Basic Econometrics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Basic Econometrics


Basic Econometrics. Literally defined as economic measurement. Econometrics may be defined as the social science in which the tools of economic ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Basic Econometrics

Basic Econometrics
  • Literally defined as economic measurement
  • Econometrics may be defined as the social science
    in which the tools of economic theory,
    mathematics, and statistical inference are
    applied to the analysis of economic phenomena.
    Arthur S. Goldberger, 1964

Ordinary Least Squares
  • Ordinary Least Squares a statistical method that
    chooses the regression line by minimizing the
    squared distance between the points and the line.
  • i.e. minimize the sum of S, where S ?e2
  • where e the distance between the line and the
    point, or the error term.
  • Error term (e) random, included because we do
    not expect a perfect relationship.
  • Why not sum the errors? Generally equals zero
  • Why not take the absolute value of the errors? We
    wish to emphasize large errors.

Source of Error
  • Omitted variables
  • Measurement error
  • Incorrect functional form

Univariate Analysis
  • Y a bX Where
  • Y The Dependent Variable, or what you are
    trying to explain (or predict).
  • X The Independent Variable, or what you believe
    explains Y.
  • a the y-intercept or constant term.
  • b the slope or coefficient

The t-statistic
  • To evaluate the quality of our slope coefficient
    we refer to the
  • t-statistic.
  • T-statistic slope coefficient / standard error
  • Standard error - estimated standard deviation of
    the coefficient
  • Rule of thumb T-stat gt 2
  • Why? We want to know whether or not the
    coefficient is statistically different from zero.
  • The t-statistic is used to test the null
    hypothesis (H0) that the coefficient is equal to
    zero. The alternative hypothesis (HA) is that the
    coefficient is different than zero.

The slope coefficient
  • How do we interpret the slope coefficient?
  • Example
  • Wins -0.1508 0.0063PTS per game
  • Each additional one point per game results in a
    0.0063 increase in winning percentage.
  • How many wins is this? 0.513 over an 82 game
  • Is this the truth? We never know the truth, we
    are simply attempting to derive estimates.
  • Is this a good estimate? Clearly points alone
    do not explain wins.

The constant term
  • How do we interpret the constant term?
  • The constant term must be included in the
    regression, or else we are forcing the regression
    line through zero.
  • The constant term is used to impose a zero mean
    for the error term, hence it acts as a garbage
    collector. In other words, it captures all the
    factors not explicitly utilized in the equation.
  • The constant term is theoretically the value of Y
    when X is zero. Frequently this is outside the
    range of possibility, and therefore the constant
    term should not be interpreted.

Multivariate Analysis
  • Introducing the idea of ceteris paribus.
  • One cannot impose ceteris paribus unless all
    relevant variables are included in the model.
  • Wins a b(ORB)
  • As illustrated earlier, the estimated impact of
    offensive rebounds (ORB) on wins is negative.
  • In other words, b lt 0
  • Wins c d(Missed Shots)
  • The value of d lt 0
  • ORB e f(Missed Shots)
  • the value of f gt 0
  • In other words, missed shots and offensive
    rebounds are positively related. So when we
    estimate wins as a function of offensive
    rebounds, we are simply picking up the
    relationship between wins and missed shots.

  • How do we know how accurate our equation is?
  • R-squared Explained Sum of Squares / Total Sum
    of Squares
  • Total sum of squares Sum of the squared
    difference between the actual Y and the mean of
    Y, or,
  • TSS ?(Yi - mean of Y)2
  • Explained sum of squares Sum of the squared
    differences between the predicted Y and the mean
    of Y, or,
  • ESS ?(Y - mean of Y)2
  • Residual sum of squares Sum of the squared
    differences between the actual Y and the
    predicted Y, or,
  • RSS ? e2
  • The coefficient of determination Ratio of the
    explained sum of squares to the total sum of
    squares. (Provide example)
  • R2 ESS/TSS R2 1 - RSS/TSS
  • 1 - ? e2 / ? (Yi - mean of Y)2

Adjusted R-Squared
  • Adding any independent variable will increase R2.
    To combat this problem,we often report the
    adjusted R2.
  • Adjusted R2 1 - RSS/(n-K-1) / TSS/(n-1)
  • where n observations
  • K number of coefficients
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