Title: Rompre avec le pass
1Towards FP 7 Preliminary principles and
Nicholas Hartley European Commission DG
Research - NMP Priority Nanotechnologies,
knowledge-based Materials new Production
2Proposals for the next budgetary period
2007-13 COM(2004) 101 26 February 2004
- Policy challenges and budgetary means of
the - Enlarged Union 2007-2013
- Three priorities for the next financial
perspectives - - Sustainable development (competitiveness,
cohesion and sustainable management and
protection of natural resources) - - EU citizenship (completion of an area of
freedom, justice, security and access to basic
public goods) - - The EU as a global partner its external
3Commission Communicationon future research
policy COM (2004) 353 June 16, 2004
- Science and technology, the key to Europes
future - Focusing future research support on 6 key
challenges for Europe - Continuing and reinforcing existing activities
- Developing new approaches and ensuring effective
management - Launching a debate on the way forward for the 7th
Framework Programme. Contributions are welcome!
4Commission Communicationon future research
policy COM (2004) 353 June 16, 2004
- Six major objectives
- Creating EU centres of excellence through
collaboration between labs - Launching EU technological initiatives
- Stimulating the creativity of basic research
through competition between teams at EU level - Making EU more attractive for the best
researchers - Developing research infrastructures
- Improving the coordination of national research
5Commission RTD policy proposals key axes
Six axes and two new research fields space and
6New approaches for FP7
- Launching public private partnerships for
research in key technologies strong industrial
lead impact - Formation of technology platforms with key
stakeholders (e.g. Sustainable Chemistry) - Definition of strategic research agendas
- Implementation of research agendas (Technology
Initiative) through - Support to collaborative research (e.g.
Integrated Projects) or - a limited number based on Article 171 ( joint
undertakings - Council decision)
7New approaches for FP 7
- European Research Council
- A funding body with full autonomy, fully
accountable - Support top EU teams against strong competition
- Investigator-driven research (no pre-determined
topics) - All fields of science the humanities
- Strict peer review will drive up quality of EU
science - First proposed in 2002 the debate continues (via
EURAB, ALLEA, EUROHORCS,) now needs political
commitment. Structure organisation to be
agreed and decided.
8Continuing and reinforcing activities in FP7
- Creating European centres of excellence through
collaboration between laboratories (universities,
research centres and industries) - Continuity with FP6, but with improvements,
- e.g. regarding instruments, procedures etc.
- Focused priorities
- Where European value added is greatest
- To support EU policy objectives
9Continuing and reinforcing activities in FP7
- Improving the coordination of national and
regional research programmes - Reinforce ERA-Net scheme and extend funding to
research activities - Use of Article 169 ( Member States can go it
alone but Co-decision needed, therefore
potentially slow) - Reinforce links with other European research
10Continuing and reinforcing activities in FP7
- Developing research infrastructure in the
European interest - Continued support for transnational access,
networking and improved performance - Support to construction and operation of new
infrastructures - Role for European Strategic Forum for Research
Infrastructures (ESFRI)
11Continuing and reinforcing activities in FP7
- Making Europe more attractive for the best
researchers - Build on success of Marie Curie actions
- Trans-national, trans-sectoral, and
industry-academia mobility - Research careers and life-long learning
- International dimension
12FP7- institutional debate where are we?
- Transnational collaborative research remains the
core activity of the FP and priority research
topics identified on the basis of competitiveness
and other Community policy objectives - Emphasis on industry-driven character of
Technology Initiatives - Overall support to Basic research activities and
to a possible new management mechanism to be set
up (ERC?) - Importance of attracting researchers to Europe
- Explore complementary funding mechanisms to
support new infrastructures (not only
up-grading/access) - Improved procedures and management
- Budget issue still open.
June 2004 Communication on the future of EU
research policy Oct 2004 Open
consultation on the Communication http//europa.e
u.int/comm/research/future/index_en.html 2004-
Development work in consultation with the
onwards community (e.g. research topics,
instruments, procedures, management) Natio
nal (and regional) debates on FP7 Spring
Council 2005 Adoption of the financial
perspectives 2007-13 Early 2005 FP7 proposal,
Extended Impact Assessment 2006 Decision
on FP7
14Many thanks for your attention!