Title: HNPCC
- Grand Rounds
- 3/18/05
- Warren Brenner M.D.
2Colon cancer age 55
Died colon cancer
Died colon cancer age 83
Died age 46 esophageal cancer
Paternal half sister Died age 40 metastatic
cancer of unknown origin
Paternal half brother Died age 43 from TCC
Multiple keratoacanthomas Colon cancer - age
36 Breast cancer age 44 Synchronous colon
cancer age 50 Endometrial cancer - age 51
3CA Cancer J Clin 2005 55 10-30
4Lynch Cancer100, No1,2004
- First described by Aldred Warthin in 1895 and
reported in 1913 - Lynch described 2 Midwestern kindred's as having
a cancer family syndrome in 1966 - Germline mutation in DNA mismatch repair genes
resulting in microsatellite instability - Inherited in AD manner
- Accounts for 1-3 of all cases of CRC (based on
detection of germline mutations)
6Clinical Presentation
- Earlier than average age of onset mean 45
- Pattern of primary cancers segregating in family
- Distinguishing pathological features
- CRC usually involves the proximal colon
- Increased incidence of synchronous and
metachronous CRC - Survival rate for CRC appears better than that of
its sporadic variant - Extra colonic cancers (Lynch II)
- Poorly differentiated, mucinous and increased
incidence of signet cells - Diploid, peritumoral lymphocyte infiltration and
Crohns like reaction - Adenomas found in 20 of colons in HNPCC patients
with CRC - Colonic adenomas tend to occur earlier, are
larger and more often villous with more high
grade dysplasia - Accelerated rate of adenoma to carcinoma
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9Lifetime risk of cancer development
ChungAnnals of Int Med2003,vol 138,2003
10Molecular Biology
- Fearson and Vogelstein described the molecular
basis of sporadic colon cancer as a multistep
model of carcinogenesis with accumulation of
genetic events ultimately resulting in clonal
tumor development - Oncogenes involved include RAS, SRC, APC and TSG
include P53 mutations and DCC genes on chromosome
18 - These cancers develop from the chromosomal
instability (microsatellite stable) pathway and
are characterized by aneuploidy, allelic losses,
amplifications and translocations and have no
site predilection
11LynchNEJM 348 2003, 919
12Microsatellite Instability Pathway
- Various repair mechanisms are available to
correct any errors occurring during DNA
replication - One type of error called slippage can occur
during the replication of microsatellite
sequences by DNA polymerase - Microsatellite DNA sequences are defined as short
dinucleotide or mononucleotide repeats - These sequences are usually within non coding
regions although some genes contain
microsatellites within coding regions (e.g.,
TGF-ß receptor II, Insulin like growth factor II
receptor, regulators of the cell cycle e.g. E2F4,
regulators of apoptosis e.g. BAX and even the MMR
genes themselves)
13Slippage during DNA replication
Chung, D. C. et. al. Ann Intern Med
ChungAnnals of Int Med2003,vol 138,2003
14DNA Mismatch repair system
- Primary function of the MMR system is to
eliminate these mismatches and insertion-deletion
loops - At least 6 different MMR proteins
- mutS hMSH2, hMSH3, hMSH6
- mutL hMLH1, hMLH3, hPMS1 and hPMS2
- Mutations in hMSH2 or hMLH1 usually results in
high MSI - Mutations in genes such as hMSH6 result in low
levels of MSI
15Genes Associated with the Hereditary Nonpolyposis
Colorectal Cancer Syndrome
ChungAnnals of Int Med2003,vol 138,2003
16LynchNEJM 348 2003, 919
17Components of the DNA mismatch repair system
Chung, D. C. et. al. Ann Intern Med
ChungAnnals of Int Med2003,vol 138,2003
18Microsatellite Instability
- Defined according to an NCI panel of markers
- MSI-H gt instability at 2 or more of 5 loci
- MSI-L is defined as 1 loci showing instability
- MSI is identified in about 15 of all sporadic
cancers - These tumors have similar pathological and
clinical features to classic HNPCC tumors - Sporadic MSI-H tumors usually occur due to
transcriptional silencing by methylation of the
promotor of the hMLH1 gene
UmarJNCI, vol96,2004, 261
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20What to do when HNPCC is suspected
- First step is usually to test tumors for MSI-H
phenotype - Germline testing if positive
- Alternative is to prescreen tumors with
immunostaining for MSH2 or MLH1 protein which is
cheaper and technically easier - Pathogenic mutations in a MMR gene usually lead
to absence of any detectable gene product by IHC
21Overall strategy for genetic testing of an
affected proband from a suspected hereditary
nonpolyposis colorectal cancer kindred
Chung, D. C. et. al. Ann Intern Med
22Do patients with MSI have a more favorable
prognosis than MSS patients?
23- A number of studies have reported better survival
for patients whose tumors have MSI - Population based series of 607 patients
- 17 had MSI
- MSI tumors were associated with a significant
survival advantage independent of all standard
prognostic factors (including stage) and also had
a decreased likelihood of metastasizing to
regional lymph nodes or distant organs
Gryfe et al NEJM, 342, 69
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26Do tumors with MSI benefit from chemotherapy ?
27- Specimens were obtained from 570 patients with
CRC previously enrolled in 5 phase III trials of
adjuvant chemotherapy - 16.7 showed MSI-H
- 10.5 showed MSI-L
Ribic NEJM 349, 2003, 247
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31- In a review of 7000 colon cancer patients in
published studies which analyzed survival and
stratified cases by MSI status 1300 had MSI - Based on pooled findings, MSI was associated with
a 15 or better prognosis compared with MSS
tumors - Data from this analysis also showed that these
tumors may be resistant to FU - In vitro data has shown a survival benefit for
MMR deficient colon cancer cell lines treated
with FU - Cell cycle arrest does not appear to occur in
these cells in response to FU
32- These results contrast with other smaller non
randomized study populations and a larger
selected case series of patients which showed
that patients with MSI had an increased duration
of OS if receiving adjuvant chemotherapy - One small retrospective study showed that
patients with MSI-H tumors were more likely to
respond to irinotecan based therapy than those
with MSI-S tumors.
- Colonoscopy starting age 25 repeated every 1-2
years - Upper endoscopy in families with history of
gastric cancer or who reside in high risk
incidence areas - Urine cytology/ultrasound
- Annual transvaginal U/S and endoscopic aspiration
with cytology starting age 30 for endometrial
cancer screening - Transvaginal U/S and CA-125 screening starting
age 30 annually for ovarian cancer screening - ?role of prophylactic surgery
34Controlled Trial of Screening in HNPCC
- 252 at risk members of 22 families with HNPCC
followed for 15 years - 133 agreed to screening
- 119 refused
- Of those screened there were 62 fewer cancers
and 65 fewer deaths - There were 0 CRC deaths vs. 9 in the unscreened
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