BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES Serving the Present, Shaping the Future - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES Serving the Present, Shaping the Future


BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES Serving the Present, Shaping the Future – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES Serving the Present, Shaping the Future

BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES -- Serving the Present,
Shaping the Future
Basic Energy Sciences Research Programs and
Scientific User Facilities
Patricia M. Dehmer Director, Basic Energy
Science Iran L. Thomas Deputy Director, Basic
Energy Sciences and Director, BES Materials
Sciences and Engineering Division OSTP
Briefing 28 October 2002
You are here
Secretary Abraham on DOE and American Leadership
in Science Brookhaven National Laboratory,14
June 2002 The Department of Energy could well
have been called the Department of Science and
Energy given our contribution to American
science. And the reason we are so deeply
involved in science is simple. Our mission here
at DOE is national security. And in my
view, a serious commitment to national security
demands a serious commitment to science,
including basic research. This commitment
strengthens our energy security, international
competitiveness, economic growth, and
intellectual leadership. Moreover, if we ever
hope to leapfrog today's energy challenges we
must look to basic research. I think it's
clear. A nation that embraces basic research
embraces a brighter future.
Office of Science Programs
Director Raymond Orbach Principal Deputy
Director James Decker Deputy Director for
Operations Milton Johnson
You are here
Office of Advanced Scientific Computing
Res. Associate Director C. Edward Oliver
Office of Basic Energy Sciences Associate
Director Patricia Dehmer
Office of Biological and Environmental
Res Associate Director Aristides Patrinos
Office of Fusion Energy Sciences Associate
Director N. Anne Davies
Office of High Energy and Nuclear
Physics Associate Director S. Peter Rosen
to foster and support fundamental research to
expand the scientific foundations for new and
improved, environmentally conscientious energy
technologies to plan, construct, and operate
major scientific user facilities for the Nation
The Basic Energy Sciences Program
  • is one of the Nation's largest sponsors of
    basic research.
  • supports research in more than 150 academic
    institutions and 13 DOE laboratories.
  • supports world-class scientific user
  • is uniquely responsible in the Federal
    government for supporting research in materials
    sciences, chemistry, geosciences, and aspects of
    biosciences related to energy resources,
    production, conversion, efficiency, and use all
    in an environmentally conscientious manner.

Past Accomplishments
Nobel Prize Research During the 1980s and 1990s
1983 Chemistry Henry Taube, Stanford University,
for "his work on the mechanisms of electron
transfer reactions, especially in metal
complexes 1986 Chemistry Yuan Tseh Lee, UC
Berkeley, for "dynamics of chemical elementary
processes 1987 Chemistry Donald J. Cram, UC Los
Angeles, for "development of molecules with
structurally specific interaction of high
specificity" 1994 Physics Clifford G. Shull
(MIT) for pioneering contributions to the
development of neutron scattering techniques for
studies of condensed matter 1995
Chemistry Frank Sherwood Rowland (UC, Irvine) for
work in atmospheric chemistry, particularly
concerning the formation and decomposition of
ozone 1996 Chemistry Richard E. Smalley and
Robert Curl (Rice U) for collaborative discovery
that carbon could occur in a uniquely beautiful
and satisfying structure that engendered an
entirely new branch of chemistry 1997
Chemistry Paul D. Boyer (UC, Los Angeles) for
elucidation of the enzymatic mechanism
underlying the synthesis of adenosine
triphosophate (ATP)
Research for National and Energy Security
BES Core Research Areas
Renewable Energy Resources (RE)
Nuclear Energy (NE)
Fossil Energy (FE)
DOE Budget Categories
Energy Conservation (EE)
Fusion Energy Sciences (SC)
Environmental Management (EM)
Nuclear Waste Disposal (RW)
Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation (NN)
Defense Programs (DP)
Strong, Tough, and Creep-Resistant Ceramics
Grain boundary films as thin as 1 nm affect
mechanical properties of ceramics. Improved
ceramics have high strength, doubled fracture
resistance, and are resistant to high-temperature
crystalline grain boundary film
Synthesis of ABC-SiC. 3 aluminum, boron, carbon
crystallizes the grain boundary films.
Ceramic turbine
Metallic Glasses
Some of the first bulk metallic glass material
New alloys that form metallic glasses do not have
crystalline structure, but rather the atoms are
randomly positioned like in a liquid. This
structure leads to improved toughness and large
plastic strain to failure because of the lack of
grain boundaries which in crystalline materials
are points of weakness.
TEM showing amorphous structure and Cu-rich and
Cu-poor regions
Nuclear-Friendly Materials
Changing the constituent A and B elements in
A2B2O7 compounds profoundly affects radiation
performance. Dramatic improvements in radiation
tolerance were found as the metallic elements A
and B become more similar in size.
Rechargeable Thin-Film Lithium Batteries
  • Revolutionary solid electrolyte (lithium
    phosphorus oxynitride) is used in rechargeable
    batteries that are 1/2 the thickness of plastic
  • These batteries are used in medical and consumer
    devices, smart credit cards, miniature hazardous
    materials monitors, and memory backup power

Photosynthetic Reaction Center
The fundamental process by which plants and
bacteria convert and store solar energy as
chemical free energy occurs in the photosynthetic
reaction center. This process is studied as the
prototype for simpler systems.
From Photosynthesis to Metabolic Products
Plants use photoreceptors to sense the quality
and quantity of light in the surrounding
environment this information is conveyed by
molecular-level signaling mechanisms to allow
plants to adjust their growth and development
The Combustion Research Facility
  • Basic research programs
  • Combustion chemistry
  • Optical diagnostics
  • Reacting fluid flows
  • Applied research programs
  • Engine combustion and emissions
  • Industrial furnaces and boilers
  • Manufacturing processes
  • Alternative fuels
  • Field measurements
  • Remote sensing

Future Science Themes Include
  • Realizing the nanoscale revolution
  • Tailoring materials one atom at a time for
    desired properties and functions
  • Controlling chemical reactivity with designer
  • Complex systems
  • Understanding collective, cooperative, and
    adaptive phenomena and emergent behavior
  • Harnessing the power of advanced computing for
    condensed matter and materials physics,
    chemistry, and biosciences
  • Seeing atoms
  • Providing national user facilities for probing
    materials at the atomic scale

The Scale of Things -- Nanometers and More
Things Natural
Things Manmade
Realizing the nanoscale revolution Tailoring
materials one atom at a time
MicroElectroMechanical devices 10 -100 mm wide
Red blood cells
Pollen grain
Zone plate x-ray lensOutermost ring spacing
35 nm
Atoms of silicon spacing tenths of nm
Office of Basic Energy Sciences Office of
Science, U.S. DOE Version 03-05-02
Complex systems Understanding collective,
cooperative, and adaptive phenomena and emergent
High-temperature superconductivity
  • Interactions among individual components can lead
    to coherent behavior that can be described only
    at higher levels than those of the individual
    units. This can produce remarkably complex and
    yet organized behavior.
  • Electrons interacting with each other and the
    host lattice in solids give rise to magnetism and
  • Chemical constituents interacting in solution
    give rise to complex pattern formation and
  • Living systems self assemble their own
    components, self repair them as necessary, and
    reproduce they sense and respond to even subtle
    changes in their environments.

Magnetism in materials
Collective effects and emergent behavior in
inorganic systems
Oscillatory chemical reactions
Patterning in living systems using templates,
scaffolds, catalysts, oscillatory chemical
reactions, and more and emergent functionality
Harnessing the Power of Advanced Computing
for Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,
Chemistry, and Biosciences
Office of Basic Energy Sciences
Combustion turbulence modeling
Vortices in a superfluid
Semiconductor-liquid interface
C-H bond activation reaction
Cs ion transport
Atomic hydrogen ionization
Waveguide optics
Crystal structure for C36 solid
Two spheres mixing in a stream
Gold nanowire
Magnetic moments in materials
Binary alloy solidification
Clay-mineral geochemistry
Complex fluids
Nanoparticles binding in solution
Na counterion mobility in DNA
Solvation in supercritical water
Turbulent flame
Dissociation of ketene
Electric field in a 2D photonic crystal waveguide
Uranyl in aqueous solution
Seeing Atoms Overview of BES Facilities
Seeing Atoms The BES Scientific User
Facilities The use of x-rays, neutrons, and
electrons for materials research
  • Our understanding of properties of materials is
    based on knowledge of the structure and dynamical
    properties of the constituent atoms of the
  • Atoms are too small to be imaged directly, so we
    employ diffraction and scattering techniques to
    indirectly image the atoms. Because atoms are
    spaced 0.2 nm apart, we employ radiation of a
    similar wavelength. The most widely used probes
    are beams of x-rays, neutrons, and electrons.
  • X-ray and electron beams are very intense and
    readily available. Neutrons beams are much
    weaker however, neutrons have very important
    properties that make them the ideal probe in many
  • The choice of which probe to use depends on the
    system under study and the information required.
  • Today, the BES facilities for x-ray, neutron, and
    electron-beam scattering serve thousands of
    scientists annually who perform research in
    materials sciences, physics, chemistry,
    geosciences, biosciences, and more. These
    facilities represent the largest such collection
    operated by a single organization in the world.

The Scattering of X-rays, Neutrons, Electrons
by Materials
Scattering Interactions
X-rays and electrons interact with the electrons
in the material. With x-rays the interaction is
electromagnetic with electrons, it is
electrostatic. Both interactions are strong,
and, therefore, neither probe penetrates the
material very deeply. Neutrons interact with the
atomic nuclei in the material via the very
short-range, strong nuclear force. Neutrons
penetrate the material much more deeply than
either x-rays or electrons. If there are
unpaired electrons in the material, neutrons may
also interact by a second mechanism a
dipole-dipole interaction between the magnetic
moment of the neutron and the magnetic moment of
the unpaired electron.
Schematic of a solid showing atomic nuclei (large
central dots) and electrons (small dots
encircling the nuclei). Beams of neutrons (red),
x-rays (blue), and electrons (green) are seen to
interact with the solid by different mechanisms.

The Penetration Depths of X-rays, Neutrons,
Electrons in Materials
Neutrons penetrate deeply into materials, even
metals such as lead that are virtually
impenetrable by x-rays and electrons. These
pictures show neutron radiographs of a bird of
paradise flower behind an aluminum sheet and a
rose inside a lead container.
Thermal neutrons 8 keV electrons Low energy
BES Scientific User Facilities for Materials
  • Light sources
  • Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
    SPEAR3 upgrade (SLAC)
  • National Synchrotron Light Source (BNL)
  • Advanced Light Source (LBNL)
  • Advanced Photon Source (ANL)
  • Linac Coherent Light Source (SLAC)
  • Neutron sources
  • Intense Pulsed Neutron Source (ANL)
  • Manuel Lujan, Jr. Neutron Scattering Center
  • High Flux Isotope Reactor (ORNL)
  • Spallation Neutron Source (ORNL)
  • Electron beam sources
  • Center for Microanalysis of Materials (Illinois)
  • Electron Microscopy Center for Materials Research
  • National Center for Electron Microscopy (LBNL)
  • Shared Research Equipment Program (ORNL)
  • Nanoscale Science Research Centers
  • Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (ORNL)
  • Molecular Foundry (LBNL)

BES Scientific User Facilities
Advanced Photon Source
Electron Microscopy Center for Materials Research
Materials Preparation Center
Center for Microanalysis of Materials
Center for Nanoscience
Advanced Light Source
Intense Pulsed Neutron Source
Center for Functional Nanomaterials
National Center for Electron Microscopy
National Synchrotron Light Source
Molecular Foundry
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lab
Spallation Neutron Source
Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences
Linac Coherent Light Source
Combustion Research Facility
Shared Research Equipment Program
Los Alamos Neutron Science Center
High-Flux Isotope Reactor
Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies
James R. MacDonald Lab
Pulse Radiolysis Facility
  • 4 Synchrotron Radiation Light Sources
  • Linac Coherent Light Source (PED)
  • 4 High-Flux Neutron Sources (SNS under
  • 4 Electron Beam Microcharacterization Centers
  • 5 Nanoscale Science Research Centers (PED and
  • 4 Special Purpose Centers

BES Facilities for X-ray and Neutron Scattering
Advanced Photon Source
Intense Pulsed Neutron Source
Advanced Light Source
National Synchrotron Light Source
Spallation Neutron Source
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
High-Flux Isotope Reactor
Manuel Lujan Jr. Neutron Scattering Center
Reviews of BES Facilities
Facilities are reviewed using (1) external,
independent review committees operating according
to the procedures established for peer review of
BES laboratory programs and facilities
or (2) specially empanelled subcommittees of
BESAC. BESAC subcommittees have reviewed the
synchrotron radiation light sources, the neutron
scattering facilities, and the electron-beam
microcharacterization facilities. The reports of
these reviews are available on the BES website
). Regardless of whether a review is by an
independent committee charged by BES or by a
BESAC subcommittee, the review has standard
elements. Important aspects of the reviews
include assessments of the quality of research
performed at the facility the reliability and
availability of the facility user access
policies and procedures user satisfaction
facility staffing levels RD activities to
advance the facility management of the facility
and long-range goals of the facility. These
reviews have identified best practices and
substantive issues. For example, the reviews
highlighted the change that occurred as the light
sources transitioned from a mode in which they
served primarily expert users to one in which
they served very large numbers of inexperienced
users in a wide variety of disciplines.
Facilities that are in design or construction
are reviewed according to procedures set down in
DOE Order 413.3 Program and Project Management
for Capital Assets and in the Office of Science
Independent Review Handbook (http// These Office
of Science construction project reviews, enlist
experts in the technical scope of the facility
under construction and its costing, scheduling,
and construction management.
Synchrotron Radiation Light Sources
Synchrotron Radiation Production
6. KLYSTRONS generate high power radiowaves to
sustain electron acceleration, replenishing
energy lost by the electron when synchrotron
radiation is emitted.
5. BEAMLINES all around the STORAGE RING
transport the x-ray radiation into experimental
HUTCHES where instrumentation is available for
1. A GUN produces electrons, which are
accelerated in a LINAC.
3. Electrons travel in a (mostly) circular orbit
in the STORAGE RING synchrotron radiation is
produced at the places where the electrons are
2. A BOOSTER RING further accelerates the
electrons which are then fed into the TRANSPORT
LINE on their way to the STORAGE RING.
4. Special INSERTION DEVICES, which are placed
in straight sections of the STORAGE RING, are
used to generate very intense beams of x-rays.
Synchrotron Radiation Properties
High flux and brightness
Broad spectral range Polarized (linear,
elliptical, circular) Small source size Partial
coherence High stability
Pulsed time structure
Evolution of Machines for Synchrotron Radiation
XFELs Another gt10 billion increase in peak
3rd generation synchrotron sources
1 trillion A rate of increase greater than that
of computer storage density
The Evolution of Machines for Synchrotron
First Generation Storage rings originally
designed and used for high energy physics
research Many of these machines were initially
used parasitically as synchrotron radiation
sources during high-energy physics runs. In some
cases synchrotron radiation research became
partly dedicated and eventually the machines
became fully dedicated as a radiation sources as
the high-energy physics programs were terminated.
As fully dedicated sources modifications could be
made that brought the performance up to second
generation level. Second Generation Storage
rings designed from the start as fully dedicated
radiation sources The first round of these
machines was designed in the late 1970s before
there was any experience with wiggler and
undulator insertion devices as sources, so they
were primarily designed to exploit the bending
magnets, with a few straight sections for
possible future implementation with wigglers and
undulators. Third Generation Storage rings
optimized for insertion devices These machines
were specifically designed for undulators, which
require low emittance electron beams, and are
generally characterized by low emittance beams
and by a design that includes many straight
sections for insertion devices. Fourth
Generation Sources (likely linac-based) of
extremely bright/short pulse radiation Advances
in the creation, compression, transport and
monitoring of bright electron beams make it
possible to base the next (fourth) generation
light sources on linear accelerators rather than
on storage rings. These sources would produce
coherent radiation orders of perhaps 10 orders of
magnitude greater peak power and peak brightness
than the present third-generation sources. The
main directions are Free-Electron Lasers (FELs)
and Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs). There is a
blurring among these categories since a first
generation ring can also have many straight
sections for insertion devices. Also, there has
been a gradual lowering of the emittance of
several first and second-generation rings so that
they are closer in performance to that of the
third-generation rings.
Experimental Techniques
These Techniques Enable
Undulators are the basis of both conventional and
FEL machines
Linac-driven Light Sources - Toward the 4th
Linac-driven Light Sources - Toward the 4th
  • Peak brightness exceeds existing x-ray sources
    by gt 109
  • Time resolution exceeds 3rd gen. synchrotron
    sources by a factor 103
  • Coherence degeneracy parameter exceeds present
    sources gt 109

50 ps
? 230 fs
X-ray Sources Summary
  • 2nd and 3rd generation Synchrotron Radiation (SR)
    light sources are todays workhorses. About 150
    beamlines are operational with the capability of
    adding about 50 more at the new sources (ALS,
    APS). The number of users could reach 10,000.
  • The long pulse length hundreds of picoseconds
    of 2nd and 3rd generation sources limits their
    usefulness for the study of fast processes.
    Sources that are much more intense and have
    shorter pulse lengths hold the promise for
    remarkable new discoveries.
  • Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs) are more intense
    than SR light sources, have high repetition
    rates, and can serve many beam lines. ERLs can
    be optimized for short pulses or high brightness
    - but it is very challenging to do both.
  • X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFELs) can achieve
    extreme peak brightness and ultrashort pulse

(ALS, APS, upgraded SSRL)
User Access Modes (FOOBs, CATs, PRTs)
  • From the earliest days of synchrotron user
    facilities, means were developed to encourage and
    enable partnerships between the facilities and
    users from academia, industry, and federal
  • Two models of construction and operation of beam
    lines emerged
  • Facility Owned and Operated Beamlines (FOOBs) are
    built and operated by the facility. A majority
    of the time (80-90) is allocated to the general
    users on the basis of peer review.
  • Participating Research Team (PRT) or
    Collaborative Access Team (CAT) beamlines are
    built and operated by consortia of users. A
    substantial fraction of time (60-75) is
    dedicated to the consortia, with the balance for
    the general users.
  • Each model has pros and cons.
  • The four DOE facilities range from operations
    with significant number of PRTs (NSLS) or CATs
    (APS) to primarily FOOBs (SSRL). Facilities with
    large numbers of PRTs and CATs are gradually
    transitioning to increased access for GUs via

Beam Lines - Construction and Operation Costs
  • Cost of beam line construction depends on type of
    beam line and instrumentation
  • bending magnet beam lines on the order 3-4M
  • wiggler or undulator beam lines (including ID) on
    the order of 6-10M
  • specialized undulator lines on the order of
  • Operations costs vary greatly depending on focus
    and goals
  • typical high throughput structural biology beam
    lines needs about 5-6 FTEs to operate effectively
    full time
  • beam lines with lower user turnover can be
    operated with fewer staff (2-3 persons) if there
    is shared support for areas like electronics and

The BES Synchrotron Radiation Light SourcesFrom
the Province of Specialists in the 1980s to a
Widely Used Tool in the 21st Century
The number of researchers using the synchrotron
radiation light sources is expected to reach
gt10,000 annually when beamlines are fully
Who funds the light sources? The Basic Energy
Sciences program provides the complete support
for the operations of these facilities.
Furthermore, BES continues as the dominant
supporter of research in the physical sciences,
providing as much as 85 of all federal funds for
beamlines, instruments, and PI support. Many
other agencies, industries, and private sponsors
provide support for instrumentation and research
in specialized areas such as protein
BES Light Sources User Institutions
One half of the light source users come from
BES Light Sources User States
There is a large regional character to the user
BES Light Sources Summary Stats for FY 2001
The facilities operate very reliably and close to
the maximum number of hours.
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Stanford
Linear Accelerator Center
  • SPEAR Storage Ring 3.2 GeV 100 mA 234 meter
  • 7 insertion devices 11 beam ports 31
    experimental stations
  • Commissioned 1974
  • The 4-year, 58M SPEAR 3 upgrade project will
    provide capabilities comparable to 3rd generation
    sources high brightness photon beams and high
    currents with improved beam stability. The
    upgrade will be completed by the end of calendar
    year 2003.
  • BES and NIH are jointly and equally funding the
    SPEAR 3 upgrade.

2- 2
National Synchrotron Light Source Brookhaven
National Laboratory
  • VUV Storage Ring 800 MeV 950 mA 51 meter
    circumference 30 developed beamlines 2
    insertion devices
  • X-ray Storage Ring 2.8 GeV 275 mA 170 meter
    circumference 60 developed beamlines 5
    insertion devices
  • Commissioned 1982
  • NSLS is a leader in accelerator lattice design
    insertion devices x-ray imaging techniques
    soft x-ray lithography and scientific studies in
    a wide variety of disciplines.
  • The NSLS is addressing the need for better
    detectors and the replacement of aging control
    systems. In addition, the facility is in the
    process of taking over operation of many PRTs.

Advanced Light Source Lawrence Berkeley National
  • Storage Ring 1.0-1.9 GeV 400 mA 196.8 meter
  • 27 beam ports 37 beamlines with 50 experimental
    stations 8 insertion devices (10 possible)
  • Commissioned 1993
  • The ALS is a leader in a wide range of electronic
    structural studies x-ray lithography chemical
    physics electron spectroscopy, microscopy, and
    holography. Superbend magnets have enabled
    higher x-ray energies and very productive protein
    crystallography endstations.

Advanced Photon Source Argonne National Laboratory
  • Storage Ring 7 GeV 100 mA 1,104 meter
    circumference35 sectors, each providing one
    insertion device port and one bending magnet
    port approximately 35 beamlines (68-beamline
    capacity) 23 insertion devices in place (35
  • Commissioned 1996
  • One of the APS goals has been to run the storage
    ring in the constant current or top-up mode.
    Top-up mode consists of injecting a small amount
    of charge into the storage ring at regular
    intervals in order to maintain a constant
    current. The major benefit of top-up operation is
    the virtual elimination of the beam lifetime (the
    decay of beam current over time). It is the
    first facility in the world to successfully
    implement top-up mode.

Linac Coherent Light Source
The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS)
The LCLS is a proposed x-ray free electron laser
(FEL) for FEL physics in the hard x-ray regime
and for studies of structure and function of
chemical, physical, and biological systems. The
main components of the LCLS are a photocathode
RF-gun to create the electron beam, the last 1 km
of the SLAC linac, two bunch compressors, a 100-m
long undulator, x-ray optics, and experimental
stations. Justification of Mission Need (CD0)
was signed June 13, 2001 Preliminary Baseline
Range (CD1) approved September 2002
  • Time averaged brightness2-4 orders of magnitude
    greater than 3rd generation sources
  • Peak brightness 10 orders of magnitude greater
    than 3rd generation sources
  • 230 fs pulses initially shorter to be developed
  • Transversely coherent radiation

Performance Characteristics of the LCLS
Peak and time averaged brightness of the LCLS and
other facilities operating or under construction
LCLS Spontaneous
Historical Development
  • February 1992 -- A 4 to 0.1 nm FEL Based on the
    SLAC Linac presented by Claudio Pellegrini at
    SLAC Workshop on Fourth Generation Light Sources
  • February 1992 -- LCLS Technical Design Group
    formed by H. Winick
  • August 1996 -- The LCLS Design Study Group, under
    the leadership of Max Cornacchia, begins work on
    the first LCLS Design Report
  • November 1997 -- The BESAC Birgeneau Panel
    reviewing the BES light sources recommends a
    follow on study devoted to x-ray FELs
  • April 1998 -- LCLS Design Study Report completed
  • December 1998 -- The first edition of the LCLS
    Design Study Report is published
  • February 1999 -- The BESAC Leone Panel recommends
    that DOE fund a multi-laboratory RD effort to
    realize the LCLS
  • June 1999 -- SLAC/LCLS receives 1.5M from DOE
    BES for LCLS research, starting a 4-year RD
  • 1999-2000 -- BESAC considers LCLS and recommends
    pursuing CD0 pending review by external peers
  • April 2001 -- John Galayda appointed Project
    Director for LCLS

Linac Coherent Light Source
Sand Hill Rd
Timeline The Linac Coherent Light Source
Goal Construct the Linac Coherent Light Source
the worlds first x-ray free electron laser for
research in materials sciences and related
disciplines on time, within budget, meeting all
technical specifications, and with an exemplary
safety record.
Note that the LCLS baselines have not yet been
established funding for FY 2005 and beyond is
Neutron Scattering Sources
Neutron Beam Production
  • Neutrons are one of the fundamental building
    blocks of matter that can be released through
  • The fission process by splitting atoms in a
    nuclear reactor
  • The spallation process by bombarding heavy metal
    atoms with energetic protons
  • Moderated neutrons which have been slowed
    down to energies that will be useful in
    scattering experiments are transmitted through
    beam guides to specially designed instruments
    where they are used in a wide variety of research
    and development projects.

Evolution of Machines for Neutron Beams
The BES Neutron Sources
Number of Users
Intense Pulsed Neutron Source Argonne National
  • Short pulse spallation source
  • Commissioned 1981
  • 450 MeV 15 mA 7 kW 0.1 ?sec pulse length 30
    Hz 238U target
  • 5x1014 N/(cm2sec) peak thermal flux at 7 kW
  • 12 beamlines 13 instruments
  • The first generation of virtually every pulsed
    source neutron scattering instrument was
    developed at IPNS. In addition, the source
    technology has been pushed further at IPNS than
    at any other source world wide and includes
    uranium and enriched uranium targets, liquid
    hydrogen and methane moderators, solid methane
    moderators, and decoupled reflectors. IPNS staff
    now lead the instrumentation development for the
    SNS and are collaborating on the design of the
    target and moderators for the SNS.

Manual Lujan Jr. Neutron Scattering Center Los
Alamos Neutron Science Center, Los Alamos
National Laboratory
  • Short pulse spallation source
  • Commissioned 1985
  • 800 MeV 80 mA 60 kW 0.25 ?sec pulse length 20
    Hz W target
  • 8x1015 N/(cm2sec) peak thermal flux at 56 kW on
    the WNR target
  • 16 beamlines about 12 instruments
  • The Lujan Center provides state-of-the-art
    spectrometers for neutron scattering and nuclear
    physics. Since its dedication in 1986, the Lujan
    Center has fostered research in such areas as
    advanced composite materials, polymers,
    new-generation catalysts, magnetic materials, and
    biomolecular structure.

High-Flux Isotope Reactor Oak Ridge National
  • Be-reflected, light-water-cooled and moderated
    flux-trap reactor using HEU fuel
  • Commissioned 1966
  • Design power 100 MW
  • 2.3x1015 N/(cm2sec) (central flux trap) at 85
    MW1.2x1015 N/(cm2sec) (thermal flux at beam
    tubes) at 85 MW
  • 4 beam tubes for neutron scattering 14
    instruments 70 target positions for isotope
    production, materials irradiation, and neutron
    activiation analysis.
  • HFIR has the worlds highest steady-state thermal
    neutron flux and is used for isotope production,
    materials irradiation, neutron activation
    analysis, and neutron scattering.
    Californium-252 and other transuranium isotopes
    for research, industrial, and medical
    applications are produced in the flux trap in the
    center of the fuel element irradiation
    facilities are also provided in the Be reflector.
  • A number of improvements are ongoing in
    conjunction with the replacement of the Be
    reflector, including installation of larger beam
    tubes and shutters development of a
    high-performance hydrogen cold source comparable
    to the worlds best fabrication and installation
    of new beamlines development of neutron
    scattering instrumentation and extension of the
    cold guide hall.

HFIR Guide Hall Extension
Extension of the cold guide hall at HFIR is
scheduled for completion in early 2003. Placing
the SANS instruments in the extension will result
in lower background signal.
Spallation Neutron Source
The Spallation Neutron Source
March 2002
August 2002
August 2002
Spallation Neutron Source Project Status, 9/30/02
  • On schedule and within budget
  • 51 complete overall (including 94 of RD, 84
    of design, 37 of technical hardware, and 43 of
    conventional construction)
  • Almost 90 of planned procurements have been
  • Intensive conventional construction activity on
    site and hardware fabrication by industry under
    contracts to the 6 Labs
  • Target studies are completed reached decision to
    retain liquid mercury target design as baseline
  • Project staffed at plan ( 680 FTEs plus 480
    construction workers on site) staffing peaked in
    FY 2002
  • Outstanding safety performance while completing
    gt1.3 million construction hours
  • Project on track to meet Level 0 (Secretarial)
    baseline goals
  • Total Project Cost of 1,411.7 million
  • Project completion date of June 2006
  • gt 1 MW proton beam power on target

Target Building, August 2002
SNS Instrument Layout
1B - Disordered Matls Diffractometer IDT
Funding BES Commission 2010
2 - Backscattering Spectrometer SNS Project
Funded Commission 2006
18 - Wide Angle Chopper Spectrometer IDT BES
Funded Commission 2007
17 - High Resolution Chopper Spectrometer IDT
Funding BES Commission 2008
3 - High Pressure Diffractometer IDT Funding
BES Commission 2007
4A - Magnetism Reflectometer SNS Project Funded
Commission 2006
13 - Fundamental Physics Beamline IDT Funding
TBD Commission TBD
4B - Liquids Reflectometer SNS Project Funded
Commission 2006
12 - Single Crystal Diffractometer IDT Funding
BES Commission 2009
5 - Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer IDT BES
Funded Commission 2007
6 - SANS SNS Project Funded Commission 2007
11A - Powder Diffractometer SNS Project Funded
Commission 2007
9 - Engineering Diffractometer IDT CFI Funded
Commission 2008
Spallation Neutron Source Instruments
  • Five additional instruments are funded in FY

Funded by Canada
Funded by BES beginning in FY 2003. Instruments
will be commissioned one per year in FY
German interest
Spallation Neutron Source User Access Policy
  • All research will be peer reviewed.
  • Time available to General Users (GU) will be
  • Users participate in instrument specification,
    design, and fabrication through
  • Instrument Advisory Teams (IATs) that work with
    SNS to provide input into the design and
    scientific program of each SNS project funded
  • Instrument Development Teams (IDTs) that work
    with SNS to obtain instruments that are funded
    outside of the SNS construction project. IDTs
    advise SNS on the conceptual design and
    construction of an instrument and are responsible
    for ensuring that the scientific requirements of
    the GU community are met.
  • Both IAT and IDT instruments will have the
    majority of their beam-time (gt80) allocated for
    the General User community through peer review of
    scientific proposals.
  • DOE/BES will provide funds to operate the neutron
    source, most of the instruments regardless of how
    they are capitalized, and user support

SNS Funding Plan
B/A (Dollars in millions)
Fiscal Year
TPC 1,411.7 M
Electron Beam Scattering Sources
Electron Scattering Facilities
  • The four BES Centers have demonstrated the
    highest resolution direct probes of matter
  • images at better than 100 pm (1 Å) spatial
  • atomic displacements measured to 1 pm accuracy
  • Exceptional scientific contributions via in-house
    research as well as extensive collaboration with
    and support of over 750 users per year.
  • The Centers are test beds for new types of
    electron optical and spectroscopic
    instrumentation, new in-situ methods and
    techniques, and development of new methods.

The Transmission Electron Achromatic Microscope
GOAL Design and develop a new generation of
intermediate-voltage (200-300 kV) electron
microscopes in which the two major lens
deficiencies that limit performance spherical
and chromatic aberration are compensated.
  • When optimized for resolution, the correction of
    aberrations should allow recovery of direct
    spatial resolution in the range of 50 pm.
  • Alternatively, improvements in the electron
    optics would ease tight constraints on sample
    space surrounding the specimen due to the lenses.
    The resulting larger chamber could accommodate
    improved spectrometers or in-situ modules for
    dynamic imaging of reactions, deposition,
    deformation, and response to electric and
    magnetic fields.
  • Custom aberration-corrected instruments are
    planned based on a common, standardized core
    platform. Individual instruments will be
    configured to meet distinct scientific goals
    atomic resolution tomography, single column
    microanalysis, or in-situ manipulation.

Time sequence of high-resolution images taken by
NCEM scientist at the only existing spherical
aberration-corrected microscope (Jülich, Germany)
showing removal of a single atomic column at a
gold surface.

Nanoscale Science Research Centers
Nanoscale Science Research Centers (NSRCs)
  • Research facilities for synthesis, processing,
    and fabrication of nanoscale materials
  • Co-located with existing user facilities
    (synchrotron radiation light sources, neutron
    scattering facilities, other specialized
    facilities) to provide characterization and
    analysis capabilities
  • Operated as user facilities available to all
    researchers access determined by peer review of
  • Provide specialized equipment and support staff
    not readily available to the research community
  • Conceived with broad input from university and
    industry user communities to define equipment
  • Extensively reviewed by external peers, by the
    Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee, and by
    the Office of Science construction project
    management division

Nanoscience Center User Workshops
Nanoscience Center Focus Areas

Intense Pulsed Neutron Source (IPNS)

Electron Microscopy Center (EMC)

Research in magnetism, ferroelectric
and magnetoresistive oxides, diamond,
clusters, nanoscale addressability and energy
transduction, and soft matter self

Materials synthesis

Theory and simulation

Materials Theory Institute

Instrumentation development

Timeline The Nanoscale Science Research Centers
Goal Construct and instrument five Nanoscale
Science Research Centers the Nations most
comprehensive facilities for multidisciplinary
research at the nanoscale on time, within
budget, meeting all technical specifications, and
with an exemplary safety record.
Funding for BNL Nanoscience Center is estimated.
Operations funds for all Centers are estimated
pending reviews.
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