Title: Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung
1Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung
- Armin Falk
- Konstanze Albrecht
- Steffen Altmann
- Matthias Wibral
- Why experiments?
- Advantages and Objectives
- Limits and objections
- How to do an experiment?
- Designing an experiment
- Conducting an experiment
- Data analysis
- How to write a paper?
3Data Analysis
- Mann-Whitney U-test
- Wilcoxon test
- Regressions
- Many different names
- Mann-Whitney test
- Mann-Whitney U-test
- Mann-Whitney two-sample statistic
- Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test
- Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U-test
- Rank-sum test
- Wilcoxon rank-sum test
- Two-sample Wilcoxon rank-sum test
- U-test
5When can/should we use a U-test
- Question
- Are two random samples drawn from the same
population? - A.k.a. Is there a treatment effect?
- Independent observations
- Between subject design
- We come back to this in a minute
6When can/should we use a U-test II
- Data has to be at least ordinal
- Ordinal we can use lt/gt(e.g. grades)
- Interval we can use lt/gt//- (e.g. temperature in
C) - Ratio we can use lt/gt//-/// (e.g. length)
- Not nominal (e.g., colors)
- No assumptions about error distribution, its a
non-parametric test
7How is a U-test done for small samples (n2lt20)?
- Count number of cases in the smaller (n1) and
larger sample (n2) - Do one ranking for both samples together
- Smallest value gets rank 1
- Ties get the average rank
- Calculate U For each value of the smaller
sample count how many values of the larger
sample are ahead in the ranking sum this up
this is U - Look up corresponding p-value in a table (if U
too large U n1n2 U)
8Table with (one-sided) p-values of U-test (n24
or n25)
p-values are for one-sided tests for two-sided
tests, p-value has to be doubled (source Siegel
9Example A Dictator Game
- Dictator game, subjects can give between 0 and 15
- Treatments
- D Game is called dictator game
- G Game is called giving game
- Question Is giving different between treatments?
- Distribution of giving?
- Null hypothesis Giving does not differ between
treatments, i.e. - H0 DistributionD DistributionG
- Observations (5 subjects each)
- D 1, 2, 0, 6, 4
- G 12, 5, 7, 8, 15
- TreatmentG is a treatment dummy (0 if treatment
D, 1 if treatment G) - Count number of observations n1 n2 5
11Example (II)
- Do one ranking for both samples (ascending)
12Example (III)
- Do one ranking for both samples (ascending)
- For each value of the smaller sample count how
many values of the larger sample are ahead in the
ranking - Sum this up to get U 24
13Example (IV)
- U 24
- Look up corresponding p-value in a table (if U
too large U n1n2 U 5 5 24 1) - P-value of 1-sided test 0.008
- Remember H0 DistributionD DistributionG
- P-value of 2-sided test 0.0082 0.016
- ?Hypothesis that giving does not differ between
treatments can be rejected on 5 confidence
14How is a U-test done for larger samples (n2gt20)?
- Count number of cases in the smaller (n1) and
larger sample (n2) - Do one ranking for both samples together
- Smallest value gets rank 1
- Ties get the average rank
- Add rankings for each sample (R1 and R2)
- then U n1n2 0.5n1(n11) R1
- or U n1n2 0.5n2(n21) R2
15How is a U-test done for larger samples (n2gt20)?
- If n2gt20, U is distributed approximately normal
- Calculate p-value
- Mean mu 0.5n1n2
- S.d. sigma sqrt((1/12)n1n2(n1n21))
- z (U mu)/sigma
- Look up p-value in a table of normal distribution
- For your empirical paper its ok to use this
approximation already for n2gt9
16U-test on the Internet
- http//elegans.swmed.edu/leon/stats/utest.html
17U-test in Stata
- Input data
- Make a variable TreatmentG
- Make a variable giving
- ranksum giving, by(TreatmentG)
18When are observations not independent and how
can we use a U-test anyway?
- Repeated game (partner matching)
- Averages for (fixed) groups over all periods are
the independent observations - For first period, individual observations are
still independent - Interactive game, subjects are matched with
different other subjects in different periods
(i.e. stranger matching) - Every matching group is one independent
observation, take average over all subjects and
all periods in one matching group
19When are observations not independent and how
can we use a U-test anyway? (II)
- Game with perfect stranger matching
- Average for each individual subject over all
periods is one independent observation - One-shot game
- Individual subject is one independent observation
- Digression The role of feedback / information
- One can argue that in a repeated game (stranger /
partner matching) where subjects do not receive
feedback on others behavior (and on own and
others interim payoffs), each subject is an
independent observation
20Data Analysis
- Mann-Whitney U-test
- Wilcoxon test
- Regressions
21Wilcoxon test
- Different names
- Wilcoxon test
- Wilcoxon T-test
- Signed-rank test
- Signrank test
- Wilcoxon signed-rank test
- Wilcoxon signrank test for dependent pairs
- Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test
22Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test
- 2 Treatments Within-Subject
- H0 treatments are the same
- Procedure
- Take differences
- Sort differences according to size of difference
- Allocate ranks (smallest Diff. ? rank 1)
- Sum of ranks for positive differences determines
T - Evaluate p-value for T (Table)
- H0 can be rejected on 5 level if p 0.05
- H0 cannot be rejected if p gt 0.05
23When can/should we use a Wilcoxon test?
- Pairs of observations
- I.e., every observation is actually two
- Examples
- Length of right and left arm
- Behavior in first and last period of a subject
- Strategy method
- Within subject design behavior in treatment 1
and behavior in treatment 2
24When can/should we use a Wilcoxon test? (II)
- Data has to be more than ordinal but less than
interval - We have to be able rank differences in pairs
- Interval/ratio data is also ok
- No assumptions about error distribution,
non-parametric test
25How is a Wilcoxon test done for samples Nlt25?
- Calculate for each pair the signed distance d
- Drop all observations with d0
- N is number of observations with dgt0
- Rank all ds (without regard of the sign)
- Smallest value gets rank 1
- Ties get the average rank
- Calculate T as sum of all ranks of one sign (T is
the smaller sum of the two possible sums) - Look up corresponding p-value in a table (T has
to be smaller than the given number
26Table with p-values for Wilcoxon test
- Dictator game, subjects can give between 0 and 15
- Treatments (within subject design)
- Y Recipient is young
- O Recipient is old
- Question Is giving different acc. to recipient?
- H0 Giving does not differ acc. To recepient
- Observations (8 subjects) (Y, O)
- (3,6) (4,9) (15,14) (12,3) (1,7) (4,5)
(10,6) (3,2)
28Solution example
- Calculate differences and absolute value of
29Solution example (II)
- Rank data by absolute difference (ascending)
- Calculate sum of ranks for one sign (T smaller
sum, here positive ranks) - T17
- P0.945
- H0 (Giving does not differ) cannot be rejected
30How is a Wilcoxon test done for samples Ngt25?
- Calculate for each pair the signed distance d
- Drop all observations with d0
- N is number of observations with dgt0
- Rank all ds (without regard of the sign)
- Ties get the average rank
- Calculate T as sum of all ranks of one sign (T is
the smaller sum of the two possible sume)
31How is a Wilcoxon test done for samples Ngt25?
- If Ngt25, T is distributed approximately normal
- Calculate p-value
- Mean mu 0.25N(N1)
- S.d. sigma sqrt((1/24)N(N1)(2N1))
- z (T mu)/sigma
- Look up p-value in a table of normal distribution
32Wilcoxon test on the Internet
- http//www.fon.hum.uva.nl/Service/Statistics/Signe
33Wilcoxon test in Stata
- Input data
- Two variables per observation
- signrank YO
34Data Analysis
- Mann-Whitney U-test
- Wilcoxon test
- Regressions
- Different names
- Regression
- OLS regression
- ordinary least squares
- Method of least squares
- Multivariate regression
36When can/should we do a regression?
- More assumptions
- Independent observations
- Normally distributed error term
- Gauss-Markov assumptions
- Main advantage
- Possibility to control for other variables
- Higher efficiency (U-test 95 of t-test)
37Regressions in Stata
- Example Giving Game vs. Dictator Game (U-test)
- regress giving TreatmentG
- giving is variable containing the giving info.
- TreatmentG is variable containing the treatment
info (i.e., explanatory / exogenous variable). - Significance tested by t-test
- Example Giving acc. to recipient (Wilcoxon test)
- Observations not independent!
- Cannot use OLS
38Regressions in Stata (II)
- Repeated individual decision (giving)
- Data is dependent within each person (person)
- But independent across persons
- regress giving treat, cluster(person)
- Matching groups (action)
- Data is dependent within each MG (group)
- But independent across matching groups
- regress action treat, cluster(group)
- Dictator game, giving between 0 and 15
- Every subject gives repeatedly
- Subjects (dictators) are both male and female
- Treatments
- M all recipients are male
- F all recipients are female
40Example (II)
- Treatment M
- Treatment F
- Female Gender of dictator
- How to analyze data of repeated game?
41Example (III)
- Every subject in each period treated as
independent observation (which they are not) - regress giving TreatmentF
- ranksum giving, by(TreatmentF)
- Taking dependence on dictator-level into account
- regress giving TreatmentF, cluster(Subject)
- ranksum mean_giving, by(TreatmentF)
- bysort Subject egen mean_givingmean(giving)
- Analyzing additional control variables (dictator
gender) - regress giving TreatmentF female, cluster(person)
- Why experiments?
- Advantages and Objectives
- Limits and objections
- How to do an experiment?
- Designing an experiment
- Conducting an experiment
- Data analysis
- How to write a paper?
43How to structure a paper about an experiment
- Title page
- Title
- Authors
- Abstract (short summary, ca. 100 words)
- Sections (chapters of the paper)
- Introduction
- Design Predictions
- Results
- Conclusions
- References
44How to structure a paper about an experiment II
- Introduction
- Introduction (whats this about)
- Research question (In this paper, we ) as
early as possible - Design (no p-values)
- Results
- Interpretation
- Related literature
- Readers should be able to stop after the
introduction and know the important things - Rest of the paper only shows that introduction
was correct
45How to structure a paper about an experiment III
- Design Section
- Section title is usually Experimental design
although that is grammatically not correct - General design (incl. payoff table)
- Treatments (additional control treatments can be
mentioned later) - If there is a crucial design detail, explain it
- But you dont have to explain why you chose every
parameter the way you did - Predictions (or as separate chapter)
- Standard prediction (rational selfish) SGPNE
- Alternative hypothesis/hypotheses
46How to structure a paper about an experiment IV
- Design
- Instructions as appendix (or available upon
request) - Procedural details at the end of design
- subjects
- information about subjects undergrad? which
university? which fields? - average earnings
- duration of experiment
- ztree disclaimer
- etc.
47How to structure a paper about an experiment V
- Results
- Do formulate explicit results (Result 1 )
- Usually, every result needs a statistical test of
the hypothesis (i.e., p-value) - Keep this in mind when designing the experiment
- State which test you use
- Short conclusion
- The appendix (Blinddarm) of economics papers not
needed anymore, will probably die out - Abstract again main design idea, main results
- Caveats
- More interpretation possible extensions
- Use a newspaper style, not a joke style
- Important things first, then the details
- A joke works the other way round
- Suspense is not necessary
49Present or past tense?
- Design past tense
- Predictions present tense/future
- Results present tense or past tense
- Present tense makes results seem more general
- But sometimes akward
- No bold text
- Italics only rarely if it helps understand a
sentence - Use as few footnotes as possible
- Footnotes destroy readability of the paper
- If something is important, mention it in the text
body - If it is not important, its not important
- Thoughts which someone else already brought
forward or findings already found somewhere else
have to be cited - Usually, the main thought is cited, not the
literal statement, i.e. - Fehr (1999) has argued that sanctions enforce
norms instead of - Fehr (1999) wrote sanctions enforce norms
- Citations in the text (NOT in footnotes)
- Fehr (1999) shows that
- It has been argued that sanctions enforce norms
(Fehr 1999)
52Figures and tables
- Figures have to be readable if printed in black
and white - Notes below figure/table must explain details,
interpretation is done in the text
53Useful books for next Christmas
- Deirdre McCloskey Rhetoric of Economics
- William Zinsser On Writing Well