Title: Classifying Facial Actions
1Classifying Facial Actions
- Cory Marqusee, UD
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- University of California at San Diego
- From the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis
- and Machine Vision Volume 21, Number 10
- Donato, et. al, October 1999
- The Facial Action Coding System
- The Image Database
- Optical Flow Analysis
- Holistic Analysis
- Local Representations
- Naive and Expert Human Coders
3The Facial Action Coding System
- Based on facial actions (FACS), or component
motions. - Human experts
- require 100 hrs. of training
- take 1 hr. to score a 1 min. video
- Areas of use
- Basic human research.
- Human-computer interaction systems.
- Previous automated vision systems required dots
attached to the face.
4The Facial Action Coding System
- Facial signals are derived in terms of component
motions, or facial actions (FACS). - Ekman and Friesen define 46 Action Units (AUs)
for each independent motion of the fade. - Each expression is composed of a set of AUs.
- Upper facial muscles with Aus 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7
5Classified Facial Actions
6Image Database
- 24 Subjects, 150 distinct actions.
- 1,100 sequences of 6 images.
- From a neutral expression to high magnitude
muscle contraction. - Divided between upper and lower face categories.
- 640 x 480 pixel images were used.
- Preprocessing
- Faces were aligned.
- Eyes were rotated to horizontal.
- Scaled, and then cropped in 60 x 90 pixels
containing either region of interest (upper or
lower face). - Eye and mouth centers were warped to coincide
across all images to remove variations in facial
7Optical Flow Analysis
- Local Velocity Extraction
- Local Smoothing
- Classification
8Local Velocity Extraction
- A sequence of three images are needed at t
- Flow Field
- Response distributions
9Local Smoothing
- Optical Estimate U
- Computer Iteratively using
- Cycle of iterations stops when
10Classification and Results
- S(novel feature vector, training feature vector)
- Many systems employ regularization procedures.
- Smoothed optic flow gave poor results
- High spatial resolution optic flow is required.
11Optic Flow for AU1 (no smoothing)
12Holistic Analysis
- Principal Component Analysis EigenActions
- Local Feature Analysis (LFA)
- Sparsification of LFA
- Independent Component Analysis
13Principal Component Analysis
- Principal components obtained by calculating the
eignevectors of the covariance matrix, S, of the
delta-images, X.
14Principal Component Analysis
15Local Feature Extraction
16Sparsification of LFA
- Images are projected into a subspace in which the
classes are maximally separated.
17Independent Component Analysis
- A generalization of PCAs that learn the
high-order moments. - Pixel gray values (edges)
- Shape
- Curvature
18Independent Component Analysis
19Local Representations
- Local PCA
- Gabor Wavelet Representation
- PCA Jets
20Local PCA
21Gabor Wavelet Representation
22PCA Jets
23Naive and Expert Human Coders
- Naive Subjects
- 10 volunteers with no prior knowledge on
expression measurement. - Given 30-60 min.
- Experts
- Given 114 upper face and 93 lover face images.
- Given 20-75 min.