Title: Art I PreTest
1Art I Pre-Test
2Demonstrate your ruler skills and knowledge of
one point perspective by drawing your initials.
Follow all the rules of one point perspective.
- Include the following
- A horizon line.
- A vanishing point.
3Your Turn!!!
- Remember to include the following
- Your initials.
- A horizon line.
- A vanishing point.
4Demonstrate your knowledge of shading with pencil
by filling in the value scale and forms. Also,
take note of how the forms are shaded - you will
be doing the same.
5Your Turn!!!
- Guidelines to Remember
- Create / Shade Value Scale.
- Choose, Draw, Shade 2 of the 3 forms so it
appears 3-Dimensional. - Include shadows and references to a light source
in the appropriate places.
6Demonstrate your knowledge of the color wheel and
shading forms with color.
Color Wheel
7Your Turn!!!
- Guidelines to Remember
- Fill in the Color Wheel using Primary Colors and
Secondary Colors in the correct order. - Use Color Pencils.
- Shade the apple using your best coloring and
shading skills to look as realistic as possible.
8Graphic Designers often use geometry creatively
to communicate their ideas. Demonstrate your
creativity by using circles, squares, and
Creative Drawing pt. 1
9Your Turn!!!
- Guidelines to Remember
- Create 6 identifiable images by adding other
elements while keeping the original shapes. - This assignment is to be done in black and white.
- Use a ruler and compass wherever needed.
- Use scratch / sketch paper to decide on your
designs before marking on your paper.
10Demonstrate your creativity by creating a unique
Creative Drawing pt. 2
- Follow these guidelines
- Your drawing must include a tree, a house, and a
person. - You can use colored pencil, marker, or drawing
pencils. - Use the entire space provided.
- Keep in mind that you can be as creative as you
want just keep it School Appropriate.