ECONOMETRICS II - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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To answer any queries regarding the website and structure of ... Confuses two effects. Formal proof and intuition. Identification. Try to separate the effects ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Overview
  • Dr. Liam Delaney

Last Years Class
The goal of today's lecture
  • To answer any queries regarding the website and
    structure of the course
  • To briefly review the course prerequisites and
    discuss the OLS model
  • To outline the six topics that form the basis of
    the course

  • 1. Introduction.
  • 2. Dummy dependent variable modelling.
  • 3. Simultaneous equation modelling.
  • 4. Distributed lag models.
  • 5. Other Time series models.
  • 6. Panel econometrics.

1. Introduction
  • Discussion of basic principles of economic
  • Ensure that you have a familiarity with OLS,
    Deviations from the Classical Model etc.
  • Ensure that you have a basic familiarity with the
    principles of model construction, specification
    and testing.

  • Abstract
  • The paper aims to investigate the factors
    influencing third-year students success in
    econometrics course being taught at Istanbul
    Bilgi University. To accomplish this, a multiple
    regression model is estimated using survey data
    from the 246 students who have taken the
    econometrics course. The model tries to explain
    the success in the midterm examination of this
    course using factors in accordance with the
    relevant literature. However a factor that has
    not been considered by the literature, namely,
    whether or not the student plans to enter the
    job-market upon graduation is included. The
    results of the present study indicate that the
    students who planned to enter the job market upon
    graduation seemed to be more interested in
    mastering the topic of econometrics.
  • Source Gevrek, Z., Kahraman, B., and Kirmanoghu,
    H., (2004) Available from the Social Science
    Research Network (

  • The regression model employed in the present
    study is as follows
  • MG a0 a1Ai a2Bi a3Ci a4Di a5Ei a6Fi
    a7Gi a8Hi a9Ii a10Ji a11Ki a12Li
    a13Mi a14Ni a15Oi a16Pi Ui
  • Dependent variable
  • MG Midterm grade Students grade (out of 100) in
    the econometric midterm examination.
  • Explanatory variables
  • A Gender A value of 1 is assigned if the
    student is a male a value of 0 is assigned if
    the student is a female.
  • B Related grade Students grade (out of 100) in
    the prerequisite statistics midterm examination,
    which reflects prior scholastic performance in a
    related course.

  • C and D Job market This factor has two
  • a C A value of 1 is assigned if the student
    plans to work as an employee upon graduation a
    value of 0 is assigned otherwise.
  • b D A value of 1 is assigned if the student
    plans to work as an employee upon graduation, and
    then subsequently start their own business a
    value of 0 is assigned otherwise.
  • E and F Financial aid This factor has two
  • a. E A value of 1 is assigned if the student
    receives financial aid from Istanbul Bilgi
    Universitys Board of Trustees a value of 0 is
    assigned otherwise.
  • b. F A value of 1 is assigned if the student
    receives financial aid from the Turkish Higher
    Education Council a value of 0 is assigned
  • G Mothers education level This is a
    categorical variable, made up of four categories.
  • H Fathers education level This is a
    categorical variable, made up of four categories.

  • I Mothers employment status A value of 1 is
    assigned if the father works as an employee a
    value of 0 is assigned otherwise.
  • J Fathers employment status A value of 1 is
    assigned if the mother works as an employee a
    value of 0 is assigned otherwise.
  • K Regular student-attendance at lectures.
  • L Regular student-attendance at tutorials.
  • M Students ability to cope with stress.
  • N Suitable study environment, free of
  • O Students perceived value of the course.
  • P Faculty teaching ability Faculty (both
    instructor and teaching assistants) teaching
    ability is accounted for using factor analysis
    based on the students five-point scale

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  • Find the line of best fit
  • min the sum of squared errors (SSE)
  • OLS is BLUE and Consistent
  • Test Restrictions F,t tests

  • Example
  • test H0b1 b2 1
  • Calculate
  • Note the degrees of freedom
  • df1 no. of restrictions, df1 1,
  • df2N-K-1
  • Get Critical Value from tables Fc(df1,df2, sig
  • Reject the Null Hypothesis if FgtFc

  • How do you interpret Dummy independent variables?
  • Why do you include one less dummy than number of
  • Goodness of Fit
  • R-squared
  • Does it matter?
  • Omitted Variable Bias
  • Does it matter?

AC Hetero
  • Variance of residuals is non-standard
  • AC
  • Hetero
  • OLS is no-longer best
  • Usual formulae for Standard errors not correct
  • Tests not correct
  • Still unbiased and consistent

  • Solution GLS
  • model the error explicitly
  • Transform data to eliminate AC or Het
  • Do OLS on transformed data

Detecting AC Het
  • AC DW statistic
  • Estimate the model by OLS
  • Calculate the DW test statistic
  • critical values from the DW tables
  • Warning! region of indecision and two critical
  • upper and lower bound from the tables dL and dU

  • Hetero Park Test
  • T-Test of
  • Experiment with different structures and
  • Residual Plots
  • For both AC and Het
  • See if there is a pattern

2. Dummy Dependent Variables
  • REVISION Please Revise statistical sections on
    levels of measurement
  • So far, you have almost exclusively considered
    continuous data.
  • A large amount of econometrics is concerned with
    discrete data (e.g. 0,1 categories) and other
    forms of limited dependent data.
  • Very interesting and wide range of topics e.g.
    consumer theory, voting and any other choice
    topics you can think of.
  • Limited Dependent Analysis increasingly common in
    an age of vast survey data sets and powerful
    computing capabilities

Why not OLS??
  • Low Fit
  • Heteroscedasticity
  • Non-normality
  • Does not constrain the predicted values of the
    probabilites between 0 and 1.

Dummy Dependent Variables
  • LPM, Probit, Logit
  • LPM
  • OLS
  • (0,1) barrier
  • Marginal effects
  • Probit, Logit
  • Non-linear ML
  • (0,1) barrier
  • Marginal effects

  • More formally, we say that the probability that
    Y1 (i.e. that an individual drives) is a
    non-linear function, F, of the variables.
  • We choose the function to ensure that it has the
    desired shape.
  • In the case of Probit we use F, the cumulative
    distribution function of a normal random

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  • In general, for a sample of N observations, the
    log-likelihood of the sample will be
  • Log likelihood is joint probability that observe
  • Computer algorithms find MLE

Some Issues with Logit/Probit
  • How do you test for joint significance?
    (Likelihood Ratio Test).
  • Remember that the coefficients are not marginal

Likelihood Ratio Test
  • Cant use F-test ---- because there are no SSR
  • LR test is the equivalent
  • Intuition -- see if the restriction changes the
    likelihood significantly
  • Test Statistic
  • Critical Value c2 with d.f. equal to no. of

  • The marginal probability is affected by b but it
    is a non-linear function and is not equal to b.
  • Wrong to say b equal to 0.2 implies 20 increase
    in travel by car for every 1 increase in bus
  • This is a consequence of ensuring that marginal
    probability is low when probability is high and
    vice-versa i.e. as in the diagram.
  • The marginal probability will have the same sign
    as b. This is often all that we want.
  • Often report marginal probability evaluated at
    the means

3. Simultaneous Equations
  • REVISION please revise the assumptions of the
    OLS model
  • Supply and demand
  • OLS biased and inconsistent
  • Confuses two effects
  • Formal proof and intuition
  • Identification
  • Try to separate the effects
  • Need exclusion restrictions

ct ?1 ?2 yt et
yt ct it
Illustrating the Identification Problem
  • Suppose we observe the following data
  • Is this a supply curve or a demand curve?
  • It looks like a supply curve

  • It could be a supply curve, i.e data is generated
    by movements of the demand curve along a supply
    curve -- so trace out the supply curve

  • We can identify (trace out) the supply curve only
    because y is in the demand curve equation but not
    in the supply curve
  • It is because y is excluded from the supply curve
    that we can be sure that changes in y move the
    demand curve only
  • If y was in the supply curve we could not do this
  • We cannot identify (trace out) the demand curve,
    because there is no variable in the supply curve
    that is not in the demand curve

Estimation- 2SLS
  • Two stage least squares
  • 1. Estimate the reduced form using OLS.
  • 2. Do OLS on the structural form with the
    actual values replaced by the fitted values
    from the first stage

  • Why this works for the supply equation
  • The fitted values from the first stage are by
    definition the part of the variation in p and q
    that is due to changes in income
  • Therefore we are sure that the fitted values lie
    along the supply curve --- so we just do OLS on
    these values
  • More formally the fitted value of p is
    uncorrelated with e because it is a function
    solely of y which is uncorrelated with e (i.e.

  • Why does it not work on the demand equation?
  • Computer will generate an error at second stage
    estimation of demand equation because effectively
    the income variable will appear twice

  • So far, you have mainly studied Cross Sectional
  • In time series the order of the data matters
  • Very detailed and complex areas
  • We will examine three main areas
  • Distributed Lags
  • Univariate Time Series
  • Cointegration Models

4. Distributed Lag
  • Effect is distributed through time
  • Two questions
  • How far back?
  • Should the coefficients be restricted?
  • Models
  • Unrestricted Finite DL
  • ADL
  • PDL
  • Geometric lag (AE, PAM)

yt ? ?0 xt ?1 xt-1 ?2 xt-2 et
The Distributed Lag Effect
Effect at time t1
Effect at time t2
Effect at time t
Economic action at time t
The Distributed Lag Effect
Effect at time t
Economic action at time t-2
Economic action at time t
Economic action at time t-1
Arithmetic Lag Structure (impulse response
?0 (n1)?
?1 n?
?2 (n-1)?
linear lag
?n ?
0 1 2 . . .
. . n n1
Polynomial Lag Structure
0 1 2 3 4
n the length of the lag p degree of polynomial
where i 1, . . . , n
For example, a quadratic polynomial
?0 ?0 ?1 ?0 ?1 ?2 ?2 ?0
2?1 4?2 ?3 ?0 3?1 9?2 ?4
?0 4?1 16?2
where i 1, . . . , n p 2 and n 4
n the length of the lag p degree of polynomial
where i 1, . . . , n
For example, a quadratic polynomial
?0 ?0 ?1 ?0 ?1 ?2 ?2 ?0
2?1 4?2 ?3 ?0 3?1 9?2 ?4
?0 4?1 16?2
where i 1, . . . , n p 2 and n 4
yt ? ?0 xt ?1 xt-1 ?2 xt-2 ?3 xt-3
??4 xt-4 et
yt ? ?0?xt ??0 ?1 ?2?xt-1 (?0
2?1 4?2)xt-2 (?0
3?1 9?2)xt-3 (?0 4?1 16?2)xt-4 et
Step 2 factor out the unknown coefficients
?0, ?1, ?2.
yt ? ?0 xt xt-1 xt-2 xt-3 xt-4
?1 xt xt-1 2xt-2 3xt-3 4xt-4
?2 xt xt-1 4xt-2 9xt-3 16xt-4 et
yt ? ?0 xt xt-1 xt-2 xt-3 xt-4
?1 xt xt-1 2xt-2 3xt-3 4xt-4
?2 xt xt-1 4xt-2 9xt-3 16xt-4 et
Step 3 Define zt0 , zt1 and zt2 for ?0 , ?1
, and ?2.
z t0 xt xt-1 xt-2 xt-3 xt-4
z t1 xt xt-1 2xt-2 3xt-3 4xt- 4
z t2 xt xt-1 4xt-2 9xt-3 16xt- 4
Do OLS on
yt ? ?0 z t0 ?1 z t1 ?2 z t2 et
Geometric Lag Structure(impulse response
geometrically declining weights
Figure 15.5
5. Time Series
  • Univariate time series.
  • AR verus MA processes.
  • Unit roots and integration.
  • NB testing for unit roots in AR (1).
  • Multivariate time series.
  • Spurious as opposed to cointegrated
  • NB testing for cointegration.

Key Concepts
  • Stationarity and non-stationarity.
  • Autoregressive and moving average processes.
  • Unit roots.
  • Dickey fuller test.
  • Cointegration and spurious regressions.
  • Testing for cointegration.

Integrated Processes
  • A unit root /non-stationary/ Difference
    Stationary/ Integrated of order one I(1)
  • A process will be I(1) if its auto regressive
    coefficients sum to one
  • Random walk
  • I(1) Impulse response functions
  • Temporary shock has permanent effects
  • Important economic implications

What is Stationarity?
  • A stochastic process is said to be stationary if
    its mean and variance are constant over time and
    the value of the covariance between the two time
    periods depends only on the distance or gap
    between the two time periods and not the actual
    time at which the covariance is computed

  • Test for I(1)
  • Dickey- Fuller test
  • T- test that rho1
  • Use special t tables
  • All tests are mot very powerful against plausible
  • So also use economic intuition

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Multivariate Time Series Models
  • We first dealt with multivariate time series
    models in the section on distributed lags.
  • We noted that the Koyck model contained an
    autogregressive component as well as as a
    multivariate component.
  • Key issue is whether or not the relationship
    between variables is cointegrated or spurious.

Beware Spurious Regressions
  • Remember the TSP example
  • Two completely unrelated variables trending
    upward over time may look as if they are related
  • This is also something to keep in mind when you
    are thinking about distributed lag models
  • A test for cointegration can be thought of a
    pre-test to avoid spurious regression
    situations Granger (1986)

Co-integrated Processes
  • Spurious Regression Two I(1) variables not
    related but OLS says that they are
  • Cure include lags of both in regression
  • Two I(1) variables could be truly related
  • co-integrated
  • Test
  • Run the co-integrating regression
  • Calculate the residuals
  • Test residuals are I(1)
  • If I(0) then the two variables are co-integrated

Test (1) Engle-Granger Tests
  • Same as in Last Lecture Just giving it a name!
  • Test both series to see if I(1)
  • Run OLS on the two variables with no lags
  • If cointegrating relationship exists (Z) then OLS
    will find it
  • If it doesnt exist then spurious regression
  • To see which it is, test Z to see if I(1)
  • Z will be the residual from the OLS regression
  • use DF or ADF test
  • critical values are different from standard DF!
  • if Z is I(1) then variable are not cointegrated

Test (2) Cointegrating Regression Durbin-Watson
test (CRDW)
  • Remember the DW test for Autocorrelation
  • The null was that the relations between the error
    terms is zero i.e. d2
  • Here the null is that there is a unit root so
    that d 2(1-1) 0
  • If the DW test exceeds the critical values we can
    accept the hypothesis of cointegration
  • Asymptotically a unit root in ?t ? DW statistic
    is zero
  • Critical values for this test depend on thedata
    generating process

  • Do you understand what stationary stochastic
    processes are?
  • Do you know how this relates to unit roots?
  • Do you know how unit roots are related to
  • Do you know how to test for unit roots?
  • Do you understand what is meant by cointegration
    and why it is important?
  • Do you know how to test for cointegration?

6. Panel Econometrics
  • Describe panel data as opposed to time series or
    cross-sectional data.
  • Explain how you would estimate a panel model.
  • Explain the difference between fixed effects and
    random effects models.
  • How would you chose between the two (N.B. The
    Hausman Test).

5 Ways of Estimating a Panel Model
  • Assume that intercepts and slopes are the same
    over time and individuals.
  • Assume that slopes are constant but that
    intercepts vary over individuals.
  • Assume that slopes are constant but that
    intercepts vary over time and individuals.
  • Assume that all coefficients vary over
  • Assume that all coefficients vary over
    individuals and time.

Fixed Effects or Random Effects
  • IF N is large and T is small, and if the
    assumptions underlying RE hold, the RE are more
    efficient estimators.
  • Use Fixed Effects if the errors and the
    observations are correlated (e.g. countries).
  • The Hausman test is distributed Chi-Squared
    Asymptotic around the null hypothesis that Random
    Effects is appropriate.

Hausman Test
  • Hausman (1978).
  • The null hypothesis is that the FE and RE do not
    differ substantially.
  • Test is distributed asymptotically chi-squared.
  • FE is consistent under both the null and the
  • RE is consistent under the null and inconsistent
    under the alternative.
  • We can test the appropriateness of RE using
    critical values.

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