OSFM PPT Template 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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OSFM PPT Template 1


* * * * * * * * * * * * Concept of the JPR Format The JPR identifies the minimum job performance requirements for specific fire service positions. The JPRs for each ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: OSFM PPT Template 1

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Contact Personnel
  • Wayne Goodwin - Commissioner of Insurance, State
    Fire Marshal
  • Rick McIntyre - Assistant State Fire Marshal,
    Senior Deputy of OSFM

Contact Personnel
  • Larry Hughes - Deputy Director of Fire Rescue
    Training, Inspections, and Program Development
  • Kelly Ransdell - Deputy Director of Prevention
    and Grants
  • Wayne Bailey - Deputy Director NC Fire and
    Rescue Commission

Contact Personnel
  • Mike Edwards
  • Eastern Regional
  • Certification Specialist
  • mike.edwards_at_ncdoi.gov
  • Scott Hackler
  • Piedmont Regional
  • Certification Specialist
  • scott.hackler_at_ncdoi.gov
  • Michael Caviness
  • Western Regional
  • Certification Specialist
  • michael.caviness_at_ncdoi.gov

Central Region Scott Hackler
Eastern Region Mike Edwards
Western Region Michael Caviness
Kim Williams1-800-634-7854 Ext.
Contact Personnel
Toll Free1-800-634-7854 Direct(919) 661-5880
Fax(919) 662-4670
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National Fire Protection Association 1041
Standard 2012 standard
  • Fire Service Instructor Professional
  • A methodology standard, applied equally to both
    fire and rescue instructors.
  • Whenever the term fire department, etc. is
    used, it is implied and understood that fire
    and/or rescue shall be substituted.

NCFRC Instructor Requirements
NCFRC Instructor I Requirements
  • 1. Age 21 and must be certified a minimum
  • of three (3)years as either a FF II,
    ERT/RT/TR or FLSE.
  • 2. Must have a high school diploma or equivalent
    recognized by the NC Department
    of Public Instruction
  • (i.e., GED).
  • 3. Complete the OSFM Approved Instructor I
  • Student has one year from the last day of
    class to test
  • 4. Successfully pass the certification exam
  • Instructor I candidates must meet the above
    requirements to register for regional testing
    for the certification exam.
  • There shall be no requirements for
    maintaining Instructor I.

NCFRC Instructor II Requirements
  • 1. Age 21, Certified Instructor I and must
    be certified a minimum of five (5) years as
    either a FF II, ERT/RT/TR, or FLSE.
  • 2. Must have a high school diploma or
    equivalent recognized by the NC
  • Department of Public Instruction (i.e.,
  • 3. Complete the OSFM Approved Instructor
    II or Instructor
  • I/II Combo course.
  • Student has one year from the last day of
    class to test
  • 4. Successfully pass the certification
  • Instructor II candidates must meet the above
  • to register for regional testing for the
    certification exam.
  • There shall be no requirements for maintaining
    Instructor II.

Instructor I/II Fire Officer I/II Combo Course
  • Students who complete a combo course must take
    the combo exam at regional testing. The student
    must meet all the requirements for both
    certifications prior to registering for the
    regional test, no other options. The student must
    also test within one year of completing the class
    and must submit all required documents when
    registering. The Fire Instructor/ Fire Officer
    and course verification system can be found under
    instructor resources.
  • The Combo Course FIPs for Instructor and Officer
  • Instructor 12 Combos FIP 3808 and/or FIP 224
  • Fire Officer 12 Combos FIP 3712 and/or FIP226

Instructor Fire Officer Course Verification Form
  • Will no longer be accepted!
  • Instructors must now use the online registration
  • Classes that must be registered Instructor 1,
    Instructor 2, Instructor 12 Combo, Fire Officer
    1, Fire Officer 2, Fire Officer 12 Combo
  • This can be found here
  • http//www.ncdoi.com/OSFM/Fire_Rescue_Commission/D

Instructor/Fire Officer Class Registration System
Instructor/Fire Officer Class Registration System
Instructor/Fire Officer Class Registration System
Add New Class
Instructor/Fire Officer Class Registration System
New Class
Instructor/Fire Officer Class Registration System
Add Students
Instructor/Fire Officer Class Registration System
Instructor/Fire Officer Class Registration System
Add Student
Instructor/Fire Officer Class Registration System
Instructor/Fire Officer Class Registration System
- Summary
  • When class finishes
  • Email michael.caviness_at_ncdoi.gov
  • Need class info
  • Student names that pass
  • Any student not found in the system will NOT be
    allowed to test at regional test
  • This takes the place of the Instructor
    Verification Form

NCFRC Instructor III Requirements
  • A moratorium is currently in place for
  • Instructor III.
  • Note The current program is going away from the
    workbook format to a direct delivery program.

NCFRC Instructor Qualifications
Certification vs. Qualification
  • Certification
  • Means a person has taken a class
  • Once certified, always certified
  • Qualification
  • Means a person can teach a class
  • Must take requalification class every 5 years
  • Failure to do so will result in losing their
    qualification in that subject

NCFRC Instructor Qualification Requirements
  • To become a qualified instructor, the candidate
    must be certified a minimum of two (2) years as
    an Instructor II. Effective July 01, 2009.
  • To become a qualified instructor, the candidate
    must be certified a minimum of five (5) years in
    the specialized area and complete that subjects
    Qualification exam. Effective July 01, 2009
  • The candidate will take a 100 question test at a
    regional test site and must pass with an 80 to
    become qualified.

Firefighter Specialty Qualification
  • Requirements are as follows
  • To become a Live Fire and/or LP Gas qualified
    instructor, the candidate must be qualified a
    minimum of five (5) years in the accredited area
    of Fire Fighter I / II. All other prerequisites
    will remain. Effective July 01, 2009.
  • To become a RIT qualified instructor, the
    candidate must be qualified a minimum of five (5)
    years in the accredited area of Fire Fighter I /
    II. All other prerequisites will remain.
    Effective July 01, 2009.

NCFRC Instructor Qualification Subjects
  • An Instructor II may qualify within seven (7)
    different qualification areas. They are
  • Firefighter I / II
  • Technical Rescuer
  • Driver/Operator
  • Hazardous Materials Responder
  • Firefighter Specialty
  • Rescue Specialty
  • Fire Officer

Regional Testing Process
Regional Testing
  • Students must meet all certification and
    qualification prerequisites before being eligible
    to test.
  • Students must submit all required documentation
    with registration for regional testing. (No
    exceptions, students must register and test at a
    Regional Test Site.)
  • See the OSFM Regional Testing web page for forms
    and information.
  • http//www.ncdoi.com/OSFM/FireAndRescueCommission/

Online Regional Test Registration
  • Starting January 1st, 2014 All registrations
    for regional testing must be done online
  • Web registration can be found here

Online Regional Test Registration
Online Regional Test Registration
Online Regional Test Registration
NCFRC Qualification Process
  • Pre-registration for exams available at
  • Regional Testing (see regional testing web
    page for information)
  • http//www.ncdoi.com/OSFM/FireAndRescueCommission/
  • OR
  • Must pre-register for specific Qualifications
    listed on the Instructor Training schedule by
  • the person listed on the schedule
  • http//www.ncdoi.com/OSFM/FireAndRescueCommission/
  • Must pass qualification exam by 80 .
  • Candidate must meet all pre-requisites prior
    to registering for any Qualification exams and a
    pre test may be required for sitting for the

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Additional Information
  • No Educational Methodology upgrade required.
  • No requirement to submit teaching hours to the
  • Level I instructors can not teach certification
    programs for certification credits.
  • Level I instructors can teach with a Qualified
    Level II instructor present during entire class.
  • Only a qualified instructor will be allowed to
    teach and administer, practical and written
    exams, to students in the area they are qualified

NCFRC Instructor Qualification
  • If an Instructor is qualified in subject areas
    accredited by IFSAC and/or Pro Board they must
    re-qualify every five (5) years or as the
    standard is revised.
  • This re-qualification will meet the continuing
    educational requirement.

Application for Certification
  • Requires Chiefs signature
  • Copies of High School diploma or GED
  • Any prior convictions
  • Application is only needed one time unless there
    is a change of address
  • Go to the web site, download and print it

Application for Certification
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NCFRC is Dually Accredited
International Fire Service Accreditation Congress
The ProBoard
  • For up-to-date information concerning accredited
  • visit the IFSAC web-site at
  • www.ifsac.org
  • or The ProBoard website at
  • www.theproboard.org

Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives
  • Duty and responsibility --
  • Make EVERY DAY a TRAINING DAY.so that

Firefighter Maintenance Program
  • Regular Medical Check-ups
  • Yes, they can be a pain, but if you dont do it
    for you do it for those who need you.
  • Regular Exercise
  • Even walking makes a BIG difference!
  • Walk a mile a day and watch the changes.
  • Eat Healthy
  • Think about what you are eating, and then picture
    operating interior at a working fire 30 minutes
  • Now, what do you want to eat?

Firefighter Rehab Guidelines
  • Stop before you drop.
  • Cool down when hot
  • Warm up when cold
  • Dry off when wet
  • Stay hydrated with non-caffeinated drinks.
  • Monitor vital signs.

Firefighter Response Plan
  • Get fully dressed in full PPE from head to toe!
  • Get in!
  • Sit down!
  • Fasten your seatbelt!
  • Enjoy the ride with a driver who will get you
    there in one piece!

Driver Response Plan
  • Its not a race!
  • Safe is more important than fast!
  • Stop at red lights and stop signs!
  • If they dont get out of your way dont run
    them over!

Interior Firefighting Plan
  • Work as a team!
  • Stay together!
  • Stay oriented!
  • Manage your air supply!
  • Get off the apparatus with tools and a thermal
    imager for EVERY interior operating team!
  • A radio for EVERY member!
  • Provide constant updates!
  • Constantly assess the Risk/Benefit model!

You can make a difference!

Get back to the basics!
  • National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
  • Life Safety Initiatives

NCSFRI Conference
  • May 7 10, 2014
  • Hilton Wilmington Riverside Wilmington, NC

North Carolina Society Of Fire Rescue Instructors
  • Jimmy L. Barrow, Executive Director 3720 Old
    Flat Rock Road Kernersville, NC. 27284
    336-309-6900 cell 336-595-1520 fax E-mail

Instructor Resources
  • 8th Edition IFSTA Fire Emergency
  • Services Instructor
  • 2nd Edition Jones Bartlett Fire Service
    Instructor Principles and Practices
  • The lesson plans and practical skills must be
    printed off by the Community College.

Instructor Resources
  • Instructor I has four practicals
  • Instructor II has five practicals
  • The lesson plans and practical skills must be
    printed off by the Community College.
  • Time frames are not given for the presentations
    due to differing class sizes.
  • Example An instructor with 7 students may be
    able to have each student do a 45 min 1 hr
    presentation. However, an instructor who has 20
    students may only have the time for 20 min.

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Concept of the JPR Format
  • The JPR identifies the minimum job performance
    requirements for specific fire service positions.
  • The JPRs for each duty defines what the candidate
    must be able to do in order to successfully
    perform that duty.

The JPR Has3 Critical Components
  • The Task that is to be performed.
  • Tools, equipment, or materials that must be
    provided to successfully complete the task.
  • Evaluation parameters and/or performance outcomes.

NFPA 1041 2007 Edition to 2012 Edition Chapter
4 Instructor I
Job Performance Requirements 2007 Abcd strike through indicates text that has been completely removed . Job Performance Requirements 2012 Bold italic and highlighted indicates new or changed text.
4.1 General 4.1 General
4.1.1   4.1.1   
The Fire Service Instructor I shall meet the JPRs defined in Sections 4.2 through 4.5 of this standard. The Fire Service Instructor I shall meet the JPRs defined in Sections 4.2 through 4.5 of this standard.
4.2 Program Management. 4.2 Program Management
4.2.1 Definition of Duty.   4.2.1 Definition of Duty.  
The management of basic resources and the records and reports essential to the instructional process. The management of basic resources and the records and reports essential to the instructional process.
4.2.2   4.2.2   
Assemble course materials, given a specific topic, so that the lesson plan and all materials, resources, and equipment needed to deliver the lesson are obtained. Assemble course materials, given a specific topic, so that the lesson plan and all materials, resources, and equipment needed to deliver the lesson are obtained.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Components of a lesson plan, policies and procedures for the procurement of materials and equipment, and resource availability. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Components of a lesson plan, policies and procedures for the procurement of materials and equipment, and resource availability.
(B) Requisite Skills. None required. (B)  Requisite Skills. None required.
4.2.3   4.2.3   
  Prepare requests for resources, given training goals and current resources, so that the resources required to meet training goals are identified and documented.
  (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Resource management, sources of instructional resources and equipment.
  (B)  Requisite Skills. Oral and written communication, forms completion.
NFPA 1041 2007 Edition to 2012 Edition Chapter 4
Instructor I
  • 4.2.3 JPR  
  • Prepare requests for resources, given training
    goals and current resources, so that the
    resources required to meet training goals are
    identified and documented.

NFPA 1041 2007 Edition to 2012 Edition Chapter
4 Instructor I
  Schedule single instructional sessions, given a training assignment, department scheduling procedures, instructional resources, facilities and timeline for delivery, so that the specified sessions are delivered according to department procedure.
  (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Departmental scheduling procedures and resource management.
  (B)  Requisite Skills. Training schedule completion.
4.2.3 4.2.5   
Prepare training records and report forms, given policies and procedures and forms, so that required reports are accurately completed and submitted in accordance with the procedures. Complete training records and report forms, given policies and procedures and forms, so that required reports are accurate and submitted in accordance with the procedures.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Types of records and reports required, and policies and procedures for processing records and reports. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Types of records and reports required, and policies and procedures for processing records and reports.
(B) Requisite Skills. Basic report writing and record completion. (B)  Requisite Skills. Basic report writing and record completion.
4.3 Instructional Development. 4.3 Instructional Development
4.3.1 Definition of Duty.   4.3.1 Definition of Duty.  
The review and adaptation of prepared instructional materials. The review and adaptation of prepared instructional materials.
4.3.2   4.3.2  
Review instructional materials, given the materials for a specific topic, target audience and learning environment, so that elements of the lesson plan, learning environment, and resources that need adaptation are identified. Review instructional materials, given the materials for a specific topic, target audience, and learning environment, so that elements of the lesson plan, learning environment, and resources that need adaptation are identified.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Recognition of student limitations, methods of instruction, types of resource materials, organization of the learning environment, and policies and procedures. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Recognition of student limitations and cultural diversity, methods of instruction, types of resource materials, organization of the learning environment, and policies and procedures.
NFPA 1041 2007 Edition to 2012 Edition Chapter
4 Instructor I
4.3.3   4.3.3  
Adapt a prepared lesson plan, given course materials and an assignment, so that the needs of the student and the objectives of the lesson plan are achieved. Adapt a prepared lesson plan, given course materials and an assignment, so that the needs of the student and the objectives of the lesson plan are achieved.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Elements of a lesson plan, selection of instructional aids and methods, and organization of the learning environment. (A) Requisite Knowledge. Elements of a lesson plan, selection of instructional aids and methods, and organization of the learning environment.
(B) Requisite Skills. Instructor preparation and organizational skills. (B)  Requisite Skills. Instructor preparation and organizational skills.
4.4 Instructional Delivery 4.4 Instructional Delivery
4.4.1 Definition of Duty.   4.4.1 Definition of Duty.  
The delivery of instructional sessions utilizing prepared course materials. The delivery of instructional sessions utilizing prepared course materials.
4.4.2   4.4.2   
Organize the classroom, laboratory, or outdoor learning environment, given a facility and an assignment, so that lighting, distractions, climate control or weather, noise control, seating, audiovisual equipment, teaching aids, and safety are considered. Organize the classroom, laboratory, or outdoor learning environment, given a facility and an assignment, so that lighting, distractions, climate control or weather, noise control, seating, audiovisual equipment, teaching aids, and safety are considered.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Classroom management and safety, advantages and limitations of audiovisual equipment and teaching aids, classroom arrangement, and methods and techniques of instruction. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Classroom management and safety, advantages and limitations of audiovisual equipment and teaching aids, classroom arrangement, and methods and techniques of instruction.
(B) Requisite Skills. Use of instructional media and materials. (B)  Requisite Skills. Use of instructional media and teaching aids.
4.4.3   4.4.3   
Present prepared lessons, given a prepared lesson plan that specifies the presentation method(s), so that the method(s) indicated in the plan are used and the stated objectives or learning outcomes are achieved. Present prepared lessons, given a prepared lesson plan that specifies the presentation method(s), so that the method(s) indicated in the plan are used and the stated objectives or learning outcomes are achieved, applicable safety standards and practices are followed, and risks are addressed.
NFPA 1041 2007 Edition to 2012 Edition Chapter 4
Instructor I
  • 4.2.4 JPR  
  • Schedule single instructional sessions, given a
    training assignment, department scheduling
    procedures, instructional resources, facilities
    and timeline for delivery, so that the specified
    sessions are delivered according to department

NFPA 1041 2007 Edition to 2012 Edition Chapter
4 Instructor I
(A) Requisite Knowledge. The laws and principles of learning, teaching methods and techniques, lesson plan components and elements of the communication process, and lesson plan terminology and definitions. (A) Requisite Knowledge. The laws and principles of learning, methods and techniques of instruction, lesson plan components and elements of the communication process, and lesson plan terminology and definitions the impact of cultural differences on instructional delivery safety rules, regulations, and practices identification of training hazards elements and limitations of distance learning distance learning delivery methods and the instructors role in distance learning.
(B) Requisite Skills. Oral communication techniques, teaching methods and techniques, and utilization of lesson plans in the instructional setting. (B)  Requisite Skills. Oral communication techniques, methods and techniques of instruction, and utilization of lesson plans in an instructional setting.
4.4.4   4.4.4  
Adjust presentation, given a lesson plan and changing circumstances in the class environment, so that class continuity and the objectives or learning outcomes are achieved. Adjust presentation, given a lesson plan and changing circumstances in the class environment, so that class continuity and the objectives or learning outcomes are achieved.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Methods of dealing with changing circumstances. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Methods of dealing with changing circumstances.
(B) Requisite Skills. None required. (B)  Requisite Skills. None required.
4.4.5   4.4.5  
Adjust to differences in learning styles, abilities, and behaviors, given the instructional environment, so that lesson objectives are accomplished, disruptive behavior is addressed, and a safe learning environment is maintained. Adjust to differences in learning styles, abilities, cultures, and behaviors, given the instructional environment, so that lesson objectives are accomplished, disruptive behavior is addressed, and a safe and positive learning environment is maintained.
NFPA 1041 2007 Edition to 2012 Edition Chapter
4 Instructor I
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Motivation techniques, learning styles, types of learning disabilities and methods for dealing with them, and methods of dealing with disruptive and unsafe behavior. (A) Requisite Knowledge. Motivation techniques, learning styles, types of learning disabilities and methods for dealing with them, and methods of dealing with disruptive and unsafe behavior.
(B) Requisite Skills. Basic coaching and motivational techniques, and adaptation of lesson plans or materials to specific instructional situations. (B)  Requisite Skills. Basic coaching and motivational techniques, correction of disruptive behaviors, and adaptation of lesson plans or materials to specific instructional situations.
4.4.6   4.4.6   
Operate audiovisual equipment and demonstration devices, given a learning environment and equipment, so that the equipment functions properly. Operate audiovisual equipment and demonstration devices, given a learning environment and equipment, so that the equipment functions properly.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Components of audiovisual equipment. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Components of audiovisual equipment.
(B) Requisite Skills. Use of audiovisual equipment, cleaning, and field level maintenance. (B)  Requisite Skills. Use of audiovisual equipment, cleaning, and field level maintenance.
4.4.7   4.4.7   
Utilize audiovisual materials, given prepared topical media and equipment, so that the intended objectives are clearly presented, transitions between media and other parts of the presentation are smooth, and media are returned to storage. Utilize audiovisual materials, given prepared topical media and equipment, so that the intended objectives are clearly presented, transitions between media and other parts of the presentation are smooth, and media are returned to storage.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Media types, limitations, and selection criteria. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Media types, limitations, and selection criteria.
(B) Requisite Skills. Transition techniques within and between media. (B)  Requisite Skills. Transition techniques within and between media.
4.5 Evaluation and Testing 4.5 Evaluation and Testing.
4.5.1 Definition of Duty.   4.5.1 Definition of Duty.  
The administration and grading of student evaluation instruments. The administration and grading of student evaluation instruments.
4.5.2   4.5.2   
Administer oral, written, and performance tests, given the lesson plan, evaluation instruments, and the evaluation procedures of the agency, so that the testing is conducted according to procedures and the security of the materials is maintained. Administer oral, written, and performance tests, given the lesson plan, evaluation instruments, and evaluation procedures of the agency, so that bias or discrimination is eliminated, the testing is conducted according to procedures, and the security of the materials is maintained.
NFPA 1041 2007 Edition to 2012 Edition Chapter
4 Instructor I
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Test administration, agency policies, laws affecting records and disclosure of training information, purposes of evaluation and testing, and performance skills evaluation. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Test administration, agency policies, laws and policies pertaining to discrimination during training and testing, methods for eliminating testing bias, laws affecting records and disclosure of training information, purposes of evaluation and testing, and performance skills evaluation.
(B) Requisite Skills. Use of skills checklists and oral questioning techniques. (B)  Requisite Skills. Use of skills checklists and oral questioning techniques.
4.5.3   4.5.3   
Grade student oral, written, or performance tests, given class answer sheets or skills checklists and appropriate answer keys, so the examinations are accurately graded and properly secured. Grade student oral, written, or performance tests, given class answer sheets or skills checklists and appropriate answer keys, so the examinations are accurately graded and properly secured.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Grading and maintaining confidentiality of scores. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Grading methods, methods for eliminating bias during grading, and maintaining confidentiality of scores.
(B) Requisite Skills. None required. (B)  Requisite Skills. None required.
4.5.4   4.5.4   
Report test results, given a set of test answer sheets or skills checklists, a report form, and policies and procedures for reporting, so that the results are accurately recorded, the forms are forwarded according to procedure, and unusual circumstances are reported. Report test results, given a set of test answer sheets or skills checklists, a report form, and policies and procedures for reporting, so that the results are accurately recorded, the forms are forwarded according to procedure, and unusual circumstances are reported.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Reporting procedures and the interpretation of test results. (A) Requisite Knowledge. Reporting procedures and the interpretation of test results.
NFPA 1041 2007 Edition to 2012 Edition Chapter
4 Instructor I
(B) Requisite Skills. Communication skills and basic coaching. (B)  Requisite Skills. Communication skills and basic coaching.
4.5.5   4.5.5  
Provide evaluation feedback to students, given evaluation data, so that the feedback is timely specific enough for the student to make efforts to modify behavior and objective, clear, and relevant also include suggestions based on the data. Provide evaluation feedback to students, given evaluation data, so that the feedback is timely specific enough for the student to make efforts to modify behavior and objective, clear, and relevant also include suggestions based on the data.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Reporting procedures and the interpretation of test results. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Reporting procedures and the interpretation of test results.
(B) Requisite Skills. Communication skills and basic coaching. (B)  Requisite Skills. Communication skills and basic coaching.
NFPA 1041 2007 Edition to 2012 Edition Chapter
5 Instructor II
5.3.2   5.3.2   
Create a lesson plan, given a topic, audience characteristics, and a standard lesson plan format, so that the JPRs for the topic are achieved, and the plan includes learning objectives, a lesson outline, course materials, instructional aids, and an evaluation plan. Create a lesson plan, given a topic, audience characteristics, and a standard lesson plan format, so that the JPRs or learning objectives for the topic are addressed, and the plan includes learning objectives, a lesson outline, course materials, instructional aids, and an evaluation plan.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Elements of a lesson plan, components of learning objectives, instructional methods and techniques, characteristics of adult learners, types and application of instructional media, evaluation techniques, and sources of references and materials. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Elements of a lesson plan, components of learning objectives, methods and techniques of instruction, principles of adult learning, techniques for eliminating bias in instructional materials, types and application of instructional media, evaluation techniques, and sources of references and materials.
(B) Requisite Skills. Basic research, using JPRs to develop behavioral objectives, student needs assessment, development of instructional media, outlining techniques, evaluation techniques, and resource needs analysis. (B)  Requisite Skills. Basic research, using JPRs to develop behavioral objectives, student needs assessment, development of instructional media, outlining techniques, evaluation techniques, and resource needs analysis.
5.3.3   5.3.3   
Modify an existing lesson plan, given a topic, audience characteristics, and a lesson plan, so that the JPRs for the topic are achieved and the plan includes learning objectives, a lesson outline, course materials, instructional aids, and an evaluation plan. Modify an existing lesson plan, given a topic, audience characteristics, and a lesson plan, so that the JPRs or learning objectives for the topic are addressed and the plan includes learning objectives, a lesson outline, course materials, instructional aids, and an evaluation plan.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Elements of a lesson plan, components of learning objectives, instructional methods and techniques, characteristics of adult learners, types and application of instructional media, evaluation techniques, and sources of references and materials. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Elements of a lesson plan, components of learning objectives, methods and techniques of instruction, principles of adult learning, techniques for eliminating bias in instructional materials, types and application of instructional media, evaluation techniques, and sources of references and materials.
NFPA 1041 2007 Edition to 2012 Edition Chapter
5 Instructor II
5.5.2   5.5.2   
Develop student evaluation instruments, given learning objectives, audience characteristics, and training goals, so that the evaluation instrument determines if the student has achieved the learning objectives the instrument evaluates performance in an objective, reliable, and verifiable manner and the evaluation instrument is bias-free to any audience or group. Develop student evaluation instruments, given learning objectives, audience characteristics, and training goals, so that the evaluation instrument determines if the student has achieved the learning objectives the instrument evaluates relevant performance in an objective, reliable, and verifiable manner and the evaluation instrument is bias-free to any audience or group.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Evaluation methods, development of forms, effective instructional methods, and techniques. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Evaluation methods, development of forms, effective instructional methods, and techniques.
(B) Requisite Skills. Evaluation item construction and assembly of evaluation instruments. (B)  Requisite Skills. Evaluation item construction and assembly of evaluation instruments.
5.5.3   5.5.3   
Develop a class evaluation instrument, given agency policy and evaluation goals, so that students have the ability to provide feedback to the instructor on instructional methods, communication techniques, learning environment, course content, and student materials. Develop a class evaluation instrument, given agency policy and evaluation goals, so that students have the ability to provide feedback to the instructor on instructional methods, communication techniques, learning environment, course content, and student materials.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Evaluation methods and test validity. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Evaluation methods and test validity.
(B) Requisite Skills. Development of evaluation forms. (B)  Requisite Skills. Development of evaluation forms.
Analyze student evaluation instruments, given test data, objectives and agency policies, so that validity is determined and necessary changes are accomplished.  
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Test validity, reliability, and item analysis.  
(B) Requisite Skills. Item analysis techniques.  
NFPA 1041 2007 Edition to 2012 Edition Chapter
6 Instructor III
6.3.2   6.3.2   
Conduct an agency needs analysis, given agency goals, so that instructional needs are identified. Conduct an agency needs analysis, given agency goals, so that instructional needs are identified and solutions are recommended.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Needs analysis, task analysis, development of JPRs, lesson planning, instructional methods, characteristics of adult learners, instructional media, curriculum development, and development of evaluation instruments. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Needs analysis, task analysis, development of JPRs, lesson planning, instructional methods for classroom, training ground, and distance learning, characteristics of adult learners, instructional media, curriculum development, and development of evaluation instruments.
(B) Requisite Skills. Conducting research, committee meetings, and needs and task analysis organizing information into functional groupings and interpreting data. (B)  Requisite Skills. Conducting research, committee meetings, and needs and task analysis organizing information into functional groupings and interpreting data.
6.3.3   6.3.3   
Design programs or curricula, given needs analysis and agency goals, so that the agency goals are supported, the knowledge and skills are job-related, the design is performance-based, adult learning principles are utilized, and the program meets time and budget constraints. Design programs or curricula, given needs analysis and agency goals, so that the agency goals are supported, the knowledge and skills are job-related, the design is performance-based, adult learning principles are utilized, and the program meets time and budget constraints.
NFPA 1041 2007 Edition to 2012 Edition Chapter
6 Instructor III
6.5.3   6.5.3   
Develop course evaluation plan, given course objectives and agency policies, so that objectives are measured and agency policies are followed. Develop course evaluation plan, given course objectives and agency policies, so that objectives are measured and agency policies are followed.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Evaluation techniques, agency constraints, and resources. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Evaluation techniques, agency constraints, and resources.
(B) Requisite Skills. Decision making. (B)  Requisite Skills. Decision making.
6.5.4   6.5.4   
Create a program evaluation plan, given agency policies and procedures, so that instructors, course components, and facilities are evaluated and student input is obtained for course improvement. Create a program evaluation plan, given agency policies and procedures, so that instructors, course components, and facilities are evaluated and student input is obtained for course improvement.
(A) Requisite Knowledge. Evaluation methods and agency goals. (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Evaluation methods and agency goals.
(B) Requisite Skills. Construction of evaluation instruments. (B)  Requisite Skills. Construction of evaluation instruments.
  Analyze student evaluation instruments, given test data, objectives, and agency policies, so that validity is determined and necessary changes are made.
  (A)  Requisite Knowledge. Test validity, reliability, and item analysis.
  (B)  Requisite Skills. Item analysis techniques.
NFPA 1041 2007 Edition to 2012 Edition Chapter 6
Instructor III
  • 6.5.5 JPR  
  • Analyze student evaluation instruments, given
    test data, objectives, and agency policies, so
    that validity is determined and necessary changes
    are made.

Requirements for Qualifying Instructors to
TeachInstructor I II
  • Candidates must be certified a minimum of ten
    (10) years as a Level II Instructor
  • Must have a degree from a Regionally Accredited
    Institution minimum of an Associates Degree
  • Must pass a qualification exam with a score of 80

Requirements for Qualifying Instructors to Teach
Instructor III
  • Candidates must be qualified to teach Fire
    Instructor Level I II
  • Candidate must be certified a minimum of five (5)
    years as a Fire Instructor III
  • Must pass a qualification exam with a score of 80

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