Arnis Kokorevics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Arnis Kokorevics


A New Facilities for Innovations and RTD. Mobility Support and Promoting ... vision and work programme of the European ... lack of specicial information; ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Arnis Kokorevics

The Researchers Mobility within European
Research Area A New Facilities for Innovations
and RTD. Mobility Support and Promoting
International Conference Baltic Dynamics 2004,
Riga, Latvia, September 09-12, 2004
  • Arnis Kokorevics
  • Latvian Researchers Mobility Centre, Latvian
    State Institute of Wood Chemistry
  • Dzerbenes str. 27, Riga, LV1006, Latvia, E-mail, Tel. 371-7553591

The human resources in field of RTD in Europe -
negative situation (comparing to USA and Japan)
International Conference Baltic Dynamics 2004,
Riga, Latvia, September 09-12, 2004
  • a lower proportion of workforce in RD (5.1 in
    every thousand of the workforce in Europe,
    against 7.4 in the US and 8.9 in Japan),
    particularly in the number of researchers
    employed in industry (2.5 in every thousand in
    Europe, against 7.0 in the US and 6.3 in Japan)
  • Europe also seems to face a brain drain of young
    scientific and technological personnel to the USA
    (more than 26 000 specialised workers entering
    the US were from the European countries and more
    than 7 300 from the acceding countries in 2001)
  • the number of young people attracted to careers
    in science and research in Europe is decreasing
  • there is currently an underused potential of
    women in scientific careers in Europe.

Reaction of EU institutions
International Conference Baltic Dynamics 2004,
Riga, Latvia, September 09-12, 2004
  • the decisions of the Lisbon Summit (March 2000)
  • vision and work programme of the European
    Research Area (ERA) in 2000
  • the strategic initiative Mobility Strategy for
    the European Research Area (ERA) in 2001
  • The target
  • the more abundant and more mobile human
  • the European dimension to scientific careers
  • bringing together the researchers of Western and
    Eastern Europe
  • removal of obstacles to the mobility of
  • the creation of a favourable environment for the
    mobility of researchers in the ERA.

Specific features of Researchers Mobility
International Conference Baltic Dynamics 2004,
Riga, Latvia, September 09-12, 2004
  • The mobility of researchers concerns all ages and
    steps in a researchers career path, which differ
    it from other types of mobility
  • The mobility of researchers has specific
    obstacles and barriers of mobility economic,
    legal, social, cultural, linguistic
  • lack of specicial information
  • The legal situation is also distinctly different
    for third country researchers than for EU
    citizens. The researchers from young EU countries
    are facing additional obstacles - the largest
    part of old EU counties sets up transition
    periods for offering their labour market for
    personnel from young EU countries
  • The interregional mobility within ERA will
    manifest itself also as a brain drain in less
    developed regions (Latvia and other Eastern
    European countries).

The priority directions for providing
information, improvement of legal environment
and removing of obstacles and barriers
International Conference Baltic Dynamics 2004,
Riga, Latvia, September 09-12, 2004
  • admission to the country (visas) and access to
    employment (work permits)
  • social security rights (including pension rights)
    and fiscal issues (taxation)
  • financial issues and financial support
  • return and career development
  • intellectual property rights (IPR),
    especially for intersectorial mobility
  • recruitment conditions and methods
  • family issues (maternity leave, day-care),
    especially for young researches
  • gender issues.

The High-Level Expert Group on Improving
Mobility of Researchers. Final Report. 4 April
The two dimensions of researchers mobility
International Conference Baltic Dynamics 2004,
Riga, Latvia, September 09-12, 2004
  • the international mobility geographic and
    regional dimension the mobility between the
    EU, candidate countries, and countries associated
    in FP6, involvement of third countries nationals
    to researches in ERA
  • the intersectorial mobility between business
    (industry) and academia, between public and
    private-funded research organizations and

The European Network of Mobility Centres
(ERA-MORE) and the European Researchers
Mobility Portal (European RMP) a Special
Support Action within FP6
International Conference Baltic Dynamics 2004,
Riga, Latvia, September 09-12, 2004
  • collected information about fellowships and
    grants, research job opportunities database,
    anonymous CV database about researchers
    employment searchers,
  • information service to incoming, outgoing and
    returning researchers (, information about the
    legal and administrative issues related to
    researchers mobility, practical information about
    daily life issues),
  • personal assistance to mobile researchers and
    their families ensuring the support for the legal
    and administrative procedure, the working and
    living environment for mobile researchers,
  • analysis of the situation in each country
    regarding mobility issues, identification of the
    obstacles for mobility, preparation of
    recommendations to eliminate the obstacles for

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The European Researchers Mobility Portal -
European RMP- launched on 10 July, 2003.- the
main information dissemination tool- over 3000
active Internet links on job opportunities,
assistance on administrative and legal issues
when moving abroad etc. The ERA-MORE network -
launched during the International Conference
Brain drain, brain gain new challenges (June
30, 2004, Paris) - bringing together 200
centres in 33 countries,
International Conference Baltic Dynamics 2004,
Riga, Latvia, September 09-12, 2004
  • The national Mobility Centres and Researchers
    Mobility Portals will start their activities
    during 2004.
  • The Latvian Researchers Mobility Centre (Latvian
    RMC) and the Latvian Researchers Mobility
    Portal (Latvian RMP) - a part of this
    ERA-MORE network and its Internet portals.

The other tools offered by the EU institutions
International Conference Baltic Dynamics 2004,
Riga, Latvia, September 09-12, 2004
  • EURES - the European Job Mobility Portal
  • Solvit - problem solving in the Internal Market
  • YourEurope - on-line EU and national public
    information services regarding cross-border
    activities (http//
  • Dialogue with Citizens - information about
    living, working, studying or travelling in
    another EU country (http//
  • Citizens Signpost Service - practical advice and
    signposting service (http//
  • Europe Direct e-mail, phone or web assistance
    service (http//
    ct/ )
  • Eurydice - the information network on education
    in Europe (http//
  • Ploteus - the learning opportunities throughout
    the European Space (http//
  • Your Voice in Europe - the EC single access
    point to a wide variety of other tools

The European problem is the lack of
intersectoral mobility and this partitioning is a
threat to Europe economy Philippe
Busquin, European Commissioner.
International Conference Baltic Dynamics 2004,
Riga, Latvia, September 09-12, 2004
  • Specific features of intersectorial mobility
  • it is necessary to find employment vacancies,
  • researchers can lose some of their acquired
    benefits and professional status,
  • will have to start their career development
  • The differences in labour relations, its culture,
    career development, confidentiality of research
    results, and the pressure of publication for
    evaluation and intellectual property protection
    make it difficult to move from one sector to

The achievements and the experience to promote
intersectorial mobility within the mobility
International Conference Baltic Dynamics 2004,
Riga, Latvia, September 09-12, 2004
  • education of students, doctoral candidates and
    scientists with the knowledge of the business
    aspects of RTD, entrepreneurship and project
    management (Industrial PhDs Denmark
    Industrial CASE awards - United Kingdom
  • competence centres (Kplus programme Austria
    United Kingdom)
  • financial support to spin-offs and enterprises
    established by universities and scientists, to
    the setting up of innovative enterprises
    (Austria SPINNO and BioSPINNO Estonia France
    PAVE- Greece)
  • keeping of researchers rights to pension and
    promotion during their work in industry, rights
    to return to universities (France SkatteFUNN
  • measures for recognizing the research work
    carried out in the private sector in lieu of a
    doctoral degree (France)
  • special programmes, which support the staff
    transfer between companies and science (aFuE
    and INNO- Germany Greece Ireland
    Netherlands Norway Portugal Slovenia).

The plans of the Latvian RMC and its portal in
the field of intersectorial mobility support
International Conference Baltic Dynamics 2004,
Riga, Latvia, September 09-12, 2004
  • Mainly - information dissemination and exchange
  • the possibilities of finding an employee abroad,
    and the services of the centre and portals to
    solve practical problems related to the
    employment of specialists from abroad to the
    employers from the private sector
  • the finding appropriate researchers positions
    and new facilities for their further career to
    RTD specialists - potential mobile researcher.
  • the popularization of information about grants
    and programmes, which allows the participation of
    representatives from both spheres innovation
    supports, joint grants, fellowships, etc.
  • As the most promising co-operation partners for
    information dissemination, societies and
    associations of industry branches, especially in
    high-tech fields (information technologies,
    telecommunications, pharmacies, etc.),
    development agencies, technological centres,
    innovation centres will be regarded.

Conclusions The European Network of Mobility
Centres (ERA-MORE) and the European and national
Researchers Mobility Portals will be relevant
and valuable tools to promote the international
and intersectorial mobility of researchers.Diffe
rent initiatives both on the Community and
national levels form an excellent basis for the
development of further actions, for benchmarking
and the identification of examples of good
practice. The activities within the mobility
strategy will be viewed in the context of other
activities and offered tools of the FP6 Specific
programme Structuring the ERA, especially
Marie Curie Actions.
International Conference Baltic Dynamics 2004,
Riga, Latvia, September 09-12, 2004
  • As the next steps predicted by EC to support
    researchers mobility
  • the development of The European Researchers
    Charter and The Code of Conduct for the
    recruitment principles of researchers. It will be
    presented to the Member States in the form of a
    Recommendation from the Commission, due to be
    adopted by the end of 2004
  • the new EU directive expected to regulate the
    recognition of professional qualifications in
  • the new scientific visas for third country
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