Title: Coordination Meeting of the EQUAL MAs
1Launch Meeting of the Contact Persons of the
European Globalisation adjustment Fund 01 March
2007 Hotel Bedford, Brussels
2Nikolaus van der Pas Director General of
DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal
3Directorate General for Trade
4Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry
See separate Slide Show
5Introduction to the EGF
6EGF Application Form
7(No Transcript)
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11EGF Guidance for Applicants
12(No Transcript)
13(No Transcript)
14Time line in the Member State
15The Member State
4 months / 9 months
10 weeks
16The Employer
Search for solutions
Member State
4 or 9 months
Notification Enterprise 3
Notification Enterprise 2
1,000 redundancies
Notification Enterprise 1
18The Commission
The Member State
Final Report
Winding up
6 months
6 months
12 months
10 weeks
19- Time line in the European Institutions
20- Preparatory phase Assessment of application by
Commission services in consultation with Member
State (Art. 5.5 of EGF Regulation) - 4 weeks
21- Proposal from Commission to Budgetary Authority
(Art. 12.3) - 10 to 11 weeks
- Approval by Budgetary Authority
- 7 weeks minimum, except for requests made in
22- Adoption by Commission of Financing Decision
(Art. 12.7 of EGF Regulation) - 1 to 2 weeks
- Transfer of the funds from the reserve to the EGF
budget line - 1 week
23- From commitment of the funds until receipt of the
amount on the Member States account - 2 weeks
- Total period (from the formal submission of
application) - 26 to 31 weeks (at least)
24- Essential conditions to meet
- time line
- Formal application contains all necessary
information - Formal application does not require translation
25Monitoring and Evaluation Olivier Rouland DG
Employment Unit I/4
26- Legal Requirements
- Commission will carry out, in close cooperation
with Member States -
- Mid Term evaluation by the end of December 2011
- Ex Post evaluation by the end of December 2014
27Evaluation Questions Mid Term Evaluation
effectiveness and sustainability of results Ex
Post Evaluation Impact and the Added Value of
the EGF
28Total Of which female
Number of participants Employed
Of which Self employed
Of which in Education or Training
Age Young people (15 24)
Older workers (55 64 years)
Vulnerable Groups Minorities
Education Attainment Primary of lower secondary education (ISCED 1 and 2)
Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)
Post-secondary non tertiary education (ISCED 4)
Tertiary education (ISCED 5 and 6)
29Transmission When With the Final Report,
except for LM Status (12 months) What
Quantitative data and Qualitative Notes How
Table included in Final Report Electronic
30Audit Vincent WiddershovenDG Employment Unit I/2
31- Audit of the European Globalisation Adjustment
Fund - Legal basis
- Article 18 of Regulation (EC) N 1927/2006
- management and financial Control
- Article 19 of Regulation (EC) N 1927/2006
- reimbursement of financial contribution
32- Audit of the European Globalisation Adjustment
Fund - Shared management
- common objective for Member States and the
Commission - Interdependence
- transparency
33- Audit of the European Globalisation Adjustment
Fund - Risks in case of absence of audit and control
- absence of supporting documents
- payments outside period of eligibility
- breaches of public procurement rules
- non deducted revenues
- lack of follow up of irregularities
- ineligible expenditure
- multiple payment of the same costs
- lack of appropriate separation of functions
- weak controls by management and payment
34- Audit of the European Globalisation Adjustment
Fund - Responsibility in first instance for the Member
State -
- verifying that management and control
arrangements have been set up and are being
implemented - verifying that the financed actions have been
properly carried out - ensuring that expenditure funded are based on
verifiable supporting documents, are correct and
35- Audit of the European Globalisation Adjustment
Fund - preventing, detecting and correcting
irregularities and recovering amounts unduly paid
together with interest on late payments - ensure that actions receiving a contribution
under the EGF shall not also receive assistance
from other Community financial instruments (art.
6(5)) - present a report to the Commission on the
execution of the financial contribution together
with a statement justifying the expenditure (art.
36- Audit of the European Globalisation Adjustment
Fund - Responsibility of the Commission
- Satisfy itself that Member States have put in
place - smoothly functioning management and control
- systems
- check actions financed by EGF on the spot
- - apply financial corrections (article 19)
37- Audit of the European Globalisation Adjustment
Fund - Objective of audit activity of the Commission
- Gain reasonable assurance that final payments
were - made on the basis of eligible expenditure
38- Audit of the European Globalisation Adjustment
Fund - How to get reasonable assurance
- Check whether Member State has implemented
efficient management and control procedures
(assessment of systems descriptions) - Closure audits
39- Audit of the European Globalisation Adjustment
Fund - Assessment of systems descriptions
- a) Member State uses ESF-management and control
systems - - rely on audit work already undertaken by
the - Commission
- - sufficient to do substantive testing in
order to check whether systems worked as
described - and closure audits
40- Audit of the European Globalisation Adjustment
Fund - b) Member State uses other systems
- Commission to check whether the system
fulfils - minimum requirements
- The general key requirements
- a clear definition and clear allocation of
functions - an adequate separation of functions (as necessary
to ensure sound financial practice) - reporting requirements on intermediate bodies on
performance of functions
41- Audit of the European Globalisation Adjustment
Fund - Essential elements
- verification procedures at the management level
- certification of expenditure statements by a
functionally independent person or department - verification of the effectiveness of the
management and control systems and checks
42- Audit of the European Globalisation Adjustment
Fund - Additional elements
- provide a detailed description of the management
and control systems - to be assessed by the services of the Commission
- include all relevant bodies
- in particular the description has to specify for
each body the functions vested in them - to be updated or completed on a regular basis,
and indicated in the annual report
43- Audit of the European Globalisation Adjustment
Fund - management and control systems must ensure a
sufficient audit trail which permits - reconciliation of the summary amounts certified
to the Commission with the individual expenditure
records and supporting documents, and - verification of the allocation and the transfers
of the available Community and national funds. - specify the arrangements for the retention of
supporting documents
44- Audit of the European Globalisation Adjustment
Fund - Verify the reliability of the statement of
- expenditure (closure audit)
- did Member State carry out controls
- was closure process carried out in a correct
manner - - is the statement of expenditure legal and
45- Audit of the European Globalisation Adjustment
Fund - Audit strategy for the years 2007-2008
46- Audit of the European Globalisation Adjustment
Fund - Audit methodology (to be developed)
- risk analyses
- selection methods
- contradictory procedures
- financial corrections