Title: BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES Serving the Present, Shaping the Future
1BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES -- Serving the Present,
Shaping the Future
Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee
Patricia M. Dehmer Associate Director of
Science for Basic Energy Sciences14 November
- FY 2002 Budget
- FY 2002 Focus Areas
- Office of Science Strategic Planning
- RD Integration
- BES Personnel Changes
- Charge to BESAC -- Performance Measurement
- Introduction to Nanoscale Science Research Center
3FY 2002 Budget
FY 2002
FY 2002
Basic Energy Sciences
Materials Sciences
Chemical Sciences
Engineering and Geosciences
Energy Biosciences
- Subtotal (4 Subprograms)
Spallation Neutron Source Construction
PED, Nanoscale Science Research Centers
- Subtotal (Construction)
Share of proposed Science general reduction
Total, Basic Energy Sciences
Excludes 15,962,000 and 958,000 that were
transferred to the SBIR and STTR programs,
House report 107-112 language (page
114-115) "The Committee recommendation includes
3,000,000 to initiate project engineering and
design (PED) for three nanoscale science research
centers in fiscal year 2002. This is a reduction
of 1,000,000 from the budget request of
4,000,000. Any additional centers should be
requested as part of the fiscal year 2003 budget
request." "The additional 3,000,000 included
over the budget request is to be made available
for university research in nanoscale science and
engineering." "The Committee recommendation
includes 10,000,000 within available funds for
EPSCoR, an increase of 2,315,000 over the budget
request and 3,185,000 over fiscal year 2001."
Senate Report 107-39 language (pages
108-109) "The Committee recommendation includes
12,000,000 for for the Departments Experimental
Program to Stimulate Competitive Research and
4,000,000 for programmatic activities at the
National Center of Excellence in Photonics and
Microsystems." "Additionally, the Committee
recommends that the additional funds be used to
support the following important activities
facility operations user support completion of
the Nanoscience Research Center project
engineering and design and additional work in
computational sciences in materials and
chemistry." "Nanoscale Science Research
Centers. The Committee recommendation includes
4,000,000 for project engineering design work
for three of five planned user centers for
nanoscale science, engineering, and technology
research. The Committee strongly supports this
new initiative."
4BES-Supported NSET Research in FY 01
- BES supported 74 university grants and 12
laboratory proposals in the following areas
- Materials Sciences and Engineering Division
(continued) - Physical Behavior of Materials
- Response of nanostructured materials to external
stimuli such as temperature, electromagnetic
fields, concentration gradients, and the
proximity of surfaces or interfaces electronic
effects at interfaces, magnetism of nanoscale
particles, local chemical and transport
processes, and phase transformations - Synthesis and Processing
- Synthesis mechanisms and reactions that control
nanostructure and behavior of nanostructured
materials atomic and molecular self-assembly of
alloys, ceramics and composites process science
of nanostructured materials for enhanced behavior
including thin film architectures, nanostructured
toughening of ceramics, and dopant profile
manipulation - Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences
Division - Chemical Energy and Chemical Engineering
- Fundamental understanding of the effect of
nanostructure on phase behavior under extreme
conditions to electrochemical behavior and self
assembly - Synthetic pathways to form nanostructured
materials from functionalized molecular building
blocks - Catalysis and Chemical Transformations
- Explore intrinsic reactivity properties of
nanoscale metal and metal oxide particles and
development of tools to characterize and
manipulate such properties - Control of chemical reactivity with nanoscale
organic-inorganic hybrids - Separations and Analysis
- Fundamentals of electric field enhancement at
nanoscale surfaces and probes for both
surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and
near-field microscopy fundamental physics and
chemistry in laser-material interactions to
support chemical analysis nanoscale
self-assembly and templating for ultimate
application in ion recognition and metal
sequestration - Photochemistry
- Fundamentals of electron transfer at interfaces
between nanoscale materials and molecular
- Materials Sciences and Engineering Division
- Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
- Understanding the structure and the cooperative,
correlated and complex interactions of
nanostructured materials - Elucidation of the fundamental physics
controlling optical, electronic and magnetic
properties of nanostructures, including quantum
dots, nanoscale particulate assemblies and
lithographically-produced nanoarrays - Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
- Optical properties and confinement effects of
quantum dots and arrays of quantum dots - Fundamentals of charge, spin, and thermal
transport in nanostructures (with leads),
including nanowires, quantum dots and quantum dot
arrays - Materials Chemistry
- Organic and polymeric nanoscale systems
synthesis, modeling, characterization and
function - Fundamental properties of funtionalized
nanostructures and nanotubes, polymeric and
organic spintronics, protein nanotube-based
electronic materials and other biomolecular
materials, organic-inorganic arrays and
nanocomposites, organic neutral radical
conductors - Engineering Sciences
- Enhance system performance across different
length scale in the areas of energy conversion
and transport (thermal, mechanical, electrical,
optical, and chemical) biological sensing and
processing information processing and storage
diagnostics and instrumentation - Structure and Composition of Materials
- Quantitative characterization and modeling
including high-resolution electron, neutron and
photon based techniques nanoscale structures and
their evolution - hetero-interfaces, grain
boundaries, precipitates, dopants and magic- and
nano-clusters development of experimental
characterization tools to understand, predict and
control nanoscale phenomena - Mechanical Behavior and Radiation Effects
- Mechanical behavior of nanostructured composite
materials - enhanced mechanical strength and
fracture toughness radiation induced defect
cascades and amorphization theoretical and
computational models linking nanoscale structure
to macro-scale behavior
5BES FY 02 NSET University Solicitation
- Universities (up to 8 M total)The Office of
Basic Energy Sciences (BES) of the Office of
Science (SC), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE),
hereby announces its interest in receiving grant
applications for innovative research on the topic
of nanoscale science, engineering and technology.
Opportunities exist for research with primary
focus in materials sciences and engineering,
chemical sciences, biosciences, and biomolecular
materials. - Preapplications are encouraged and due November
16, 2001. - Formal applications are due February 12, 2002.
- E-mail and fax submissions are acceptable.
- nanoscience.preproposal_at_science.doe.gov
- 301-903-0271, 301-903-1003, 301-903-4110, or
301-903-9513 -
For more information see BESAC information
table or http//www.sc.doe.gov/production/bes/NNI.
6BES FY 02 NSET Laboratory Solicitation
- Laboratories (up to 8 M total)The BES program
in NSET has the following overarching goals (1)
attain a fundamental scientific understanding of
nanoscale phenomena (2) achieve the ability to
design and synthesize materials at the atomic
level to produce materials with desired
properties and functions, including nanoscale
assemblies that combine hard and soft
(biological) materials to achieve novel
functions (3) attain a fundamental understanding
of the structural, dynamic, and electronic
aspects of nanoassemblies, including biomolecular
assemblies, associated with unique materials
properties, chemical transformations, energy
conversion, and signal transduction (4) develop
experimental characterization tools and
theory/modeling/simulation tools necessary to
understand, predict, and control nanoscale
phenomena and (5) obtain an integrated
structural and dynamic view of nanoassemblies in
biological systems, through the development of
enhanced imaging tools and nanoscale probes. - Proposals should be submitted through the FWP
process with the usual concise wording and
format. In addition to the FWP, a proposal
support document of no more than 30 pages
suitable for peer review should be submitted. - The proposal and the FWP (25 copies each) should
arrive at BES Headquarters Germantown by COB,
January 17, 2002.
For more information see BESAC information
table or http//www.sc.doe.gov/production/bes/NNI.
7Nanobio Workshop January 14-16, 2002 La
Jolla, CA
- A beyond nano BESAC workshop to explore
research opportunities that lie at the interface
between the biological and physical sciences.
Discussion topics will include - molecular interactions at the interface between
biological and inorganic materials - the use of biological processes and molecules as
synthetic tools for novel inorganic and organic
nanomaterials - biomimetics of extracellular matrices such as
bone, cartilage or enamel - the designed modification of cells and their
interactions with their substrates - the coupling of cells or biomolecules to
photonic, electronic and other devices - Cochairs are Sam Stupp and Mark Alper
- All BESAC members are invited. Mark Alper
(MDAlper_at_lbl.gov) and Sharon Long
(sharon.long_at_science.doe.gov) are the contacts.
Please let them know if you wish to attend.
8Neutron Science Activities
- On-time, within-budget, safe construction of the
SNS - Restart of HFIR and build up of user program
- Reliable operation of LANSCE
- Instrumentation design and fabrication
- Training of the next-generation of scientists
- Interagency Working Group on Neutron Science
9Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy
We must make important choices together because
we have neither unlimited resources, nor a
monopoly of the worlds scientific talent. While
I believe we should seek to excel in all
scientific disciplines, we must still choose
among the multitudes of possible research
programs. We must decide which ones to launch,
encourage, and enhance and which ones to modify,
reevaluate, or redirect in keeping with our
national needs and capabilities. Today the most
pressing of these needs is an adequate and
coordinated response to the vicious and
destructive terrorist attacks on September 11, a
response in which science and technology are
already playing an important role.
John H. Marburger, III
Economists tell us that fully half of our
economic growth in the last half-century has come
from technological innovation and the science
that supported it. It is no accident that our
countrys most productive and competitive
industries are those that benefited from
sustained Federal investments in RD computers
and communications, semiconductors,
biotechnology, aerospace, environmental
technologies, energy efficiency. Two immense
forces have emerged in recent decades to
transform the way all science is performed, just
as they have altered the conditions of our daily
lives access to powerful computing, and the
technology of instrumentation which provides
inexpensive means of sensing and analyzing our
environment. These have opened entirely new
horizons in every field of science from particle
physics to medicine. Nanotechnology, for example,
-- the ability to manipulate matter at the atomic
and molecular level -- and molecular medicine
the ability to tailor life essential substances
atom by atom both owe their capabilities to
advances in computing and instrumentation.
10Secretary Abraham's Remarks at the Quarterly
Leadership Meeting
On Management Implement the kind of
management changes that attract and retain the
highest caliber people. Expect measurable
performance objectives and accountability. On
Mission Identify new sources of energy for
the future Protect our critical energy
infrastructure Implement the Presidents
energy plan Implement the Presidents climate
change initiative Ensure the reliability of
our stockpile Address proliferation of nuclear
weapons and technology Enhance homeland
defense against new terrorist threats and
Implement environmental cleanup faster and
cheaper. Special mention for two priorities
The first involves the unique technological
contribution we can make to our energy and
national security by finding new sources of
energy. we need to leapfrog the status quo
and prepare for a future that, under any
scenario, requires a revolution in how we find,
produce and deliver energy. The second is one
that obviously flows from the tragic events of
September 11th. ... There are a lot of
challenges in front of us. But one priority that
requires our focus is the threat of weapons of
mass destruction posed either by small groups of
terrorists or by nation states.
11Office of Science Strategic Planning Activities
All elements of the Department of Energy have
been asked to update their Strategic Plans, to
link strategic planning with the budget process,
and to articulate long-term goals and short term
targets by which progress can be measured.
12Investment Decision Considerations
- Macro-trends influencing DOE, SC, and BES
- Tool-driven science revolutions(See following
chart) - The increase in public demand for safe, reliable,
efficient, environmentally responsible energy
production and use - 9 / 11 / 2001
- National funding trends
- Evolving roles of lab, university, and industrial
research sectors - International science
13Tool-Driven Revolutions and Their Impacts
- Major new tools have been developed or refined
during the past 25 years - Scattering, diffraction, imaging with e-beams,
x-rays, and neutrons - Lasers
- Probe microscopies
- High-speed, parallel processors
- Accelerator and detector technologies
- (Comparatively primitive) molecular assembly and
disassembly techniques - The outcomes of these tools have been new
knowledge, understanding, control - Visualization/understanding/prediction of the
atomic-scale assembly of materials of all kinds,
from superconductors to genomes - Almost complete control and manipulation of
materials at the mesoscale/microscale - Forays into manipulation of materials at the
atomic-scale using man-made tools and Mother
Natures assembly tricks - Fundamental structures of matter and the relation
to evolution and the fate of the universe - Subsequent revolutions
- Nanotechnology
- Biotechology
- Computational modeling, complementing experiment
and theory - Control of chemical reactivity to produce desired
products with the absence of unwanted byproducts
14Portfolio Trends in BES
- BES vision, post SNS commissioning
- Research
- International leadership in science at the
nanoscale through a comprehensive program
involving grand challenge areas, NSRCs, and the
transformation of the cottage industry of
researchers into a national effort for broad
societal benefit. - World-class, mission-relevant basic research
activities through focused programs linking lab
and university researchers - Facilities
- Restoration of U.S. preeminence in neutron
scattering through - construction and operation of world-class
facilities - design and fabrication of next-generation
instrumentation - growth of the U.S. community.
- Continued U.S. preeminence in the sciences that
use and the facilities for x-ray diffraction,
scattering, and imaging through - full utilization of facilities, new and upgraded
instrumentation, and an increased user base at
the four BES synchrotron radiation light sources - Linac Coherent Light Source
- Increased Clarity of the Roles of Labs and
Universities - Laboratories focus on world-class research in
core areas associated with their facilities and
with accepted DOE mission requirements. This
research serves as a foundation for innovation
for the Nation, much as the major (but now
long-defunct) industrial research laboratories of
the late 20th century served as a foundation for
corporate innovation. - NSRCs have strengthened accepted core
competencies of the laboratories and have
reinforced a new way of doing research at the
labs -- driving partnerships among lab,
university, and industrial research sectors.
Research (Univ.)
Research (Labs)
Facilities Operations
National Nanotechnology Initiative
Capital Equip. Construction
Includes the funding for not-for-profits,
other agencies, and private institutions.
Scientific Facilities Initiative
Budget Authority (As Spent Dollars in Millions)
Todays Facilities
Post SNS (Not to Scale)
Fiscal Year
Construction of the ALS and the APS
Construction of the SNS
Excludes SBIR/STTR Program Direction
Congressional Projects Applied Mathematical
Sciences Advanced Energy Projects
15The Scale of Things -- Nanometers and More
Things Natural
Things Manmade
21st Century Challenge
Red blood cells with white cell 2-5 mm
Assemble nanoscale building blocks to make
functional devices, e.g., a photosynthetic
reaction center with integral semiconductor
Atoms of silicon spacing tenths of nm
16BES The User Facilities
Advanced Photon Source
Electron Microscopy Center for Materials Research
The worlds largest collection of scientific user
facilities for exploring the atomic world
operated and funded by a single program
Center for Microanalysis of Materials
Materials Preparation Center
Intense Pulsed Neutron Source
National Synchrotron Light Source
Advanced Light Source
National Center for Electron Microscopy
Spallation Neutron Source
Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences
Molecular Foundry
Surface Modification Characterization Center
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lab
Los Alamos Neutron Science Center
Shared Research Equipment Program
Linac Coherent Light Source
High-Flux Isotope Reactor
Combustion Research Facility
Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies
James R. MacDonald Lab
Pulse Radiolysis Facility
- 4 Synchrotron Radiation Light Sources
- Linac Coherent Light Source (CD0 approved)
- 4 High-Flux Neutron Sources (SNS under
construction) - 4 Electron Beam Microcharacterization Centers
- 5 Special Purpose Centers
- 3 Nanoscale Science Research Centers (CD0s
Under construction In design/engineering In
17Synchrotron Light Sources The Success
StoryFrom the Province of Specialists in the
1980s to a Widely Used Tool in the 21st Century
The number of researchers using the synchrotron
radiation light sources is expected to reach
11,000 annually when beamlines are fully
Who funds the light sources? The Basic Energy
Sciences program provides the complete support
for the operations of these facilities.
Furthermore, BES continues as the dominant
supporter of research in the physical sciences,
providing as much as 85 of all federal funds for
beamlines, instruments, and PI support. Many
other agencies, industries, and private sponsors
provide support for instrumentation and research
in specialized areas such as protein
18What a BES Goals Statement Might Look Like in the
- Build leading research programs in focused
disciplines of the natural sciences important to
national and energy security to spur
revolutionary advances in the production of safe,
secure, efficient, and environmentally
responsible systems of energy supply. - Enable the atom-by-atom design of materials and
integrated systems of nanostructured components
with new and improved properties. - Restore U.S. preeminence in neutron scattering
research, instrumentation, and facilities to
provide researchers with the tools necessary for
the exploration and discovery of advanced
materials. - Develop advanced facilities and instruments for
x-ray diffraction, scattering, and imaging for
diverse communities of researchers to enable
unprecedented levels of exploration and
discovery. - Manage BES facility operations and construction
to the highest standards of overall performance
using merit evaluation with independent peer
review. - Provide world-class, peer-reviewed research
results in the scientific disciplines encompassed
by the BES mission areas, cognizant of DOE needs
as well as the needs of the broad scientific
19FY02 House EnergyWater Development Subcommittee
Basic Research for Energy Technologies
The Committee is concerned that the Department
does not have an adequate plan or policy that
relates the basic research being conducted by the
Office of Science to the energy needs of the
country. While the Committee understands that
basic research can lead in many directions, there
should be a focus on the underlying needs of the
Department's energy portfolio. There appears to
be minimal cooperation and coordination between
the Office of Science and other Departmental
offices on the fundamental research needed to
improve energy technologies. Each year the
Committee provides funding for the Office of
Science to support basic research in energy
programs. The Committee directs the Department
to identify ways in which coordination can be
improved and research conducted which is mutually
beneficial and to report to the Committee by
January 15, 2002, on the Department's strategy
for ensuring that the basic research programs
also focus on energy technology needs.
20Office of Basic Energy Sciences
Associate Director's Office Staff Contacts
Patricia Dehmer, Associate Director b Iran
Thomas, Deputy Associate Director Mary Jo
Martin, Secretary
Robert Astheimer Don Freeburn Stanley
Staten Sharon Long
Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences
Materials Sciences and Engineering Division
William Millman, Acting Director Karen Talamini,
Program Analyst Carolyn Dorsey, Secretary
b Iran Thomas, Director Christie Ashton, Program
Analyst Tarra Hardeman, Secretary
Metal, Ceramic, and Engineering Sciences
Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Chemistry
Fundamental Interactions
Energy Biosciences Research
Molecular Processes and Geosciences
Robert Gottschall Vacant, Proc. Tech.
William Oosterhuis Melanie Becker, Proc. Tech.
Paul Smith (Acting) Diane Matthews, Proc. Tech.
Allan Laufer Sharon Bowser, Proc. Tech.
Gregory Dilworth Patricia Snyder, Proc. Tech.
Structure and Composition of Materials
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Catalysis and Chemical Transformation
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Biochemistry and Biophysics
Altaf (Tof) Carim uRobert Hwang, SNL uJohn
Vetrano, PNNL
Raul Miranda lJulie d'Itri, U. Pittsburgh
Walter Stevens Sharlene Weatherwax
Jerry Smith
Eric Rohlfing
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Mechanical Behavior of Materials Radiation
Separations and Analysis
Chemical Physics Research
Plant and Microbial Sciences
Manfred Leiser Dale Koelling
Paul Maupin Vacant FTE uHenry Shaw, LLNL
Yok Chen uHarriet Kung, LANL lMichael Kassner, OR
State uRobert Hwang, SNL uJohn Vetrano, PNNL
William Kirchhoff uFrank Tully, SNL
Gregory Dilworth James Tavares
X-ray and Neutron Scattering
Heavy Element Chemistry
Photochemistry and Radiation Research
Helen Kerch
Physical Behavior of Materials
uNorman Edelstein, LBNL uHenry Shaw, LLNL
Mary Gress Walter Stevens
X-ray and Neutron Scattering Facilities
Vacant FTE uRobert Hwang, SNL
Pedro Montano
Chemical Energy and Chemical Engineering
Facility Operations
Synthesis and Processing Science
Materials Chemistry
William Millman William Kirchhoff Paul Smith
Dick Kelley Vacant FTE Matesh Varma
Paul Maupin
Vacant FTE Timothy Fitzsimmons lBassem Armaly, U.
of MO
b Dual Capacity l IPA u Detailee u Detailee,
1/4 time, not in residence at HQ L Robert
Marianelli, Director, on detail to OSTP.
Geosciences Research
Engineering Research
Nicholas Woodward lRoger Turpening, MTU
Robert Price lBassem Armaly, U. of MO Timothy
Matesh Varma
Spallation Neutron Source
Jeffrey Hoy
October 2001
21New Charge to BESAC
Review SC's Current Method of Performance
- BESAC has been asked by James Decker, Acting
Director, Office of Science (SC), to examine SC's
approach to performance measurement, an issue
that involves all programs within SC, not just
BES. - To accomplish this, BESAC is asked to assemble a
subpanel to review - SCs current methods for performance measurement
- the appropriateness and comprehensiveness of the
methods - the effects on science programs and
- SC's integration of performance measures with the
budget process as required by the Government
Performance and Results Act. - The subpanel will be comprised of 1 member from
each SC Advisory Committee and 2-3 external
participants with expertise in performance
measurement. - The activity will be limited to a 2-day meeting
in the Washington area. - A report to BESAC is planned for the February
25-26, 2002 meeting.
22BESAC Activities -- A Look Forward
- Advisory Committee Review of SC Current Method of
Performance Measurement, Washington, DC Winter
2001/2002 - Nanobio Workshop La Jolla, CA January 14-16,
2002 - Committee of Visitors for Chemistry Programs
Germantown DOE Complex January 30-February 1,
2002 -
- BESAC Full Committee Meeting Gaithersburg
Marriott Washingtonian Center February 25-26,
23Nanoscale Science Research Center Presentations
- Your comments from the August 2-3 BESAC meeting
were captured in the meeting minutes and through
our individual notes. The comments were
organized into six areas and have been provided
to the Center Directors in a summary outline. - Science theme(s)
- Building/facilities/equipment/instrumentation
- Management plan
- Laboratory and MO contractor commitment
- Outreach
- Complementarily to and coordination with other
nanoscience activities
24Nanoscale Science Research Center Presentations
- Based on your comments, we will devote a major
part of this meeting to lengthier presentations
and discussions with the three Centers that are
moving forward with design. - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Los Alamos National Laboratory/Sandia National
Laboratory - The Center Directors were asked to consider the
outline summarizing your comments to prepare
todays presentations. They were also asked to
prepare brief white papers to address key issues.
You should have received the white papers
electronically. - Since August, two of the Centers (ORNL and
LANL/SNL) have had meetings with the scientific
community to discuss their Centers.
25Contact Christian Mailhiot - LLNL
925-422-5873, mailhiot1_at_llnl.gov
University partnerships support academic research
in experimental science in support of stockpile
Materials under extreme conditions
Budget, Structure, and Management
High-pressure research
- Budget for multi-year program
- 10-15 M / year (pending appropriation)
- Structure and management of program
- Centers of Excellence ( 1- 2 M / Center)
- Groups of investigators ( 500 K / group)
- Single investigators ( 150 K / PI)
- Cooperative Agreements (OAK)
- Research Grants (OAK)
Shock physics
Tentative schedule
- Federal Register notice August 28, 2001
- Solicitation for Pre-Applications and
Applications November 2001 - Review of Pre-Applications January 2002
- Applications due February 2002
- Review of Applications May 2002
- Awards June 2002
- All information regarding this solicitation will
be available on the OAK Home Page
High energy density physics
Nuclear science
GEANIE detector / LANSCE
26(No Transcript)