Four Disciplines - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Four Disciplines


Ministry of Evangelism or Missions. CHRIST. John 15:5. Luke 9:23. Deny ... Ministry of Evangelism or Missions. Ministries of Service John 15:13. Discipleship ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Four Disciplines

Four Disciplines that are essential to
Christian health and growth
ma?hth? (mathates) a learner or
pupil Translated in English Bible as
disciple -life was the classroom and learning
was living it around the teachers
ma?hth? (mathates) a learner or
pupil Translated in English Bible as
disciple -life was the classroom and learning
was living it around the teachers
Today a disciple of Jesus is one who chooses to
be a lifelong learner or pupil of Jesus Christ
taking on the character of Christ and desiring
for others to be transformed similarly. Christian
literally means little Christ
CHRIST John 155
John 155 (NIV) "I am the vine you are the
branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he
will bear much fruit apart from me you can do
???? - meno to flow with life translated here
as Abide (KJV) or remain (NIV) or joined
CHRIST John 155
John 155 (NIV) "I am the vine you are the
branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he
will bear much fruit apart from me you can do
Luke 923 (NIV) Then he said to them all "If
anyone would come after me, he must deny himself
and take up his cross daily and follow
me. An invitation to follow Him, And
instruction on how to follow Him. Say no to
your agenda, and yes to His. Take on the habits
and practices by which Christ relates to God and
to others.
CHRIST John 155
Luke 923 Deny self Take Cross Follow
CHRIST John 155
Vertical bar our relationship to God. Horizontal
bar our relationship to others.
Luke 923 Deny self Take Cross Follow
Prayer John 157
CHRIST John 155
John 157 (NIV) If you remain in me and my words
remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will
be given you.
Vertical bar our relationship to God. Horizontal
bar our relationship to others.
John 831-32 (NIV) 31 To the Jews who had
believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my
teaching, you are really my disciples. 32
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will
set you free."
Luke 923 Deny self Take Cross Follow
Prayer John 157
CHRIST John 155
Vertical bar our relationship to God. Horizontal
bar our relationship to others.
Gods Word John 831-32
John 1334-35 (NIV) 34 "A new command I give
you Love one another. As I have loved you, so
you must love one another. 35 By this all men
will know that you are my disciples, if you love
one another."
Luke 923 Deny self Take Cross Follow
Prayer John 157
Fellowship John 1334-35
CHRIST John 155
Vertical bar our relationship to God. Horizontal
bar our relationship to others.
Gods Word John 831-32
Luke 923 Deny self Take Cross Follow
Prayer John 157
John 158 (NIV) This is to my Father's glory,
that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves
to be my disciples.
Witness Evidence John 158
Fellowship John 1334-35
CHRIST John 155
Vertical bar our relationship to God. Horizontal
bar our relationship to others.
Gods Word John 831-32
Luke 923 Deny self Take Cross Follow
Prayer John 157
Witness Evidence John 158
Fellowship John 1334-35
CHRIST John 155
Our relationship with others will never be
stronger than our relationship to God.
Vertical bar our relationship to God. Horizontal
bar our relationship to others.
Gods Word John 831-32
Ministry of Worship or Intercession
Luke 923 Deny self Take Cross Follow
Prayer John 157
Witness Evidence John 158
Fellowship John 1334-35
CHRIST John 155
Vertical bar our relationship to God. Horizontal
bar our relationship to others.
Gods Word John 831-32
Ministry of Worship or Intercession
Luke 923 Deny self Take Cross Follow
Prayer John 157
Witness Evidence John 158
Fellowship John 1334-35
CHRIST John 155
Vertical bar our relationship to God. Horizontal
bar our relationship to others.
Gods Word John 831-32
Ministry of Teaching and Preaching
Ministry of Worship or Intercession
Luke 923 Deny self Take Cross Follow
Prayer John 157
Witness Evidence John 158
Fellowship John 1334-35
Ministry of Nurture
CHRIST John 155
Vertical bar our relationship to God. Horizontal
bar our relationship to others.
Gods Word John 831-32
Ministry of Teaching and Preaching
Ministry of Worship or Intercession
Luke 923 Deny self Take Cross Follow
Prayer John 157
Witness Evidence John 158
Fellowship John 1334-35
Ministry of Evangelism or Missions
Ministry of Nurture
CHRIST John 155
Vertical bar our relationship to God. Horizontal
bar our relationship to others.
Gods Word John 831-32
Ministry of Teaching and Preaching
Ministry of Worship or Intercession
Luke 923 Deny self Take Cross Follow
Prayer John 157
Ministries of Service John 1513
Witness Evidence John 158
Fellowship John 1334-35
Ministry of Evangelism or Missions
Ministry of Nurture
CHRIST John 155
Vertical bar our relationship to God. Horizontal
bar our relationship to others.
John 1513 (NIV) Greater love has no one than
this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Gods Word John 831-32
Ministry of Teaching and Preaching
Ministry of Worship or Intercession
Luke 923 Deny self Take Cross Follow
Prayer John 157
Ministries of Service John 1513
Witness Evidence John 158
Fellowship John 1334-35
Ministry of Evangelism or Missions
Ministry of Nurture
CHRIST John 155
Discipleship a lifelong process pf building a
relationship with God that can we reproduce in
relationships with others.
Vertical bar our relationship to God. Horizontal
bar our relationship to others.
Gods Word John 831-32
Ministry of Teaching and Preaching
John 1511 (MSG) "I've told you these things for
a purpose that my joy might be your joy, and
your joy wholly mature.
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