Credit Market Imperfections: Theory and Empirics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Credit Market Imperfections: Theory and Empirics


A firm with a high default risk will observe an increase of the ... costs of financial distress, but it should also discourage firms from defaulting ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Credit Market Imperfections: Theory and Empirics

Credit Market Imperfections Theory and Empirics
  • Lecture 3 Credit market relations the optimal
    number of creditors

  • Theoretical literature/overview of findings
  • The Bolton-Scharfstein model
  • Description of the data sources and descriptive
  • Models and estimation results
  • Conclusions

Up to now
  • we analyzed theory and empirics of transmission
    with special attention for credit
  • we focused on macro, individual bank, and firm
    balance sheets
  • we neglected the endogeneity of firm decisions
    to some extent

Now we..
  • analyze one specific firm financing decision
    the optimal number of banks
  • try to dive deeper into relationship lending,
    which is crucial to the credit view
  • take a specific example Japan

Theoretical background (1)
  • One of the key problems in finance is what is
    the optimal number of suppliers of financial
    capital? Or more in particular what is the
    optimal number of creditors?
  • Should firms use arms length finance or
    relationship borrowing? Bonds or credit?
  • And if credit is used, how many borrowing
    channels should be operated (if there is a
    choice, so maybe not for SMEs)?

Theoretical background (2)
  • A detailed analysis of credit relations at the
    micro level is helpful in understanding the
    working of the macro credit channel
  • If a firm has multiple credit lines, the
    probability of being rationed in equilibrium is
    probably lower
  • If credit lines are thin, liquidity-rationed
    small firms will probably react stronger in a
    period of monetary contraction

Theoretical background (3)
  • An analysis of credit relations maybe also sheds
    some light on competition issues in banking
    fewer credit lines probably coincide with a less
    competitive banking market
  • In case of a financial crisis, based on bad loans
    (like Japan), a detailed analysis of the market
    for loans might be helpful

Empirical background (1)
  • The case of Japan is interesting from multiple
    point-of-views (1) long-term credit is essential
    for financing rapid growth, (2) long-term debt is
    partly responsible for the current economic
    recession, (3) governance of loans in Japan is at
    least covered by smoke

Empirical background (2)
  • Data sets on multiple bank loans are typically
    not widespread available
  • For the Netherlands e.g. we only know the
    aggregated balance sheet credit totals per firm
  • The data set has rather unique detailed
    information content

  • Exploration of credit relations of Japanese
    listed firms. How many banks are involved, and
    what role does credit play in financing?
  • What determines the number of credit relations?
    Are Japanese group structures relevant? Can we
    find a confirmation of the relevance of
    standard economic determinants?

Theory of the optimal number of bank relations
  • Why do firms want to borrow from a single bank?
    There are five major classes of explanations
  • I cost minimization (ex ante screening,
    monitoring, and ex post situations like debt
    renegotiations or bankruptcy). Examples Diamond
    (1984), Bolton-Scharfstein (1996)

Optimal number . (2)
  • II competition on the banking market fewer
    banks give less choice. Examples Von Thadden
    (1994), Petersen and Rajan (1995).
  • III liquidity insurance. A firm wants more
    credit lines if it faces higher liquidity risk.
    Nice example Detragiache et al. (2000)

Optimal number.(3)
  • IV coordination of lending activities. A firm
    with a high default risk will observe an increase
    of the coordination costs. Example Dewatripont
    and Maskin (1995)
  • V type of business. An innovating firm will try
    to keep its inventions secret to the market and
    look for fewer loan contacts. Examples Yosha
    (1995), Von Rheinhaben and Ruckes (1998).

Optimal number of creditors
  • Two types of default liquidity (no cash) or
    strategic (cash diversion by the manager)
  • Optimal contract should minimize the costs of
    financial distress, but it should also discourage
    firms from defaulting
  • Bolton-Scharfstein model (1) model of
    liquidation threat (2) comparison of 1 and 2
    creditor borrowing

Bolton-Scharfstein (1)
  • Two-period investment project invest K at date 0
    to purchase two physical assets A and B. At date
    1 the project returns a random cash flow x with
    probability ? or zero with 1-?.
  • The manager has no wealth at date 0. If the
    manager continues the project the date 2 cash
    flow is y. There are no assets left at date 2

Bolton-Scharfstein (2)
  • The project can be separated from the manager
    (liquidation) in which case there is no cash flow
    at date 2.
  • The assets ca also be managed by another manager,
    generating ?y, ??1
  • With complete financial contracts the project
    would never be liquidated and investors receive
    an expected payment K

Bolton-Scharfstein (3)
  • Problem is that cash flows are not verifiable
    (but they can be observed). Managers are able to
    divert corporate resources
  • Contracts can be made contingent on physical
    assets though
  • Contract specifies that is the firm repays Rt at
    date t, creditors have the right to liquidate
    some fraction zt?1 with probability ?t?1

Bolton-Scharfstein (4)
  • Special case is a standard debt contract if R1ltD
    z1?11, and if R1?D, z1?10, and z2?20
  • A standard debt contract is not optimal too much
  • Better contract if the manager makes repayment
    Ri for a cash flow ix,0, investors have the
    right to liquidate with probability ?i

Bolton-Scharfstein (5)
  • Expected pay-off for the firm
  • Expected pay-off for the investor
    ?Rx?x Lx(1-?)R0?0L0-K
  • Li liquidation value of the assets when the cash
    flow is ix,0.
  • Payments cannot exceed funding R0?0 and Rx?x
  • Incentive compatibility the manager must have an
    incentive to pay Rx if the cash flow is x
    x-Rx1-?x)y?x ?0S(1- ?0)y, where S is
    the managers utility from paying R0 where the

Bolton-Scharfstein (6)
  • Maximize expected firm profits, given the
    constraints and the fact that credit profits are
    nonnegative, leads to ?x0 and R00
  • It is never optimal to liquidate if the firm
    makes the repayment Rx and the repayment is 0 in
    case there is no cash flow
  • Next we need to determine ?0 and Rx

Bolton-Scharfstein (7)
  • The IC-constraint turns into Rx ?0(y-S).
    Remember that there should be some positive
    probability of liquidation in the zero cash flow
  • Using this in the profit conditions we get
  • ?0K/?(y-S)(1-?)L0, which must be smaller than
    1. The denominator is the maximum feasible gross
    profit of the creditors. The nominator is the
    investment outlay
  • So now we have a full description of the contract

One creditor
  • What is the liquidation value L0(1)? Suppose that
    the buyer of assets incurs costs c, unknown at
    date 0 but uniformly distributed on 0,cmax, to
    get control of assets
  • If the assets are liquidated the buyer gets
    ?y/2ltcmax. The buyer will negotiate if c??y/2, so
    the probability of asset sale is ?y/2cmax, so
    L0(1) (?y/2cmax)?y/2

One creditor (2)
  • Two parties (manager and creditor) split y
    equally S(1)y/2. It is supposed that the
    outside buyer does not participate here
  • So now we can describe ?0(1)K/?(1)
  • ?(1)?y/2(1-?)?2y2/4cmax
  • So ?0(1) is decreasing in ? and ?. So there is
    less probability of liquidation for low risk
    cases and better reusability of assets. L0(1) is
    increasing in ?

Two creditors (1)
  • Now we use the two assets. The firm uses capital
    from two creditors to buy A and B. Creditor a is
    secured by A and b by B.
  • We assume that yA is the date 2 cash flow from
    using A without using B and yB equivalently
  • Synergy is assumed ?y-yA-yBgt0

Two creditors (2)
  • Creditor as Shapley value is ?yA/2??/3. The sum
    of all coalitions the agent might belong to. Idem
    for b ?yB/2??/3. How can we see this?
  • With probability 1/3 creditor a is in a
    coalition with b and the buyer. Marginal value of
    a is ?(y-yB)
  • With prob. 1/6 coalition with the buyer ?yA.
    With prob. 1/6 in a coalition with b no value
    (you need outside finance). With prob 1/3
    coalition with himself no value!
  • Total creditor Shapley value ?y/2 ??/6

Two creditors (3)
  • So the two creditors get more than a single
    creditor, due to the synergy value
  • So the outside buyers Shapley value must be
    ?y/2-??/6 if he bargians. So he will bargain with
    probablity (1/cmax)?y/2- ??/6. This is lower
    than in the 1-creditor case!

Two creditors (4)
  • L0(2) (1/cmax)?y/2- ??/6 (?y/2- ??/6)
  • S(2) the manager will be the most efficient user
    of the assets and buy them back from the
    creditors. In that case S(2) y/2-?/6, so this is
    lower than S(1)!
  • We know that ?0(2)K/?(y-S(2))(1-?)L0(2)

Two creditors (5)
  • ?0(1)K/?(1) and ?0(2)K/?(2)
  • ?(1)?y/2(1-?)?2y2/4cmax
  • ?(2) ?(1)??/6(1-?)?2?2/36cmax
  • So the two creditorsmaximum gross profit could
    be greater or less than the single creditors
    gross profit

Comparing one and two creditors
  • Comparing the liquidation values the manager will
    always choose to borrow from a single creditor
  • Low values of ?0 reduce the inefficiency
    originating from a liquidation probability
    compare ?0(1) with ?0(2)

Comparing 1 and 2 creditors (2)
  • I the firm borrows from two creditors when
    default risk is low (high ?) and from one
    creditor when risk is high
  • II The firm borrows from two creditors when
    asset complementarity (?) is low
  • III The frm borrows from two creditors when
    outside buyers have a low valuation of the assets
    (? low)

Empirical findings
  • Size and age mixed results
  • Bank market concentration relevant
  • Liquidity risk relevant
  • Type of activity leads to significant results
    RD, home or foreign orientation, etc
  • Financial structure mixed results

International evidence on the number of banking
  • Very few for US small firms and firms in
    Scandinavia 1 or 2 (median) relations
  • Large numbers for e.g. Italy 33!
  • Ongena and Smith (2000) more relations if
    creditor rights are poor, legal systems are
    inefficient, lowly concentrated banking sector,
    and stable private bond markets
  • What about Japan?

Japanese Loan Data
  • Sources Development Bank of Japan. Financial
    Statement Data (2000 listed firms from 1957
    onward) and Sources of Long-Term Loans Data
  • Long-term loans 1982-1999 (about 35 thousand raw
    data points) this gives a nice time-series
  • Short-term loans 1998-1999 (about 2 thousand raw
    data points)

  • We define the number of banking contacts (e.g.
    for long-term loans) as the number of banks that
    provided a long-term loan in year t. We do not
    check whether the same bank continues the loan in
  • We dont go back to the individual loan itself!

Percentage of firms with a single bank long-term
loan relation
Mean and median number of long-term loans
Time-series pattern
  • Decrease in the number of banking contacts during
    the boom of the 1980s
  • Increase again after the burst of the bubble
  • Apparently in times of prosperity there is a
    lower spread due to liquidity risk and cost
    arguments are more pronounced

Short-term loans (1998-1999)
  • About 4 has a single short-term loan (is 10 for
    long-term loans)
  • Mean number of relations is 8, median is 7
  • Mean Herfindahl index 0.28 (median 0.22).
    Corresponding values for long-term loans are 0.38
    and 0.28
  • So short-term loans are typically less

Descriptive statistics
  • Number of contacts increases in size of the firm
    (no matter how we measure it)
  • Manufacturing firms typically have fewer loan
    contacts (although the difference is not so big)
  • It seems that more profitable firms have fewer
    bank contacts (no hard relation)
  • Firms with more debt have multiple contacts

Special feature Main Bank Relations
  • MBD1 if the largest equity owner is also the
    largest debt owner
  • MBD2 if the largest equity owner resorts under
    the top-3 debt owners
  • MBD3 if the largest equity owner resorts under
    the top-10 debt owners
  • MBD4 if the largest debt owner resorts under the
    top-3 equity owners
  • MBD5 if the largest debt owner resorts under the
    top-10 equity owners
  • MBD6 if one of the top-3 equity owners resorts
    under the top-3 debt owners
  • MBD7 if one of the top-10 equity owners resorts
    under the top-10 debt owners.

Modelling the loan decision
  • Typical discrete choice models y1 for a single
    and y0 for multiple loans a logit-model, or a
    multinomial logit model that allows for multiple
    class choices. On the agenda an ordered
    multinomial logit model
  • Side-result for a tobit model on the H-index
  • We present results for long-term loans in two

  • Size (employees, total assets, sales, debt)
  • Profitability ROA and Tobins q
  • Solvability debt-to-assets
  • Liquidity liquid assets/total assets
  • Alternative financing forms
  • Firm activity RD, exports/sales, industry
  • Main-bank relations

Results for the single versus multiple banks
decision (1)
  • Size rather unimportant (except for debt and
    total loan amount). We work on an age
  • Highly profitable firms seem to opt for a single
    short-term loan, but want multiple long-term
  • Low solvability leads to multiple bank contacts

Single versus multiple (2)
  • Liquidity rich firms like a single long-term loan
  • More corporate bond financing coincides with
    fewer loan contacts
  • A main bank relation reduces the number of
  • RD-intensive firms had multiple loans during the
    bubble period!

Multinomial logit model
  • Classes 1, 2-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-15, gt16
  • We get mixed results for two classes up to 8
    loans and over 8 loans
  • For LT-loans firms with fewer than 4 loans want
    fewer loans, firms with over 4 loans want to
    increase this number (for ST-loans we find a
    threshold of 10 loans)
  • More profitable firms want more LT-loans and
    fewer ST-loans

Multinomial logit (2)
  • A high debt-to-asset ratio decreases the number
    of loan contacts for firms with less than 8 loans
    (but increases it above this value)
  • Cash-rich firms reduce the number of long-term
    loans (no impact on ST-loans)
  • RD-intensive firms generally prefer more
    long-term loans in the 1980s

Continuous y Herfindahl index
  • Size matters large firms have lower
    concentration of loans
  • More profitable firms have more long-term
  • More debt and less liquidity lead to multiple
    loan contacts
  • A main-bank relation leads to fewer loan contacts

  • Japanese firms have multiple credit relations
    6-7 for long-term and 7-8 for short-term loans on
  • Main determinants of multiple loan contacts are
    (1) size of debt, (2) lack of liquid assets, (3)
    profitability, (4) a main bank relation, and (5)
    RD activity in the 1980s
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