Title: Michigan High School Graduation Requirements
1Michigan High School Graduation Requirements
July 2006
2WhyEconomic Survival
- Our students face both national and international
competition - Research shows students are not prepared to
succeed in college or workplace - Courses like Algebra II are new gateway to higher
paying jobs - Michigans economic recovery is tied to a
well-educated workforce
3WhyEmployers Want
- Strong math and science backgrounds
- Creative problem solvers
- Effective communicators
- Leadership qualities
- Flexibility - ability to adapt
4College-ready is Work-ready
- we know that the skills expected for college
are also the skills needed to enter todays
workforce. So whether students plan further
education or work after high school graduation,
they need to graduate college-ready. - On Course for Success ACT
5History of High School Requirements
- Cherry Commission on Higher Education and
Economic Growth - Year long study of resources, districts and best
practices - State Board of Education action
- Extraordinary partnership between Executive and
Legislative branches
6History of High School Requirements
- Legislation signed by Governor Granholm on April
20, 2006 created a set of rigorous high school
requirements - State graduation requirements go from worst to
first in nation - New requirements effective Class of 2011 except
for Languages other than English (LOTE) 2016
7Successful High School Programs
- High expectations
- Rigorous requirements
- Academic studies applied to real-world problems
and projects - Challenging career/technical studies
- Work-based learning opportunities
8School Environment
- Teachers working together
- Students actively engaged
- Productive senior year
- Guidance
- Support structures
- High Schools That Work,
- Southern Regional Education Board
June 2005
9Our Charge
- Come together to help ALL students meet the
content expectations to be work or college-ready - Create a vision of implementation for high school
redesign - Identify curricular content and effective
instructional practices that lead to increased
student engagement
10Collaboration is the Key
Our Partners
- Higher Education
- Local District Staff
- ISD and RESA Consultants
- Career and Technical Educators
- Special Education and Support Staff
- Content and Curriculum Consultants
- Professional Organizations
- Others
11Overview of Michigan Merit Curriculum
- 2011 Requirements (2006 8th grade class)
- 4 English Language Arts
- 4 Mathematics (1 in senior year)
- 3 Science
- 3 Social Studies
- 1 Physical Education/Health
- 1 Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts
- On-line course/experience
- 2016 Requirements (2006 3rd grade class)
- 2 credits/experience in Languages other than
12Courageous Leadership
By enacting the Michigan Merit Curriculum, the
Michigan Legislature and Governor Granholmthe
State Board of Education and the Department of
Education have catapulted Michigan from the state
that demanded among the leastto one of the
states that demands the most. Enacting Michigan
Merit Curriculum required political leadership
and courage. Implementing it well will require
the skill and dedication of Michigans educators,
a challenge they are surely up to. Michael
Cohen President and CEO of Achieve, Inc.
13High School Course/Credit Content Expectations
14What Was MDEs Charge?
- Create a set of subject matter content
expectations and guidelines that will ensure
rigorous learning for all students in high school
so as to meet the requirements of the Michigan
Merit Curriculum - Convene committees that represent the highest
levels of expertise - Align expectations to national and international
standards - Submit work for public and national reviews
- Publish documents that are useful to teachers,
parents, students, and the community
15Michigan Merit Curriculum
- The Michigan Merit Curriculum represents the
credits required for graduation in specific
subject areas and learning experiences - Course/Credit Content Expectations for
- English Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Subject Area/Learning Experience Guidelines for
- Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts (VPAA)
- Physical Education/Health
- Online Learning
- Languages other than English (LOTE)
16Who Was Involved?
- Academic Work Groups
- Chaired by Higher Education
- Other representative members
- Local and Intermediate School Districts
- Professional Organizations
- Career Technical Education
- Review Committees
- Web Review
- National Review
- Achieve, Inc. ELA and Mathematics
- Council of State Science Supervisors
- North American Council for Online Learning
17What Was Developed?
- High School Content Expectations (HSCE)
- The universe of recommended content during a 4
year high school experience - Course/Credit Content Expectations (CCE)
- Specific course/credit content requirements
derived from the universe of the HSCE
18Course/Credit Content Expectations
- Build on and extend
- Michigan K-8 Grade Level Content Expectations and
the K-8 Educational Experience - Michigan Curriculum Framework
- Career and Employability Skills Standards and
19Course/Credit Content Expectations
- Are aligned with national standards and
recommendations from - American Diploma Project (ADP) and Achieve, Inc.,
- National Council of Teachers of English and the
International Reading Association - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and
Program for International Student Assessment
(PISA) - College Board (SAT)
- National Assessment Evaluation Program (NAEP) and
National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) - American College Testing Program (ACT)
20Course/Credit Guidelines
- The Course/Credit Guidelines (CCG)
- Provide high schools with general curricular
content and processes - Local school districts will assign credits based
on their course/credit offerings that are aligned
to the Course/Credit Guidelines - Guidelines are aligned to Michigan Curriculum
Framework, Career and Technical Education
Standards, and/or other program area guidelines
21English Language Arts
- Required 4 credits
- Credit content is defined by units
- 4 model units per credit (year)
- Anchor texts narrative/informational
- Organized by Big Ideas
- Increasing levels of complexity and
sophistication - Emphasis on Reading, Writing, and Informational
Text - Suggested literature
- Required 4 Credits
- Credit content is developed for
- Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II,
Pre-Calculus, Statistics, and Integrated
Mathematics - Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II are required
- Senior year of math is required to be selected
from district or online options, and/or dual
enrollment - Sequence is not mandated
- Legislation lists examples, list not exclusive
- Integrated math allowed
- Required 3 Credits
- Credit content is developed for
- Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
- Biology required of everyone
- Choice of Physics or Chemistry
- 3rd credit to be selected from district or online
options, and/or dual enrollment - Legislation encourages 4th credit
- Sequence not mandated
24Social Studies
- Required 3 credits
- Credit content is being developed for
- U.S. History and Geography, Civics, Economics,
and World History and Geography - 1 credit in U.S. History and Geography
- .5 credit in Civics
- .5 credit in Economics
- 1 credit in World History and Geography
- Anticipated approval and dissemination 2007
25Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts
- Required 1 credit
- Guidelines are developed for
- Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts
- The goal is to provide students with experience
in the entire artistic/creative process - Guidelines focus on artistic/creative processes
rather than defining set of courses that meet
guidelines - Credit assignment is up to local school district
26Physical Education/Health
- Required 1 credit
- Guidelines are being developed for
- Physical Education
- Health
- Credit assignment is up to local school district
- .5 credit in Physical Education
- .5 credit in Health
- Physical Education and Health requirements may be
met in other course/credit areas that meet the
established guidelines
27Online Requirement
- Requirement No credit assigned
- Guidelines are developed for online learning
experience - Credit or non-credit course or learning
experience - OR
- District has integrated online learning into each
credit area required for graduation - MDE identifies basic level of technology and
internet access for requirement to be in effect
28Languages Other Than English
- Required
- 2 credits in high school
- OR..
- Course work or other learning experiences prior
to/during high school - American Sign Language (ASL) and Heritage
Languages qualify toward LOTE requirement - Requirement may be met on-line
29Timeline for Course/Credit Content Expectations
and Guidelines
- Science High School Content Expectations will be
presented to the State Board for approval,
September 12, 2006 - Course/Credit Content Expectations and Guidelines
will be made available on the MDE website in
August - English Language Arts Units for 9th and 10th
grades - Mathematics Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II,
Pre-Calculus, Statistics - Science Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry,
Physics - Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts
- Online Experience
30Timeline for Course/Credit Content Expectations
and Guidelines
- Course/Credit Content Expectations and Guidelines
projected for 2007 - Social Studies U.S. History and Geography,
Economics, Civics, World History and Geography - Languages other than English (LOTE) Guidelines
for credit and experience
31Performance Matters
What We Know
- Whats New
- Meet or exceed content expectations
- Perform and demonstrate competency
- Assign credit based on meeting expectations
- Currently
- Pass or fail
- Seat time
- Individual courses
32Courses vs. Credits
- Student earns credit by
- Successfully completing the learning expectations
in the Course/Credit Content Expectations for the
credit area - Successful completion to be determined, in part,
by state or local district assessments - Testing out allowed based on earning qualifying
score on state or local assessments
33Courses vs. Credits, contd.
- Graduation requirements intended to be
standards/competency-based - Requirements do not imply courses, seat time,
Carnegie Units - Legislation says districts may offer credits
through alternate methods (e.g. Humanities,
CTE, Industrial Technology, Voc-Ed, or
34Courses vs. Credits, contd.
- Credit requirement can be met in variety of ways
and in other courses - Career Technical Education
- Community based learning
- Independent study/project work
- High school credit may be earned for high school
level courses taken prior to high school
35Courses vs. Credits, contd.
- Legislation does not prohibit student satisfying
credit requirements through - Dual enrollment
- Advanced Placement
- International Baccalaureate
- Other early college experiences or programs
36Michigan Merit Curriculum Assessments
- By April 2009 the MDE must develop or select and
approve assessments to measure achievement in at
least the required credit areas of English
Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social
Studies by - End-of-course exams
- Possible incremental (semester) assessments
- Legislation authorizes local district to
institute as graduation requirement - Legislation authorizes local districts to add
additional requirements to the Michigan Merit
37Personal Curriculum
- Graduation requirements may be modified through
the Personal Curriculum - Developed by team comprised of the student,
parent/guardian, high school counselor or staff
member designated by principal - No age or grade level legislated
- Should incorporate as much of graduation
requirements as practicable - Shall include measurable goals and evaluation
38Personal Curriculum, contd.
- Aligned with students Educational Development
Plan (EDP from 7th grade) - Final plan must be approved by parents and
district superintendent - Parents must communicate with teachers once each
quarter to assess progress
39Personal Curriculum
Credits Subject Area Description Personal Curriculum (Modification)
4 Credits English Language Arts Aligned with subject area content expectations developed by the Department and approved by the State Board of Education No modification
4 Credits Mathematics Algebra I Geometry Algebra II 1 additional math or math-related credit Math or math-related credit in the final year All students must Complete at least 3.5 math or math-related credits Complete a math or math-related credit in the final year Algebra 2 modification options Complete 2.5 credits including .5 credit of Algebra II OR Complete a two year Career and Technical education curriculum which includes .5 credit of Algebra II content OR Complete Algebra 2 over 2 years with credit given for each year
40Personal Curriculum
Credits Subject Area Description Personal Curriculum (Modification)
3 Credits Science Biology Chemistry or Physics 1 additional Science credit No modification
3 Credits Social Studies .5 Civics .5 Economics US History and Geography World History and Geography No modification of Civics 2 credits must be earned Modified only if student takes additional credit(s) beyond the required credits in English Language Arts, Math, Science, or World Languages
1 Credit Health and Physical Education Credit guidelines developed by the Michigan Department of Education Modification only if student takes additional credit(s) beyond the required credits in English Language Arts, Math, Science, or World Languages
1 Credit Visual, Performing, Applied Arts Credit guidelines developed by the Michigan Department of Education Modification only if student takes additional credit(s) beyond the required credits in English Language Arts, Math, Science, or World Languages
41Personal Curriculum
Credits Subject Area Description Personal Curriculum (Modification)
2 Credits World Languages Begins with the Class of 2016 Credits earned in grades 9-12 OR An equivalent learning experience in grades K-12 No modification
Online Learning Experience Online course or learning experience OR Online experience is incorporated into each of the required credits No modification
42Sample Student Schedule - Career Technical
Education Emphasis
LOTE Languages other than English
43Sample Student Schedule -Instrumental Music
Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Period 1 English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12
Period 2 Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Math-Related
Period 3 World History US History Gov/Econ Science
Period 4 Biology Chemistry LOTE Elective/Elective
Period 5 Health/PE LOTE VPAA Elective/Elective
Period 6 Band Band Band Band
447 Period Day
Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Period 1 English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12
Period 2 Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Math-Related
Period 3 Earth Science Biology Physics CTE or Elective
Period 4 World History US History Government/Econ CTE or Elective
Period 5 Health/PE VPAA CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
Period 6 LOTE LOTE CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
Period 7 Elective/ Elective Elective/ Elective CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
454x4 Block A/B Block
First Semester or A Schedule
Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Block 1 English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12
Block 2 Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra II Math-Related
Block 3 Health/PE LOTE CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
Block 4 LOTE Elective CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
Second Semester or B Schedule
Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Block 1 World History US History Physics Gov/ Econ
Block 2 Biology Chemistry CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
Block 3 VPAA Elective CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
Block 4 Elective Elective CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
46Trimester Schedule
Trimester 1 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Period 1 English 9 A English 10 A CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
Period 2 Biology A US History A CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
Period 3 World History A Elective CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
Period 4 VPAA A Elective English 11 A English 12 A
Period 5 Algebra 1 A Elective Algebra II A Math-Related A
Trimester 2 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Period 1 Health/PE A Elective CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
Period 2 Biology B Elective CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
Period 3 Algebra 1 B Chemistry A CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
Period 4 VPAA B Geometry A Algebra II B Math-Related B
Period 5 LOTE A Elective Economics Science A
Trimester 3 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Period 1 English 9 B English 10 B CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
Period 2 Health/PE B US History B CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
Period 3 World History B Chemistry B CTE or Elective CTE or Elective
Period 4 LOTE B Geometry B Government English 12 B
Period 5 Elective Elective English 11 B Science B
47Special Education
- All graduation requirements apply
- Students IEP supports the student to achieve
graduation - The IEP must identify the appropriate supports to
successfully complete the Michigan Merit
Curriculum or through a Personal Curriculum
48Support for Students At Risk
- Students at risk of failure or dropping out
- District must provide parents information on
tutoring, support, counseling services that are
available, such as - 31A programs/services
- Services required through NCLB (if school
receives Title 1 funds) - Other school/district-based services
49District Modification
- District must make available opportunities to
meet all graduation requirements by beginning of
2007-08 school year (when next years 8th graders
enter 9th grade) - If not available in the district itself, other
arrangements such as - Co-op agreements with neighboring district(s)
- Online options
- Dual enrollment
- Distance learning
- If district still cannot provide required
opportunities, may apply for approval of phase-in
plan - MDE to develop guidelines
- Phase-in, no permanent waivers
50Specialty Schools
- State Superintendent may designate up to 15
Specialty Schools - Exempt from the 4 ELA credits
- Exempt from the 3 Social Studies credits
- Must require 4 credits of Science, with no
modification - No modification of Math credits
51Specialty Schools, contd.
- Must incorporate significant Reading and Writing
in curriculum - Specialized, innovative curriculum using national
or international models - Mean scores on Math and Science sections of ACT
must be 10 above local district
52Specialty Schools, contd.
- Must have an 85 graduation rate
- Must have 75 enrolled in
post-secondary - Students and parents must be notified if school
doesnt meet Michigan Merit graduation
requirements - Student transferring to another school would be
required to meet graduation requirements
53School Accreditation
- State accreditation of high schools dependent
upon schools providing opportunities to meet all
graduation requirements - Beginning 2008-09 school year, no high school
will be accredited unless such opportunities are
provided - Legislation indicates consequences for schools
failing to be accredited for 3 consecutive years
54MDE Obligations
- Develop Course/Credit Content Expectations for
subject areas named in legislation - Develop guidelines for
- PE/Health
- Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts
- Online Learning Experience
- Languages other than English (experiences K-12)
- Minimum level of technology and internet access
- Alternative delivery methods
- District phase-in requirements
55MDE Obligations, contd.
- Within 3 years develop or select and approve
assessments that may be used by the district for
the Course/Credit requirements (at a minimum) in - English Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Develop guidelines for applications for
specialty schools
56District Obligations
- Opportunities in place by 2007-08 school year to
meet all graduation requirements - If not, proposal for phase-in plan
- Educational Development Plan for 7th graders to
be completed by time student enters high school - Graduation credit areas taught by highly
qualified (NCLB) teachers - Notice to parents of students failing or in
danger of dropping out - Basic technology and internet access in place to
support on-line requirement
57Find Information on Web
- Michigan.gov/highschool (with link to HSCE site)
- http//www.michigan.gov/highschool
- Michigan.gov/hsce
- http//www.michigan.gov/hsce
- Michigan.gov/oeaa (MME/ACT information)
- http//michigan.gov/oeaa
- Michigan.gov/mathematics (mathematics resources)
- http//www.michigan.gov/mathematics
- ACT.org (policy makers) On Course for Success
- http//www.act.org/path/policy/pdf/success_report.
pdf - ACT.org (policy makers) Reading Between the Lines
- http//www.act.org/path/policy/reports/reading.htm
l - ACT.org (College Readiness Standards)
58MDE Contact Information
- Jeremy M. Hughes, Ph.D.
- Deputy Superintendent/Chief Academic Officer
- Hughesj_at_michigan.gov
- Dr. Yvonne Caamal Canul, Director
- Office of School Improvement
- Canuly_at_michigan.gov
- Betty Underwood, Assistant Director
- Office of School Improvement
- Underwoodb_at_michigan.gov
- Deborah Clemmons, Supervisor
- Office of School Improvement
- Clemmonsd_at_michigan.gov
59MDE Contact Information
- High School Content Expectations Susan Codere
Kelly - CodereS_at_michigan.gov
- English Language Arts HS Content Expectations
- Elaine Weber eweber_at_misd.net
- Mathematics HS Content Expectations
- Ruth Anne Hodges HodgesRA_at_michigan.gov
- Science HS Content Expectations
- Kevin Richard richardke_at_michigan.gov