Title: Induction in Effective Schools
1Induction in Effective Schools
- Fostering quality teaching
2QUESTIONS take a moment to reflect.
- Does your school culture reinforce solo teaching,
where expertise remains within the individual
teachers classroom? - OR
- Do your new teachers become part of a learning
community where sharing expertise is common
practice? - Does your induction support consist of a list of
items to be checked off within the first few
weeks of teachers commencing employment? - OR
- Is it an ongoing response to teacher identified
3- This presentation explores induction in effective
schools - What is induction?
- Why induction? The imperatives
- What induction looks like the key elements
- Source Induction in Effective Schools Planning
for Effective School Based Induction with
Mentoring as a Key Strategy
4What is induction?
- Induction is one stage within the continuum of
teacher professional learning - Effective school based induction supports new
teachers to become part of a community of
learners. Formal induction structures are
embedded in a collaborative professional learning
culture where it is not expected that new
teachers will begin teaching by knowing it all,
but it is expected that they will learn from and
with all other teachers.
5Why induction the imperatives
- Fosters Quality Teaching at the outset
- Develops and retains great teachers
- Supports the teacher to meet the VIT Full
Registration Process - Supports the school to meet Performance and
Development Culture accreditation - Blueprint for Government Schools has set the
reform agenda and professional learning is
critical the responsibility of ensuring
effective induction lies with the principal.
6What does effective school based induction look
Underpinned by the Principles of Highly Effective
Professional Learning
- Ongoing with three distinct phases
- Regularly monitored and evaluated
- Includes
- Professional learning program responding to
identified individual needs - Trained mentor (and mentor coordinator)
- Regular/Strong supportive communication from
principal - Common planning or collaboration time with other
teachers - Reduced preparation and fair allotment
- Participation in external networks
- Opportunities to observe and be observed
- Participation in external professional learning
with opportunities to apply learning to practice
- Induction support is ongoing with three key
phases responding to individual needs - Pre-commencement
- Laying foundations
- Continued professional growth
- Mariana talks about her experience of the
pre-commencement phase
- Mentoring
- A trained mentor is able to promote reflective
practice and bring fresh insights to a teachers
work that can lead to action. - Mentoring is a two way relationship, where both
the mentor and mentoree are clarifying and
developing their professional identities. - Helga talks about the support of her mentor
- Collaborative planning with team of teachers
- The team teacher structure at Fitzroy High
School allows Stuart to observe teaching
practice, to be observed, to discuss the effect
of teaching approaches on student learning and to
share expertise and knowledge through meaningful
and purposeful collaborative planning - Fitzroy High School Case Study
- Participation in external networks provide
opportunities for broader dialogue an external
network provides the opportunity to discuss
experiences openly. - Tristan shares the importance of encouraging and
supporting new teachers to participate in
networks at a cluster, network or regional level.
- Fair allotment/reduced timetable
- Time is essential for meetings with mentors,
collaborative planning and observations
- Regular/strong supportive communication from the
Principal is essential - Melanie talks about the power of encouragement
and acknowledgement
13Support available
- Regional Programs for Beginning Teachers
- DET/VIT Teacher Mentor Training Program
- Web and print based resources
- Induction
- Mentoring
- Refresher Courses for Returning Teachers
14Its not enough to hand out an induction booklet
at the start of the year and think that thats
it it cannot be left to chance
15Imperative fostering teacher quality
- The time put in during induction really pays in
the long term with quality teaching - Principal, Barwon South Western Region, Vic
Supporting new teachers makes sense. It is an
opportunity to harness the new teachers energy,
drive, commitment and their moral purpose.
Through induction expertise and practice is
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16Imperative Retaining great teachers
- Research shows that there is a greater chance of
retaining teachers if they are supported from the
outset, but it should not just be about retaining
teachers, the emphasis of induction should be on
developing great teachers.
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17Imperative VIT full registration process
- To gain full teacher registration graduate
teachers need to fulfill the full registration
process. This process requires the support of
induction, in particular the sharing of knowledge
and expertise of a mentor and other experienced
teachers. - While the VIT process is a framework for
evaluation, it also guides and supports
professional growth.
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18Imperative high performance and development
- An accredited school has a culture and processes
that contribute to continuous improvement of
student and teacher learning. - Induction is one of the five elements of a high
performance and development culture.
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19Imperative Blueprint for Government Schools
- The Blueprint calls for transformation of our
schools to close the gap - to offer and provide
the same level of education to all our students - The Blueprint highlights the value of the teacher
and the important role of professional learning
in developing teacher capacity - Induction is a key stage within the continuum of
professional learning focused on developing new
teacher capacity
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20Imperative The Victorian Government Schools
Agreement Implementation Guide
- The Implementation Guide states that Principals
are responsible for providing effective induction
and mentoring
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