Title: Supportive Leadership
1Supportive Leadership
- Getting Behind Your Teachers to Lead
Rantoul Township High School District 193
2Traditional leadership model
3Collective Wisdom Model
- Groups are inclined toward stupidity the more
they believe an answer lies outside themselves,
including a belief that an answer lies with the
leader. - Inversely, when a leader brings attention to the
challenges and complexity that are inherent to
the circumstances a group faces together, group
members can begin to bring their own unique
talents and special qualities. - Alan Briskin, blog at http//heartlandcircle.blogs
4Instead of teacher buy-in.
We asked the question
What would happen if we require the
administration and board to buy in to an idea?
5Where did we start?
- We had a problem
- Graduation rate had fallen to 65
- We had an AYP problem and more importantly, a
problem with not enough students graduating in
our community. - It was a big problem.
6Our options
- We could have gathered the board and community to
think of what we can do. - We could have gathered out Administrative
Leadership Team to find a program to institute to
respond to the program. - We could have asked the teachers and then done
what the board wanted to anyway. - We could have just ignored the problem.
- We could ask the teachers to exercise collective
wisdom to find a solution.
7What did we do?
- Went to the teachers as a group and began a
dialogue within the faculty. - Started by stating the problem and then we asked
the teachers. - What will you be telling a reporter about how we
turned our graduation rate problem around 5 years
from now?
8We asked them to brainstorm
- No matter the cost
- No thought of practicality
- No argument
- No commentary on other ideas
- or people
- Just ideas
9Did they have any ideas?
10With that mountain of ideas
- We stopped for a deep breath.
- Not permanently but we waited to let those begin
to soak in for a while. - We did not take over the process.
- We waited for it to develop within.
- We set up a re-visitation of the issue for the
faculty to begin to refine the ideas.
11We gathered our wisdom again
- We presented the 224 ideas for the teachers to
combine, categorize, reduce duplication and
prioritize. - This was done as a whole with facilitation.
- Categories were suggested by the faculty as we
wrestled with the problem of reducing the ideas. - They reduced to three big areas we could pursue
in further study and analysis.
12Then the tough part..
- Everybody signs up to study one of the three
ideas - Creates cross-disciplinary teams to work toward a
common goal including collaboration between
regular ed and special ed - The existing collective wisdom is increased by
study to gather more information
13The Alternative Ed Study Group
- Carefully evaluated the needs to address the
right problem - Gathered research on alternative programs
- Studied existing programs in other districts
- Avoided repeating a previous model but took
elements that seemed useful for the current needs - Analyzed costs with directions to plan the best
program for the students to see if the district
could afford the best
14The Alternative Ed Study Group
- Studied staffing needs, facility needs, resource
and equipment needs - Prepared a report including all elements and
requirements - Set out the full outline of how the program would
operate - Reviewed the proposal with the administration
- Invited teachers to attend the board meeting
where the proposal was presented33 of the
faculty attended
15Meanwhile, back at the board
- Board was not directly involved in study or
planning - Board was informed of the ongoing process and
upcoming result by administration - Board checked resource availability with
administration before presentation
16Meanwhile, back at the board
- Board listened to a professional presentation of
the plan - Board supported its teachers in the improvement
effort - Leadership came through support and encouragement
of teacher ideas, creativity and planning with
17What is the big idea?
- A school board can provide leadership by giving
the teachers an opportunity to develop solutions
to school improvement and supporting that effort.
Together the board and teachers made a
difference. - By using the collective wisdom of the teachers
and supporting their efforts, the district has a
successful program. - How successful?
18Eagle Academy
- Students who were not graduating earned full
diplomas and the AYP requirement for graduation
was met in one year.
19Any questions?
? ? ? ? ? ?
20Thank you for attending.
- You can contact us at
- Eagle Academy
- Rantoul Township High School
- Sandy Davis, Principal sdavis_at_rths.k12.il.us
- Mindy Moberg, Lead Teacher mmoberg_at_rths.k12.il.us
- Marla Deem, Board President Mdeem_at_CreditUnion1.org
- This presentation will be on our web site on
Monday for you to copy if you wish. - www.rths.k12.il.us