Title: EurbestNEWS_01
1Project Progress
TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Progress Study
Tour to Birmingham..1 Full Eurbest General
Meeting to Launch Transfer Phase...2 Par
tner Practical Experiences Generation Turnover-
The Regional Support System Services for the
Business Transfer 3 Business Support
Accelerate Programme..4 A regional
strategy for Cluster development5
European News FinNetSME Network for Regional
Finance6 Access to finance of
small and medium-sized enterprises..7 Partner
News RUISNET Regional University- Industries
Strategies Network...8 Project
Qualitative Network Study Tour to
Birmingham Since the publication of the last
newsletter at the beginning of the year, the
members of the Qualitative network have taken
part in a new study tour to the West Midlands in
the UK. The visit, hosted by AWM took place
during the 22nd to the 24th June and centered on
the thematic area of Access to Business
Finance. Following the methodology used in
previous study tours, Lead Participants
presented their best practices and held
discussions on several issues concerning
access to business finance within their
regions. A joint reception dinner was held
with the members of the EU IMCO Committee on
the Interrnal Market and Consumer Protection. The
delegates were also able to listen to a
presentation on FinNetSME Network for Regional
Finance by Christian Saublens from Eurada and a
presentation by Norman Price, Deputy Chairman of
AWM on how the region has responded to the Rover
Crisis. The Study Tour concluded with a visit to
the Maverick TV Company, one of the success
stories financed by the instruments provided by
Advantage West Midlands. For further information
on this visit, contact Socintec
2Project Progress
- The second workshop was designed to begin the
process of partners determining which practices
are of most interest to their own organisations. - The outputs of both workshops have been used in
oder to determine the content of the tool to help
partner organisations make a final selection. - The tool content will comprise
- A summary of partner activities to help in
identifying agencies with similar activities. - Agency context to help in identifying agency
structure and size. - Detailed synopsis of practices to enable
easier identification of practices of interest. - Transfer vehicles to enable matching of
practices to appropriate vehicles. - Project participants were also given the
opportunity of participating in a speeddating
exercise in which they were able to meet with the
owners of the practices of most interest to them. - For further information please contact EPI CENTRE
- (r.ackerman_at_cad.coventry.ac.uk)
Full Eurbest Meeting to Launch Transfer Phase The
last full Partner Meeting was hosted by AWM in
Birmingham during the 23rd and 24th of June
2005. The meeting provided all the project
participants with the opportunity of learning
about the progress of the project since the last
meeting in November and also gave them the
opportunity of welcoming the new partners to the
project. As well as the presentation of 3 best
practices by the Agencia de Innovación y
Desarrollo de Andalucia, the Instituto Andaluz
de Tecnología and Ervet, delegates were also
able to learn about the RDA Supply Chain Model,
presented by Christian Saublens from Eurada. The
second day of the meeting was dedicated to the
launch of the Transfer Component and in which
project participants participated in various work
shops and exercises. The first Workshop was
designed to identify ways that partner
organisations would like to learn about the
practices identified through the Eurbest
programme in order to determine which are of most
3Project Progress
Next Study Tour and Full Eurbest Meeting
4Partner Practical Experiences
Andalusian Award to Excellence The measure
was launched in the year 2000 and it takes place
on a yearly basis ever since. The principal
objective or the measure is to give an incentive
to Andalusian organisations to use innovative
management tools, more specifically the EFQM
model. The measure is offered and diffused to
more than 1000 companies and organisations of all
sizes, sectors and business areas in Andalusia.
5Partner Practical Experiences
6European News
7European News
8Partner News
Project Partners Agencia de Desarrollo Económico
de Castilla y León http//www.jcyl.es/ade Agencia
de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucia www.ifa.es
AGIT- Aachener Gesellschaft fur innovation und
Technologietransfer mBH www.agit.de AWM -
Advantage West Midlands www.advantagewm.co.uk
ASTER Scienza Tecnologica Impresa www.aster.it BI
C Sardegna www.bicsardegna.it Brussels Entreprise
Agency www.abe.irisnet.be CEBANOR www.cebanor.as
so.fr Centro Sviluppo SpA www.centrosviluppo.it E
RVET S.p.a. Politiche per le imprese www.ervet.it
IAT - Instituto Andaluz de Tecnologia www.iat.es I
DEPA-Instituto de Desarrollo Economico del
Principado de Asturias www.idepa.es IMPIVA
www.impiva.gva.es INFO -Instituto de Fomento
Region de Murcia www.info.carm.es ITC-Instituto
Tecnologico de Canarias www.itccanarias.org Pohjoi
s-Karjalan Litto www.pohjois-karjala.fi Sevilla
Global www.sevillaglobal.es SIVA - Selskapet for
industrivekst SF www.siva.no SODENA-Sociedad de
Desarrollo de Navarra www.sodena.com Sonderjylland
s TIC ErhvervsCenter www.sjec.dk SPRI-Sociedad
Para La Promocion Y Reconversion
Industrial www.spri.es Wraclaw Regional
Development Agency www.warr.pl For more
information please contact Geoffrey Flectcher,
geoffreyfletcher_at_advantagewm.co.uk Juan D.
Olabarri, tolabarri_at_spri.es
EURADA supports the Knowledge Dissemination and
in the general coordination and continuation of
the work.