Title: IV. Primary Research
1IV. Primary Research
- Focus groups
- ADV 3501 Advertising Research
- Spring 04
- To read
- Chapters 10 and 11
- To do
- First (qualitative) proposal 2/24.
- If you have it ready before this date please turn
it in. - Qualitative report 3/23
- Therefore the mini-group has to be done between
March 1 and March 5 and the focus group has to be
done between March 15 and March 19. - Handouts
- Examples
3Revised schedule (Next 5 classes)
- 2/17 Focus groups
- 2/19 Analyzing qualitative data
- 2/24 Evaluation of advertising creative
- 2/26 Copy testing
- 3/2 Review Exam 2
4Proposal for qualitative research
- Please include name and email address of team
leader - Elements of a proposal
- a brief statement of the situation
- Summarize what is known about the marketing
situation at present - What research has occurred to date to better
understand the problem/challenge - Summarize the key findings from past research
- (2) the problem statement
- What is the advertising problem or challenge?
- What is(are) the concept(s) research should
measure? - How are those concepts defined?
- How are those concepts operationalized?
- Why is research recommended?
5Proposal for qualitative research
- (3) the recommended methodology
- Which research method is recommended and why?
- Be specific in stating how many groups will be
conducted, when, and where. - Include any other information a client should
know before approving the proposal. - (4) Recruitment
- Demographic, ideal characteristics of
participants of focus groups. - Where are you going to find potential
participants - Screening procedure
- Number of people invited to participate
6Proposal for qualitative research
- (5) A proposed timetable for the research process
7Proposal for qualitative research
- (6) appendices
- a recruitment screener (Copy)
- an informed consent form (Copy)
- a discussion or interview guide, complete with
interviewer/moderator guidelines (Copy)
8Planning a focus group
Select moderator Determine group traits Brief
moderator Determine number of groups
required Prepare, pretest, and revise Select
facility discussion guide Schedule groups
Conduct groups Assess group success Analyze and
present findings Decision making
9Planning a focus group(Moderator Activities)
- Moderator traits Personality, demographic
profile, - The briefs objectives are
- Read the written materials (proposal)
- Get person familiarized with the problem in order
to keep the conversation focused - Discuss, pretest and revise discussion guide
Select moderator Brief moderator Prep
are, pretest, and revise discussion guide
10Planning a focus group(Group Activities)
- Traits Homogeneity vs. heterogeneity
- Whats the defining characteristic?
- Number DC x Areas x 2
- Caveats preliminary nature, no real variations,
objectives - Facility
- Location and layout
- Recruitment
- Screener (224-225)
- Incentives
Determine group traits Determine number
of groups required Select facility Schedule
11Planning a focus group(Implementation)
- Outline of a FG
- Intro remarks
- Intro and personal information
- Setting the discussion
- Main discussion
- Summary
- Questions from the peanut gallery
- Thank you and incentives
Conduct groups
12Planning a focus group(Implementation)
- Revise techniques, questions, depth of
information obtained - Analysis of information
Assess group success Analyze and present
findings Decision making
13IV. Primary Research
- Focus groups Discussion guide
- ADV 3501 Advertising Research
- Spring 04
14Purpose of qualitative research
- Qualitative research is designed to generate
insights, understanding about - Attitudes, interests, and opinions
- The subjective reality
- Beliefs gt Attitudes gt Behavior
15Elements of a discussion guide
- Opening the discussion
- Discussion
- Final activities
16Opening the discussion
- Intro remarks
- Intro of moderator
- Refreshments
- Moderators role
- Specification of the topic
- Rules
- Characteristics of observation
- Rules for reporting
- Intro and personal information
- Setting the discussion
17The Discussion
- Main discussion
- The ice-breaker first question
- Main topics
- Amplifications, elaborations and corrections
- Summary
18Final activities
- Questions from the people behind the mirror (AKA
as clients). - Thank you and incentives
19The art of asking questions
- The right questions are those that assess
- What subjects did, experienced, noticed.
- How they reacted to their experiences,
observations - What made them react the way they did
- What props and costumes were used in the
experience - What dialog occurred (who said what to whom)
- When each event occurred
20The art of asking questions
- Questions should be open ended
- Dichotomous questions should be avoided
- Why questions should be avoided
- Reframe the question to encourage spontaneity
21The art of asking questions
- Validate different opinions
- Are there any other points of view?
- The Pause
- Listen for hidden treasures
- The Probe
- Would you explain further?
- Is there anything else?
- Please give me an example of what you mean?
22The art of asking questions
- Body language is extremely important
- Restrict head nodding or facial expressions that
can be misinterpreted - Dont look at your watch or look bored
- Neutral affirmations are acceptable (ok, Uh
huh). - Avoid approval-giving words (Right, Good,
23IV. Primary Research
- Focus groups Recruiting and Implementation
- ADV 3501 Advertising Research
- Spring 04
24Pre-planning checklist
- Recruiting
- Over-recruit (3 for every 1)
- Get contact information
- Call/email the night before
- Re-confirm location
25Pre-planning checklist
- Location
- Reserve-able
- Public access locations
- Easy to find
- Comfortable for the number of people expected
- Temperature controlled
26Pre-planning checklist
- Equipment
- Have all needed equipment on location
- Video camera, tape recorder, tripod, batteries
- Keep extras of everything (i.e., tape recorder)
- Name tags
- Arrange the room so equipment does not present a
27Pre-planning checklist
- Supplemental tools
- Sample ads?
- Easel or board?
- Index cards?
- Product/competitive ads?
- Picture/product samples?
- Other tools?
- Incentives?