Title: Simulation Status
1Simulation Status
ALICE Progress Report CERN, April 22,
2002 Andreas Morsch for the ALICE Offline
- Simulation in AliRoot
- Simulation Status Detector by Detector
- Geant4
- Primary Particle Simulation
- Production
- Conclusions
3Progress ...
- Usage
- Framework widely used for production and analysis
- Very active development and testing/validation
- Updates/consolidation of all detector geometries
and response simulation for the PPR production - Summable digits and merging implemented
- First test production successful
- Future Simulation
- G4 in AliRoot Implementation -gt Maintenance
- G4 Physics validation
- First prototype of geometry modeller
- Start of FLUKA interfacing
AliRoot is the ALICE off-line framework for
simulation, reconstruction, and analysis. Except
for Geant3 and some remaining legacy code, this
framework is based on OO design and written in
C. It uses the ROOT system as a foundation.
- Framework helps people to move into OO
- CINT C scripting language
- persistent transient object
- Super PAW functionality
- Keeps entropy low and allows to speak a common
language. - Coherence of Simulation, Reconstruction and
Analysis - Wide use of Interfaces ( base classes)
- Ease of evolution
- Maintainability
5Root Provides...
- Super PAW functionality
- Histogramming
- Data representation
- Graphical user interface classes
- C scripting language
- Automatic documentation
- Full set of container classes
- Object I/O package
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8The Heart of Simulation The Virtual MC
9AliRootComponents Used in Simulation
10Simulated Data
Needed for event merging
11Simulation Status Detector by Detector
12ITS Geometry
13ITS Geometry
- PPR Geometry
- Updated material thicknesses
- Detailed Cables and Pipes
- Detailed support structures
- Rails
- Cooling Pipe
- Validation
- Comparison with test-beam
- Understanding detector response
14SPD Simulation / Test Beam
15SSD Twin-Peak Puzzle
16K0 Reconstruction
17TPC Geometry
18TPC Geometry and Response
Three versions of the TPC geometry are defined
Version 0 is the coarse geometry, without any
sensitive volumes specified. It is used for the
material budget studies. It is the one of
interest for the outer detectors. Version 1 is
the geometry version for the Fast Simulator. The
sensitive volumes are thin gaseous strips placed
in the S and L sectors, at the pad row centers.
The hits are produced whenever a track crosses
the sensitive volume (pad-row). The energy loss
is irrelevant and thus set to 0. Version 2 is
the geometry version for the Slow Simulator. The
sensitive volumes are S and L sectors. One can
specify either all sectors or only a few of them,
up to 6 S and 12 L-sectors. The hits are
produced at every ionizing collision. The
tracking step is calculated for every collision
from the exponential distribution. The energy
loss is calculated from 1/E2 distribution.
19Response SimulationPhysics Processes
20Signal Generation
21Shaper Response
22TPC (Response)
23Recent Modification
- New Geometry
- Inner sectors innermost pad-row has been removed
- Outer sectors 2 sizes
- 1-64 1.0 cm
- 65-96 1.5 cm
- Improved code for cross-talk
24TPC Occupancy
25TRD Geometry
26TRD Geometry
- Geometry versions
- With holes in front of PHOS and RICH
- No holes
- Correct material budget ( electronics, pipes, ..)
27TRD Response
- Full Response and digitization implemented
- TR photon yield
- Approximated by analytical solution for foil
stack - Adjustment of yield for real radiator including
foam and fiber layers from test beam data.
28Response SimulationdE/dx
Generation of Hits The StepManager() function
in AliTRDv1creates along the path of a traversing
charged particle in the drift volume of the
chambers electron clusters. The distance between
the points where the creation of the primary
delta-electrons takes place is set according to a
parametrization of the Bethe-Bloch formula (see
below). The data points are averaged values taken
from GEANT. The plateau value is 1.55. For the
number of produced delta-electrons at the minimum
ionizing point a value of dN1/dxmin 48.0/cm
is used.
29Response Simulationd-Electrons
The energy distribution of the delta-electrons is
assumed to follow a description given in
V.C.Ermilova et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 145,
555 (1977) (red curve in plot below). Compared to
a 1/E2 distribution (blue curve) the mean
energy is higher (33.93 eV, compared to 19.89 eV)
which results in a higher yield of released
secondary electrons, in accordance with
measurements. The energy of one delta-electron
is given by a random sample from this
distribution subtracted by the first ionization
potential (12.1 eV).
30TRD Digitization
Digitization The AliTRDdigitzer class
transforms the hits from AliTRDv1 into digits. In
this process the following effects can be
included Effect Defa ult Status
Diffusion ON E x B OFF
Absorbtion OFF Pad response
(1-dim) ON Gas gain gain
fluctuations ON Electronis gain
noise ON Conversion to ADC values ON
All corresponding parameter can be customized
(see the example macro slowDigitsCreate.C). The
default parameter are defined in
AliTRDdigitizerInit(). At the moment we use
only a one-dimensional pad response
function, i.e. it only describes charge sharing
in column direction
The fluctuations in the gas gain are described by
an exponential distribution
31TRD Response
white normal dE/dx clusters red absorbed TR
32Comparison with Test Beam Data
33TOF Geometry Options
342001 Detailed Strip Layout
35RICH Geometry
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40PHOS Geometry
41Hits-gtSummable Digits-gtDigits
42Comparison with Test Beam Data
43FMD (Forward Multiplicity Detector)
- Detailed geometry is ready
- Support structure will be included when
construction drawings are ready - Hits /Summable Digits / Digits / Multiplicity
reconstruction for high occupancy are available - Reconstruction algorithm should be improved for
different occupancies - Digitization will be clarified after beam
tests. -
44FMD Geometry
45FMD Acceptance
- Detail geometry is ready
- Support structure will be included when
construction drawings are ready - Hits /Digits /Fast reconstruction of vertex
position are available - Fast simulation issue
- T0 signal as average arrival time for first
particles hitting left and right arrays - left-right time-of-flight difference
- Slow simulation will be available next ALICE week
47START Geometry
New asymmetric geometry Left flight path 69.7
cm Right flight path 350 cm
48START Performance Simulation
- Geometry
- At new position
- New segmentation
- Hits
- Ok
- SDigits and Digits
- Under development
- Geometry
- available
- Hits and Digits
- under development
51MUON Simulated Data
- Hits
- Impact point
- Energy Loss
- Local momentum vector
- PadHits (summable digit)
- Cluster generation
- Mathieson formalism
- Ongoing work on
- Angular dependence
- Lorentz angle
- Charge correlation
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53MUON Geometry Status
- Stations 1-2
- conservative material distribution
- Stations 3-5
- detailed geometry
- Trigger Stations
- detailed geometry
- Frames and support structures
- coarse or missing but not very important
- All chambers
- logical segmentation
54Resolution as a Function of Angle of Incidence
Resolution f 0 with improved response
TC1 Resolution from Beam Test Data
55ZDC in AliRoot
1 Calorimeters for spectator neutrons (ZN) and
protons (ZP) 1 E.M. calorimeter (new position)
56Hijing events Study of correlations with
transverse energy, multiplicity.
- Pb-Pb interaction at 2.7 A TeV
- ZP is almost free from background, while in ZN a
contamination of gs and secondary particles is
57Event merging for the ZDC
SIGNAL Samples of 104 spectator p and 104
spectator n generated only once, storing
hits. BACKGROUND Simulated with full HIJING
generator. EVENT Merging of SIGNAL and BACKGROUND
59First Reconstruction Results
60Non-Detector Geometries
- Beam-Pipe, flanges, pumps
- New drawings coming soon
- Decision about Be/Al/Steel
- Front and small angle absorber
- close to completion (see next TB)
- very detailed due to importance for muon
spectrometer - Space-Frame
- to be updated
- new position of cross-bars
- new profiles
61New Field Map
62Geant4 and ALICE
- Decision of September 2001 Offline Board
- Freeze development related to G4 in AliRoot
- Maintain the current implementation of TGeant4
63Progress During 2001
- Reflections
- General solution for treating reflections (not
biased to G3toG4 tool in the 4.0 release
(December 2001) - G4ReflectionFactory (by I. H.)
- G4ReflectedSolid (by V. Grichin)
- Why problem?
- G4 treats rotation matrices as "pure" rotation
- Basic idea Decomposition of general
transformation and including reflection in a
solid. - Known problems (being investigated)
- Reflected G4Polycone -gt stops G4 with exception
- Reflected Boolean solids
64Progress During 2001 (suite)
- "MANY" in AliRoot
- Required modifications
- STEER AliMCGsbool(const char, const char)
0 - TGeant3 - dummy implementation
- TGeant4 - call to G3toG4
- Detectors/structures geometries
- SHIL, PIPE - only added Gsbool() calls
- MAG, MUON - geometry modified to fulfil
limitation () - in MAG a part of geometry has to be build in a
different way in G3 and G4 (8 lines of code) - TRD - geometry was redefined without MANY
- Not yet done ITS
65Progress During 2001 (suite)
- TGeant4, AliGeant4 development
- Creating materials
- A new material is created only if it is different
from the existing ones - Significantly reduces memory usage
- DigitsHits
- New sub-category introduced in TGeant4, AliGeant4
in order to eliminate dependence of
TGeant4/geometry category on Geant4 categories
"above" geometry (digitshits). - Needed for TGeant4/AliGeant4 usage with Flugg
66FLUKA Tracking with G4 GeometryFLUGG
- AliFluka a new category
- Interface to FLUKA using Flugg TGeant4 and
AliGeant4 subset includes - TFluka class - implementation of AliMC interface
using TG4GeometryManager (from TGeant4) only
geometry methods implemented - alifluka.cxx - main program equivalent of
aliroot (for G3) and aligeant4 (for G4) - Requires different TGeant4 and AliGeant4
libraries from those for Geant4 (subset of
classes, includes from Flugg and not Geant4) - special Makefiles for TGeant4 and AliGeant4
- Perl script for selecting TGeant4 and AliGeant4
according to needed categories.
67G4 Physics Verification in ALICE (1/3)
- Geant4 A Benchmark of Hadronic Processes.
(F. Carminati and I. González Caballero),
- Pre-Compound Model
- So far studied
- Comparisons with thin target experimental data.
- Checks on azimuthal distributions, hadron
inelastic and charged pion production cross
sections, energy, momentum, baryon number and
charge conservation were performed. - Secondary neutron production.
68G4 Physics Verification (2/3)
69Iron and Lead with G4
Iron _at_ 597 MeV
Lead _at_ 800 MeV
70G4 Physics Verification
GEISHA Pre-compound Model
71Conclusion for G4 Hadronic Physics Evaluation
- Both models show wrong azimuthal distributions
non-conservation of basic quantities (energy,
momentum, baryon number and charge) was observed
in GHEISHA. - The pre-compound model produces no pions, while
the GHEISHA pion production cross sections at the
energies studied appear inconsistent with
experimental data. - The agreement between simulation and data for the
secondary neutrons produced by the interaction is
unsatisfactory for both models, especially for
the high energy and small angle peak of the
double differential production cross section,
72Conclusion for G4 Hadronic Physics Evaluation
- The results of these tests point to deficiencies
of Geant4 in the description of the intermediate
energy range of hadronic showers. These results
raise doubts on the possibility to use Geant4 for
full detector simulation and indicate weaknesses
in the Geant4 physics validation strategy.
73Neutron Transport Benchmark
- Simulation of the TIARA experimental set-up
- 43 MeV and 68 MeV protons bombard a 7Li target,
producing a quasi-mono-energetic source of 40 MeV
and 65 MeV neutrons. Iron and concrete targets of
different widths where placed 200 cm away from
the neutron source.
7468 MeV Fe
7568 MeV Concrete
76The Role of FLUKA
- Special Background Calculation Tasks
- Neutron fluence
- Dose rates
- Front absorber and beam shield calculations
- Beam loss scenarios
- Geant4 in its present state does not replace (as
claimed by authors) FLUKA
77ALIFE and Coupling with AliRoot
- Recent activities
- Catastrophic beam loss scenarios during injection
- Single Event Effects and Neutron Fluences
- Beam halo
- Dose and Neutron Fluence on Electronics Equipment
79Neutron Fluence
Fluence (cm-2/10y) Ekin gt 20 MeV
80Misinjection Scenarios
81Current and Future Activities
- Implement TFluka for direct use of FLUKA inside
AliRoot - Use newly developed geometry modeller
82Primary Particle Simulation Status
- Generator Interface
- Standard Background Event
- Paramterized Particle Cocktails
- External Generators
83Physics Simulation Strategy
- ALICE should does not rely on result of specific
event generator but rather on predictions of the
particle multiplicity and cross-sections of rare
processes in PbPb collisions. - Assume worst case scenario
- Highest multiplicity (HIJING, VENUS)
- Smallest cross sections for hard processes
(Pythia) - Use Generator Interface (AliGenerator)
84Generator Interface
- Provide user with
- Easy and coherent way to study variety of
physics signals - Testing tools
- Background studies
- Possibility to study
- Full events (event by event)
- Single processes
- Mixture of both (Cocktail events)
85Standard Background Event
- Up to now
- Parameterized event needed since most studies
rely on approx. 1 background event - For PPR
- "Signal Free" underlying event requested
- Hijing Parameterisation
- h-Distribution a la HIJING
- CDF pT distribution
86Hijing Parameterisation
87External Generators
- So far "wrapped" and usable through the
AliGenerator and TGenerator interfaces - Pythia
- Herwig
- Pythia
- used with PDF lib
- includes possibility to use nuclear structure
functions - Coming soon
89Particle Cocktail Generator
- Replaces "Shaker"
- Events from user defined particle cocktail
- User has to define via function library
- Particle composition
- Transverse momentum spectrum
- Rapidity distribution
- Implemented up to now
- AliGenMUONlib
- AliGenPHOSlib
- AliGenPMDlib
- AliGenGSIlib
- AliGenSTRANGElib
90HBT Analyzer
91Simulation Baseline HI Run
- We need O(107) equivalent central HI events
- One HI central event at dN/dy 8000 24h_at_600MHz
- 300,000 PC's to do the job in one year
- We need to find alternative simulation strategies
- Background merging
- Track parametrisation
- Generate the background with HIJING
parametrisation - Pions and Kaons only, write summable digits
- Generate on the flight the signals
- Typically PYTHIA and specific parametrisations
- Read one background event and merge the signals
- Reconstruct and compare
- O(104) background reused O(103) times
- Simulating and creating digits for a signal takes
1 minute
92Fast Simulation Activities
- Event merging (all detectors)
- Combined fast and slow tracking (ITS V0 studies)
- Parameterisation of hit resolution(MUON)
- Combinded TPC and EMCAL information for jet
studies (EMCAL) - ....
93HI PPR Test Production Summary
- Entirely AliEn based!
- gt5500 jobs validated (24h each)
- 13 clusters actively used in production, 9 remote
sites - GSI, Karlsruhe, Dubna, Nantes, Budapest, Bari,
Zagreb, Birmingham are joining - Hijing param 8000/4000/2000 dN/dy
- Hijing centrality bins
- fm 0-5, 0-2, 5-8.6, 8.6-11.2, 11.2-13.2,
13.2-15, 15-inf. - HIJING Jet/Photon Trigger
- Minimum Transverse Momentum 25, 50, 75, 100GeV
94Event Merging
TPC Merging and Region of Interest
- Steering of Digitizing and Merging implemented
into AliRoot - Digitizing and Merging available for all
detectors - Testing and debugging ongoing
962001 Conclusions with 2002 Comments
- ALICE Geometry and simulated data in place to
allow full event reconstruction including the
main tracking devices. (More updates and
consolidation) - Some detectors are still under development and
will come late for PPR. (V0?, EMCAL new) - Comparison with test-beam date is performed in
many cases, but - Closer connection of test beam analysis and the
AliRoot needes (still true !) - Better documentation of the results and
activities (still true !)
972001 Conclusions with 2002 Comments
- Full event reconstruction is an important
milestone allowing extensive debugging (proven to
be true). - Upcoming PPR will trigger more framework
development due to - new requirements
- analysis code
- user interfaces
- Important contributions from outside included in
2001 - Better documentation needed
- Especially for new users during PPR activity
- Some non documented user requirements are
undocumented feature.
982001 Conclusions with 2002 Comments
- Great effort to integrate Geant4 into AliRoot
framework (mainly done) - FLUKA needed for radiation studies
- Integration into AliRoot needed (has started)