Title: Living Our Values in Regulatory Relations
1Living Our Values inRegulatory Relations
- Bryan Batson
- Vice President Regulatory Compliance and Affairs
2AGL Resources 2003 Goals and Values
- Demonstrate a compelling proposition for our
stakeholders - Customers
- Shareholders
- Communities
- Regulators
- Employees
- Achieve this through applying our core values to
all we do
3(No Transcript)
4Virtue is its own reward
5Service Standard Performance
6Authorized Returns
7Managing Issues to AvoidControversy
- Capacity Planning
- Tennessee Tariff Changes
- Asset Management Reporting
- Grey Book Continuous Disclosure
No Surprises!
8Calendar of Major Regulatory Filings
12/03 1/04 2/04 3/04 4/04 5/04
6/04 7/04 8/04 9/04 10/04 11/04
AGLC Filing (effective date of tariffs either
12/04 or 5/05 TBD)
Tentative VNG combined filing for WNA and AIF
Expected effective date of CGC Tariffs
Tentative CGC Filing
AGLC Capacity Supply Plan Filing
9Whats On the Horizon for 2004?
- Tennessee
- Bad debt amortization
- 2004 Rate Case
- Virginia
- Propane plant authorization
- Georgia
- Capacity Plan
- Test period for 2005 Rate Case
Working With Regulators Every Day