Title: Respect
2What is bullying?
- A lot of young people have a good idea of what
bullying is because they see it every day!
Bullying happens when someone hurts or scares
another person on purpose and the person being
bullied has a hard time defending himself or
herself. Usually, bullying happens over and over.
- Punching, shoving and other acts that hurt people
physically - Spreading bad rumors about people
- Keeping certain people out of a "group"
- Teasing people in a mean way
- Getting certain people to "gang up" on others
- Bullying also can happen on-line or
electronically. Cyber-bullying is when children
or teens bully each other using the Internet,
mobile phones or other cyber technology. This can
include - Sending mean text, e-mail, or instant messages
- Posting nasty pictures or messages about others
in blogs or on Web sites - Using someone else's user name to spread rumors
or lies about someone.
3(No Transcript)
4Any physical, spoken or written act of abuse,
Code of Conduct Consequences
violence, harassment, intimidation, extortion,
the use of vulgarity, cursing,
making remarks of a personally destructive
nature toward any other person,
any restriction or prevention of free movement of
any individual is prohibited.
- Dont be a bully!
- Dont allow others to bully you!
- Dont watch others bully!
6Everyone has a unique set of
ideas thought processes values
7Everyone deserves to be treated with respect!
8The prohibition applies whether the act is
or unintentional
or is directed toward an individual or group
9What do you do if you offend someone?
- Apologize and never let it happen again.
10What do you do if someone offends you?
- Tell the person that it bothers you!
- Tell the person to stop.
11If it continues, tell an adult
- Tell a parent,
- a teacher, guidance counselor or anyone that you
12If it continues -
Tell someone else!
13what do you do if you see someone being bullied?
Step in tell the person to stop.
Tell an adult what you saw!
14All any one needs is a little respect!!