Title: Liberty Union High School District Graduates of Distinction
1Liberty Union High School DistrictGraduates of
- Established in 1999, this annual event honors
graduates of the District who have distinguished
themselves through their accomplishments and/or
contributions to their chosen profession and/or
2Graduates of Distinction
April 10, 2002
3Mas Kamagaki
John Coelho
Hugh Henderson
42002 Honorees Dave Blumen John Coelho Mas
Kamagaki Hugh Henderson
5Community Reception honoring the inductess
Ilene Foster, G.O.D. Coordinator shares comments
from the activities of the day honorees
6Mr. Coelho provides a story summarizing the days
Mr. Allen shares fond comments of posthumous
honoree David J. Blumen
7Mr. Smith, Superintendent, presents Mr. Kamagaki
with the coveted Graduates of Distinction Award
Mr. Henderson takes a moment to express his
appreciation for the day
8Mr. Allen accepts the G.O.D. award in honor and
on behalf of David J. Blumen and his family
Assemblywoman Lynne Leach presents the honorees
with a resolution by the State Assembly