Title: Four Fields of Anthropology
1 Four Fields of Anthropology
- Anthropological Method
- Describe
2 Key concepts
3Cultural Relativism
- Cannot judge a culture by the norms and values of
another - Must understand a culture on its own terms
- True of time, too (historical attitudes)
- Controversy What about maladaptive practices,
violations of human rights or historical
wrongs? - FGM
- Persecution of minority groups
- Slavery
- Belief ones own culture is superior to others
- We cant be objective if we are ethnocentric
- But we always wear our cultural glasses, we
just need to be sure they arent so dark that
what we see is distorted. - Awareness of cultural glasses helps you avoid
5Naïve Realism.
- Belief that everyone sees, interprets or
understands the world in the same way. - Issue cross-culturally and in studying past
people or events
6Can be subtle
Closer to Native view
Way we usually see NE
Petroglyph-NY Iroquois
7Worldview framework for making sense of our
surroundings and how the world works
8How does anthropology study culture?
Participant Observation
Informants, surveys, etc
Scientific method
9Culture Explicit vs. Tacit
Explicit clear, observable
Tacit- hidden framework
- Ethos Motivations and perceptions about life
and the world that guide
life-way and choices - - -How people cope with and
interact with world - - -reflected in cultural values
- -Observable in human actions and
what humans create
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12Anthropology, Archaeology and History
the Baggage
- Disciplines rise from Western/Euro tradition
- Associated with colonial powers and imperial
interests - Used to justify nationalist or imperial goals
- Used to deny identity and legitimacy of subject
Great Zimbabwe
13- Anthropologys original goal
- Document vanishing cultures
- Colonized people expected to assimilate
(or die) - Removing cultural materials was
- OK b/c people/culture would soon be gone
- Living people and human remains treated as no
more than scientific specimens or curiosities to
be exhibited
14History Purpose (now) understand how events
come about and the impact of those events on
human societies
- Issues
- Inherent bias (slant)
- Records the activities and interests of the
elite. - Viewpoint exclusively that of dominant culture.
- Pre-contact Indigenous recording systems were
ignored, denied meaning or purposefully destroyed
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16Historys Units How events experienced
Note Race is a cultural construct, not
biological fact and categories change over time
- AKA Social archeology, culture history
- Cultural patterns
- Continuity AND Change
- Uses
- Oral histories
- Cultural knowledge of indigenous people
- Ethnographic Analogy
- Anthropological, Archaeological and Historical
theory - Goal Recover the culture history and experience
of colonized (or otherwise unrecorded) people - Understand effects/experience of historical
processes - Understand cultural processes (adaptation
and change) -