Title: Devotional Phrases in Arabic
1Devotional Phrases in Arabic
2al hamdulillâh
al thehamd praise, commendation, extolling
the virtues ofu suffix denoting that hamd is
the subject of the sentenceli to, forllâh
All praise is for Allâh
All praise is to Allâh
Only Allâh is worthy of praise.
3allâhu akbar
4 'astaghfirullâh
'asta derived verb prefix which denotes
seeking, asking ghfir forgiveness for past
sins, or protection from future sins u
suffix denoting that astagfir is the subject of
the sentence -llâh allâh I am
seeking forgiveness from Allâh. I seek Allâh's
protection from committing sins.
'astaghfirullâh is sometimes said in response to
a compliment, as if to say Allah please
protect me from pride and vanity.
5bismillâh ir-rahmân ir-rahîm
6 inshâ'llâh
7lâ hawla wa lâ quwwata illâ billâhlâ no, not,
none, neitherhawla change, motion,
transformation, powerwa andlâ no, not,
none, neitherquwwata strength, power, potency,
intensityillâ but, exceptbi with, to, for,
in, throughllâh allâhThere is no
transformation or potency except through
Allâh.There is neither change nor power except
through Allâh.There is no power or strength
except through Allâh. â hawla wa lâ quwwata
illâ billâh
8lâ ilâha illâ-llâh
10subhân allâh
11subhâna wa ta'alâ
subhâna praised, glory be towa andta'alâ
be exalted, raised above, enthroned  (Allâh is)
Praised and exalted.