Title: Simulation Tasks Status
1Simulation TasksStatus
- Qizhong Li
- Fermilab
- Sept. 14, 2001
- D0 Collaboration Meeting
- P10 production release
- D0gstar
- D0Sim
- D0Trigsim
- Plans for p11 production release
- D0gstar/D0Sim/D0TrigSim
- D0Raw2Sim
- Pmcs
- D0gstar -- full GEANT simulation (lead by Shuichi
Kunori) - In p09 and p10 production releases
- All detectors,
- including LUMI and FPD.
- New 3D magnetic field map.
- New interface to access to the field
configuration (get map version, get solenoid and
toroid polarity). - Default ECUTs for calorimeter plate level
geometry were lowered to get more accurate
- A new option to swim very forward p/pbar to FPD
in double precision was added. This option is OFF
as default. - New access methods on the option of FPD geometry
and tracking in event information. - Changed from GEANT 3.21.12 to GEANT 3.21.13
(Geant bug fix).
- D0Sim (lead by Serban Qizhong), uses
D0gstar output to produce simulated raw data
events. - It performs following functions
- Merge hard scatter and minbias events
- Add calorimeter pileup from previous events
- Make L1CalTTowerChunk for L1 simulation
- Add calorimeter noise
- Add SMT noise and inefficiencies
- Add CFT noise and inefficiencies
- Add Muon noise and inefficiencies
- Make a RawDataChunk
- Drop all D0GStar chunks
6D0sim production releases
- P08.12.00
- pileup CalWeight cps, fps, cft, smt
digitization muon raw data CalDataChunk
RawDataChunk L1CalTTChunk - RawDataChunk calmuosmtcpscftfps
- CalDataChunk
- uses calpreshower optimized weights
- Only FPD and L0 still missing.
7D0sim releases (cont.)
- P09.10.00
- Turned on smt noise simulation
- use cal only optimized weights in L1CalTTChunk.
- Handle both mixture and plate geometry.
- P10.03.00
- CalDataChunk uses cal only optimized weights
- added code to handle pseudo SimChunks.
8CPU Time
- D0gstar
- (sec/event on d0mino)
- Plate uses a factor of 3 more CPU than
mixture. -
9CPU Time
- D0sim
- (sec/event on d0mino)
- 2.5mb overlap uses a factor of 2-3 more CPU than
no minbias. - Plate uses 15-30 more CPU than mixture.
10Production release certification procedure
- Generate MC events using D0gstar/D0sim
- Test RawDataChunk by running each subdetector
examine in offline mode. - Run Sim_exam, compare histograms.
11- SMT examine plots
- (from Elizaveta)
12ttbar 2.5 mb mixure vs plate in calorimeter
ltPt in cellsgt in the different layers of calo
plate mix EM1 0.019 0.018 EM2 0.014 0.015
EM3 0.013 0.013 EM4 0.020 0.021 Fine
hadr 0.025 0.025 Coarse hadr 0.031 0.031
13pT in cells (ttbar 2.5mb plate)
14pT in cells (ttbar 2.5mb mixture)
15ttbar 2.5 mb mixture vs plate in calorimeter
ltEnergy in layersgt in the different layers of
calorimeter (GeV)
plate mix EM1 60.0
49.6 ß 10 GeV difference EM2 25.9
28.1 EM3 62.3 60.0 EM4 46.8
46.2 Fine hadr na na
(overflow) Coarse hadr 19.0 24.4
16Etot in layer (ttbar 2.5mb plate)
17Etot in layer (ttbar 2.5mb mixture)
18ttbar 2.5 mb mixture vs plate in calorimeter
lt of hit cellsgt in the different layers of
plate mix EM1 2475
2114 ß 15 more cells
in plate EM2 2259
2297 EM3 na na
(overflow) EM4 2265 2363 Fine hadr
5900 5416 Coarse hadr 1296 1387
- The trigger simulation program, D0TrigSim,
includes L1/L2 and L3 simulation. - This effort is lead by Serban and Dugan Oneil.
- The main cvs package is d0trigsim. L1/L2 default
config is in tsim_l1l2. L3 default config is in
tsim_l3. - A new script runD0TrigSim is a trigsim wapper to
be used to run the executable. Features include - setup up all necessary config files
- allows use of xml trigger list
20D0TrigSim and the Trigger Database
- The design has always been that users grab a
trigger list from the trigger database (or make a
new one), hand that list to trigsim and wait for
the results. - How close are we?
- The trigger database is now in production. A 20
trigger list has been written for MC use. - The new script will allow users to take any xml
file generated from the trigger database, and
send it through coorsim. - Coorsim creates configuration files which can be
read by d0trigsim. - D0trigsim runs, creates an ntuple.
- The chain is now in place! Need more testing, but
great progress has been made.
21Release status
- P06.00.01 - The 1st production release... too
old. - P08.12.00 - Stable version. It has run on
Nx100K events without crashing. getting old. - The above versions didnt use cal trigger tower
weights to reconstruct energy. - P09.08.00 - not stable, but use cal weights
optimized for plate geometry. - P10.03.00 - The most recent release made this
week. More functionality, need test. - For example,
- Single e
- (PT 20 GeV)
Mean RMS
p08 17.1 1.6
P09-mix 18.8 2.5
P09-plate 19.1 2.0
22- Single e pT plot from p10 mix plate compared
with old release.
23D0TrigSim in p10
- P10 contains a lot of big changes for d0trigsim
infrastructure. For example L1/L2 changes to run
on real data - l1l2unpacker learns VRB format.
- more analyze packages read directly from RDC
(l1cal, l1muon, l2caljet, l2calmet, l2calem,
l2cps, l2gbl). - tsim_l1ft completely rewrites L3 output classes
to better emulate real data. New unpacker to be
written for l1ft analyze package and examine. - More functionality added to l2gbl (track match),
L3 filter/tools, L2errorlogger integration, etc.
24D0TrigSim P10 certification
- Run d0trigsim on p09.08.00 MC reco certification
samples - process of events
- ttbar 1k
- WH tn 1k
- single e 15k
- single m 10k
- QCD (pTgt20) 2k
- Z bb 200
- Memory use and CPU time
- ttbar
single m Memory max 125Mb 115Mb - L1/L2 time 2.1s/evt 0.6s/evt
L3 time 23.7s/evt 7.4s/evt - Total CPU 27.2s/evt 8.3s/evt
25- P10 plot for the number of L2 trigger bits passed
26- P10 plot for the fired L2 trigger bit
- (L2 plots are from Oneil)
27Plan for p11production release
- P11 production release schedule
- Oct 15, 2001 All major improvements to D0gstar,
D0SIM, TrigSim and L3 tools MUST be released. - Oct 29, 2001 All major improvements to D0reco
MUST be released. - Nov 26, 2001 Production version is created, and
formal certification begins. - Dec. 21, 2001 Certification finishes.
28Plan for p11(cont.)
- D0gstar
- Tune parameters for GEANT with real data.
- Adjust ECUT values after studying the low energy
particle effects. - Remove bugs.
- D0Sim
- get more realistic minbias overlap and noise
simulation by using real minbias data overlapping
on MC events. Use new program D0Raw2Sim
29Plan for p11 (cont.)
- D0Raw2Sim
- Intended to produce minbias files from real data
for merging with MC events in D0Sim. - Necessary steps
- 1) Unpack RawDataChunk
- 2) Convert unpacked chunk to digi chunks
- 3) convert digi chunks to pseudo SimXXXHit chunks
- 4) Make L1CalTTChunk
- Step 1) and 2) handled by d0reco packages.
- All packages for step 3) are ready and released.
- For calorimeter need to make
- MC CalDataChunk data CalDataChunk
- RawDataChunk L1CalTTChunk
30Plan for p11 (cont.)
- D0TrigSim
- all L1 packages pack/unpack like real data
- all L1 packages work in "pass-through" mode
- L1FPS joins simulation
- all L2 analyze packages work directly on real
data - L2STT joins simulation
- XML files from trigger database
- d0_analyze works fully (integrates mc_analyze,
trigsim_analyze and reco_analyze outputs into one
root tree)
31Plan for p11 (cont.)
- Pmcs -- Fast Monte Carlo (Sarah Eno Elemer
Nagy) - The general framework of PMCS is in place and the
current work focuses on providing the smearing
functions for the various physics objects. - Major effort now to put pmcs output into d0phyobj
chunk, and to simulate the variables in chunk
properly. - A first version of PMCS for general use is
expected for p11.
- P10 D0gstar/D0Sim/D0TrigSim are ready to be used
to generate big sets of Monte Carlo events for
physics use. - A lot of progress and improvements.
- Working hard on preparing p11 production release.
- Pmcs will be ready for physics use soon.
- Our goal is to make the Monte Carlo simulation as
close to real data as possible.