The Origins of the Quantum Theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Origins of the Quantum Theory


Today: The beginnings of Quantum Mechanics. Hobson Chapter 13. Next Time: Atomic physics ... Observe how particles (Helium ions) scatter from a Gold foil. Au. v ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Origins of the Quantum Theory

The Origins of the Quantum Theory
Planck (1900)
E h f
Bohr (1911)
Einstein (1905)
Slope h
  • Schedule
  • Today The beginnings of Quantum Mechanics
  • Hobson Chapter 13
  • Next Time Atomic physics
  • Hobson Chapter 14
  • Report/Essay
  • Short description due TODAY
  • Full report due Monday, December 6 three weeks
  • Homework 9 due Wednesday

Timeline - Modern Physics
Nuclear Energy Released
Neutron Stars discovered
De Broglie Schrodinger Heisenberg
Expansion of Universe discovered
Laser Invented
Special Relativity
Start ofQuantum Mechanics
Transistor Invented
All the Quarks discovered
Quantum Mechanics
General Relativity
  • Modern Physics was a sudden revolution starting
    around 1900, and ending ????
  • See Timeline description of lives of various
    scientists on WWW pages.

General Comment
  • Quote from the famous modern physicist, Richard
  • If we were able to pass along only one bit of
    scientific knowledge to future generations, what
    would be the most important one piece of
    information to choose?
  • Feynmans answer That matter is made of atoms
  • What could this mean? How could this fact be so

The Appeal of Atomism
  • It is natural to try to explain the vast
    diversities that we see in terms of the
    arrangements and interactions of a small number
    of fundamental building blocks atoms!
  • Atomism in Ancient Greece
  • Democritus There are only atoms and the void.
    Apparent qualities are result of shape,
    arrangement, and position of atoms. Atoms remain
    unaltered.Gave us the name atom -
  • Explains the basic properties of matter
  • Changes but is never created nor destroyed (in
    our ordinary experience)
  • Solid Atoms linked together
  • Liquid Atoms flowing around each other
  • Gas expands to fill any container because the
    atoms are in motion

The Periodic Table
  • Question Do the properties of atoms (elements)
    indicate that there are more than 100 different
    flavors of these fundamental pieces?
  • Or do the properties indicate a pattern of

Atomic of protons
Are Atoms Indivisible?
  • X-rays discovered in 1895 by Roentgen - World
    Wide sensation!
  • Unknown ray produced from electric discharge that
    penetrates matter!
  • J.J. Thomson discovers the electron in 1897.
  • Henri Becquerel (1896) tries to produce X-rays
    from natural sources.
  • Finds radiation (less penetrating than X-rays)
    given off from ore containing Uranium.
  • Marie Curie (1897) discovers immense radiation
    energy from element she named Radium.
  • Surprising? Yes!
  • If the radiation comes from the atom, it could
    indicate that an atom had been transformed into
    another kind of atom!
  • If atoms are not immutable, then it makes sense
    to ask what are atoms made of?

Atomic Models
  • Conclusion Atoms contain electrons. Questions
    How are they arranged? Since atoms are
    neutral, where is the positive charge?
  • Two models
  • Plum pudding Electrons are embedded in
    continuum of positive electricity like plums in a
  • Planetary model Electrons orbit a small
    nucleus of positive charge like planets orbit the

Positive Charge
Atomic Models
  • How to distinguish between these models?
  • Ernest Rutherford had discovered that certain
    rays given off by radioactive material were ?
    rays - positive particles (ions) with the mass
    He atom.
  • Used to study the atoms itself! Observe how ?
    particles (Helium ions) scatter from a Gold foil.

Count the number of times an ? particle scatters
through an angle ?, for different angles ?.
  • What do you expect?
  • Plum Pudding only small deflections since ?
    particles much heavier than electrons.
  • Planetary can occasionally get large
    deflections if most of the mass of the atom
    resides in the nucleus.

Scattering Experiments
For plum pudding expect only small angle
Scattering Experiments
For plum pudding expect only small angle
The Problem of the atom
  • Experiments supported the picture that an atom is
    composed of light electrons around a heavy
  • Problem if the electrons orbit the nucleus,
    classical physics predicts they should emit
    electromagnetic waves and loose energy. If this
    happens, the electrons will spiral into the
  • The atom would not be stable!
  • What is the solution to this problem?

Blackbody Radiation
  • The true beginnings of the quantum theory lie in
    a strange place the frequency spectrum emitted
    by a solid when it is heated (blackbody
  • Experimental measurements the frequency
    spectrum was well determined.. a continuous
    spectrum with a shape that depended only on the
    temperature (light bulb, )
  • Theoretical prediction Classical kinetic theory
    predicts the energy radiated to increase as the
    square of the frequency (Completely Wrong! -
    ultraviolet catastrophe).

Plancks Solution
  • Max Planck (1901) In order to describe the data
    Planck made the bold assumption that light is
    emitted in packets or quanta, each with energy E
    h f, where f is the frequency of the light.
  • Some texts use the notation n for frequency.
  • The factor h is now called Plancks constant, h
    6.626 (10-27) erg-sec.

E h f
  • The two most important formulas in modern physics
    E mc2 (Einstein special relativity -
    1905) E h f (Planck quantum mechanics -
  • Planck initially called his theory an act of
  • I knew that the problem is of fundamental
    significance for physics I knew the formula
    that reproduces the energy distribution in the
    normal spectrum a theoretical interpretation had
    to be found , no matter how high.
  • Leads to the consequence that light comes only in
    certain packets or quanta
  • A complete break with classical physics where all
    physical quantities are always continuous

Photoelectric Effect
  • Einstein took Plancks hypothesis seriously
  • in order to explain the photoelectric effect.
  • Effect Shining light on a metal can liberate
    electrons from its surface.
  • Experimental facts
  • Easy for UV light (high frequency) hard
  • for red light (low freq).
  • Energy of the electrons depends on frequency of
  • Increasing intensity of light increases number of
    electrons emitted, but not the energy of each
  • Cant be explained by wave behavior of light.
  • If light is generated in quantized units,
    Einstein reasoned it would also arrive with
    quantized amounts of energy

Photoelectric Effect The Theory
  • Einsteins explanation Suppose the energy in the
    light is concentrated in particle-like objects
    (now we call them photons) whose energy depend on
    the frequency of the light according to Plancks
    equation E h?.
  • Prediction Maximum energy of electrons liberated
    energy of photon - binding energy of electron.

    Emax hf - hf0
  • Experiment done accurately by Millikan in 1916

Frequency f
Light is Quantized!
  • We referred to light as a wave.
  • We did experiments to show that light behaves
    like a wave.
  • Recall
  • Waves continuously transmit energy, they do not
    transmit matter.
  • Blackbody radiation and the photoelectric effect
    indicate that the energy transmitted by light
    comes in packets!!
  • Light doesnt behave like a wave.
  • The energy light carries is quantized, which
    means it comes in tiny bursts. The amount of
    energy per burst is determined by the frequency
    and Plancks constant h
  • Ehf
  • Light can behave like a particle. Any chance a
    particle can behave like a wave?

The Two-Slit Experiment
  • We will first examine an experiment which Richard
    Feynman says contains all of the mystery of
    quantum mechanics.
  • The general layout of the experiment consists of
    a source, two-slits, and a detector as shown

The idea is to investigate three different
sources (a classical particle (bullets), a
classical wave (water), and a quantum object
(electron or photon)). We will study the spatial
distribution (x) of the objects which arrive at
the detector after passing through the slits.
Classical Particles
  • Classical particles are emitted at the source and
    arrive at the detector only if they pass through
    one of the slits.
  • Key features
  • particles arrive in lumps. ie the energy
    deposited at the detector is not continuous, but
    discrete. The number of particles arriving per
    second can be counted.
  • The number which arrive per second at a
    particular point (x) with both slits open (N12)
    is just the sum of the number which arrive per
    second when only the top slit is opened (N1) and
    the number which arrive per second when only the
    bottom slit is opened (N2).

only bottom slit open
only top slit open
Both slits open
Classical Waves
  • Classical waves are emitted at the source and
    arrive at the detector only if they pass through
    the slits.
  • Key features
  • detector measures the energy carried by the
    waves. eg for water waves, the energy at the
    detector is proportional to the square of the
    height of the wave there. The energy is measured
  • The energy of the wave at a particular point (x)
    with both slits open (I12) is NOT just the sum of
    the energy of the wave when only the top slit is
    opened (I1) and the energy of the wave when only
    the bottom slit is opened (I2). An interference
    pattern is seen, formed by the superposition of
    the piece of the wave which passes through the
    top slit with the piece of the wave which passes
    through the bottom slit.

Quantum Mechanics
  • Particles act like waves!
  • Experiment shows that particles (like electrons)
    also act like waves!

The de Broglie Wavelength
  • Big question How can we quantify deBroglies
    hypothesis that matter can sometimes be viewed as
    waves? What is the wavelength of an electron?
  • de Broglies idea define wavelength of electron
    so that same formula works for light also, when
    expressed in terms of momentum!
  • What is momentum of photon? This is known from
  • p E / c (plausible since E mc2 and p
    mc ? E pc)
  • How is momentum of photon related to its
  • from photoelectric effect E hf ? pc hf
  • change frequency to wavelength c ??f ? c/f

p ?? h
?? h / p
  • Near the turn of the 20th century, a second
    revolution was in the works.
  • Experiments were probing very small distance
    scales, learning about electrons, atoms, nuclei
  • Max Planck (1900) had the idea that blackbody
    radiation could be explained if light was emitted
    in quanta with Ehf
  • Einstein (1905) reasoned that this would also
    explain the photoelectric effect (light transfers
    quanta of energy to emitted electrons)
  • Light can behave like a particle!
  • deBroglie (1923) proposed that matter could
    behave as a wave
  • Scattering experiments showed this to be true!
  • The quantum theory is born.
  • Nature is not continuous as Newton thought.
  • It is discrete. Energy comes in packets.
  • This explains how atoms behave as wellnext time.
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