Title: Rei Safavi-Naini
1iCORE Information Security
Secret key agreement over noisy channel
- Rei Safavi-Naini
- University of Calgary
- Joint work with Hadi Ahmadi
2Secret key agreement
- Alice and Bob want to share a secret over a
channel that is eavesdropped by Eve. - A fundamental problem in cryptography.
- No solution if no other assumption is made.
- Assumptions
- Computational assumption
- Diffie-Hellman key agreement
- Non computational assumption unlimited
adversary - Noisy channel
- ?The key questions
- Is it possible?
- What is the secrecy capacity?
- This talk increasing secrecy capacity through
interaction over noisy channels
- Message transmission Key agreement
- Exiting noisy channel models
- Wiretap
- Noisy broadcast
- Public discussion
- A new model two-way noisy broadcast
- Lower bounds
- Interactive Channel Coding
- Comparing Key Agreement Protocols
- Discussion Concluding Remarks
5Message transmission Key agreement
- Assume eavesdropping adversary
- If Alice can send a message securely to Bob,
- She may choose the message to be a key
- ? secure message transmission protocol gives a
secure key agreement - Protocols for secret key agreement
6Secure message transmissionover noisy channel
- Model 1 Wyner Wy75 Wiretap channel
- Channels are noisy DMCs.
- Eves channel is a degraded version of Bobs.
- No shared key
- Secure message transmission is possible if the
wiretap channel is not noise-free. - There exists a randomized coding
- CsC(PYZX) maxp(x)(I(XY)-I(XZ))
7Secure message transmission
- Model 2 Csiszár and Körner CK78 noisy
broadcast channel -
- A generalization of Wyners work.
- Eves channel can be better than Bobs
- Secure message transmission is possible, if Eves
channel is noisier. - CsC(PYZX) maxp(x)(I(XY)-I(XZ))
8Secure key agreement
- MaurerMa93, Ahlswede Csiszár AC93
- Noisy broadcast
- Public discussion channel
- error-free -insecure
- Secure key agreement is possible if, Eves
channel is not noise-free and Bobs channel is
not fully noisy. - ? no requirement on Eves channel be more noisy!
- Established key can be used to encrypt a message
- Send over public channel
- ? secure message transmission
- In practice
- Implement public discussion channel using
channel coding BBRM08
9Secure key agreementA new model
- Secret key agreement over two-way (noisy)
broadcast channels. - No public discussion only noisy communication
- Natural model
- Secrecy capacity?
- The rest of the talk
- Define two-way noisy channel secrecy capacity
- Give three protocols for key agreement
- compare the protocols and derive a lower-bound
for two-way secrecy capacity.
102-way broadcast
- Two one-way broadcast channels
- A forward broadcast channel Xf?YfZf specified
by - A backward Xb ?YbZb specified by
- Alice and Bob send messages multiple times.
- Alice, Bob and Eve view RVs ViewA, ViewB,
ViewE. - Either Alice or Bob calculates S the other
calculates S.
11Secrecy capacity of 2-way broadcast
- Secrecy capacity
- The maximum real number R0, such that
- for every egt0 and sufficiently large N, there
exist a protocol that uses the two-way broadcast
channel N times, and results in viewed RVs MA,
MB, ME and calculated RVs S and S which satisfy
12Lower bound 1 one pass communication
- 1. One-way key agreement
- Use forward or backward noisy broadcast channel
for sending a secure key - The first lower-bound is
- CsA and CsB are one-way secrecy capacities of
forward and backward channels.
13Lower bound 2 1-round communication
- 2- Virtual Cascade Channel (VCC) protocol
- Inspired by Maurers technique used for public
discussion model - Alice (Bob) starts the protocol
- Alice sends Xf
- Bob selects uniformly S, encodes it to Vb, and
sends XbYfVb
14Lower bound 2
- Theorem
- secrecy capacity is equal to half of the 1-way
secrecy capacity of the virtual broadcast
channel, Vb?VbVb, i.e. - When Bob starts the protocol, the secrecy
capacity is - The second lower-bound is
15Lower bound 3 1-round communication
- Interactive channel coding
- Alice sends Xfn
- Bob and Eve receive Yfn and Zfn. Xf is such that
Yf has uniform distribution. - Bob encodes Yfn to MBNe(Yfn)(YfnXbd) and
sends Xbd - Alice and Eve receive Ybd and Zbd.
- Alice decodes MAN(XfnYbd) to
- Bob and Alice calculate secrets as
16Lower bound from interactive coding
17The best lower bound so far
- Theorem
- Secrecy capacity of 2-way noisy broadcast
channel is lower bounded by
18Secrecy capacity with ICC
- Average mutual information between Bob and Alice
- Average mutual information between Bob and Eve
- The two-way secrecy capacity with ICC is
- if Alice initiates
- if Bob initiates
- Hence
19Secrecy capacity with ICC
- Theorem
- Let Yfn be an i.i.d. n-vector over set Un with
entropy H(Yf)?, where ?logU, and Sk
g-1(Yfn). For rates, - by choosing N large enough, there exist a
suitable partitioning set Gn and a pair of
(2?k,N) encoding/decoding algorithms that
communicate Yfn reliably from Bob to Alice, while
20A comparison BSC channels
- Channels are binary symmetric
- bit error probabilities p1, p2, p3, p4, where
211-rnd and 2-rnd communication
Note h(p) - plog p -(1-p) log (1-p)
22ICC vs. VCC
- Types of key agreement protocols
- One-party Key Generation First two protocols
- Participatory Key Generation ICC
- Secrecy capacity of message transmission vs. key
agreement - Equal if public discussion channel exists.
- Equality for two-way broadcast model is an open
question. - Strong vs. weak secrecy capacity
- Weak to maximize Eves uncertainty rate Wy75,
CK78, Ma93. - Strong to maximize Eves absolute uncertainty
MW00. - We consider weak secrecy capacity.
- Strengthening the security requirement is direct
24Concluding remarks
- Two-way broadcast model is a natural model
- Fits in particular in wireless settings
- Results are of practical significance
- Secrecy capacity of 2-way broadcast channel for
key agreement is defined in analogy to one-way
secrecy capacity - Three key agreement protocols in 2-way broadcast
setting - One-way key agreement
- VCC protocol
- ICC protocol
- Each protocol will provide the best (highest)
capacity for certain channels - The best lower-bound is maximum of the three in
each case
25Concluding remarks
- Secrecy capacity will be positive in surprising
cases - the main channels are much worse than the
eavesdroppers channel - ICC protocol provides a novel approach to channel
coding, using interaction during the encoding
phase. - Open questions
- Can ICC be extended to multi-round?
- Relationship among secrecy capacities of the
three protocols - Relation between secrecy capacities of key
agreement and message transmission
26Thank you questions!