Title: Data on Intergenerational Reallocations in Chile: an update
1Data on Intergenerational Reallocations in Chile
an update
- Jorge Bravo
- Economic Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean (ECLAC) - 2nd Meeting of the Working Group on Macroeconomic
Aspects of Intergenerational Transfers - Berkeley, California, 14 15 January, 2005
2Project on Intergenerational Transfers Data
sources for CHILE
Several of these appear in Titelman, D. (2000)
Reformas al sistema de salud en Chile Desafíos
pendientes CEPAL Serie Financiamiento del
Desarrollo No. 105, Santiago, Chile. Marcel and
Arenas de Mesa (1991) Reformas a la seguridad
Social en Chile, Monografía No. 5. Banco
Interamericano de Desarrollo Arenas de Mesa,
A. Cobertura previsional en Chile CEPAL Serie
Financiamiento del Desarrollo No. 105, Santiago,
Chile. Review by January, 2004
3Data on Income by source a first approximation
from the CASEN survey
- Labor income (Yl) earnings from main and
secondary jobs, including bonuses and in-kind
payments - Income from Capital and credit (YK) rental income
from real estate, equipment, profits, capital
gains, interest, private pensions - Income from transfers (YT) a) public Educational
and other subsidies, unemployment compensation,
maternal subsidies, social assistance pensions
(disability, old-age) b) private donations
received, child support
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6Data on taxes by type an ad-hoc approximation
- Theres no single/comprehensive source for tax
data (no survey collects it at all) - The internal revenue service (SII) has detailed
data of the central government treasury proceeds
only (direct, indirect, and territorial taxes) - The SII does not compile data on social security
contributions, nor on taxes levied by
municipalities (e.g., car circulation fees)
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9Data on taxes by type an ad-hoc approximation
- Problem about 70 of total taxes are indirect
(AVT, specific taxes), but these the SII (of
course) does not register in the name of final
payer/consumer ? no age profile - Possible solution use age profile of overall and
specific consumption (from the household budget
survey) and match it to AVT and specific tax
totals (from the SII).
10Major items by component of accounts
- Lifecycle flows account/deficit
- Aggregate lifecycle deficit ?
- Capital reallocations (rK IK) ?
- Credit reallocations (rM IM) less clear
- Net public transfers (?g - ?g?) ?
- Net private transfers (?f - ?f?) less clear
11Major items by component of accounts
- Wealth stocks account
- Capital stock (K) ?
- Property and credit stock (M) less clear
- Net public transfers PV(?g - ?g?) ?
- Net private transfers PV(?f - ?f?) less clear
12Complementarity with on-going lines of work
- Linkage with ECLAC substantive document on
Social Protection, centered on policy issues,
due by mid-2005 - Some relevant policy questions to be addressed
labor market problems including unemployment,
current health and future pension reform, social
protection policies centered on the family - Possible complementation with other projects,
e.g., small component of ECLAC-Government of
France cooperation program