Title: BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES Serving the Present, Shaping the Future
1BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES -- Serving the Present,
Shaping the Future
Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee
Patricia M. Dehmer Associate Director of Science
for Basic Energy Sciences 11 December 2000
- The Mission of the Office of Basic Energy
Sciences - Foster and support fundamental research to
provide the basis for new, improved,
environmentally conscientious energy
technologies - Plan, construct, and operate major scientific
user facilities for materials sciences and
related disciplines to serve researchers from
academia, federal laboratories, and industry
Pulsed Neutron Sources -- Recent BESAC Activities
Neutron Sources for America's Future (January
Neutron20source20America20Future.pdf Review
of Neutron Sources and Applications (January
1994)Available on information table and upon
request to the Office of Basic Energy
SciencesReport of BESAC on Neutron Source
Facility Upgrades and the Technical
Specifications for the Spallation Neutron Source
(January 1996)http//www.sc.doe.gov/production/b
es/BESAC/neutron20source20rpt.pdfReport of
BESAC on Neutron Scattering (February
neutronrpt.pdfBESAC Review of IPNS/Lujan Center
(November 2000)
3Public Comment
Federal Register - Notice of Open Meeting -
Published 11/27/00. "Public Participation The
meeting is open to the public. If you would like
to file a written statement with the Committee,
you may do so either before or after the meeting.
If you would like to make oral statements
regarding any of the items on the agenda, you
should contact Sharon Long at 301-903-6594 (fax)
or sharon.long_at_science.doe.gov (e-mail). You
must make your request for an oral statement at
least 5 business days prior to the meeting.
Reasonable provision will be made to include the
scheduled oral statements on the agenda. The
Chairperson of the Committee will conduct the
meeting to facilitate the orderly conduct of
business. Public comment will follow the
10-minute rule."Request to Members of the
Public Making Oral Statements To ensure
accuracy of oral comments, we would appreciate
submission of a written statement given to Pat
Dehmer no later than 15 minutes after the
official close of this meeting. These written
statements will be included in their entirety in
the minutes of the meeting.
4Meeting Minutes and Report
Meeting Minutes The meeting minutes will be
available in January 2001 on the BESAC website at
s3.html. Report The final report will be
made available through the BESAC website at