Title: Assimilation of AIRS
1Assimilation of AIRS IASI at ECMWF
Acknowledgement to Tony McNally
- Introduction
- Assimilation Configuration
- Channel Selection
- Cloud Detection
- IASI First Guess Departures
- AIRS IASI Forecast Impacts
- Water Vapour
- Data Compression
- Conclusions
4Current and Future High-Spectral Resolution
InfraRed Sounders on Polar Orbiters
5An IASI Spectrum
6IASI vs HIRS The Thermal InfraRed
7AIRS vs HIRS Jacobiansin the 15µm CO2 band
100 hPa
Selected AIRS Channels 82(blue)-914(yellow
1000 hPa
8HIRS vs IASI Temperature Retrieval Accuracy
9HIRS vs IASI Response to Important Atmospheric
Response to a structure the observation of which
would have improved the forecast of the
reintensification of Hurricane Floyd over SW
France and SW England on 12th September 1993.
(Rabier et al., 1996)
10Assimilation Configuration
11Current Operational Configurations
- Operational at ECMWF since October 2003
- 324 Channels Received in NRT
- One FOV in Nine
- Up to 155 channels may be assimilated (CO2 and
H2O bands) - IASI
- Operational at ECMWF since 12th June 2007
- 8461 Channels Received in NRT
- All FOVS received Only 1-in-4 used
- 366 Channels Routinely Monitored
- Up to 168 channels may be assimilated (CO2 band
12Assumed Noise for AIRS IASI Assimilation
AIRS Instrument Noise Assumed Observational
Error Clear Sky Background Departures
Noise or First Guess Departure (K)
Wavelength (µm)
13Assimilation ConfigurationChannel Selection
14Why Select Channels?
- The volume of IASI data available is such that we
do not have the computational resources to
simulate and assimilate all these data in an
operational timeframe - Not all channels are of equal use when
assimilated into an NWP system - We choose channels that we wish to monitor (often
with a view to future use) - We choose a subset of these channels which we
actively assimilate
15Pre-screened channels
16Selected Channels (2)
17AIRS 324 vs IASI 366
IASI 366 AIRS 324
18Comparison of Actively Assimilated Channels (1)
19Comparison of Actively Assimilated Channels (2)
20Jacobians of 15µm CO2 Band
Pressure (hPa)
Temperature Jacobian (K/K)
21Assimilation ConfigurationCloud Detection
22Cloud detection scheme for Advanced Sounders
A non-linear pattern recognition algorithm is
applied to departures of the observed radiance
spectra from a computed clear-sky background
spectra. This identifies the
characteristic signal of cloud in the data and
allows contaminated channels to be rejected
AIRS channel 226 at 13.5micron (peak about 600hPa)
The large number of AIRS or IASI channels allows
improved measurement of the cloud-top height
compared to HIRS
obs-calc (K)
Vertically ranked channel index
AIRS channel 787 at 11.0 micron (surface sensing
window channel)
unaffected channels assimilated
pressure (hPa)
contaminated channels rejected
temperature jacobian (K)
23Number of Clear Channels
High Peaking Channels
Window Channels
24IASI First Guess Departures
25First Guess Departure Standard Deviations in
15µm CO2 Band
Calculated Std. Dev.
Observed Std. Dev.
26First Guess Departure Biases in 15µm CO2 Band
Ordered by Wavenumber
Ordered by Jacobian Peak Pressure
27First Guess Departure Standard Deviations and
Biases in the Longwave Window
Standard Deviation
28First-Guess Departure Biases in Water Band
29First Guess Departure Standard Deviations in
Water Band
Calculated Std. Dev.
Observed Std. Dev.
30First Guess Departure Standard Deviations in
Shortwave Band
Observed Std. Dev.
Calculated Std. Dev.
31AIRS IASI Forecast Impacts
32AIRS Impact at ECMWF
500hPa Geopotential Anomaly Correlation
Northern Hemisphere
Southern Hemisphere
33IASI Impact on SH Geopot. AC
34IASI Forecast Scores Again 500hPa Geopot. AC
8th March-5th May 2007
IASI Better
IASI Worse
35IASI Forecast Scores Again 500hPa Geopot. AC
11th July-26th August 2007
IASI Better
IASI Worse
36AIRS/IASI Impact at ECMWF in Context N. Hemis.
No satellite experiments
37Single instrument experiments
Anomaly correlation of 500hPa height for the
Southern Hemisphere (average of 50 cases summer
and winter 2003 verified with OPS analyses)
38168 channels assimilated 8293 to go
39Using the IASI SpectrumLongwave CO2 Band
156 of 1st 500 channels are active Adjacent
channels not used because of oversampling Other
channels omitted because of ozone and humidity
40Using the IASI SpectrumShortwave CO2 Band
Short wave temperature bands 350 channels Solar
contamination, High Noise, Interfering species
41Using the IASI SpectrumChannels Primarily
Sensitive to the Surface
2900 Window Channels
42Using the IASI SpectrumTrace Gases and RT
700 channels affected by non-LTE during the day
350 channels in the main ozone band
Many other channels (not shown) affected by O3,
CH4, NO2, CO etc.
43Using the IASI SpectrumThe 6.3µm Water Band
Water band 3800 channels
44Water Vapour
45Use of Water Vapour Channels at ECMWF
(For AIRS)
- We get a small positive impact from using the
water vapour channels - We use a cloud detection scheme that uses the
first guess departures in the water band itself - The signal from water vapour can mimic cloud
- The resulting clear channels also tend to be
those where water vapour departures are smallest - We also assume 2K observation errors (c.f.
instrument noise is 0.2K).
46In-band vs Cross-Band Cloud Detection
AIRS 1583 1402cm-1
47Choosing 10 IASI Water Vapour Channels
Grey channels are the 120 H2O channels
distributed via the GTS
48Fit to other observations 10 IASI Water Channels
Best value at 1.5K
Normalised to unity here
49Fit to other observations Other Platforms
Black is expt. with IASI humidity channels Red
is Control
NOAA-17 HIRS S.Hemis.
EOS-Aqua AIRS S.Hemis.
The addition of the IASI water band improves the
analysis fit to HIRS on NOAA-17 and increases
usage of AIRS data.
50Fit to other observations Sondes
The addition of the IASI water band improves the
analysis fit to radiosondes
Spec. Hum. N.Hemis. Sondes
Spec. Hum. S.Hemis. Sondes
Rel. Hum. S.Hemis. Sondes
Black is expt. with IASI humidity channels Red
is Control
51RH500 Forecast Impact Root Mean Square Error
verified vs Operational Analysis
1st-23rd August 2007
Expt Better
Cntrl Better
52RH500 Forecast Impact RMS Error verified vs
Experiments Analysis
CY32R3 Control is Analysis of Experiment with H2O
channels 1st Aug.-9th Sept. 2007
Expt Better
Cntrl Better
53Operational Implementation of IASI Humidity
- To be implemented in next operational upgrade
(CY35R2) - 10 IASI channels with 1.5K assumed error
- 7 AIRS channels with 1.5K error for consistency
54Water Discussion
- We have to greatly inflate water vapour errors to
avoid degrading the model - This is because of the large number of channels
with error correlations between them (including
bias) - By assuming greatly increasing the water vapour
observation errors we are negating the influence
of inter-channel differences that allow us
greater vertical resolution - Can we do a better job?
55Data Compression
56Data Compression
- Advanced IR sounder radiances contain a lot of
information (30pieces) - but there are two orders of magnitude more
channels. - Hence there is a large amount of redundancy
- How can we use these data more efficiently?
57Why is data compression important?
- Very large data volumes need to be communicated
in near-real time (e.g., EUMETSAT to NWP centres) - Simulation of spectra (needed for assimilation)
is costly - Assimilation is costly
- Data storage
58 Spectral data compression with PCA
The complete AIRS spectrum can be compressed
using a truncated principal component analysis
(e.g. 200PCAs v 2300 rads)
Leading eigenvectors (200,say) of covariance of
spectra from (large) training set
- To use PCs in assimilation requires an efficient
RT model to calculate PCs directly - PCs are more difficult to interpret physically
than radiances
Mean spectrum
Original Spectrum
N.B. This is usually performed in
noise-normalised radiance space
Principal Component Analysis
This allows data to be transported efficiently
59Loop of Jacobians of PCs
60 Spectral data compression and de-noising
The complete AIRS spectrum can be compressed
using a truncated principal component analysis
(e.g. 200PCAs v 2300 rads)
Leading eigenvectors (200,say) of covariance of
spectra from (large) training set
Reconstructed spectrum
Mean spectrum
Original Spectrum
N.B. This is usually performed in
noise-normalised radiance space
Each reconstructed channel is a linear
combination of all the original channels and the
data is significantly de-noised.
If N PCs are used all the information is
contained in N reconstructed channels
61AIRS Reconstructed Radiances
- Data are supplied in near-real time by
NOAA/NESDIS in the same format as the real
radiances. - The same channels are supplied, except some
popping channels are missing - Based on 200 PCs
- QC Flag supplied
62First Guess Departures for AIRS are Reduced
Instrument noise is the main contributor to FG
departure in the 15µm CO2 band only
First Guess Departure Std. Dev. (K)
Wavelength (µm)
63A look at Reconstructed Radiances Errors
Reconstructed Radiances
Instrument noise is reduced (std. dev. Is
approximately halved) but has become correlated.
Original Radiances
Instrument noise is dominant and diagonal.
Correlated noise is from background error
Covariances of background departures for clear
observations in 15µm CO2 band
64Improvements in Cloud Detection
Reconstructed Radiances
- ECMWF Scheme
- Ranks Channels Height
- Applies low-pass filter
- Tests for non-zero gradient
First Guess Departure (K)
Last Clear 70
First Guess Departure (K)
Height-ranked Channel Index
lt 2 of Channels are flagged differently for RR
vs Normal radiances
Last Clear 75
Height-ranked Channel Index
65Reconstructed Radiances Result in Different
Mean Temperature Increments over
Antarctic Plateau March-April 2005
Reconstructed Radiances Control
66and can improve the analysis
Damping of stratospheric Oscillations before use
of GPSRO and AMSU-A Ch 14 fix
Control Reconstructed Radiances
67Forecast Impact of Reconstructed Radiances
Essentially Neutral
68Future Dissemination and Use of Advanced Sounder
- Is it acceptable to receive radiances in the form
of Principal Component Amplitudes? - While forecast impact on changing to
reconstructed radiances has been neutral, the
detailed increments and forecast changes are not
identical - Would we lose information we could use?
- Can we make better use of the observations?
- RR still seems more promising than direct use of
PC scores as Jacobians of PCs are far less
localised. - Exploitation of information in IASI spectrum is
not currently limited by the number of channels
that can be handled by the minimisation - See water example
- Good coverage of LW temperature channels
- AIRS and IASI have been operational at ECMWF
since October 2003 and June 2007 respectively - IASI and AIRS have demonstrated positive impacts
on the ECMWF NWP model and form an important part
of the assimilation system - We are in the process of better understanding our
use of the humidity channels. IASI humidity
channels will be assimilated with the next
operational upgrade. - Advanced IR Sounder radiances may be efficiently
compressed through Principal Component Analysis.
This may be used for NRT dissemination. The
advantages of this datatype in NWP remain to be
71IASI Spectral Correlation
Correlations from forecast model
IASI Channel Number
Covariance of first-guess departures 1st 200
Nearly diagonal instrument noise
IASI Channel Number
72IASI Spectral Correlation
Expected correlation structure from apodisation
of IASI spectrum
IASI Channel Number
IASI Channel Number
73Sensitive areas and cloud cover
Location of sensitive regions Summer-2001 (no
monthly mean high cloud cover
sensitivity surviving high cloud cover
monthly mean low cloud cover
sensitivity surviving low cloud cover
From McNally (2002) QJRMS 128
74O-A Stats for NOAA-16 AMSU-B
Larger Assumed AIRS H2O Errors Better Fit to
75Choosing 84 IASI H2O Channels
Chosen from the the 366 Channels Black channels
have stratospheric contribution
76Fit to other observations84 IASI Water Channels
Best value at 4K
Normalised to unity here
MetOp HIRS-12 Tropics
- Cloud in the field of view can greatly affect our
ability to use IR radiances - Studies have show that the most important areas
to measure for accurate forecasts often have
cloud - We need to identify strategies to deal with cloud
79Dealing with Cloud
- Use only clear fields of view
- Low (5) yield
- Use only channels unaffected by cloud
- Low yield in lower tropospheric channels
- Cloud clearing
- Simulate a clear observation by using multiple
fields of view and assume that only cloud
fraction changes between them - Simultaneous analysis of cloud optical properties
- These observations are rich in cloud information
Used now operationally
Under Investigation
80Cloud Cleared Radiances
Cloud Cleared Radiances derive a single clear
spectrum from an array of partially cloudy
fields-of-view (9 in the case of AIRS) Assumes
the cloud height in each FOV is identical and
only cloud fraction varies between the
FOVs. Initialised with regression from AMSU-A
radiances Can calculate a noise amplification
factor which is the basis of the QC
flag Supplied by NOAA/NESDIS in near-real time
but with poorer timeliness than conventional
81Cloud-Cleared Radiances
AIRS Ch. 221. QC Flag Used. No Cloud Detection
82Cloud Cleared Radiances
AIRS Ch. 221. QC Flag Used. With Cloud Detection
Still have positive tail
83Cloud Cleared Radiance Current Status
- The geographical location of outliers around
regions which are flagged as of poor quality
indicates that the supplied QC flag may need
revising. - Referred back to data suppliers before looking at
revising cloud detection - Recent degradation of AMSU-A Ch 4 may affect
quality -
84Simultaneous Analysis of Cloud Properties(Tony
- Derive a cloud-top pressure (CTP) and cloud
fraction from observed radiances with a 2-D
least-squares fit in the screening run - For overcast FOVs use all channels (that are
currently used for clear sky case) - This has the advantage of reducing the degrees of
freedom - For other FOVs revert to operational
cloud-detection scheme to identify clear channels - Assimilate these radiances with CTP as a sink
85Using data in cloudy areas
Tony McNally
Clear data coverage of mid/lower tropospheric
sounding radiances IASI 434 (METOP-A) AIRS 355
(AQUA) HIRS 7 (NOAA-17 / METOP-A) Colour
indicates first guess departure
Additional overcast locations where cloudy
radiance analysis fills gaps due to cloud
detection rejections IASI 434 (METOP-A) AIRS
355 (AQUA) HIRS 7 (NOAA-17 / METOP-A) First
guess departures similar to clear data after QC
of complex clouds
86Temperature increments at the cloud top
Tony McNally
Cell of very high overcast clouds off the coast
of PNG
Temperature increments (IASI)
All channels collapse to near delta-functions at
the cloud top giving very high vertical
resolution temperature increments just above the
diagnosed cloud
blueops redops cloudy IR
87Temperature increments
Tony McNally
Monthly averaged RMS temperature increments at
500hPa CTRL minus EXPT
Possibly some reduced increments at isolated
88Cloudy Retrievals Current Status
- Technically works
- The restriction to overcast and heavy QC
currently yields lt 10 extra data - The small amount of additional data to not
influence the bulk characteristics of the
analysis or departure statistics - The extra cloud top increments look reasonable at
overcast locations have very high vertical
resolution - Forecast performance essentially neutral
- Will continue to search for individual cases of
forecast impact using singular vectors - Next steps use the data in more complex cloud
conditions / Marine Stratocumulus / use NWP cloud
information ?
Tony McNally
89Land Surface
90Land and Sea Ice
- AIRS data is used over land for channels not
sensitive to the surface - Addition of similar IASI channels had neutral
impact and was not pursued - We do use these data over sea ice treating the
surface as sea. Not ideal but - Removing channels results in negative impact
- Modelling surface emissivity results in negative
impact - In the future we aim to implement an emissivity
analysis using leading EOFs of the emissivity
spectrum - the interaction with the cloud detection scheme
will be challenging