Title: Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners
1Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners
- The U.S. Power Sector
- A Credit Perspective
- Laura Schumacher
June 2005
2Todays Agenda
- Moodys Investors Service
- Credit Outlook for U.S. Power
- Key Regulatory Issues
- Ratings Process
- Concluding Remarks
- Question Answer
3Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners
June 2005
4 Moodys In The Past
- Founded in 1909 by John Moody
- The first credit rating agency
- Original development of rating scales
- Founded to provide investors with information on
US railroads
5 Moody's Rating Scale
6 Moodys Today
- Offices in 18 countries around the world
- Over 1000 analysts, covering every industry,
government level, as well as structured and
infrastructure finance - Over 200,000 debt obligations rated globally and
- Ratings cover Corporations, Financial
Institutions, Governments and Structured
Transactions - 13 senior utility analysts in New York, with a
total staff of 24. Analytical teams also in
Toronto, London, Tokyo and Sydney
7Moodys Role In The Global Capital Markets
- Provide independent and objective assessment of
credit risk - opinion - Provide comprehensive coverage and global
consistency - Facilitate credit transparency
- Enhance efficiency and liquidity
8Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners
- Credit Outlook for Power in the U.S.
June 2005
9Rating Trends in 2005
- The Rating Outlook is Stable For the Sector
- Credit Conditions Stabilized in 2004
- 2005 Year-to-Date Twice as Many Issuer Families
Upgraded Than Downgraded - Fewer Issuers Are Under Review
- Most Reviews Are For Possible Upgrade
- However, More Issuers Have a Negative Outlook
Than a Positive Outlook
10Some Key Rating Drivers
- Lingering Resolution of Underperforming
Investments - Focus on Regulated Operations is Supportive For
Credit Quality and Stability - Balance Sheet Improvement Trend Has Largely Ended
- Increasing Costs and Increasing Capital Spending
Will Result In More Rate Filings - Continued Pressure For Increased Shareholder
11Recent Rate Case Trends
- Most Rate Case Outcomes Have Been Supportive
- Some Rulings for Guaranteed Recovery on Capital
Investments, Including Forward Looking Spending - Increases Havent Yet Alarmed Ratepayers
Environmental Capital Spending Has an Apple Pie
12Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners
- Regulatory Issues as Drivers of Utility Ratings
June 2005
13Regulatory Issues Affecting U.S. Utilities
- State Regulation Less Predictable than National
Regulation - Substantial Diversity of Regulatory Regimes and
Models - Holding Company Structures Limit Regulatory
Oversight - Overlapping or Unclear Regulatory Jurisdiction
14The Current U.S. Regulatory Environment
- Deregulation Initiatives Stalled In Most States
Is Re-regulation Possible? - Transition/Market Development Periods Coming to
an End - Rate Freezes Expiring
- Interest Rates Rising
- Constructive Regulation Critical To Execution Of
Back To Basics Strategy
15Greater Potential For Unpredictable Rate Case
- Dramatic Increase in Rate Reviews to as Much as
40 Billion by Some Estimates - Volume Likely to Remain High for Several Years
- Few Utilities Or Commissions Have Experienced
Full Rate Case in Recent Years - Will Regulators, Legislators, or Customers Limit
Recovery of Costs? - More Utilities Seeking Legislative Support for
Large Spending Needs
16Key Drivers Of Rate Case Filings
- Rising Environmental Expenditures
- Higher Fuel and Power Supply Costs
- Infrastructure/Reliability Concerns
- Increasing OM/Pension/Healthcare Costs
- Utility Ratings Generally Higher Where Regulatory
Framework Supports Timely Recovery of These Costs
17Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners
- Rating Methodology Global Regulated Electric
June 2005
18Rating Methodology Global Regulated Electric
Objective To Provide More Insight on the
Weighting of Key Qualitative and Quantitative
Rating Factors for Electric Utilities
- Over 100 companies included
- - Americas 55
- - Asia/Pacific 27
- - Europe 34
- Issuer families that operate in the regulated
electricity business.
19Rating Methodology Global Regulated Electric
Ratings Are Concentrated in the A/Baa Categories
20Financing Costs are Impacted by Ratings
21Rating Methodology
Regulated Electric Utility Ratings Reflect Key
Credit Factors
- Extent of Companys Exposure to Unregulated
Businesses - Riskiness of Unregulated Businesses
- Supportiveness of Regulatory Framework
- These Three Factors Combined Determine the
Companys Overall Qualitative Business Risk - Broad Mapping of Ratings by Business Risk and Key
Financial Metrics
22Rating Methodology Qualitative Factors
Assessment of the Risk of the Unregulated Business
- High Business Risk Merchant generation in very
competitive markets, high cost, or not
contracted speculative energy trading other
non-core investments - Medium Business Risk Merchant generation in
less competitive markets or low cost affiliated
generation supply businesses non-speculative
energy trading - Low Business Risk Unregulated generation
contracted to creditworthy counterparties or well
insulated from competition energy businesses
related to core utility
23Rating Methodology Qualitative Factors
Supportiveness of Regulatory Environment (SRE)
- SRE 1 Fully developed regulatory framework,
long track record of predictability and
stability, very high expectation of timely
recovery of costs investments - SRE 2 Fully developed regulatory framework,
high expectation of timely recovery of costs
investments - SRE 3 Well developed regulatory framework,
evidence of inconsistency or unpredictability,
lower assurance of timely recovery of cost
investments - SRE 4 Regulatory framework still developing,
unclear, undergoing change, or has an
unpredictable history
24Rating Methodology Qualitative Factors
State Level Regulatory Considerations
- Cost Recovery Provisions
- Transition Periods and Rate Caps
- Status of Deregulation/Retail Access
- Incentive or Performance Based Rates (Earnings
Sharing) - Ring-Fencing Provisions
25Rating Methodology Qualitative Factors
Non-specific Utility Risk Factors Also Assessed
- Adequacy of liquidity arrangements
- Quality of corporate governance
- Quality of management experience, appetite for
risk, ability to fulfill companys stated
strategy - Event risk the probability of a change to
companys financial position, business risk, or
regulatory and political operating environment - Off-balance sheet risks
26Rating Methodology Qualitative Factors
Concluding Observations on Qualitative Factors
- Analysis of qualitative factors determines how
stable and predictable the cashflows of the
company should be - Lowest business risk wholly regulated
activities in supportive regulatory framework - Highest business risk significant exposure to
higher risk non-regulated businesses - Companies with a lower business risk can have
weaker financial metrics than those with higher
business risk for the same rating category
27Rating Methodology Quantitative Factors
Key Ratios
- Moodys Particularly Emphasizes 4 Core Ratios for
the Regulated Electric Utility Sector - - FFO/Adjusted Debt
- - FFO/Interest Expense
- - RCF/Adjusted Debt
- - Adjusted Debt/Total Capitalization
28Rating Methodology Quantitative Factors
Guide to Key Ratios by Business Risk Category
29Rating Methodology Global Regulated Electric
Limitations of Mapping to Ratios
- Ratings are Prospective and Incorporate Use of
Confidential Projections - Global Categories Can Be Fairly Broad
- Year Over Year Volatility in the Numbers
30Legal Entities Within a Family
- Ratings tend to map better to quantitative
consolidated family credit metrics - Ratings of operating companies can be influenced
by - Amount of holding company debt
- Size of non-regulated activity
- Degree of interdependence among parent sub and
between operating subs - Regulatory ring-fencing and other forms of legal
separateness are important factors
31Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners
June 2005
- Regulation is a key factor in determining credit
ratings. - Increased importance as companies exit rate
freeze periods and undertake necessary capital
spending programs. - Credit supportive regulation includes mechanisms
that assure the timely recovery of costs. - Cash flow is a more important component of
financial metrics than book earnings. - Ratings represent our opinion of credit quality.