Basics of Quantum Theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Basics of Quantum Theory


One physical system A is a subsystem of another system B (write A ... Classical & quantum mechanics differ crucially regarding the distinguishability of states. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Basics of Quantum Theory

Basics of Quantum Theory
Systems and Subsystems
  • Intuitively speaking, a physical system consists
    of a region of spacetime all the entities (e.g.
    particles fields) contained within it.
  • The universe (over all time) is a physical system
  • Transistors, computers, people also phys. systs.
  • One physical system A is a subsystem of another
    system B (write A?B) iff A is completely
    contained within B.
  • Later, we may try to make these definitions more
    formal precise.

Closed vs. Open Systems
  • A subsystem is closed to the extent that no
    particles, information, energy, or entropy (terms
    to be defined) enter or leave the system.
  • The universe is (presumably) a closed system.
  • Subsystems of the universe may be almost closed
  • Often in physics we consider statements about
    closed systems.
  • These statements may often be perfectly true only
    in a perfectly closed system.
  • However, they will often also be approximately
    true in any nearly closed system (in a
    well-defined way)

Concrete vs. Abstract Systems
  • Usually, when reasoning about or interacting with
    a system, an entity (e.g. a physicist) has in
    mind a description of the system.
  • A description that contains every property of the
    system is an exact or concrete description.
  • That system (to the entity) is a concrete system.
  • Other descriptions are abstract descriptions.
  • The system (as considered by that entity) is an
    abstract system, to some degree.
  • We nearly always deal with abstract systems!
  • Based on the descriptions that are available to

System Descriptions
  • Classical physics
  • A system could be completely described by giving
    a single state S out of the set ? of all possible
  • Statistical mechanics
  • Instead, give a probability distribution function
    p??0,1 stating that the system is in state S
    with probability p(S).
  • Quantum mechanics
  • Give a complex-valued wavefunction ?? ? C,
    ?(S)?1, implying the system is instate S with
    probability ?(S)2.

States State Spaces
  • A possible state S of an abstract system A
    (described by a description D) is any concrete
    system C that is consistent with D.
  • I.e., it is possible that the system in question
    could be completely described by the description
    of C.
  • The state space of A is the set of all possible
    states of A.
  • So far, the concepts weve discussed can be
    applied to either classical or quantum physics
  • Now, lets get to the uniquely quantum stuff

Distinguishability of States
  • Classical quantum mechanics differ crucially
    regarding the distinguishability of states.
  • In classical mechanics, there is no issue
  • Any two states s,t are either the same (st), or
    different (s?t), and thats all there is to it.
  • In quantum mechanics (i.e. in reality)
  • There are pairs of states s?t that are
    mathematically distinct, but not 100 physically
  • Such states cannot be reliably distinguished by
    any number of measurements, no matter how
  • But you can know the real state (with high
    probability), if you prepared the system to be in
    a certain state.

State Vectors Hilbert Space
  • Let S be any maximal set of distinguishable
    possible states s, t, of an abstract system A.
  • I.e., no possible state that is not in S is
    perfectly distinguishable from all members of S.
  • Identify the elements of S with unit-length,
    mutually-orthogonal (basis) vectors in an
    abstract complex vector space H.
  • The systems Hilbert space
  • Postulate 1 Each possible state ? ofsystem A
    can be identified with a unit-length vector in
    the Hilbert space H.

(Abstract) Vector Spaces
  • A concept from abstract linear algebra.
  • A vector space, in the abstract, is any set of
    objects that can be combined like vectors, i.e.
  • You can add them
  • Addition is associative commutative
  • Identity law holds for addition to zero vector 0
  • You can multiply them by scalars (incl. ?1)
  • Associative, commutative, and distributive laws
  • Note There is no inherent basis (set of axes)
  • The vectors themselves are the fundamental
    objects,rather than being just lists of

Hilbert spaces
  • A Hilbert space H is a vector space in which the
    scalars are complex numbers, with an inner
    product (dot product) operation ? HH ? C
  • See Hirvensalo p. 107 for defn. of inner product
  • x?y (y?x) ( complex conjugate)
  • x?x ? 0
  • x?x 0 if and only if x 0
  • x?y is linear, under scalar multiplication
    and vector addition within both x and y

Another notation often used
Review The Complex Number System
  • It is the extension of the real number system via
    closure under exponentiation.
  • (Complex) conjugate
  • c (a bi) ? (a ? bi)
  • Magnitude or absolute value
  • c2 cc a2b2

The imaginaryunit

Real axis
Review Complex Exponentiation
  • Powers of i are complex units
  • Note
  • e?i/2 i
  • e?i ?1
  • e3? i /2 ? i
  • e2? i e0 1

Vector Representation of States
  • Let Ss0, s1, be any maximal set of
    mutually distinguishable states, indexed by i.
  • A basis vector vi identified with the ith such
    state can be represented as a list of numbers
  • s0 s1 s2 si-1 si si1
  • vi (0, 0, 0, , 0, 1, 0, )
  • Arbitrary vectors v in the Hilbert space H can
    then be defined by linear combinations of the vi
  • And the inner product is given by

Diracs Ket Notation
  • Note The inner product definition is the
    same as the matrix product of x, as a
    conjugated row vector, times y, as a normal
    column vector.
  • This leads to the definition, for state s, of
  • The bra ?s means the row matrix c0 c1
  • The ket s? means the column matrix ?
  • The adjoint operator takes any matrix Mto its
    conjugate transpose M ? MT, so?s can be
    defined as s?, and x?y xy.

Distinguishability of States, again
  • State vectors s and t are (perfectly)
    distinguishable or orthogonal (write s?t)
    iff st 0. (Their inner product is zero.)
  • State vectors s and t are perfectly
    indistinguishable or identical (write st)
    iff st 1. (Their inner product is one.)
  • Otherwise, s and t are both non-orthogonal, and
    non-identical. Not perfectly distinguishable.
  • We say, the amplitude of state s, given state t,
    is st. Note amplitudes are complex numbers.

Probability and Measurement
  • A yes/no measurement is an interaction
    designed to determine whether a given system
    is in a certain state s.
  • The amplitude of state s, given the actual state
    t of the system determines the probability
    of getting a yes from the measurement.
  • Postulate 2 For a system prepared in state t,
    any measurement that asks is it in state s?
    will say yes with probability P(st) st2
  • After the measurement, the state is changed, in a
    way we will define later.

A Simple Example
  • Suppose abstract system S has a set of only 4
    distinguishable possible states, which well
    call s0, s1, s2, and s3, with corresponding ket
    vectors s0?, s1?, s2?, and s0?.
  • Another possible state is then the unit vector
  • Which is equal to the column matrix
  • If measured to see if it is in state s0, we
    have a 50 chance of getting a yes.

Linear Operators
  • V,W Vector spaces.
  • A linear operator A from V to W is a
    linear function AV?W. An operator on V is
    an operator from V to itself.
  • Given bases for V and W, we can represent linear
    operators as matrices.
  • An Hermitian operator H on V is a linear operator
    that is self-adjoint (HH).
  • Its diagonal elements are real.

Eigenvalues Eigenvectors
  • v is called an eigenvector of linear operator A
    iff A just multiplies v by a scalar a, i.e. Avav
  • eigen (German) means characteristic
  • a, the eigenvalue corresponding to
    eigenvector v, is just the scalar that A
    multiplies v by
  • a is degenerate if it is shared by 2
    eigenvectors that are not scalar multiples of
    each other
  • Any Hermitian operator has all real-valued eigenv
    ectors, which form an orthogonal set

  • A Hermitian operator H on the set V is called an
    observable if there is an orthonormal (all
    unit-length, and mutually orthogonal) subset of
    its eigenvectors that forms a basis of V.
  • Postulate 3 Every measurable physical property
    of a system can be described by a corresponding
    observable H. Measurement outcomes correspond to
    eigenvalues of H.
  • The measurement can also be thought of as a
    yes-no test that compares the state with each of
    the observables normalized eigenvectors.

  • Given any set S?H of system states,
  • Whether all mutually distinguishable, or not,
  • a quantum state vector v can be translated to a
    wavefunction ?S?C, giving, for each state s?S,
    the amplitude ?(s) of that state.
  • When s is some other state vector, and the
    actual state is v, then ?(s) is just sv.
  • Whenever S includes a basis set, ? determines v.
  • ? is called a wavefunction because its dynamics
    takes the form of a wave equation when S ranges
    over a space of positional states.

Time Evolution
  • Postulate 4 (Closed) systems evolve (change
    state) over time via unitary transformations.
  • ?t2 Ut1?t2 ?t1
  • Note that since U is linear, a small-factor
    change in the amplitude of a particular state at
    t1 leads to a correspondingly small change in the
    amplitude of the corresponding state at t2!
  • Chaotic sensitivity to initial conditions
    requires an ensemble of initial states that are
    different enough to be distinguishable (in the
    sense we defined)
  • Indistinguishable initial states never beget
    distinguishable outcomes ? true chaotic/analog
    computing doesnt exist

Schrödinger's Wave Equation
  • Start w. classical Hamiltonian energy
    equation H K P (K kinetic, P
  • Express K in terms of momentum K ½mv2 p2/2m
  • Substitute H i??/t and p i??/x
  • Apply to wavefunction ? over position states x

(Where ?/a ? ?/?a)
Multidimensional Form
  • For a system with states given by (x,t) where t
    is a global time coordinate, and x describes N/3
    particles (p0,,pN/3-1) with masses (m0,,mN/3-1)
    in a 3-D Euclidean space, where each pi is
    located at coordinates (x3i, x3i1, x3i2), and
    where particles interact with potential energy
    function P(x,t), the wavefunction ?(x,t) obeys
    the following (2nd-order, linear, partial)
    differential equation

Features of the wave equation
  • Particles momentum state p is encoded by their
    wavelength ?, as per ph/?
  • The energy of a state is given by the frequency
    f of rotation of the wavefunction in
    the complex plane Ehf.
  • By simulating this simple equation, one can
    observe basic quantum phenomena, such as
  • Interference fringes
  • Tunneling of wave packets through potential
    energy barriers
  • Demo of SCH simulator

Gaussian wave packet moving to the rightArray
of small sharp potential-energy barriers
Initial reflection/refraction of wave packet
A little later
Aimed a little higher
A faster-moving particle
Compound Systems
  • Let CAB be a system composed of two separate
    subsystems A,B each with vector spaces A, B with
    bases ai?, bj?.
  • The state space of C is a vector space CA?B
    given by the tensor product of spaces A and B,
    with basis states labeled as aibj?.
  • E.g., if A has state ?aca0a0 ? ca1
    a1?,while B has state ?bcb0b0 ? cb1 b1?,
    thenC has state ?c ?a??b ca0cb0a0b0?
    ca0cb1a0b1? ca1cb0a1b0? ca1cb1a1b1?

  • If the state of compound system C can be
    expressed as a tensor product of states of two
    independent subsystems A and B, ?c ?a??b,
  • then, we say that A and B are not entangled, and
    they have individual states.
  • E.g. 00?01?10?11?(0?1?)?(0?1?)
  • Otherwise, A and B are entangled (basically
    correlated) their states are not independent.
  • E.g. 00?11?

Size of Compound State Spaces
  • Note that a system composed of many separate
    subsystems has a very large state space.
  • Say it is composed of N subsystems, each with k
    basis states
  • The compound system has kN basis states!
  • There are states of the compound system having
    nonzero amplitude in all these kN basis states!
  • In such states, all the distinguishable basis
    states are (simultaneously) possible outcomes
    (each with some corresponding probability)
  • Illustrates the many worlds nature of quantum

Unitary Transformations
  • A matrix (or linear operator) U is unitary iff
    its inverse equals its adjoint U?1 U
  • Some properties of unitary transformations
  • Invertible, bijective, one-to-one.
  • The set of row vectors is orthonormal.
  • Ditto for the set of column vectors.
  • Preserves vector length U? ?
  • Therefore also preserves total probability over
    all states
  • Corresponds to a change of basis, from one
    orthonormal basis to another.
  • Or, a generalized rotation of? in Hilbert space

After a Measurement?
  • After a system or subsystem is measured from
    outside, its state appears to collapse to exactly
    match the measured outcome
  • the amplitudes of all states perfectly
    distinguishable from states consistent w. that
    outcome drop to zero
  • states consistent with measured outcome can be
    considered renormalized so their probs. sum to
  • This collapse seems nonunitary ( nonlocal)
  • However, this behavior is now explicable as the
    expected consensus phenomenon that would be
    experienced even by entities within a closed,
    perfectly unitarily-evolving world (Everett,

Pointer States
  • For a given system interacting with a given
  • The system-environment interactions can be
    considered measurements of a certain observable
    of the system by the environment, and vice-versa.
  • For each observable there are certain basis
    states that are characteristic of that
  • The eigenstates of the observable
  • A pointer state of a system is an eigenstate of
    the system-environment interaction observable.
  • The pointer states are the inherently stable

Key Points to Remember
  • An abstractly-specified system may have many
    possible states only some are distinguishable.
  • A quantum state/vector/wavefunction ? assigns a
    complex-valued amplitude ?(si) to each
    distinguishable state si (out of some basis set)
  • The probability of state si is ?(si)2, the
    square of ?(si)s length in the complex plane.
  • States evolve over time via unitary (invertible,
    length-preserving) transformations.

Simulating the Schroedinger Wave Equation
  • A Perfectly Reversible Discrete Numerical
    Simulation Technique

Simulating Wave Mechanics
  • The basic problem situation
  • Given
  • A (possibly complex) initial wavefunction
    in an N-dimensional position basis,
  • a (possibly complex and time-varying) potential
    energy function ,
  • a time t after (or before) t0,
  • Compute
  • Many practical physics applications...

The Problem with the Problem
  • An efficient technique (when possible)
  • Convert V to the corresponding Hamiltonian H.
  • Find the energy eigenstates of H.
  • Project ? onto eigenstate basis.
  • Multiply each component by .
  • Project back onto position basis.
  • Problem
  • It may be intractable to find the eigenstates!
  • We resort to numerical methods...

History of Reversible Schrödinger Sim.
See http//
  • Technique discovered by Ed Fredkin and student
    William Barton at MIT in 1975.
  • Subsequently proved by Feynman to exactly
    conserve a certain probability measure
  • Pt Rt2 It?1It1
  • 1-D simulations in C/Xlib written by Frank at MIT
    in 1996. Good behavior observed.
  • 1 2-D simulations in Java, and proof of
    stability by Motter at UF in 2000.
  • User-friendly Java GUI by Holz at UF, 2002.

(Rreal, Iimag., ttime step index)
Difference Equations
  • Consider any system with state x that evolves
    according to a diff. eq. that is 1st-order in
    time x f(x)
  • Discretize time to finite scale ?t, and use a
    difference equation instead x(t ?t) x(t)
    ?t f(x(t))
  • Problem Behavior not always numerically stable.
  • Errors can accumulate and grow exponentially.

Centered Difference Equations
  • Discretize derivatives in a symmetric fashion
  • Leads to update rules like x(t ?t) x(t ?
    ?t) 2?t f(x(t))
  • Problem States at odd- vs. even-numbered time
    steps not constrainedto stay close to each other!




Centered Schrödinger Equation
  • Schrödingers equation for 1 particle in 1-D
  • Replace time ( also space) derivatives with
    centered differences.
  • Centered difference equation has realpart at odd
    times that depends only onimaginary part at even
    times, vice-versa.
  • Drift not an issue - real imaginaryparts
    represent different state components!


Proof of Stability
  • Technique is proved perfectly numerically stable
    convergent assuming V is 0 and ?x2/?t gt ?/m
    (an angular velocity)
  • Elements of proof
  • Lax-Richmyer equivalence convergence?stability.
  • Analyze amplitudes of Fourier-transformed basis
  • Sufficient due to Parsevals relation
  • Use theorem (cf. Strikwerda) equating stability
    to certain conditions on the roots of an
    amplification polynomial ?(g,?), which are
    satisfied by our rule.
  • Empirically, technique looks perfectly stable
    even for more complex potential energy funcs.

Phenomena Observed in Model
  • Perfect reversibility
  • Wave packet momentum
  • Conservation of probability mass
  • Harmonic oscillator
  • Tunneling/reflection at potential energy barriers
  • Interference fringes
  • Diffraction

Interesting Features of this Model
  • Can be implemented perfectly reversibly, with
    zero asymptotic spacetime overhead
  • Every last bit is accounted for!
  • As a result, algorithm can run adiabatically,
    with power dissipation approaching zero
  • Modulo leakage frictional losses
  • Can map it to a unitary quantum algorithm
  • Direct mapping
  • Classical reversible ops only, no quantum speedup
  • Indirect (implicit) mapping
  • Simulate p particles on kd lattice sites using pd
    lg k qubits
  • Time per update step is order pd lg k instead of
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