec 330
Ret 3300
8Multiplicity of solutions
Kp Torque/?Rc5 (2p f)2
Rec 330
Ret 3300
9Turbulent Bifurcation of the mean flow
Symmetry broken 2 different mean flows exchange
Bifurcated flow (b) no more shear layer broken
Re 3.105
two cells one state
one cell two states
10Turbulent Bifurcation
- Kp Torque/?Rc5 (2p f)2 ?Kp Kp1- Kp2
- ? (f2-f1) / (f2f1)
- Re (f1f2)1/2
Re 3.105
Ravelet et al. PRL 2004
11Stability of the symmetric state
Statistics on 500 runs for different ?
- Cumulative distribution
- functions of bifurcation time tbif
- P(tbifgtt)A exp(-(t-t0)/t)
- t0f 5
- t characteristic bif. time
12Stability of the symmetric state
- symmetric state
- marginally stable
- t ? 8 when ? ? 0
exponent -6
13Mutistability f(Re)
14Forbidden zone with velocity regulation
Forbidden zone for stationary regimes
g (Kp1-Kp2)/(Kp1Kp2)
1 cell (velocity) 2 cells (velocity)
? (F1-F2)/(F1F2)
15 Forbidden zone with torque regulation
Intermittent states (i)
g (Kp1-Kp2)/(Kp1Kp2)
intermittent states (i)
1 cell (velocity) 1 cell (torque) 2 cells
? (F1-F2)/(F1F2)
16Torque regulation stochastic transitions
1cell state ? 2 cells states
Kp1 ? Kp2 ? 1 cell
Kp1 Kp2, intermittence between 2 states
q , f
Kp1 ? Kp2 ? 2 cells
17VKS dynamo experiment
Propellers TM73
Small curvature, diameter 3/4
Meridional annulus
18Position of the shear layer f(?)
SPIV measurements
?c 0.09
without annulus
? r 0.7
Position z of the separatrix
? stagnation point
?c 0.175
with annulus
? 0.05, without annulus
? (F1-F2)/(F1F2)
The annulus stabilizes the separatrix
19Transition 1 cell - 2 cells at ?c 0.175
- quasi-continuous transition
- small hysteresis
- small Kp difference
- very different from TM60 propellers
lt?Kpgt ltKp1gt - ltKp2gt
? (F1-F2)/(F1F2)
20Transition at ?c 0.175
Mean ?Kp is continuous
Time (sec.)
? (F1-F2)/(F1F2)
stochastic transition 1 ?2 cells
Time (sec.)
21Transition at ?c 0.175
Measurements 2 200 min
22Transition at ?c
?c 0.174
Cf. de la Torre Burguete PRL 2007 and Friday
? (F1-F2)/(F1F2)
23Origin of erratic field reversals observed in
VKS experiment?
? 0.17
24Bifurcations in turbulent flows theory?
- von Karman turbulent bifurcation
- VKS dynamo action
- and B reversals
- 3. Couette flows turbulent stripes and spirals
Prigent, Dauchot et al. PRL 2002