Title: Intergenerational Project
1Intergenerational Project
2Why did we start this project?
- Why we got involved
- Community Partnerships identified
intergenerational issues as a priority in their
action plans. The Youth Service and GOLD were
keen to encourage young people and older people
to work together. - To promote positive images of both older and
younger people in society. - To build better understanding within our local
communities by breaking down barriers and
stereotypes. - Creating a sustainable resource for others to
take forward.
3Who was involved and what did we do?
Who Residents from 5 Partnership areas that
think this project is important to their
communities, GOLD and The Youth Service. People
that took part in the project are under 18 and
over 50 years old.
To Start - We spent time getting to know each
other and breaking down barriers !
4What - Advertised a project that was all about
opportunities and fun no matter what age group or
background or ability you came from. Participants
led the project and the sessions with support
from workers and a community artist the project
grew out of these informal meetings. The work
culminated in a short film to kick start further
work across the town. The film takes in
interviews with older and younger residents from
Partnership areas and reflects on the issues that
they face every day. It manages to be funny and
thought provoking which we hope will be a great
way to start others thinking about the subjects
the group has.
5The DVD
6What were some of the issues that different
generations had?
A fear of young people intimidation and crime.
Negative stereotypes of each other resulted in
Neither group felt listened to or understood by
the other
Anti social behaviour
Young people had little respect.
Lack of tolerance.
Neither groups liked being labelled by each other
and society
Neither group valued the other for the
experiences or knowledge they had.
7What we have learned from this Project?
Different generations have a lot in common
although this is difficult to realise at first.
Here are some of the issues we discussed and
found similarities in our attitudes towards
Life experiences
Social Groups within their own generation
stereotypes of themselves
made new friends
Had Fun !
Gained confidence
Film making and photography skills
Working as a group
Presentation Skills
9The Future of this Project
We are currently working on developing a training
resource that will become a way forward for other
groups across the town to better understand
intergenerational issues and to impact on their
own areas.
We were successful in applying for 5000 European
Youth funding to help with the costs
of Developing the training resource holding
workshops with many different groups to make a
difference across the town. Making the DVD
available for groups to use for example
residents groups and youth clubs.
10We hope that the DVD has given you food for
thought and you will consider using the training
and workshop material, once it is available, for
running your own session in the future.
Please feel free to chat to us or any of the
Intergenerational Team Members during the Coffee
Break about the Project. We will also leave a
slide up at the end of the presentation with
contact details of workers involved in the
As part of the workshop sessions later tonight we
would like to hear your views on the DVD
Any Questions ?
11Please feel free to contact us if you would like
further information Morvyn Sanderson Tel
388457 morvyn.sanderson_at_darlington.gov.uk Gary
Arnold Tel 346452 gary.arnold_at_darlington.gov.uk R
osi Thornton Tel 346269 rosi.thornton_at_darlington.
gov.uk Emily Munday Tel 467237