Quantum Information Theory Graduate Course Spring 2005 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Quantum Information Theory Graduate Course Spring 2005


1. Quantum Information Theory. Graduate Course Spring 2005 ... The Stabilizer Code Formalism (L7) The Stabilizer Group (L8) Constructing Quantum Codes (L8) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Quantum Information Theory Graduate Course Spring 2005

Quantum Information TheoryGraduate Course
Spring 2005
Lecture 5 02/21/05 Lecture 6 02/28/05 Lecture
7 03/07/05 Lecture 8 03/14/05
  • Marco Lanzagorta Jeff Tollaksen
  • George Mason University

Quantum Error-Correction
  • High-Fidelity Transmission and Manipulation of
    Quantum Information

Why error correction is important?
  • Bowman Open the pod bay doors, HAL.
  • HAL 9000 Im sorry Dave, Im afraid I cannot do

All you need to know
  • An n,k,d quantum error correction code C(S) is
    the vector space VS stabilized by a subgroup S of
    Gn such that and S has n-k
    independent and commuting generators
  • and logical states stabilized by
  • which can correct a set of correctable error
    operators Ei in Gn such that, for all j and k

  • The best way to arrive to this complicated
    result, while fully understanding its meaning and
    implementation, is through an iterative
  • We start by looking at error correction in
    classical computing, then we extend these ideas
    into quantum computing, then we formalize these
    results, and then we will further formalize, and
    so on
  • Some concepts and examples will be seen more than
    once, but each time we will add a new layer of
    detail, complexity and abstraction.
  • To avoid getting lost, it is important to be sure
    that you understand each step of the way!

  • Classical Error Correction (L5)
  • Quantum Error Correction (L5)
  • Symmetrisation Procedures (L6)
  • Quantum Error Correction Codes (L6)
  • Formal Theory of Quantum Error Correction (L7)
  • The Stabilizer Code Formalism (L7)
  • The Stabilizer Group (L8)
  • Constructing Quantum Codes (L8)
  • Conclusions (L8)

1. Classical Error Correction
  • This kind of thing has cropped up before, and it
    has always been attributable to human error
  • HAL 9000

Classical Error Correction
  • Error Correction is not unique to quantum
    computing, it has its origins in classical
  • Classical Error Correction makes classical
    communications fault tolerant.
  • In reality, there is no errorless communication
    of information.
  • CEC allows communications over noisy and
    erroneous data channels.
  • Of fundamental importance for telecommunications,
    internet, fax

Classical Errors
  • Suppose c binary sequences (or codewords) of
    length n w1, w2 wc.
  • During transmission or storage, external noise
    produces random flips (the only type of error in
  • If the channel is a binary symmetric memory-less
    channel, then the set of possible received
    sequences is the set of all the 2n binary
    sequences of length n v1, v2 v2n.

Binary Symmetric Channel
  • In a binary symmetric channel, each bit is
    transmitted with an error probability of e.
  • 0 0
  • 1 1

1 - e
1 - e
The Hamming Distance
  • The task of the receiver is, given v0, to
    identify the most likely codeword wi sent by the
  • That is, the wi closest to v0.
  • The distance between two binary sequences, d(wi,
    v0), is knows as the Hamming distance.
  • It is measured by the number of digits in which
    the two strings differ.
  • For a binary symmetric memoryless channel, the
    codeword with the smallest Hamming distance is
    also the most likely.

The Hamming Bound
  • The larger the distance between codewords, the
    easier to distinguish them in the presence of
  • The code is more robust against the effects of
  • If
  • then up to h errors can be corrected.
  • Upper bound to the number of codewords c able to
    correct up to h errors.

The Hamming Bound Geometric View
  • The Hamming bound can be visualized as a sphere
    of radius h around each codeword. If the code can
    correct the errors, then these spheres must be
  • The number of sequences in each sphere, times the
    number of spheres, has to be smaller than the
    total number of sequences of length n

Parity Check Codes
  • The codewords w are chosen in such a way that
    they satisfy a set of linear equations,
    characterized by the parity check matrix M
  • Mw 0
  • The receiver then tests if v satisfies the
    equation. If v fails, then the receiver corrects
    its value.

Error Pattern and Error Syndrome
  • Error Pattern
  • z w v
  • Error syndrome
  • s -Mv -M(w-z) Mz
  • The receiver has to detect an error syndrome s,
    and then try to determine the error pattern z
    that might have produced s.

Hamming Bound for Parity Check Codes
  • If mrank(M), then kn-m bits can be specified
    arbitrarily, while the remaining m are parity
    check digits.
  • Then, the number of linearly independent
    codewords is c 2n-m 2k then, the lower bound
    for the number of check digits m is

Simple Example
  • If we wish to encode 1 bit using n bits, in such
    a way that 1 bit errors are tolerated, then the
    Hamming bound implies that we need to have ngt2.
  • Therefore, we need at least 3 bits to encode 1
    bit in a code that protects against 1 bit errors.

Data Redundancy
  • The major idea behind more sophisticated CECs is
    to encode k bits of data in n bits (ngtk).
  • The n-k bits introduce additional information,
    encoding the original data in a redundant way.
  • Such redundancy can be used to detect bit errors
    during transmission.
  • An error correcting code with data redundancy
    that repeats the original information a number of
    times is also known as a repetition code.

Classical Linear Codes
  • A code that encodes k bits in n bits (ngtk) is
    called an n,k code.
  • A general code encoding k bits in n bits requires
    2k codewords of length n to specify the encoding.
  • A linear code C encodes k bits of information
    into an n bit code space specified by an n by k
    generator matrix G with elements in Z2.
  • A linear code only requires kn bits to specify
    the encode.

Linear Encoding
  • We encode a k bits codeword x, into a n bits
    codeword c using a k by n generator matrix G as
  • Error correction for linear codes is done using a
    (n-k) by n parity matrix.

Parity Check Equations
  • Parity check matrix H is such that
  • H c 0 and H GT 0
  • The receiver gets the codeword r, which
    incorporates an error e
  • r c e
  • Then, the syndrome s is given by
  • s H r H e

Error Correction Recovery
  • Once we detect the syndrome s, we can find the
    error that occurred e.
  • Now we can correct the error as
  • c r e
  • And finally we can recover the original
    codevector with
  • xT cT G-1

General Steps for Classical Error Correction
  • Encoding
  • The sender encodes the codeword bits
  • Error-Detection or Syndrome Diagnosis
  • The receiver determines what type of error has
  • Recovery
  • The receiver transform the defective codeword to
    obtain the most likely error-free codeword.
  • Decoding
  • - The receiver transforms the encoded
    codeword to retrieve the original codeword.

Logical Codewords
  • The most general error correction codes are of
    the form n,1 and work only with the two logical
  • So a general binary message is transformed as

Dual Construction
  • Suppose C is a n,k code with generator matrix G
    and parity check matrix H. Then
  • H GT 0 and therefore G HT 0
  • The dual of C, denoted by , is the code with
    generator matrix H and parity check matrix GT.
  • The dual of C consists of all the codewords y
    such that y is orthogonal to all the codewords of

Self-Dual Codes
  • A code is said to be weakly self-dual if
  • A code is said to be strictly self-dual if

2. Quantum Error Correction
  • To make errors is part of human nature, but if
    you really want to mess up things, then you need
    a quantum computer.
  • Popular Proverb

The Quantum Channel
  • A quantum channel is a connection that transmits
  • Ideally, coherence is preserved in a quantum
    channel, but this is not the case in real
  • Quantum errors are usually more severe and varied
    than their classical counterparts.

The Problem of Quantum Noise
  • Environment quantum noise affects the stability
    of the quantum registers.
  • Quantum registers require to be stable for
    relatively long periods of time, so computations
    can be performed or information transmitted to
    other systems.
  • Imposes severe limitations to practical quantum

Limits of Quantum Computing
  • Example, an ion trap quantum computer (qubit
    stored in a meta-stable optical transition)
    running Shors algorithm for n lt 2L. Then,
    because of spontaneous emissions, L is bounded
    by 2.2 (Ca), 1.6 (Hg) and 4.5 (Ba).
  • Completely unacceptable bounds for most practical

Quantum Error-Correction
  • Quantum noise leads to the corruption of the
    information in the quantum register, and
    therefore it is unacceptable for the reliable
    transmission, manipulation and processing of
    quantum information.
  • Quantum Error-Correction protocols encode quantum
    states in a special way that makes them resilient
    against the effects of noise, and then decoding
    when it is wished to recover the original state.

Error-Free Gates
  • In the context of quantum error correction codes,
    we assume that the errors occur while a quantum
    state is being transmitted or seated on a
  • That is, we assume that the quantum gates are
  • Obviously this is not a realistic scenario, but
    Fault Tolerant Quantum Computing is the
    technique that deal with gate errors.

Error Correction Codes
  • A quantum correction code usually allows
    correction of a particular set SE of
    correctable errors.
  • The task of code construction consists of finding
    codes whose correctable errors include the most
    likely to appear in the physical device.

General Steps for Quantum Error Correction
  • Encoding
  • The sender encodes the codeword
  • Error-Detection or Syndrome Diagnosis
  • The receiver determines what type of error has
  • Recovery
  • The receiver transform the defective codeword to
    obtain the most likely error-free codeword.
  • Decoding
  • - The receiver transforms the encoded
    codeword to retrieve the original codeword.

Quantum Errors
  • A quantum error may include any of the following
  • A qubit may flip its value.
  • A qubit may change its phase.
  • A qubit may decohere (become entangled with the

Difficulties for QEC
  • Non-Cloning Theorem
  • We cannot copy quantum states.
  • Continuous Errors
  • We require infinite precision to determine the
    error in a single qubit.
  • Measurement destroys quantum information
  • We cannot read the state of the quantum register
    before the end of the computation.

Quantum Codevectors
  • In QEC we use quantum codevectors wgt, which are
    entangled states of n qubits.
  • The information we want to protect is then
    spread by the entanglement over all the n
  • Reading or decohering a few qubits will not
    necessarily lead to an irreversible loss of
    quantum information.

Error Measurement
  • As we cannot measure the qubit to determine what
    error has occurred, we need a more subtle
    syndrome diagnosis procedure.
  • Codevectors are chosen in such a way that an
    error will move the wgt into mutually orthogonal
  • Measurement of the syndrome will therefore reveal
    only which subspace wgt has moved to.

A Neat Measuring Trick
  • Suppose we have an operator M, which is Hermitian
    and unitary, with eigenvalues 1 and 1.
  • Then, the following circuit can be used to
    measure the eigenvalues of M, and leaving the
    qubit in the corresponding eigenvector

Error Probabilities
  • We presume that each qubit can undergo an error
    with probability e.
  • We also assume that the errors on different
    qubits are independent.
  • Then, the probability of errors on two qubits is
    of O(e2). So, if e is very small, then we can
    assume that only one error has occurred, and the
    probability of success is (1-e).
  • A QEC that corrects single errors can increase
    the probability of success to (1-O(e2)).
  • A QEC that corrects t errors can increase the
    probability of success to (1-O(et1)).

3. Symmetrisation Procedures
  • I have to stay functional until my mission is
    complete. Then it does not matter.
  • The Terminator

Symmetrisation Procedures
  • Suppose that we can prepare R copies of a quantum
    state that we need to manipulate.
  • Then, we project the state of the combined system
    onto the symmetric subspace (the space that
    contains all states which are invariant under any
    permutation of the sub-systems).
  • The error free evolution of the R independent
    copies starts and finishes in the symmetric
  • Then, frequent projections on the symmetric
    subspace will reduce errors induced by the

Symmetrisation Operator
  • In the sake of simplicity, consider a two qubit
  • The symmetrisation operator is
  • S (1/2)(P12 P21)
  • where
  • then

Density Matrices
  • We perform the symmetrisation of the density
  • In particular
  • with
  • So rS is purer than r.

Environment Interaction
  • To model the interaction with the environment,
    let us also suppose that
  • where z is a traceless Hermitean matrix that
    represents the interaction with the environment

Purity of the States
  • Taking the first order in perturbation
  • We can calculate the average purity of the two
    copies before symmetrisation by calculating the
    average trace of the squared states

Purity of the Symmetrised States
  • After symmetrisation each qubit is in the state
  • and has purity
  • Since this purity is closer than 1 than with
    the original states, the symmetrised state is
    left in a purer state.

  • Before symmetrisation
  • After symmetrisation

R Copies
  • Purity
  • Fidelity
  • Thus, by choosing R very large, the residual
    error can in principle be controlled to lie
    within a small tolerance.

4. Quantum Error Correction Codes
  • They will fix you.
  • They fix everything.
  • Robocop

Quantum Error Correction Codes
  • General types of QECC, according to the type of
    quantum error
  • Qubit bit flip codes
  • Qubit phase flip codes
  • Qubit bit flip and phase flip codes

Quantum Bit Flip Errors
  • In this type of errors, a noisy channel may flip
    a qubit (aka bit flip channel).
  • Similar to classical error.
  • One possible solution data redundancy.

The Three Qubit Bit Flip Code (1)
  • Encoding (repetition code)
  • Projectors for Syndrome Diagnosis

The Three Qubit Bit Flip Code (2)
  • Syndrome Diagnosis
  • If ltP0gt 1, then, no error.
  • If ltP1gt 1, then, bit flip error on qubit one
  • If ltP2gt 1, then, bit flip error on qubit two
  • If ltP3gt 1, then, bit flip error on qubit three
  • Measurement in this basis does not change the
    state because they are orthogonal.
  • Measurement does not yield any information about
    the values of a and b.

The Three Qubit Bit Flip Code (3)
  • Recovery
  • Flip the bits accordingly.
  • This procedure works perfectly as long as a flip
    error occurs on at most 1 qubit (probability of
    error is 3e2 2e3).
  • Measurement of the projector operators is
    theoretically viable, but it may be hard to
    implement using a small set of quantum gates.

Alternative Bit Flip Error Correction Code (1)
  • Instead of using the projectors describe, we
    could perform two measurements on the observables
    Z1Z2I3 and I1Z2 Z3.
  • Remember that
  • Then
  • Z1Z2I3 compares qubits 1 2

Alternative Bit Flip Error Correction Code (2)
  • Each of these has eigenvalues 1 and 1, and the
    eigenvectors are the two valid codewords 000gt
    and 111gt.
  • Syndrome table

Error Analysis (1)
  • Quantum error correction should increase the
    fidelity of the transmission channel.
  • Before error correction
  • with Fidelity

Error Analysis (2)
  • After using the three qubit bit flip code we
  • with fidelity
  • Therefore, the fidelity bound is improved only
    if plt1/2.

Quantum Phase Flip Errors
  • In this type of errors, a noisy channel may flip
    the phase of a qubit (aka phase flip channel).
  • Without equivalent in classical error theory.
  • One possible solution data redundancy.

Three Qubit Phase Flip Code (1)
  • A very easy solution, when encoding the qubit,
    change the basis to
  • Then, the phase flip error is equivalent to
  • Which is a bit flip error!
  • Then correct for bit flip errors in the ,-

Three Qubit Phase Flip Code (2)

Three Qubit Phase Flip Code (3)
  • Observables for syndrome measurement
  • Syndrome table

Quantum Bit Flip and Phase Flip Errors
  • A more general error may combine a bit flip (X)
    with a phase flip (Z).
  • XZY
  • To protect against both errors, first we encode
    the qubit using the phase flip code, and then
    encode them again using the bit flip code.
  • Concatenation a common technique used to build
    better codes by applying one after the other.

Shors Nine Qubit Code (1)
  • For the 3-qubit examples we have seen, to encode
    for phase flip and then for bit flip means that
    we require to encode 1 qubit of quantum
    information using 9 qubits

Shors Nine Qubit Code (2)
  • Then

Shors Nine Qubit Code (3)
  • Operators for Bit Flip Syndrome diagnosis
  • Z1Z2
  • Z2Z3
  • Z4Z5
  • Z5Z6
  • Z7Z8
  • Z8Z9
  • Operators for Phase Flip Syndrome diagnosis
  • X1X2 X3X4 X5X6
  • X4X5 X6X7 X8X9

More General Types of Errors
  • So far we have seen discrete errors
  • No Error (I)
  • Bit Flip Error (X)
  • Phase Flip Error (Z)
  • Bit and Phase Flip Error (YXZ)
  • However, a more general type of error can occur

Arbitrary Errors
  • Because the 4 Pauli matrices (I,X,Y,Z) form a
    basis for 2x2 matrices, then every general error
    E can be written as
  • E e1 I e2 X e3 Z e4 Y
  • Therefore, Shors nine qubit code can be used as
    a protection against completely arbitrary errors,
    as long as they affect a single qubit.

Discretization of Errors (1)
  • A Continuum of errors can be reduced to a
    discrete set of errors.
  • If we measure a syndrome in the (I,X,Y,Z) basis,
    the state collapses the superposition of errors
    into one of the four states.
  • Then, we reduce an arbitrary error to one of the
    four basic ones.

Discretization of Errors (2)
  • Suppose we have a noisy quantum channel.
  • We describe the noise with a trace-preserving
    quantum operator E, which is represented by Ei.
  • If error occurs only in the first qubit

Discretization of Errors (3)
  • Measurement of the error syndrome then collapses
    the state into
  • And recovery process is performed only for one
    type of error (X, Z, or Y).
  • By correcting a discrete set of errors, the code
    automatically corrects for a much larger class of

5. Formal Theory of Quantum Error Correction
  • Quantum Computers are like the Gods in Nordic
    Mythology (Odin, Thor,) they impose lots of
    rules and show no mercy!
  • Popular Proverb

A Zoology of Quantum Codes
  • Quantum Error Correction Codes are characterized
    by the triplet n,k,d, where
  • n is the length of the resulting codeword.
  • k is the number of qubits to be encoded.
  • d is the minimum distance.
  • Notice that data redundancy implies ngtk
  • A code with minimal distance d2t1 is able to
    correct errors on up to t bits.

Weight and Distance
  • The weight t of an error is the number of qubits
    acted on by non-trivial Pauli Matrices (X,Y,Z).
  • A code with minimal distance d can correct all
    errors with weight up to (d-1)/2.
  • Thus, error correction means d at least 2t1
    (recall classical theory).
  • Three-qubit bit flip code 3,1,1
  • Shors nine qubit code 9,1,3.

Encoding as Space Mapping
  • A quantum error correction encoding can be viewed
    as a mapping of k qubits in a 2k dimensional
    Hilbert space, into n qubits in a 2n dimensional
    Hilbert space.
  • The additional n-k qubits provide the redundancy.

Quantum Codes
  • Quantum states are encoded by a unitary operation
    into a quantum error-correcting code, a subspace
    C of a much larger Hilbert space.
  • An operator P projects a quantum state onto the
    code space C.
  • These subspaces have to be orthogonal for
    reliable syndrome measurement.
  • Errors mapping to different subspaces must take
    the orthogonal codewords to orthogonal states.

Logical States
  • A general state in the C space is called an
    encoded or logical state
  • Remember, the first step in constructing error
    correction codes is to determine the most
    suitable 2k logical states that form a basis for

Example (1)
  • Three qubit bit flip code.
  • The encoding creates two logical states
  • The error correction code subspace C is spanned
    by these two logical states.
  • The projector P is given by

Example (2)
  • Consider the set of errors
  • Clearly, they take the logic states to orthogonal
  • Then, there is no ambiguity about the error
    syndrome that has occurred.

Example (3)
  • A really bad choice for our quantum error
    correction code would be, for instance
  • Because
  • And we cannot distinguish what error really

General Assumptions
  • The quantum noise is described by a quantum
    operator E.
  • The complete error-correction procedure is
    effected by a trace-preserving quantum operator
    R, which we call the error-correction operation.

Successful Quantum Error Correction
  • If the quantum error correction code is
    successful, then, for any state r we have
  • Sometimes we may be interested in E being a
    non-trace-preserving error operation, such as a
    measurement, so we cannot write .

Quantum Error Correction Conditions
  • Theorem Let C be a quantum code, and let P be
    the projector onto C. Suppose E is a quantum
    operation with operation elements Ei. A
    necessary and sufficient condition for the
    existence of R correcting E on C is that
  • for some Hermitean matrix a of complex

Correctable Errors
  • If the Quantum Error Correction Conditions are
    satisfied, then we call the Ei elements the
    noise E errors and
  • If such an error correcting code R exists, then
    we say that Ei constitutes a correctable set of

  • For the 3 qubit bit flip code, we have
  • And also
  • Then, for instance

Distinguishable Errors (1)
  • A sufficient condition for a code to correct two
    errors Ea and Eb, is that it must be able to
    distinguish them when acting on two different
    logical codewords.
  • For Ea and Eb to be distinguishable, they have to
    be orthogonal
  • It is sufficient, but not necessary!

Distinguishable Errors (2)
  • A necessary condition for error correction,
    however, is that
  • That is, the corrupted codevectors have to be
  • Otherwise, we cannot tell them apart.

Distinguishable Errors (3)
  • Therefore, the necessary and sufficient condition
    for error recovery is
  • where
  • is an arbitrary Hermitian matrix
    independent of the i-states.
  • This is exactly the theorem we just saw!

Degenerate Codes
  • When two or more different types of errors lead
    to the same codewords, we say we have a
    degenerate code.
  • Example Z1 and Z2 have the same effect on both
    logical codewords of Shor code.
  • Degeneracy is a quantum effect with no classical
  • Makes very difficult to establish bounds on code
  • On the good news, they pack more information.

Discretization of Errors
  • Theorem Suppose C is a quantum code and R is
    the error-correction operation for E with Ei.
    Suppose F is a quantum operation with operator
    elements Fi which are linear combinations of
    Ei. Then, R also corrects for the effects of
    the noise process F on the code C.

Advantages of the Discretization of Errors
  • Therefore, any code that corrects the
    depolarization channel automatically implies the
    ability to correct any arbitrary single qubit
    quantum operation.
  • This is in strong contrast to classical error
    correction for analog systems, which is very
    complex because we cannot perform such a

Independent Error Models (1)
  • Single-qubit errors may occur in more than 1
  • This problem is simplified if we suppose that the
    errors are independent.
  • If the noise is sufficiently weak, then we can
    protect the information.
  • Note this is different than

Independent Error Models (2)
  • Consider the depolarization channel
  • with fidelity
  • The depolarization channel for many qubits is

Errors in more than 1 qubit
  • What happens if an error affects more than one
  • If the error is small and the noise acts on the
    qubits independently, then we can correct the
  • We make an expansion on the power of the error.
    No-error and 1-qubit-error will dominate the

Quantum Bounds
  • Three most important bounds to quantum error
    correction codes are
  • Quantum Hamming Bound
  • Quantum Gilbert-Barshamov Bound
  • Quantum Singleton / Knill-Laflamme Bound
  • The are helpful to understand the theoretical
    limitations of building quantum error correction

Quantum Hamming Bound (1)
  • Suppose a non-degenerate quantum error correction
    code that encodes k qubits in n qubits in such a
    way that can protect up to h errors. Then
  • Compared to the classical case, we have an extra
    3j factor due to the three possible errors we can
    have (X,Y,Z) in the quantum case.

Quantum Hamming Bound (2)
  • Note that the quantum Hamming bound only applies
    to non-degenerate codes but gives some insight
    regarding the degenerate cases.
  • Consider the case in which we wish to encode 1
    qubit in n qubits in such a way that errors on 1
    qubit are tolerated (k1, h1). In this case, ngt4.

Quantum Gilbert-Varshamov Bound
  • Valid for non-degenerative n,k,d codes.
  • A quantum code encoding k qubits in n qubits
    correcting errors on t qubits satisfy
  • where H is the Shannon entropy

Quantum Singleton / Knill-Laflamme Bound
  • For degenerate n,k,d quantum codes.
  • To correct errors on any t qubits, the code has
    to satisfy
  • This limit the minimal size of a quantum code
    resolving any arbitrary single error to n greater
    or equal than 5 qubits.

Good Quantum Codes
  • A family of n,k,d quantum error correction
    codes is said to be good if
  • The Gilbert-Varshamov bound tells us that such
    codes do exist.

Noise Reduction (1)
  • As we have seen, the interaction between system
    and environment is given by
  • Quantum error correction returns all terms of
    this sum having correctable errors to r0.
  • Therefore, the fidelity of the corrected state,
    compared to the noise-free state is the sum of
    all coefficients ai associated with the
    uncorrectable errors.

Noise Reduction (2)
  • Noise is typically a continuous process that
    affects all qubits all the time.
  • In error correction, the syndrome is extracted by
    a projective measurement.
  • The probability that an error occurs is
    equivalent to the probability that the syndrome
    extraction projects the state onto one which
    differs from the noise-free state by an error
    operator E.

Noise Reduction (3)
  • It is convenient to rewrite HI as follows
  • If only terms of weight1 appear, the environment
    acts individually on each qubit. It does not
    directly produce correlated errors across two or
    more qubits.
  • In this case, errors of all weights still appear
    in the density matrix, but they are suppressed by
    a term of O(e2wt(E)), where e is the coupling
    strength between system and environment.

Noise Reduction (4)
  • In this model, the fidelity of the corrected
    state can be estimated as
  • F 1 P(t1)
  • Where P is the probability of error with weight
    (t1) given by
  • when all single-qubit error amplitudes can add
    coherently (the qubits share a common

Noise Reduction (5)
  • And
  • when the errors act incoherently (either
    separate environments, or a common environment
    with couplings of randomly changing phase).

Noise Reduction (6)
  • Notice that for a good code, t tends to infinity
    while t/n and k/n remain fixed.
  • Therefore, good codes exist when t is large and
    e2lt t/3n.
  • Our uncorrelated noise hypothesis is a reasonable
    approximation to many physical systems.
  • But we have to be extremely careful regarding the
    order of the small coupling constants.

Error Avoiding
  • A different case of quantum error correction
    codes can be used when a set of correlated
    errors, called burst errors, dominate the
    system-environment coupling.
  • In principle, we could find a code whose
    stabilizer includes all these uncorrelated
  • This is called error avoiding, as in this case,
    the errors do not affect the logical states.
  • In general, the more we know about the
    environment and its coupling to the physical
    system, the better we can find an error
    correction code.

6. The Stabilizer Code Formalism
  • I may be synthetic, but Im not stupid
  • Bishop

Digitization of Noise
  • Any interaction between a set of qubits and
    another system can be expressed by
  • where Ei is a tensor product of Pauli
    operators acting on the qubits, and the
    environment states are not required to be
    orthogonal or normalized.
  • Then, we express decoherence and noise in terms
    of Pauli operators.

Tensor Products of Pauli Operators
  • We introduce the notation XuZv for an arbitrary
    error operator, where u and v are binary vectors
    of length n.
  • The non zero coordinates of u and v indicate
    where X and Z appear in the tensor product.
  • Example
  • Remember that Y XZ and thus we only need to
    correct X and Z errors.

Error Correction
  • Error correction then takes place when
  • If there are n qubits in the quantum system, then
    error operators will be of length n.
  • The weight of an operator is the number of terms
    not equal to I.
  • Then, X10011Z00110 from the previous example has
    length 5 and weight 4.

  • Let HM be a set of commuting error operators.
  • Because they commute, let Cugt be the
    orthonormal set of simultaneous eigenstates with
    eigenvalue 1
  • The set C is the quantum error correcting code,
    and H is the stabilizer.
  • The states ugt are the code vectors or quantum

  • For Shors nine qubit code, we have that C has 2
    quantum codewords and
  • Then, these are indeed quantum codevectors of the
    code, and Z1Z2 is part of their stabilizer.

Stabilizer Group
  • We restrict our attention to the case where H is
    a group.
  • For a n,k,d code, C has 2k members and the size
    of the stabilizer is 2n-k.
  • C spans a 2k dimensional Hilbert space inside a
    2n dimensional Hilbert space.
  • The group H is spanned by n-k linearly
    independent members of H.
  • Stay tuned more about the stabilizer group in
    the next section.

Decoherence Free Subspaces
  • Error operators in the stabilizer are correctable
  • as these operators have no effect on the
    logical state.
  • If these are the only errors, then the quantum
    error correction code is a noise-free subspace or
    decoherence-free subspace.

Correctable Errors
  • The set of correctable errors S can be any set of
    errors Ei such that the product E1E2 is member
    of H, or anti-commutes with any member of H.
  • But this is the same as before
  • However, the stabilizer formulation is based only
    on operators and is completely independent of

Stabilizer Construction
  • We construct the stabilizer using X and Z Pauli
  • Suppose M and M are members of the stabilizer.

Matrix Construction
  • The stabilizer is specified by writing down the
    n-k linearly independent error operators that
    span it.
  • We put the binary strings u and v which indicate
    the X and Z parts in the form of two (n-k) by n
    binary matrices HX and HZ.

Stabilizer Matrix
  • We then specify the stabilizer as the (n-k) by 2n
    binary matrix
  • H (HXHZ)
  • and the requirement that all the operators
    commute (i.e. H is an abelian matrix)
  • H is the quantum analogue to the parity check
    matrix in classical error correction.

Generator Matrix
  • The quantum analogue to the classical generator
    matrix is
  • G (GXGZ)
  • which is (nk) by 2n and satisfies
  • Therefore, H and G are duals with respect to the
    inner product defined by
  • uuvv0

Dual Operators
  • Because of
  • then G contains H. Let G be the set of error
    operators generated by G, then also G contains H.
  • We can directly obtain H from its dual G.

Detectable Errors
  • If all members of G (other than the identity)
    have weight at least d, then all error operations
    (other than the identity) of weight less than d
    anticommute with a member of H, and so are
  • Then, such a code can correct all error operators
    of weight less than (d-1)/2, where d is the
    minimum distance of the code.
  • Same result as before!

Code Construction
  • The problem of code construction is reduced to a
    problem of finding binary matrices H which
  • and whose duals G, defined by
  • have large weights.

7. The Stabilizer Group
  • We are not computers, Sebastian, we are
  • Roy Batty

Stabilizer Codes (1)
  • Stabilizer codes are also known as Additive
  • Consider the EPR state
  • It is easy to verify that
  • So we say that the state is stabilized by the
    operators X1X2 and Z1Z2.

Stabilizer Codes (2)
  • Such a state is unique, as it is the only one (up
    to a global phase) to be stabilized by both X1X2
    and Z1Z2.
  • The basic idea of using the stabilizer group is
    to work with the stabilizer operators as group
    generators rather than with the states.
  • The group theoretical formalism of the stabilizer
    codes offers a more compact description of the
    quantum error correction codes.

The Pauli Group
  • The Pauli Group G1 on 1 qubit is given by
  • This set of matrices generates a group under the
    operation of matrix multiplication.
  • The Pauli Group Gn on n qubits is given by the
    n-fold tensor product of Pauli matrices.

Stabilized Vector Spaces
  • Suppose S is a subgroup of Gn, and define VS to
    be the set of n qubit states which are fixed by
    every element of S.
  • VS is the vector space stabilized by S, and S is
    the stabilizer of the space VS, since every
    element of VS is stable under the action of
    elements of S.

Simple Example
  • Consider n3 and SI, Z1Z2, Z2Z3, Z1Z3 a
    subgroup of Gn. Then, the states stabilized by
    each member of the subgroup are
  • Therefore VS is spanned by 000gt and 111gt.
  • That is, S is the stabilizer of VS.

Trivial Vector Spaces
  • Consider S I,-I,X,-X, then
  • So, S is the stabilizer of the trivial vector
  • Two conditions are necessary for S to stabilize a
    non-trivial vector space
  • The elements of S must commute.
  • (-I) is not an element of S.

Error Detection
  • In order to perform error-detection operations
    using a stabilizer code, all we need to do is
    measure the eigenvalue of each generator of the
  • This measurement uniquely identifies the syndrome
    from which we can conclude on the error occurred.

Shors Nine Qubit Stabilizer Code (1)
  • Shors nine qubit code is an stabilizer code!
  • Recalling the syndrome detection operators

Shors Nine Qubit Stabilizer Code (2)
  • We can check that the two valid codewords we
    defined before are indeed eigenvectors of all
    eight operators M1 to M8 with eigenvalue 1.
  • The Mis are the generators gis of the
    stabilizer group S.

Shors Nine Qubit Stabilizer Code (3)
  • Remember that measuring the eigenvalue of M1 is
    used to determine if a bit flip error has
    occurred on either qubit 1 or qubit 2.
  • These bit flip errors are represented by X1 and
    X2 operators.
  • Then

Syndrome Detection
  • So, in general, Mi anticommutes with the errors
    it can detect, while commutes with the errors it
    cannot detect
  • We can use these relationships to uniquely
    identify what error has occurred.

Group Generators
  • In general a n,k,d quantum error correction
    code will have an stabilizer group S generated by
    n-k independent and commuting elements from Gn.
  • If the stabilizer has n-k generators, then we can
    prove that VS is a 2k-dimensional space.
  • Then, a n,1,d code requires n-1 generators and
    will only have two logic states.

Logical States (1)
  • In principle, given n-k generators for the
    stabilizer S we can choose any 2k orthonormal
    vectors in the codes to act as our logical
    computational basis states.
  • A more systematic method is to choose operators
    such that
  • forms an independent and commuting set.

Logical States (2)
  • The Zj operators play the role of a logical Pauli
    z operator on logical qubit number j.
  • We can also define Xj operators that take Zj into
    Zj under conjugation, and leaves all other Zi
    and gi alone.
  • Clearly, Xj has the effect of a NOT gate on the
    jth encoded qubit.
  • Thus, Xj commutes with all the other members of
    the stabilizer, except for Zj, with which it

Logical States (3)
  • The logical computational basis state
  • is therefore defined to be the state with the

  • Consider the three qubit bit flip code logical
  • Then, it is clear that they are stabilized by

Unitary Gates (1)
  • The stabilizer formalism can also be used to
    describe the dynamics of the vector spaces under
    a variety of quantum operations.
  • Suppose we apply a unitary operation U to a
    vector space VS stabilized by S. Then, for each
    element of VS we have

Unitary Gates (2)
  • Thus the state UYgt is stabilized by UgUt, from
    which we deduce that the vector space UVS is
    stabilized by the group
  • Thus, to compute the change in the stabilizer, we
    need only to compute how it affects the
    generators of the stabilizer.

Compact Description of Entanglement (1)
  • Imagine n qubits in a state stabilized by
  • Applying the Hadamard gate to each qubit we
    arrive to a state stabilized by
  • This state is the uniform superposition of all
    computational basis states.

Compact Description of Entanglement (2)
  • Then, the description of the state vector
    requires 2n amplitudes.
  • But we only require n parameters to describe it
    using its stabilizer!
  • In general this compact description using the
    stabilizer is possible whenever we use Hadamard,
    phase and controlled-NOT operations.

The Normalizer
  • The set of U unitary operators such that
    UGnUt Gn is the normalizer of Gn and is denoted
    as N(Gn).
  • Theorem Suppose U is any unitary operator on n
    qubits with the property that
  • Then, up to a global phase U may be composed
    from O(n2) Hadamard, phase and controlled-NOT
    gates (the normalizer gates).

Stabilizer Group Transformations
Measurement in the Stabilizer Formalism (1)
  • Measurements in the computational basis may also
    be easily described within the stabilizer
  • Consider the measurement of a g from Gn. As g is
    a Hermitian operator in can be regarded as an
  • There are two possibilities
  • g commutes with all the generators of S
  • g anti-commutes with one or more generators of S.

Measurement in the Stabilizer Formalism (2)
  • If g commutes with the generators, then g or g
    is an element of S. In this case, a measurement
    of g yields 1 or 1 with probability one, and
    the measurement does not disturb the state of the
    system, leaving the stabilizer invariant.

Measurement in the Stabilizer Formalism (3)
  • If g anticommutes with one or more members of S,
    then we have equal probabilities (1/2) that we
    will obtain 1 or -1, and the new state of the
    system (and its stabilizer) is

The Gottesman-Knill Theorem
  • Theorem Suppose a quantum computation is
    performed which involves only the following
    elements state preparation in the computational
    basis, Hadamard gates, phase gates,
    controlled-NOT gates, Pauli gates, and
    measurements of observables in the Pauli group
    (which includes measurements in the computational
    basis as a special case), together with the
    possibility of classical control conditioned on
    the outcome of such measurements. Such a
    computation may be efficiently simulated on a
    classical computer.

Quantum Computing Simulations
  • The Gottesman-Knill theorem shows that some
    quantum computations involving highly entangled
    states may be simulated efficiently (in
    polynomial time complexity) on classical
  • These computations include quantum teleportation
    and superdense coding.
  • However, not all types of entanglement can be
    described efficiently with the stabilizer

Error Correction
  • Suppose C(S) is a stabilizer code corrupted by an
    error E in Gn.
  • If E takes C(S) to an orthogonal subspace, then
    the error can in principle be detected and
  • If E is part of S the error does not corrupt the
    space at all.
  • Potential problem if E commutes with all the
    elements of S, but it is not in S. That is

The Centralizer
  • The centralizer of S in Gn, denoted by Z(S) is
    the set of E in Gn such that E commutes with all
    the generators of S.
  • For the stabilizer groups of concern to error
    correction, the centralizer is identical to the
    normalizer of S.

Error Correction Conditions
  • Theorem Let S be the stabilizer of the
    stabilizer code C(S). Suppose Ei is a set of
    operators in Gn such that
  • for all j and k. Then, Ei is a correctable
    set of errors for the code C(S).

Error Detection
  • Suppose g1,,gn-k is the set of generators for
    the stabilizer of an n,k stabilizer code, and
    that Ej is the set of correctable errors for
    the code.
  • Error detection is performed by measuring the
    generators of the stabilizer to obtain the error
    syndrome, which consists of the results
  • If the error E occurred then the error syndrome
    is given by bm such that

Recovery (1)
  • In the case where E is the unique error operator
    having this syndrome, recovery is done by
    applying Et.
  • In the case where there there are two distinct
    errors E and E giving rise to the same error
    syndrome, it follows that
  • EPEt EPEt and then EtEPEtE P
  • and therefore EtE is part of S.

Recovery (2)
  • Thus applying Et after the error E has occurred
    results in a successful recovery.
  • Thus, for each possible error syndrome we simply
    pick out a single error E with that syndrome, and
    apply Et to achieve recovery when that syndrome
    is observed.

Quantum Error Correction Without Measurement (1)
  • As discussed, for error correction, we measure an
    operator M and then execute conditionally an
    operator U.
  • It is possible to do this correction by unitary
    operations and ancillas without any measurement.
  • This is useful when measurement is undesirable.

Quantum Error Correction Without Measurement (2)
  • We prepare an ancilla system with the basis state
    igt corresponding to the possible error
  • The ancilla start in a standard pure state 0gt
    before error correction.
  • We define the operator U over the principal
    system and ancilla as

8. Constructing Quantum Codes
  • Its all in the reflexes
  • Jack Burton

Now we know how to build a quantum error
correction code!
  • An n,k,d quantum error correction code C(S) is
    the vector space VS stabilized by a subgroup S of
    Gn such that and S has n-k
    independent and commuting generators
  • and logical states stabilized by
  • which can correct a set of correctable error
    operators Ei in Gn such that, for all j and k

The Three Qubit Bit Flip Code 3,1,1
The Nine Qubit Shor Code 9,1,3
The Five Qubit Code 5,1,3
Calderbank-Shor-Steane Codes (1)
  • CSS codes are a subclass of stabilizer codes.
  • They construct quantum error correction codes
    from classical linear codes.
  • As a general rule, to detect X errors, CSS take a
    classical parity check matrix P, replaces 1 by Z
    and Is elsewhere.
  • To detect Z errors, replace Xs instead of Zs in
    the matrix.

Calderbank-Shor-Steane Codes (2)
  • If P and Q are orthogonal then we can combine
    these two codes. This means that the dual code of
    each code must be a subset of the other code.
  • Combining a Pn,k,d with a Qn,k,d yields a
    CCS(P,Q)n,k-k,d3 with d3 mind,d.

Calderbank-Shor-Steane Codes (3)
  • Remember that to construct a code we need to find
    H and G such that
  • Then, we can write
  • where Hi is the parity check matrix of the
    classical code Ci generated by Gi.

Calderbank-Shor-Steane Codes (4)
  • Clearly
  • and we force
  • which means that

Calderbank-Shor-Steane Codes (5)
  • In this case, the quantum logical states are
    given by
  • where u is a k-bit binary word, x is an n-bit
    binary word, and D is a k by n matrix of coset

The Steane Seven Qubit CSS Code 7,1,3
  • The 7-qubit Steane code is the most popular CSS
  • It is created with a classical Hamming code
    7,4,3 which is self dual.
  • The matrix P is taken as the classical parity
    check matrix H.
  • The matrix Q is taken as the transposed of its
    generator GT.

The Steane Seven Qubit CSS Code 7,1,3
  • Let there be light!
  • Dark Star Bomb Computer

On the positive side
  • Quantum error correction can be formalized in
    terms of quantum states and projectors,
    stabilizer subspaces or the stabilizer group.
  • All these formalizations are equivalent.
  • Getting through the mathematical language, the
    theory of quantum error correction is quite
    elegant and simple.
  • We saw examples of several quantum error
    correction codes, and discussed how they are used
    to correct wide classes of errors on 1 or more

On the negative side
  • While the theory is simple, the implementation
    may be very difficult.
  • Construction of quantum error correction codes is
    not an easy task.
  • Implementation of these quantum error correction
    protocols using quantum gates may also be a
    nontrivial task. Not so much for the complexity
    of the code, but for the large number of gates
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