Title: Innovating a New State Plan Under Perkins IV
1Innovating a New State Plan Under Perkins IV
- Maximizing the State Leadership Opportunities
2- If you dont know where you are going youll
end up somewhere else. -
Yogi Berra
3Opportunities for Leadership
- Unprecedented opportunity to exercise leadership
under Perkins IV - Your vision/mission for CTE is the starting point
- Assess your decisions against your vision/mission
- Focus federal dollars on closing the gaps
4OverviewOpportunities for Leadership
- High Skill, High Wage, High Demand
- In-State Distribution of Funds
- Reserve Fund
- Articulation Agreements
- Programs of Study
- Local Applications
- Consortia
- Tech Prep
- Accountability
- Incentives, Sanctions and Improvement Plans
51 High Skill, High Wage, High Demand
- New requirement can be a driving force
- Becomes a filter by which states can bring focus
to the federal investment - Eliminate the check list mentality
- Because we can or because we always have are
no longer a viable options
61 High Skill, High Wage, High Demand
- Linking uses of funds with labor
- market needs
- Documenting our role in closing the skills gap
- Documenting our role in U.S. competitiveness in
the global economy - Basis for creating partnerships with economic and
workforce development, local employer leaders
71 High Skill, High Wage, High Demand
- Where does this show up in the Act?
- State plan
- Link to uses of funds
- Programs of study
- Accountability measures
- Expansion and improvement of non-trad programs
82 In-State Distribution of Funds
- Not just what is the secondary-postsecondary
split but why? - What is your rationale?
- History
- Enrollments
- Need
- Achievement gaps
- Opportunity to rethink your in-state split and
distribution formulas
93 Reserve Fund
- States can set aside 10 of the local funds (85)
- Reserve fund can be used for any eligible local
use of funds in - Rural Areas
- Areas with high percentages of CTE students
- Areas with high numbers of CTE students
103 Reserve Fund
- States have broad discretion in using the reserve
fund - Can use to form consortia (including tech prep
programs) - Programs of study
- Incentive Grants
- Teacher Prep programs
- Other ideas
- Focus on an industry area
- Focus on a performance indicator
- Send out competitively or by a formula
11- Opportunities are usually disguised as hard
work, so most people dont recognize them. -
- Ann Landers
124 Articulation Agreements
- New state focus and role for articulation
agreements - Bring attention to policy discussions about
barriers to transition and credit mobility - Approved at the state level
- Annual review by heads of institutions
- Must lead to the attainment of a credential,
degree, or certificate - Moving towards state-wide articulation agreements
135 Programs of Study
- Programs of study are
- A way to transition from VTE to CTE.
- Can enhance secondary and postsecondary
collaboration. - Can build on tech prep as infrastructure.
- Decision point
- Who develops and how approved?
- Marylands Fast Track Program
- http//www.marylandpublicschools.org/MSDE/division
s/careertech/career_technology/programs/ - New York States Program Approval Process
- http//www.emsc.nysed.gov/cte/ctepolicy/docs/CTEgu
145 Programs of Study
- Programs of study is broader than an articulation
agreement focused on an occupation. - Decision point How much of Perkins will be
delivered via or focus on programs of study? - Resource Sample plans of study
156 Local Applications
- State plan and local application language
contains many similarities. - States have wide latitude in defining
requirements for local applications. - Section 134 is defines the minimum
- The eligible agency shall determine the
requirements for local plans, except that each
local plan shall
16- The art of leadership is saying no, not yes. It
is very easy to say yes. - - Tony Blair
176 Local Applications
- Be proactive in defining uses of funds, creating
incentives or discouraging behaviors - Formula does not equate to an entitlement.
- Set caps or minimums on uses of funds.
- Link application requirements to accountability
data. - The checklist approach can no longer prevail.
187 Consortia
- Perkins IV allows eligible recipients to form
consortia for - Professional development/teacher prep
- Data collection and use
- Programs of study
- Technical assessments
197 Consortia
- Why require consortia?
- Promote tech prep like programs under a merged
Title I funding stream - Create an incentive for secondary and
postsecondary collaboration - Create an incentive related to programs of study
- Improve the use and collection of data
20- Leadership has a harder job to do than just
choose sides. It must bring sides together. -
- Jesse Jackson
218 Tech Prep
- To merge or not to merge?
- Can you meet the accountability requirements?
- What barriers do you face in this decision?
- Systemic barriers?
- Opposition?
- Long term funding implications
228 Tech Prep
- If you merge funding, how can you continue tech
prep activities? - Allowable use of funds
- New consortia provisions
- Reserve fund
- Programs of study
238 Tech Prep
- If you do not merge funding
- Meeting and tracking accountability requirements
- 20 new accountability measures Title I measures
- Opportunities to influence focus of tech prep
program - Focus on 2 to 4 year transition
- Focus on occupational areas
248 Tech Prep
- Decision Point Competitive or formula
- Decision Point Improvement Plans and Sanctions
- State flexibility in determining improvement
process and sanctions - States can force tech prep consortia to re-submit
applications - States can withhold all or some of funding
259 Negotiations Fed to State
- Feds continue to negotiate with states
- Look at state to state comparisons
- Must show continuous improvement
- Negotiations every 2 years
269 Negotiations State to Local
- States required to negotiate performance levels
with all local recipients - Negotiations every 2 years
- Start point state levels of performance
- Establish a process if local does not want to
accept state level
279 Accountability Data
- How will you share accountability information
with locals? the broader community? - How will you use the data to make improvements?
- Local applications
- Uses of funds
- Programs of study
- Professional development
- Technical assistance
289 Accountability Data
- Disaggregation categories
- Gender
- Race/ethnicity
- Individuals with disabilities
- Migrants
- Individuals with limited English proficiency
- Individuals from economically disadvantaged
families including foster children - Single parents, including single pregnant women
- Displaced homemakers
- Individual preparing for nontraditional fields
2910 Incentive Grants
- Incentive grants (out of state leadership
dollars) can be given for - Performance data
- Secondary / postsecondary collaboration
- Serving special pops
- Other factors
3010 Improvement Plans
- Failure to meet performance target for any
measure - Must develop and implement an improvement plan
- First program year not meeting the performance
3110 Improvement Plans
3210 Sanctions
- Sanctions possible if states
- Fail to implement improvement plan
- OR
- Fail to show performance improvements once an
improvement plan is in place OR - Fail to meet 90 of the same measures
performance target 3 years in a row
3310 Sanctions
- State
- Secretary can withhold some or all of state
admin/leadership - Local
- Sanction language mirrors that of the state
- Eligible agency can withhold some or all of the
local grant
3410 Sanctions
- You do not lead by hitting people over the
head - that's assault, not leadership. -
- Dwight Eisenhower
- NCLB tests are at the 10th grade before
students before enter CTE programs - Food for thought Do we want to agree,
collectively, to an additional performance
measure to document CTEs value add?
36The Idaho Experience
37Best Practices
- Focus on Leadership
- Development
38Focus on Quality
39Quality Agenda
- Rigorous technical programs
- Curricula that is
- Rigorous
- Relevant
- Measurable
- Technical achievement measures
- Industry Standards
- Allows for sufficient complexity
- All aspects of the industry
- Leadership development through youth
organizations - Integration of academic achievement standards
- Articulation of high school and college curricula
40Developing Rigorous Programs
41Secondary Enrollment Growth1996 - 2006
- Five year Enrollment in professional-technical
programs increased 8 - General 9-12 enrollment increased 6
- Ten year Enrollment increased by 39
- General 9-12 enrollment increased by 8
42Professional-Technical Schools
- FY 1999 Five schools
- 20 programs
- FY 2006 Twelve Schools
- 114 programs
43Professional-Technical School Enrollments
44Program Growth
Secondary Schools 2002-2006
- 2002 31 new programs (net
- decrease of 6)
- 2003 28 new programs (net
- decrease of 10)
- 2004 51 new programs (net increase of 24)
- 2005 32 new programs (net decrease of 5)
- 2006 50 new programs (net increase of 15)
- Total - 192/Net 18
45Program Evaluation
- Developed new criteria
- Developed a new process
- Need to improve integration with Perkins
46Approved Program
Critical components Essential components
47Critical Elements
- Current and appropriate certification
- Classes follow sequence of courses
- Representative advisory committee meets regularly
- Leadership development is integral
- Realistic work experience is provided
Classrooms/laboratories are clean and safe and
students are provided safety instruction
48Essential Components
There are also twenty-one (21) essential
components listed on the review form that are
considered best practice. A secondary program
would also be placed on "Conditionally Approved"
status if more than three (3) of these components
did not meet standard.
49On-Site Program Reviews
- After a program review the program is assigned a
Program Status. They are - Approved
- Conditionally Approved
- Probationary
- Not Approved
- Program Managers conduct on-site reviews
- Program review form is also used by instructors
and/or administrators for self-assessment
50Integration of Academics
- Crosswalked all PTE curricula to state
achievement standards - Served on teacher standards group to develop
consistent PTE standards - Developed courses for dual credit
- Developed professional development
51PTE/Academic Courses
- Science
- Botany
- Ecology
- Zoology
- Food Science
- Aquaculture Science
- Equine Science
- Agricultural Biotechnology
- Environmental Science
- Applied Physics I II
- Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professions
52PTE/Academic Courses
- Economics
- Agricultural Business and Economics
- Economics the World of Finance
- Personal and Family Finance/Economics
- Marketing Economics
53PTE/Academic Courses
- Health/Wellness
- Orientation to Health Professions
- Fundamentals for Health Professions
- Family Health and Wellness
54Senior Project
- Use PTE course projects and activities
- Supervised Occupational Experiences
- Business internships
- Lab projects
- Use student organizations
- Competitive events
- Individual award events
- Community projects
55Improving Academic Achievement Through PTE
- Specially designed course to reinforce academic
standards - Math, reading and writing
- Delivered throughout the state by master teachers
- Collaboration with ISU, U of I and Dept of
Education - Targets all PTE teachers and interested academic
56Tech Prep Enrollment
57Secondary Tech Prep Enrollments and Credits FY05
- Total credits 10,036
- Value of credits - 1,032,078
58Focus on Partnerships
59The Right Attitude
- We dont have to exist
- Must provide a value added service
- Must be results oriented
- Must have a clear mission
- Money follows ideas
60Creating the Context
- Clear objective
- Increase quality
- Compelling need
- Shortage of workers
- Economic demand
- Public Opinion
- Focus on Partnerships
61An Example
62GAO Workforce Challenges and Opportunities for
the 21st CenturyJune, 2004
- Growth of knowledge-based economy
- Emphasis on problem solving and teamwork
- Advanced skill levels
- Use of new technology
- Competition from countries with greater supply of
young, well-educated workers - Under-emphasis on career-technical education
63Educational Testing Service Poll
- Only 9 of Americans think most high school
students are challenged
Peter Hart and David Winston, Ready for the Real
World? Americans Speak on High School Reform,
Educational Testing Service, June 2005
64Idaho high schools are doing an adequate job of
preparing students for their future
2004 Idaho Public Survey Produced by Clearwater
65Need for Rigor
- ETS poll
- All students should get rigorous coursework
before graduation - 4 years of math (73)
- 3 years of science (69)
- Schools need to emphasize real-world experiences
through career-technical courses (64)
Peter Hart and David Winston, Ready for the Real
World? Americans Speak on High School Reform,
Educational Testing Service, June 2005
66Attitudes Towards Education
- Study 1000 high schools in 26 states
- Important to continue education beyond high
school - 84 of girls
- 67 of boys
- Useful to do well in school
- to meet lifes goals
- 70 of girls
- 57 of boys
67Types of Information
- Enrollment
- Results or performance
- Examples
- Numbers
- Stories
68The Good and The Bad
- Be honest
- Simplify
- Establish a reputation for accurate
- information and quick response
- Reputation is everything when it comes to data
- Share bad information as well as the good
69Students need more information about careers and
educational requirements
2004 Idaho Public Survey Produced by Clearwater
70Parents need more information about careers and
education requirements
2004 Idaho Public Survey Produced by Clearwater
71High school students need more opportunities to
take classes for a specific career
2004 Idaho Public Survey Produced by Clearwater
72Idahoans need more access to community colleges
2004 Idaho Public Survey Produced by Clearwater
73More technical college programs are needed
2004 Idaho Public Survey Produced by Clearwater
74Professional-Technical EducationHigh School
Reform Committee
75Celebrate Success
Secondary Kevin Tucker
Postsecondary Cindy Kuhn
- School Vallivue High School, Caldwell
- Program Business Technology
- BPA National Vice President
- School North Idaho College, Coeur dAlene
- Major Accounting Assistant
- BPA National Parliamentarian
- Background Military wife, mother oftwo, and
first in her family to attend college.
76Focus on Leadership Development
77Crisis in Leadership for CTE
- Aging Teacher population
- Significant decrease in teacher preparation
programs - Significant decrease in doctorate level programs
- No federal effort to fill the gap
78Idaho PTE Leadership Institute
- Prepare the next generation of district and state
professional-technical leaders - Produce forward-thinking and change-oriented
79Idaho PTE Leadership Institute
- 27-month program
- 6 new people per year
- Selected from applications
- Mixture of levels, responsibilities, programs
- Nominated by state or local administrators
80Idaho PTE Leadership Institute
- Thirteen seminars on Idaho and National
Professional-Technical policies, processes and
leadership - The development of an Administrative Professional
Development Plan - Attainment of an Idaho professional-technical
administrators certificate - Administrative mentoring/internship (option
during third year)
81Teacher Education
- Fund teacher education
- Require an annual plan
- Annual teacher-ed/state staff meeting
- Partner on program
- evaluation
- Share teacher induction
- Collaborate on curricula
- Develop critical courses
82Making winners
- The tough problem is not in identifying winners
it is in making winners out of ordinary people.
That, after all, is the overwhelming purpose of
education. Yet historically, in most of the
periods emphasizing excellence, education has
reverted to selecting winners rather than
creating them. -
- K. Patricia Cross, Professor, U of California
83Developing A Process for Reauthorization
- Start with the end in mind
- Deadlines
- Products
- Identify legal parameters
- Identify key decisions
- Organize for success
- Internal assignments
- Committees or task forces
- Cultivate partnerships
84(No Transcript)
85 Career, Technical and Agricultural Education
James Woodard Director 404-657-8304 jwoodard_at_doe.k
86Superintendent Coxs Charge
- Focus on Re-engineering Career, Technical and
Agriculture Education - Heightened Level of CTAE Excitement
- Academic Integration
- Performance Standards for Career Pathways
- Workforce Development
- Postsecondary and Career Transitions
- CTAE Involvement in High School Improvement
87Georgia Department of Education Vision Statement
- We will lead the nation in improving student
88Vision of Seamless Education
- A system of education in which students
effectively move among schools as they advance
their education from elementary school through
higher education. The envisioned system will
ensure that students - are prepared for their future educational and
career goals - have an excellent and uniform educational
advising process - do not repeat work they have mastered.
89Workforce Development Task Force Recommendations
- Leverage the existing connection between
business and education communities to ensure that
present and future industry skill requirements
are known and adopted by the education community.
Graduates have the skills and qualities needed by
employers. - Create a linkage among the economic development,
employer and education communities to ensure that
the education community attracts and generates
the number of potential workers required by
employers. - Support and enhance efforts to build a culture
that values a basic education, lifelong learning
and work.
90Lifelong Learning
91Manufacturing (Architecture, Communications
Logistics, Engineering Technology)
Marketing, Sales Service
92CTAE Organization
93(No Transcript)
94Signature Projects
- Career Pathway Identification and Alignment
- Program Concentrations/Clusters
- Governors Strategic Industries
- Curriculum Revision Phase I
- Academic Alignment
- Technical Skill Development
- Workplace Readiness Skills/Foundation Skills
- Postsecondary Alignment
- Industry Standards Alignment
95Program Concentrations
- Agriculture
- Business and Computer Science
- Marketing, Sales and Service
- Architecture, Communications and Logistics
- Engineering and Technology
- Healthcare Science
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Government and Public Safety
96(No Transcript)
97Best Practice 1
98New Vision for GVSDC
- Results of Recent Federal Monitoring Visit
- Prescribe use of funds allocated to local school
systems - Provide more direction and leadership
- Propose a better use of reserve funds
- Target areas for improvement
99New Vision for GVSDC (continued)
- Perkins IV
- More Accountability for
- Programs of Study
- Technical Attainment
- Performance Measures/Data Collection
- Professional Development
- Academic Rigor
100New Vision for GVSDC (continued)
- Request that GVSDC explore the expansion of scope
and services to include - Career Development
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Assessment
- Professional Development
- Request that GVSDC expand the capacity of staff
to reflect improvement areas
101New Vision for GVSDC (continued)
- Career Development
- Policy Students would have access to a career
pathway tool - Local Implementation Create a career pathway
on-line tool to develop individualized
academic/career plans for all students - Funding
- Use state leadership and WIA Funds
- Use GVSDC as the mechanism to deliver access at
the local level
102New Vision for GVSDC (continued)
- Curriculum Development
- Policy Create Performance Standards for all
Career Pathways (Programs of Study) - Implementation Deliver to all teachers
curriculum frameworks/lesson plans for all
courses leading to pathway completion - Funding
- Use State Leadership Funds to Create Standards
- Use GVSDC to create on-line delivery of lessons
to local teacher
103New Vision for GVSDC (continued)
- Professional Development
- Policy Implementation of the new GPS and
targeted improvement in technical areas - Implementation Deliver annual professional
development related to teacher preparation (PSC
Approved Programs) - Funding
- Use State Leadership Funds to create direction
- Use GVSDC to deliver professional development for
successful implementation of GPS for Career
104New Vision for GVSDC (continued)
- Assessment Development
- Policy Create assessments as benchmarks for
instructional improvement and work force
readiness reports - Implementation Deliver to all systems reliable
and valid assessments for all career pathways - Funding
- Use State Leadership Funds to create the process
- Use GVSDC to create on-line delivery of
assessments to local system (delivery, scoring,
105New Vision for GVSDC (continued)
- Win/Win Approach
- Delivery using all of the following
- Lesson plans for all teachers for all program
areas - Assessments for all career pathways
- Targeted and expanded professional development
- Career pathway guidance for all students
- Increased performance and capacity to meet
Perkins IV requirements
106Best Practice 2
107New CTAE Leaders Training Overview
- Leadership Academy Modules
- Economic Development
- Agriculture Innovation Center Tour
- Curriculum Redesign
- Maritime Logistics Innovation Center Tour
- Human Resources and Finance
- CTAE Improvement Plan and Process
- Legal Issues, Legislation, and Policy
- Manufacturing Excellence Innovation Center Tour
- Job Shadowing Regional Coordinators
108TALL Teachers as Leaders and Learners
- Team Building
- Leadership
- Legislative/Policy
- Advocacy/Communication
- Business Engagement
- Accountability
109Georgia Association Career Technical Education-
- Teacher Engagement
- Teacher Empowerment
- Teacher Identity
- Teacher Professionalism
- Increased summer leadership attendance from 1,100
to 2,300 - Increased membership from 1,321 to 2,358
110Department of Education
- Reorganization of unit to focus on
- Program Delivery
- Development/Transition
- Accountability/Improvement
- Increased Leadership/Service Capacity
- Career/Tech Student Organization
- Work-based Learning
- Professional Development
- Regional Coordinators
- Entrepreneurship
- Accountability
- Middle School Curriculum
- Research/Assessment
111Best Practice 3
112Region Focus Meetings
- Fall of 2005
- Involvement of all local Career/Technical
Education Supervisors/Administrators - Roll-out of Re-engineering of CTAE
- Reaction to new vision
- Focus on where do we want to go
113CTAE Improvement Strands
- Career/Academic Teaming
- School Certification
- Program Certification
- Work-Based Learning
- Post-Secondary Transitions
- Business Engagement
- Career Development Curriculum Development
- Professional Development
- Leadership Development
- Facilities/Equipment
114Policy/Procedure Review
- Analysis of existing code, policies and guidance
for CTAE - Analysis of existing code, policies and guidance
for high schools, higher ed and technical
colleges affecting CTAE - Analyze and summarize federal policy and upcoming
Perkins legislation - Summary of findings and recommendations for
policy, funding and direction changes
- Re-Engineering CTAE Booklet and Brochure Policy
Makers - Re-Engineering CTAE Booklet and Brochure
Parents and Students - CTAE Administrators and Teacher
E-newsletters - Re-Engineering CTAE PowerPoint Presentation and
Slide Notes - Articles and Presentations
- Professional Standards Commission
- GVSDC Endorsements
- Colleges Universities
- Business Partners
- Vendors Meeting
- Georgia Association Career Technical Education
- CTAE Administrator
117Perkins Program Reviews and Development of CTAE
Improvement Plans
- Perkins Program Reviews
- 37 program reviews will be completed by December
2006 - Regional Coordinators will serve as the System
Level Chairpersons - The first program review was successfully
conducted on Sept.12 in Gwinnett County - CTAE Improvement Plans
- CTAE Improvement Plans are now a follow up to the
Program Review Process - Technical Assistance Workshops will be provided
for CTAE Administrators on the Development of the
School System CTAE Improvement Plans - CTAE Improvement Plans will be updated annually
- CTAE Improvement Plan Form will be available
online in the near future
118Other 06-07 Major Program Initiatives
- CTSO Restructuring
- Capital Equipment List
- Laboratory Revisions
- Industry Certification Restructuring
- Program of Work / Annual Reviews / Online
Reporting - Middle School
119Assessment Timeline
- Establish a clearinghouse to assist CTAE with the
Assessment Process by early 2007 - Establish Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) panels to
facilitate assessment development by early 2007 - Pilot testing of newly developed assessments by
December 2008 - Comprehensive assessment program ready for
utilization by May 2009 for Phase I Curriculum
120End Results
- Assessments that validate CTAE skill attainment
and provide necessary student data to improve
CTAE instruction - A Career Readiness Certificate provided to our
students which certifies that they have met
national standards for career readiness through a
recognized job-ready written assessment
121Transforming Tech Prep
- Leadership Capacity
- Delivering Equitable Services
- Accountability
- Integrating Performance-based Activities (Perkins
IV) - Quality
- Acting upon Federal Monitoring Visit
Recommendations - Unifying Statewide Tech Prep Services.
- Professional Learning
- Strengthening training of Tech Prep Coordinators
- Delivering Quality, Research-based Professional
Learning in Service Areas
122Transforming Tech Prep
- Partnership Capacity
- Strengthening State Level Collaboration Among
Agencies - Building Local Level Collaboration
- Tech Prep Consortium Coordinating Committee
(TPCCC) - Site Implementation Teams
- Site Team Leaders
- Business and Community Engagement
- Well-Defined Tech Prep Message
- Strengthening Definitions for Better
Understanding and Communication - Providing Tech Prep Publications for Engaging
Community Partners - Creating Procedures and Policy Handbook for
Statewide Use - Tech Prep Data Validation
- Improving the identification and tracking of Tech
Prep students - Gathering, reporting, and tracking articulated
credits as a component of the Career Readiness
123Discussion Sessions
124Context and Trends
- How have the economy, social, and political
contexts changed since Perkins III?
125Context and Trends
- Trends in CTE? (Influence on your strand?)
126Biggest Challenges
- Three biggest challenges facing your community?
127Biggest Challenges
- How has your state addressed these challenges?
128Biggest Challenges
- How will Perkins IV help or hinder these
129Innovations and Opportunities
- Three biggest innovations or opportunities in
your community? - Underused existing opportunities?
- New opportunities under Perkins IV?
130Leading Change
- How can you inspire change?
131Leading Change
- How can you use the Perkins State Plan to
implement your goal agenda?
132- The great leaders are like the best
conductors they reach beyond the notes to reach
the magic in the players. - - Blaine
Lee, The Power Principle