Title: Consumption, Saving, and Investment
1Consumption, Saving, and Investment
Macroeconomic Management for Financial Stability
and Poverty Reduction
2 Overview
- Introduction
- Why do we care? Saving, investment and growth
- Measurement problems
- Consumption and saving
- Some facts
- Basic theories
- Recent extensions and policy issues
3- Investment
- Some facts
- Basic theories
- Recent extensions Irreversibility and
uncertainty - Summary and conclusions
4- Saving and Investment Why do we care?
- Fact 1 Saving and growth rates are strongly
correlated - Three alternative views
- (A) Saving ? investment ? growth
- (virtuous circles and poverty traps)
- (B) Growth ? saving
- (C) Some third factor (firm investment?) drives
both - If (A) is true, growth-oriented policies should
target saving - Even if (A) is false, avoiding large
saving-investment imbalances contributes to macro
stability and, thus, to growth (and East Asia?)
5- Fact 2 Investment and growth are strongly
correlated - Again three views
- (A) Investment is the only source of growth
- capital fundamentalism
- The simplest (most popular?) version
- growth (Investment rate)/ICOR
- (B) Investment is one among several sources of
growth - The others Human capital investment
- Technical progress (embodied?)
- Productive efficiency
- (C) Investment is a consequence of growth
- If (A) or (B) are true, growth policies should
target investment among other things.
6- Fact 3 Saving and investment ratios are
strongly correlated - Many explanations
- (A) There is low international capital
mobility(Feldstein-Horiokka) Legal/regulatory
barriers, credit rationing... - (B) Governments target (successfully) the current
account deficit (S-I) -
- (C)There is low domestic capital mobility
- Financial system imperfections force firms to
finance Investment with retained earnings - D)Third factors (demographics, taxation...) move
saving and investment in the same direction
7- Severe measurement problems with macro data
- (1) Statistical
- Consumption residual from GDP expenditure
identity - Saving residual of the residual
- (2) Conceptual
- Human capital accumulation, durable purchases
classified as consumption rather than investment
- Standard saving measures ignore capital gains ?
saving very different from change in net worth
8Consumption and Saving
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13Basic Consumption/Saving Theory
- The beginnings The Keynesian consumption
function- only current disposable income matters - Ct ? Yt
- Contemporary mainstream Two major approaches
- The Permanent-Income Hypothesis
- The Life-cycle model
14- The Permanent-Income Hypothesis (Friedman)
- Identical consumers looking into the indefinite
future. Consumption equals permanent income
the annuity value of present and future
discounted income. - Three major implications...
- (1) Consumption is unaffected by predictable
changes in income. In simplified version (Hall
1978) - (2) Transitory income changes are (dis-)saved
permanent changes are consumed - (3) Anticipated income growth reduces saving
15- and some empirical problems
- (1) PIH fails excess sensitivity of
consumption to income -
- (2) is clearly violated in the data
16- The Life-Cycle model (LCH) (Modigliani-Brumberg)
Cohorts of finite-lived consumers with
hump-shaped income over their lifetime, saving
for retirement. Consumption depends on lifetime
disposable income. - Three major implications
- (1) Saving is hump-shaped, too Low when young,
peak at midlife, negative when old. - (2) Income growth across cohorts (but not
otherwise), as well as population growth, raise
aggregate saving. - (3) Demographics affect aggregate saving Higher
fractions of old or very young reduce total
17Life-cycle Profiles of Earnings and Consumption
Consumption and Earnings
work-related consumption
borrowing and dissaving
18- ... with empirical problems, too
- (1) LCH fails Consumption tracks income too
closely there is not enough hump-saving in
the cross- section data. - (2) LCH is not sufficient to account for the
observed growth- saving correlation. - - Besides, old people do not dis-save at least
not much. - - Empirical evidence on the predicted
relationship between age demographics and saving
is not conclusive. - There is growing evidence that bequests are a
major saving motive ? the distinction between LCH
and PIH is weakened.
19Consumption/Saving Recent Developments
- Precautionary Saving
- Prudent consumers set aside resources to
shield future consumption against possible future
unfavorable changes in income, interest rates,
etc - Three implications
- Prudent consumers will lower their current
consumption when future consumption is more
uncertain ? higher uncertain raises saving - With high future income uncertainty, consumption
will track current income very closely as in a
keynesian framework ? can account in part for the
excess sensitivity - Precautionary saving may explain the failure of
the elderly to dissave they face uncertain
horizons and uncertain health costs
20- Evidence
- Limited empirical work Precautionary saving
models are analytically hard and yield no
closed-form solutions. - Recent evidence suggests that precautionary
wealth may account for a major fraction of total
consumer wealth (Carroll and Samwick 1997).
21- Borrowing constraints
- PIH and simple version of LCH unrealistically
assume that consumers can freely borrow at going
rates. In reality, many (most) consumers cannot
borrow, particularly in LDCs - Interest rates do not clear credit markets.
- Assets such as human capital cannot be used as
collateral. -
- The simplest approach Constrained consumers
(denoted c) gear consumption to current income
- Ct ? Cut (1-?) Yct
- Empirically, ? is always significantly less than
1 ? many consumers are constrained. - But this approach forbids them from ever saving!
22- More elaborate approach
- - Combined with precautionary saving, borrowing
constraints generate buffer-stock saving (Deaton
1992) Accumulate in good times to buffer
consumption in bad times when they cannot borrow. - - Buffer stocks are accumulated and run down
over short intervals - ? they are quantitatively small.
- Borrowing constraints on housing finance raise
required levels of pre-purchase saving.
Empirically, they have a significant positive
effect on aggregate saving (Jappelli and Pagano
1994). -
23- Subsistence consumption (not really a new
approach) -
- Below a certain income threshold, no saving is
possible, all income is spent. -
- This view can explain two facts
- (1) The positive relation between income levels
and saving rates - (2) The positive saving-growth correlation As
growth rises, more consumers are pushed beyond
the subsistence threshold and can save
24- Consumption habits
- Standard models of consumption/saving assume
inter-temporal separability of preferences. With
habits, todays happiness depends on - (1) Todays consumption and,
- (2) A stock of past consumption (internal
habits) or others consumption (external habits). - Habits act as a drag on consumption levels.
They are consistent with three facts - Excess sensitivity. Consumption changes are
predictable (by past consumption changes) - Positive impact of growth on saving consumption
lags behind income growth due to the habit drag - Low consumption early in the life cycle, due to
the anticipated cost of having to feed the habit
25Policy Issues Related to Saving
- Is there a distortion causing socially too low
saving? - Self-perpetuating traps of under-saving and
poverty - Saving offers insurance in imperfect world
financial markets (sunspots, herd behavior) - Moral hazard in retirement saving
- Too low public saving (if there is no Ricardian
equivalence) - ... but countries can also save too much
- Forced saving (the Soviet bloc)
- Excessive mandatory saving
- Too much risk/too few diversification
26- If national saving is too low, how to raise it?
- Public saving
- Tax incentives
- Institutional/regulatory reform
- Financial system
- Pension system
27- Does higher public saving raise national saving?
- Ricardian equivalence implication of PIH What
matters for private consumption is the present
value of current and future public recurrent
expenditures ( NPV of taxes). - ? A change in the time profile of taxes without
changing their present value does not change
private consumption. - ? Tax and deficit financing are fully equivalent
- ? An increase in public saving will be fully
offset by a matching decline in private saving
28- This is strictly true only under stringent
conditions - (i) Consumers look far into the future
- (ii) They face no borrowing constraints
- (iii) Taxes are not distortionary
- (iv) Public and public consumption are
independent - ? It cannot be literally true. But is it a good
approximation? - The bulk of evidence is against full Ricardian
equivalence. - Offset coefficients are around .23-.65
- They are somewhat lower for expenditure cuts
than for tax increases. - Provisional conclusion Public saving is an
effective tool to raise national saving.
29Private/Public Saving Offset Coefficients
Study Sample Offset
Corbo and Schmidt-Hebbel(1991) 13 Developing 1980-1987 .47-.50 .23-.26
Masson, Bayoumi and Samei(1995) 21 Industrial 1971-1993 .40-.53
Edwards (1995) 11 Industrial 25 Developing 1970-1992 .36-.65
Dayal-Ghulati and Thimann (1997) 14 Developing 1970-1995 .23-.42
Bailliu and Reisen(1997) 7 Industrial 4 Developing 1982-1993 .46-.54
Loayza, Schmidt-Hebbel and Servén(2000) 18 Industrial 46 Developing 1970-1994 Short run 0.28 Long-run 0.60
30- Do tax incentives raise national saving?
- - General tax incentives
- Raise the after-tax rate of return
- ? ambiguous impact on private saving
- - Targeted incentives on specific assets (IRAs,
401k, etc.) - Encourage portfolio reshuffling to collect the
tax break - Unclear if they have any effect on total
private saving - ? Evidence for US, OECD is inconclusive.
- Two points to note
- Even if there is a positive impact on private
saving, there is also a fiscal cost - ? still unclear impact on national saving
- Distributive aspect Asset reshuffling
easier for wealthier consumers - ? possibly regressive redistribution
31Digression Saving and Interest Rates
- Three effects of real interest rate changes
- (1) Substitution effect Tomorrows
consumption becomes relatively cheaper ? positive
impact on saving, bigger the higher
inter-temporal consumption substitutability - (2) Income effect Less needs to be saved to
enjoy a given level of consumption tomorrow ?
negative impact on saving - (3) Human wealth effect The present value of
tomorrows labor income declines ? positive
impact on saving - In the LCH, further complications, as interest
rate changes trigger off distributive effects
across cohorts.
32- Then, what is the net effect of interest rates
on saving? - Total net effect is theoretically ambiguous, and
likely small. -
- Empirically, little if any effects on saving.
- A recent approach Consumption-level-dependent
substitution elasticity (Ogaki, Ostry, and
Reinhart 1996) - At low consumption levels, little substitution
- At high consumption levels, stronger
- ? Interest rate effect stronger for richer
consumers - Some empirical support for this view.
33- Do institutional reforms raise national saving?
- (1) Financial Reform
- Typically, three aspects
- Higher real interest rates
- Easing of borrowing constraints assets become
more easily collateralizable and, hence, more
liquid - Enhanced portfolio choices
34- ? Clear impact on portfolio allocation
- - Financial savings rise
- - Flight capital returns (? measured saving
may rise) - ? Likely positive impact on the efficiency of
intermediation - ? But likely adverse direct impact on volume of
saving - Easier access to consumer credit (Mexico 1990s)
- Better access to risk diversification ? reduced
precautionary saving -
- ? Empirically,
- - Negative effects cross-country regressions
(Loayza, Schmidt-Hebbel, and Serven 2000) - - No systematic effect 8 country-case studies.
Negative in Korea and Mexico, Positive in Ghana
and Turkey, and Negligible in the rest (Bandiera
et. al 2000) - - No effect when expenditures on durable goods
are considered as saving (negative otherwise)
India (Loayza and Shankar 2000)
35- (2) Pension reform Transition to fully-funded
pension system - Effects studied mostly with simulation models
but also with cross-country regressions and case
studies - The direct effect
- Transition financed by issuing public debt No
direct effect (its only a conversion from
implicit to explicit public liability) - Transition financed by reducing the non-pension
public deficit (lowering net benefits to current
retirees, imposing higher taxes on current
generations, or lowering government
expenditures) Saving levels of current
generations decline while those of future
generations rise, although their saving rates
will not necessarily change. - Higher mandated saving (with possible over-saving
by borrowing-constrained consumers) Singapores
Central Provident Fund - minimum 25.
36- The side effects (mostly in the long run)
- Higher growth (from reduced distortions)
- Capital market development
- Higher rates of return on pension assets
- What does the evidence say?
- - Chile Private saving/GNP rose from 1 (1980)
to 17 (1992). But was it due to pension reform? - - General Countries that increase the funding of
their mandatory retirement programs tend to
achieve higher private saving rates - Chile 3.8 p.p. of the increase in saving rate
attributed to pension reform (Schmidt-Hebbel
1999) - Cross-country pay-as-you go systems had negative
effects on saving - Overall, the effect on saving is mainly in the
long run and through mandated saving
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41Basic Investment Theory
- Two conventional views
- (1) The neoclassical model (Jorgenson)
- F(K) ucK
- where the user cost of capital depends on
interest rates and the relative price of capital
ucK (rd)pI ignoring taxes - (2) Tobins q model Investment depends on the
ratio of the value of the firm to the replacement
cost of its productive capital (q)
42- In both approaches, (convex) adjustment costs
need to be assumed to transform a static problem
into a dynamic one - Under appropriate assumptions, the two approaches
are essentially equivalent (Hayashi 1982) - Empirically, these models are not successful.
- Main reason The estimated effects of the user
cost of capital are usually very small and often
insignificant. - Empirical models explain only a small part of
the observed variation in investment.
43Recent Developments
- Financial Factors and Investment
- Modigliani-Miller (1958) Internal and external
funds are perfect substitutes ? firms investment
decisions are independent from their financing
decisions - In reality, informational asymmetries, cost
monitoring, and contract enforcement problems
lead to imperfect substitutability. - Two main results from this literature (e.g.
Fazzari et al 1988) - (i) Unless all loans are fully collateralized,
external finance is more costly than internal
finance - (ii) The premium on external finance is
decreasing in net worth.
44- Implications
- The financial accelerator Adverse shocks to net
worth raise the premium and reduce investment (?
shocks are amplified) - Interest rate changes affect investment not only
through (i) the cost of capital, but also through
(ii) net worth (impacting on the cost spread),
and through (iii) the availability of internal
funds. - Taxes have marginal effects (on marginal
profitability and cost of capital) and also
average (income) effects on investment, through
internal funds availability. - Financial reform can reduce the cost spread and,
thus, raise investment. - Empirically, there is strong evidence that the
availability of internal funds affects investment
positively. The impact seems to be larger for
small firms.
45- Irreversibility and Uncertainty The Options
Approach - Three basic facts (Dixit-Pindyck 1994)
- (i) Investment is irreversible
- ? adjustment costs are asymmetric Projects
cannot be undone - without high cost - (ii) Future returns are uncertain
- ? waiting allows new information about future
profits - (iii) Investors can choose the timing of
investment - ? investment can be postponed
- (i)(ii)(iii)? Option value of waiting
Investing kills the option to wait
46- New Investment rule Invest if naive NPV gt
value of option to wait (and not just NPV gt 0) - Properties of the option value
- It only depends on bad news (good news is
irrelevant) - It can be very large even with small uncertainty
- ? Uncertainty can be a powerful investment
47- The bad news principle
- Projects costs pk
- Yields R0 today and an uncertain R every future
period let ER R0 - Discount rate is r
48- Reversible investment
- ? invest now iff current profit ? user cost
- R0 ? r pk
- Irreversible investment, and waiting yields
information - ? invest now iff current profit ? user cost
user cost EPV of bad news. -
- If uncertainty is fully resolved next period
invest now iff - R0 ? rpk Pr R lt rpk (1/r) Erpk-R
Rltrpk - current profit ? user cost of capital Prob.
irrev. mistake EPV mistake
49The bad news principle with multiple projects
a productivity improvement leading to inaction
Return per period
Return per period
user cost of capital
user cost of capital
Real wage
Real wage
50Irreversibility and Uncertainty Implications
- At the firm level
- (1) Higher uncertainty raises the profitability
threshold for positive investment (enlarges the
range of inaction) - But
- (2) Higher uncertainty may also raise expected
profitability - (1) (2) ? the short term impact on investment
is ambiguous - And
- (3) Even if (1) outweighs (2), long-run impact
is ambiguous due to hangover effect Higher
uncertainty implies more excess K - At the aggregate level
- (4) Investment displays considerable inertia -
the response to aggregate shocks/policy changes
is gradual - (5) The response depends on initial conditions -
i.e., where individual firms are relative to
their investment thresholds.
51Irreversible Investment Applications
- Interest rat uncertainty (Ingersoll-Ross)
- Tax uncertainty (Hasset-Metcalf)
- Real exchange rate uncertainty (Dixit-Krugman)
- Debt overhang (uncertain debt service/anticipated
tax) - Main message Stability of incentives is as
important as their level. - Reform credibility
- Why the sluggish investment response to policy
reform? - Possibility of reform reversal ? value of
waiting - Imperfect credibility of reform leads to
investment pause - Problem Endogenous reform collapse may occur
due to lack of investment (? coordination
52Irreversibility Empirical Evidence
- Few structural models too difficult to do
- Many reduced-form studies of uncertainty-investmen
t link (Almost always significantly negative) - Economic instability (volatility of RER, TOT,
inflation...) - Political/social instability (political
violence, civil unrest...) - But is irreversibility the reason? Other
possible explanations - Risk aversion/incomplete markets
- uncertainty has a negative impact on investment
(Zeira 1989) - Disappointment aversion
- Bad outcomes are most important
(Aizenman-Marion 1995) - negative effect on investment
53Private Investment and Economic Instability
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56- Socio-Political/Institutional Factors
- Property Rights
- Poorly defined or poorly enforced property
rights - (1) Raise transaction costs
- (2) Make investment returns more uncertain
- Corruption
- Informal taxes on investment
- Like formal taxes, they raise project cost
- But are hard to predict ? raise uncertainty as
well - Empirically Reduced-form models including
indicators of - Property rights/contract enforcement
(Knack-Keefer 1995) - Corruption (Mauro 1996)
- Overall institutional quality (civil liberties
indicators) - ? Almost always find significant effects
57Private Investment and Socio-Political Variables
58- Coordination Failures
- Strategic interactions among investors can lead
to sub-optimal (typically under-) investment. - Two examples
- 1. Increasing returns (Kiyotaki 1990)
Profitability of individual firms depends on
overall activity ? on overall investment.
Individual firms ignore their contribution to
overall investment. ? Multiple equilibria with
self-fulfilling expectations - If each firm anticipates low aggregate
investment, it does not invest. - If it anticipates high aggregate investment, it
will invest. - ? The economy may get stuck in a pessimistic
59- 2. Irreversible investment with private
information (Gale 1994) - Investment by others is informative (about
profitability, technology) - It pays to wait for them to invest
- ? Equilibrium with too much waiting and
under-investment - Implication With coordination failures, the
social value of investment differs from
(exceeds?) its private value - ? Role for investment-oriented policies
- Public saving is an effective tool to raise
national saving - Financial reform will improve the efficiency of
intermediation and foster investment and growth.
It will likely reduce saving in the short to
medium run - Pension reform likewise has beneficial effects on
efficiency and growth. Its direct impact on
saving appears to be positive. - The level of income is one the most important
determinants of the saving rate. Any reform that
increases income will have a long-run positive
effect on saving.
61- Investment is highly sensitive to economic
instability. The stability of the incentive
framework is at least as important as the level
of the incentives themselves - Coordination failures may lead to
under-investment and justify policy intervention
to raise investment - Elimination of macro-instability (large deficits,
high and volatile inflation...) is a key
requirement for private investment to take off - Socio-political instability, corruption and weak
institutions are major investment deterrents.
Institutional reform may play a major role in
fostering investment